Hi all. It's been a while since I've visited the nest. I must be getting older, because I can't seem to keep up as well as I would like. But I am going to try harder

K9 - glad to see you made it through and hope whatever it was that upset you is now a distant memory. xx
NS - as always, brilliant post. Yes - sobriety is a 2-4 on the discomfort scale at first, but I sure don't miss the emotional tsunami that would overtake me after a night of heavy drinking.
Luvin - I always stunk at moderating, but that didn't keep me from trying....over and over (see my tagline) - total insanity. Hang in there.
Petrel, Stupot, Frances - Hope to get to know you better.
And to those I missed, I apologize. I will catch up!!
Happy MAE everyone.