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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    It's raining here-as usual, but I did a light dance work out. Man, I am sooooo uncoordinated!

    Also deep cleaned my room. Feels so fresh and nice.

    My husband has left a half bottle of wine in the fridge for the past week. It isn't tempting me, but it does irritate me. I wish he'd just up and drink it for crying out loud.

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday!


      Newbies Nest

      3June2013;1635300 wrote: .

      Alcoholism & Other Addictions
      Thanks for sharing the link...was interesting reading...I think I'll add some B50, Manganese, Zinc and selinium to my regieme

      Thanks NoSugar for your input...I am in the category I think that sugar just perpetuates my cravings...but it's going to take alot of work to figure out to work 8-10 hours a day & do the healthy meal planning, but I am up to the task....I love cooking & trying new things, hubby is adventurous with food too, so it will be a fun journey.

      I am at Day 8...things are a little easier today than the last several...especially 4&5!

      Thanks to everyone for sharing & support...this thread really rocks!


        Newbies Nest

        MAE all,
        Flea market was a huge success...but I am off to take a hot shower and relax. Hope to sleep in tomorrow...
        Will try to catch up later....

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening all Nesters,

          Hope everyone had a good day, I did
          It was nice to be outside in the sunshine a bit today even if it was just to watch the snow melt & the mud puddles grow larger :H

          Welcome back Nursie, stick around & Velcro yourself in for a while

          Hope your day 3 went well for you trademan!

          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hello all...

            I'm not new to MYO but haven't been here for a long time, my drinking is getting out of hand (Again) and really affecting my Happiness and ability to get on with my life.

            I recently had 2 Weeks sober and was myself again, didn't even feel like a drink.

            But now it's 2 Weeks later and I was drunk last night and am drunk again now (It's 2:15pm on Sunday here in Melbourne)

            Anyway, just warning you that I will once again become a SOBER visiter to this Forum and am looking forward to meeting you all...

            David x


              Newbies Nest

              Welcome back David! Do you have a plan to become sober?? Stick with us and we can help the tool box and post....You can do this!!

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Hi David and welcome. You dont need to warn us, we are here to work as a team to be sober and stay that way. Any reason why after two weeks you had a drink?

                I am in Melbourne also and totally enjoying the beautiful day that we are having. Its so much nicer being af and i need as much Vitamin D before winter hits us like a brick.

                Dot sounds like you had a great day at the flea market, the weather must be warming up your way. Hows Maddy going?

                I have had a motivating day today, did the washing, did a major main bathroom clean with just the floors to wash now, went and bought more wool to knit my other daughter a scarf and did some shopping. Life is so much better sober and i am getting ready for the big partay tomorrow. Cant wait.

                Hope everyone is being strong and staying strong af, i cant imagine what a hangover would feel like now but i still remember vividly how i did feel everyday and i dont want to go back there again.
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey all, MAE.
                  Just a check in. Doing well, not sober, but not a mess either. Been on the road for a month with work, hope everyone's well .


                    Newbies Nest

                    Day 16 : Feel good. Going out for Sunday Brunch with family and some new friends.

                    As I move along plon this path of sobriety, I feel strong and confident.

                    wishing you all the best guys ...
                    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                    Rebooting ... done ...
                    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome back David......a tricky little buggar that AL huh?

                      Tricked me for years....I finally said enough of that crap and put a plan in place.

                      This is a great site to build friends with. Best wishes


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just a quick note to thank you all for the congrats on my 100 days.

                        Keep getting reminders of how good it is not to be drinking - Lavande, this bit is aimed at you... got call from 6yo grandson in such a state "my chook is dying, Nanna, please come!" Only a few months ago I'd have had to break his heart by saying I couldn't go, but not this time.... leapt in the car, retrieved poor chook from the back of the pen.. clear case of Marek's heard of that one., Lav? A virus, causes various symptoms but most commonly sudden paralysis of legs and wings. I put the poor bird in a basket on a nice bed, and mentally gave her the last rites Grandson distraught. Bless him, he's only had these 2 chooks for a few months and they laid for the first time this week. He dashed out there this morning to check on the chook and sadly nature had taken its course so rushed back up there this morning to do what had to be done. Thank GOD I am not drinking anymore.

                        AF from 22 November 2013

                        Happily on the road to Sobriety - there's nowhere else worth going to...


                          Newbies Nest

                          Dottie Belle;1635787 wrote: Welcome back David! Do you have a plan to become sober?? Stick with us and we can help the tool box and post....You can do this!!
                          Thanks Dot

                          My plan is to not drink Tonight!

                          I don't get any major withdrawal symptoms except Anxiety (which only FEELS like a major symptom!)

                          I've just had 2 weeks sober, so I know I can do it and how great it feels,

                          I made it to the gym Tonight, now the plan is dinner, DVD and having emergency chocolate ice cream on hand.

                          AL has made me feel so crap the last Week, I can't believe I started again. (Actually, I can...this is probably attempt number 20!)

                          Thanks for your replies everyone,



                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Welcome back David, glad to see you are making a plan for success
                            Keep yourself well hydrated as well, lots of water & tea helps.

                            Mr V, what is your plan? Glad you decided to check in with us.

                            sixtyfour, unfortunately I do know about Marek's disease. I have been raising hens for about 10 years now. Isn't is great that you could be there for your grandson when he needed support? The arrival of my first grandson 5 years ago is what finally motivated me to give AL the boot - once & for all Stay the course, you'll never be sorry

                            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Sunday!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning all! Welcome tradesman and David! I am not well with a cold and didn't do much yesterday but kept thinking to myself 'at least I'm not drinking'!

                              Most of my drinking was alone or with my husband every evening until bedtime - I keep thinking to myself - what was the point? extra calories, tons of expense, just to drink alone and feel terrible the next day?

                              I hope that after going through this many times over the past few years, that this time it sticks!


                                Newbies Nest

                                I'm back...

                                Hi everyone here I am again. Had one good week and then it all went to hell. Started out slowly but by the end of the second week I was drunk texting people and last night I fell into the door while trying to get into the bathroom. Very classy.

                                Icing a bruised arm and realizing I need to get my butt back into the Nest, at least every now and then.

                                Seeing the succeeders racking up the days makes me feel like a bit of a loser...

                                Pity party, wah!! :upset:

                                So amazed at all of you winners!

