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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest snuck ONE beer? if that;s the case....big, darn deal...I would call that progress.....
    Maybe you need to keep the AL out sight for awhile if that is a trigger for you......It is for me...
    Everyone have a Happy AF Monday....
    why am I craving cheese?:H
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Newbies Nest

      Good Monday morning Nesters,

      Tranq, thanks for the recipe idea, sounds delicious! I will try it & also when my millions of backyard raspberries come in this summer

      MG, Jolie glad you both came right back to the Nest! Whatever happened this weekend is history now, can't change it. Just be sure you've learned something new about yourselves, triggers, patterns, etc. so you don't have a repeat event!

      Hi to Chook & NoraC! Good job on your 9 AF days Nora - good idea putting yourself in a non-drinking environment for a while - whatever works!!!

      Mama Bear, hope you are soon ready to jump on the AF wagon - it is a good ride!

      HC - treating your depression is very important, it was key to my success! I spent 5 years on & off the Rx AD Lexapro. It didn't help me, I continued to drink. Last January (09) I dumped it & started on an herbal supp. called Amoryn. My depression/anxiety began lifting in just a few days, I was thrilled! I continued on Amoryn, found MWO in February & by March 26 was ready & able to go completely AF!! I feel great & have no side effects whatsoever from the product.
      Take a look at the website, there is a distributor in Australia.
      AMORYN Mood Booster | Natural Antidepressant | Supplement for Depression & Anxiety

      Wishing everyone a terrific AF Monday, make it a good day!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Mommy Lav....
        working on it
        please keep reminding me
        my goal is an AF week...started yesterday
        but only 3 beers on a Saturday night is a HUGE accomplishment....
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Newbies Nest

          Good Morning everyone!

          I am very excited to say today is my 6th day af! I made it through the weekend! Have a great Monday everyone!


            Newbies Nest

            made thru the wk-end

            Well as of 12oclock last nite I made it thru my 5th day alcohol free!!!! I cant believe I did it.
            Today is Monday, and it's gonna be just as hard as the 1st day Wed. when I started this.
            The only way I made it thru Friday was I spent the whole day seriously a 14 hour day...only 1/2 hour for way any booze was around...and Sat. was just too tired to even get up, go out and get anything...definately no booze in the house..anywhere
            Well my new friends, out there, I'm praying I can do this for at least all of lent, which is like 45 days, this booze till Easter. If I make it till then, maybe I will set another goal. Only time will day at a time, right, that's what the plan is. It's just great to have a place to talk about it, and no one judges you....thanks, be back soon, Sisley :new:


              Newbies Nest

              When do the cravings leave for good?

              This is 22, vodka free, but am having a couple glasses of wine while preparing dinner and eating....trouble is, I'm clinging to the wine like a life preserver...want it earlier and to chug it. I fear that I'm not going to be able to moderate either. When do these darn cravings start to go away? 4:30 -6 I am a blithering idiot craving so bad. I'm taking the L-Glutamine....hoped that would help but not seeing much difference. I have been drinking vodka for 20 some years and am proud that I'm at least not drinking that.. what a monster I have gotten in bed with....(so to speak). When I finally came clean to hubby, I was drinking 1/2 a fifth a day...a wonder I could function...maybe I wasn't getting away with it as much as I thought. He sure saw thru me. So glad at least to have that monkey off. But now looks like the wine monkey is creeping up my leg!
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                The Beast Won this weekend

                Hi Everyone,

                Well I am on a rollercoaster ride. Was doing well last week made it to AF5

                THEN, Saturday night came. After a spectacular snowshoe hike in the mountains (nearly 18 km) I came home and drank 6 beers and woke to a crushing headache Sunday morning.

                Then after hockey last night I came home to a house full of friends drinking beer and gearing up to watch the Olympic hockey game. And I joined them for 5 beers.

                So I feel absolutely washed out right now. Very depressed. I know I won't drink tonight -too worn out. My plan was to come home from hockey and EAT (supper was all ready to go). But instead I drank on an empty stomach. Stupid.

                I know I have made HUGE progress this month, it's the least I have drank in a month in a very long time. But I was right back to my old behaviour Sat and Sunday night.

                I wish this was easier. I am very sad.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Please don't be sad - I know how you feel as I slipped up on Friday night as well. I'm going to remain positive and look at the big picture - Yes I am disappointed in myself that I allowed this to happen - no excuses - no one to blame - I'm the one that bought the bottle. I'm still learning and improving - I'm not where I was 2 months ago or even 1 month ago. I will keep trying even though this is really really hard. Hang in there - PM me if you like - maybe we can help each other.

                  To everyone else who successfully made it through the weekend - big congrats! Weekends are hard and to make it through AF is a huge accomplishment!

                  Byrdlady - 22 days vodka free - AWESOME! Maybe try to substitute something else for the wine - herbal teas have helped me a lot.

                  Mama Bear - you crack me up! What a personality you have - keeps me laughing every time I read your posts. Love your honesty and candor.

                  What a group we are - huh? You all are truly my best friends - what a relief to be able to talk so openly about our problems.

                  Have a great day!

                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Afternoon Nesters,

                    Mama Bear :yay: Glad you jumped on board!! Congrats!

                    Excuses, glad you stopped by - congrats on your 6 AF days, terrific!!
                    Sisley, congrats to you too - on your 6 AF days! Please don't kill yourself working although it is a good distraction for now. Hope you can relax a little too

                    ByrdLady, 22 days no vodka - you must be feeling so much better, that is quite an accomplishment, Congrats! Substituting wine though can turn into a big problem as you know. Are you using the wine to relax or looking for relief from anxiety? That's how my wine habit started - of course it always backfires on you. Have you thought about using the CDs to help relax & unwind? A lot of people here use Calms Forte for safe, herbal relief.

                    Meech, sorry your weekend was so rough! I'm personally not interested in beer or sports but I see a lot of people around the threads having difficulties with that. I'm such a dork I spent yesterday afternoon in the kichen with my adult daughter (she's a dork too) making mozzarella cheese. It was a fun project, we laughed a lot & no one woke up with a headache today........ Hop right back on board & wake up tomorrow feeling much better.

                    Hang in there group!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      New beginning today

                      Hi All,

                      My spirits are lifting this afternoon. Still glum but coming out of it.

                      Lav - Our love for cheese is something we have in common. I think I am more addicted to it than AL (hee hee). I should have been grabbing that instead of the beer on the weekend.

                      That's the problem with sports and me and alcohol. After a hard workout (or full on day of activity) I have rewarded myself with many cold beers. It's a nasty habit that I have grown terribly accustom to over the last 20 years. I need to substitute it for a food treat instead or something, anything other than AL.

                      Jolie - I'm haven't pm'ed before so not sure what to do there. But might need the extra online hugs today.

                      Crap! I am so not a moderator. One is too many and a hundred is not enough.
                      All or nothing. I didn't even try to pretend I could have one or two on the weekend.

                      Maybe I'll make a deal with myself if I can go for a certain AF days I'll treat myself to something special. I know I should just quit for all the great reasons and I have been pretty successful this February (health, no hangovers, self confidence I get from going AF) but maybe a little present at the end of an AF week might help too.

                      Okay, no more beating myself up today.

                      I am a fighter! Let's see how this next AF run goes.....:bat

                      thanks everyone.:thanks:


                        Newbies Nest

                        So much for feeling so high and mighty on Friday and Satruday. After going non-stop from 7:00am to a volleyball tournament and then finishing up the final basketball game for my daughter at 4:00pm. I blew it. And the funny thing was it was my husband who triggered it. He said you deserve to have some wine, and yes I did have 2 glasses, not even with sparkling water to dilute it.

                        The only good thing that came of it is that I only had 2 glasses and I didn?t have a hangover. But is that a good thing? Maybe I need the pain of a hangover to ingrain in the brain that I need to be AF all of the time.

                        So now feeling very ashamed, disappointed and guilty.

                        Told my husband I was going to go AF for at 30 days straight beginning today. Sisley, I?m also trying for Lent.

                        You know guys it?s those damned weekends.

                        Mamma, Married, Meech, Byrdlady, buck up we all can do it. Remember we have each other!!

                        Lav: On the Amoryn, did it interfere with any of the MWO supps? OK to take at the same time?

                        Here?s to a new Monday and a new week!!
                        A new beginning 2/16/10


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Everyone

                          So good to hear from you all. Gee last weekend must have been a bit of a bummer for quite a few of us but good to see we haven't given up. Progress is being made. I hate the feeling I have now of having to start again. When I first started on MWO in Jan I was so focussed and resolved to an af life. I am just a marshmellow - quite a push over really.
                          I think it is maybe the 'habit' of it for me on the weekends.

                          Anyway I am back in the nest with you all. Thank you for moving over. Today is a georgeous aussie day after being overcast and rainy seems like since Christmas. It is a day where it seems like you can just reach out and touch the sun. Going to be very hot and humid though.

                          I haven't bought the book or the supps. I thought I could do this without them just using what I normally use as far as vits etc. go. Maybe I should rethink that. I need to give myself the best chance I can. I know I have not been feeling 'well'. Very tired and lethargic even without al in my system. Maybe its a bit of detoxing going on too.

                          Like all of you, I have so many reasons to beat this. I really want to live my life.

                          Thank you all for your posts and support. Very special. LCC Meech Jolie Lav HippyC Mamma Byrd Sis Excuses Tranq MarriedG Chook Nora and everyone - :thanks:
                          Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi there! Hope monday is going/went well for everyone

                            Spuddleduck, welcome to the nest,,cool name
                            KBrown, well done on 12 days!
                            HippyC, take good care of yourself. Well done on chatting to your hubby about the depression.
                            Lav,homemade cheese, now thats pretty special! Love the sound of that salad Tranq..
                            Married Girl, good on you for picking yourself right back up again. Think how far you've come so far:l
                            Nora Happy 9AF!
                            Jolie, I love your optimistic, Never give Up attitude.. you are a winner
                            Excuses and Sisley, well done I love waking up each morning and adding a day to my AF no
                            Byrdlady, you have come a long way, best of luck fighting the wine. Can't give any advice as I am scared of moderating yet..
                            Meech, hope you are feeling happier, you are a star because you chatted today even though you were sad. well done honey:l
                            LCC, at least you stopped at 2 glasses. Keep up the good fight
                            Mazzie, maybe you need to talk to your doc in case you are low in a vitamin or iron?
                            Mama Bear, sounds like your the groovy smoothie queenurgirl: Good luck with the AF week xxx

                            Right ho, well today was AF which is great but I had decided to give up sugar too and I failed miserably. I ate a tonne of chocolate and felt lousy. I don't want to give up alc and take up compulsive eating..bad idea. So tomorrow I will do my best to eat properly..

                            Stay safe in the nest..


                              Newbies Nest

                              LCC;810534 wrote: So much for feeling so high and mighty on Friday and Satruday. After going non-stop from 7:00am to a volleyball tournament and then finishing up the final basketball game for my daughter at 4:00pm. I blew it. And the funny thing was it was my husband who triggered it. He said you deserve to have some wine, and yes I did have 2 glasses, not even with sparkling water to dilute it.

                              The only good thing that came of it is that I only had 2 glasses and I didn?t have a hangover. But is that a good thing? Maybe I need the pain of a hangover to ingrain in the brain that I need to be AF all of the time.

                              So now feeling very ashamed, disappointed and guilty.

                              Told my husband I was going to go AF for at 30 days straight beginning today. Sisley, I?m also trying for Lent.

                              You know guys it?s those damned weekends.

                              Mamma, Married, Meech, Byrdlady, buck up we all can do it. Remember we have each other!!

                              Lav: On the Amoryn, did it interfere with any of the MWO supps? OK to take at the same time?

                              Here?s to a new Monday and a new week!!
                              new here so dont know your history but stopping after 2 glasses of wine sounds brilliant. very well done. only a small set back. keep on with the volleyball
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows


                                Newbies Nest

                                only 2 glasses is a good thing. Don't beat yourself up too much - sounds like you're on the right track. Plus - you have all of these great people here to cheer you on!! :-)

