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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest



      Newbies Nest

      Luvin Spoonful & New Dreams, CONGRATS on 7 AF days :wd:
      Feels great, don't you think?

      Jane, awesome on your 60 AF days
      My suggestion to you is to fake it until you truly do feel energetic & motivated. Just go out & take a walk for 30 minutes if nothing else. The more you do the more you will feel like doing

      Hello & welcome back Joe!
      Just give yourself a few days time & some good self-care & you'll find yourself in much better spirits
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        LuvinSpoonful;1635384 wrote: :thanks::nicemeeting:
        Big CONGRATS to you

        I can only tell you that you will feel even soooooo much better next week at day 14...and I will be so proud to send you congrats that day as well. Im so happy you are thinking straight and believing how good this can be.


          Newbies Nest

          Music has a new meaning

          I love Floyd, am a big fan of U2 also appreciate pearl jam, Metallica, rolling stone. And my kind a place has been always an Irish bar !! Rock music and beer ... that's me .. And if you have live music it's a steal ... Have been doing this for so long that I forgot how music sounded like without booze.

          I remember noticing music in a very different way when I was jogging 2 days back. It felt so good that I was almost jumping and running.

          So now it's time I have to re listen to music, recapture its meaning and find its true beauty. Learning to live life again is almost like re incarnation. Except with all memories in you. And I do imagine daily events ... How they would have been with booze. For example went to movies with a friend of mine he invited me over for booze, I went but refused and he felt odd and didn't drink even after me insisting. Felt odd but I felt OK. He was proudly showing new new bottle of scotch and vodka. I was holding it in my hand and was wondering ... Hey what's the fuzz all about. And was actually feeling stupid. And I feel so good that I felt not a hint of attraction towards having it. I fact probability my friend might be cursing me as he missed his excuse to have his drink.

          On my way back I passed liqueur shop smiling ...

          Life different and that's the way it is supposed to be ....

          Paviti , have fun in your trip and glad too see your resolve of not drinking in fact your should feel really proud and glorious !!

          Have fun all good night ... Sober dream ! (What ever that means
          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
          Rebooting ... done ...
          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


            Newbies Nest

            :thanks: Hi Nesters! I didn't check in yesterday (closing on a house and was simply overwhelmed) - and boy what a day makes ... Up until just now, I started having "stinkin drinkin thinkin"... I was thinking, its been 3 days, a hectic week and its Friday - a glass of wine at dinner is deserved... Now that I've read through some of your posts, I am back on track! No way am I having a "glass" (yeah, what a joke! More like a bottle...) of wine tonight... I am going to make it through this weekend - thanks to you all!:l

            I'll be checking in!
            God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdie - I have read your words "do whatever it takes to stay sober" on several threads ... My GOSH does this speak to me! Thank you!!
              God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                Newbies Nest

                Yes SG..Whatever it takes! Once you get some quality sober time in ----a week to 14 days.....your feeling for booze will turn will feel miles better. Have a wonderful and clean weekend


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you, Lead! Seriously - this post just nailed AL's coffin shut for me today... Thanks for the encouragement!

                  I'm excited about checking in and seeing how every one else is doing too... Here's to a weekend of no regrets!:thumbs:
                  God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                    Newbies Nest

                    Right on SG!!!! Yes....thats so true what you say...We get to have a regret free weekend...which leads to soooooo much less stress. I hate stresses me out! lol


                      Newbies Nest

                      LuvinSpoonful;1635378 wrote: Congrats New Dreams! We're both at 7 days so I suppose we're now workout buddies. Therefore, do not fail me and I won't fail you. lol!
                      You got a deal!:l:l


                        Newbies Nest

                        MAE nesters

                        Jane a big hug and congrats on your 60 days, be very very proud of yourself and keep that smile firmly planted on your dial today. Who would have thought on your first af day that you would now be up to day 60. The struggles are so worth the gain at the end of each and every day being af and you are strong and determined to succeed. Keep biting our heels and chasing us. Much love to you on your special day.

                        ND well done on those 7 days, the first 7 are total crap to get through but so worth it and double digits, well say no more and for me hitting the trippple is amazing, i still cant believe it. Like having trippplets i suppose, you just so dont believe that one! I work in the neurology department of a big hospital and we get our fair share of alco's as others call them (not me as i am one) and for me i just thought seizures, traumatic brain injuries from falling downstairs etc were so not me. Little did i realise that i was one of the lucky ones that i somehow managed to escape major injuries and problems. I knew the dangers of drinking but i still denied that they could happen to me, now i see clearly that it could happen. Each sober day is a good day. The rain vids are great to see what "normal" people go through daily, like i used to although not as badly thank god, its reality, life and well worth the watch, the patients i see at work, it has already occurred their problem so i never saw how they got to what put them in hospital.

                        Byrd it will be your Sunday and my Monday and i will be dragging my 34DD's along for the ride haha. Oh the joy of aging.

                        Joe welcome and stick close, its crap at first but so totally gets better with time. keep posting and posting and reading and what everyone else says as its totally doable as you have proven to yourself. After 4 years what happened if i may be nosy? I am intrigued as to what makes people drink again after being sober for so long. I need to have a plan for this event or events.

                        Petrel, you will make day 14 and beyond. ffs 4am is way too early to do anything, you make me tired thinking about that one. I can always fly and kill you if you drink so probably not a good idea.

                        Luvin good on you for 7 days, its a huge milestone and knowing you actually did it is even more amazing, im still getting my head around nearly 100.

                        Spirit good on you for not drinking and coming on here, i was fanatically on here when i first started. When i was cleaning i would think a wine would be nice doing this but then i thought if i had that first wine i would end up drinking a bottle or more and there goes the cleaning. I could read myself like a book.

                        Well it is a lovely Saturday here, washing on, third cup of coffee, going to markets shortly and spending some quality time with my daughter who is having big anxiety issues at the moment. She said to me yesterday that she really understands what i have done to be and stay sober and has such admiration for me and admires my strength which is giving her inspiration to beat her anxiety. She knows i have done everything above and beyond to get to nearly 100 days for her and her siblings. I turn 50 next month and i have been thinking of "where have the years gone" and started to feel a bit depressed about the whole 50 thing, then i thought "i am still alive, i am not drinking, i am happy, my life is so good" and for that i am grateful. I do know that if i did not have my four wonderful, adorable, beautiful children that i would have drunk myself to death like my brother long ago. Its funny how you realise these truths now that i am not drinking. Life is totally worth living af.

                        Take care everyone and be strong on these days ending in a Y, that is all they are, another day to celebrate being sober.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdlady;1635333 wrote: K9, I hope you're happy, look at all the FALL OUT from your comment! :H:H:H
                          Why, yes Boobie, I am quite happy! :H
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi available, To answer your question quickly, I did quit for 4 years, but started again after my live in Gf and her children moved out. There was more to it than that, but mainly after they left I just started again. I did quit when we moved in 4 years previous because I wanted to change and she didn't drink that much and wasn't ready to move in with someone who drank so much. So I thought, well I need to eat food and drink water to live, but I really don't need alcohol to survive, so I went from there.


                              Newbies Nest

                              What forum am i on? Is this the boobie thread?

                              Good to see you Trademan.

                              Congratulations Jane, and to everyone's cool achievements.

                              Have a safe, sober and magical weekend everyone. :h

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening greetings Nesters!

                                Everyone sounds great - love that

                                I had a busy & productive day so I'm ready to wish everyone a safe night in the nest!
                                G - good to see you

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

