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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning, Nesters!
    A sunny day here in the South! So happy to see it, too, it has rained since the late 90's it seems like!
    We had a terrible storm Thursday night with howling winds, we had one gust of 61mph! So we took my niece and her BF down to the beach yesterday to enjoy some shelling and such and there is about a 10 drop off from the dune to the ocean! Major erosion! It doesn't look like the beach will be the star of our show for this visit! Not sure what we are going to do with them

    Crocket, Mr. Verv, David, so glad to see you returning! Speaking only for myself, but as long as there was AL in the equation (or the HOPE of it!!!) I was a slave to it. I just had to make a decision to quit the madness of the cycle and GET IT OUT once and for all. I mean, I KNEW how the story was going to end the minute I picked up a drink! I might have been able to control it once in a while....but I was only fooling myself, I am an ALK and it doesn't really matter the degree of that, it is what it is....It isn't the last one that gets us, it's the first one. I am here to tell you, getting AL out of my life was the best decision I have made in 30 years! I do not miss it one bit fact, I HATE ALCOHOL for what it has done to me and my friends here. It has brought only misery and never will do anything else. There is NO joy in AL now. So jump back up here and let's get started! It only takes a few AF days to make you feel like a million bucks again. So glad you all are here.

    Hope everyone has a lovely AF day. Treasure EVERY day of your life, it's the only one you get! Make it count! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Still Going

      Hi Everyone, still going at it onto Day 4. Starting to feel better. Had some anxiety yesterday, but was able to calm down and get through it. I started doing more things I have needed to do, such as clean my place and am starting to build a shelf top to put onto my desk to get more organized. I always fall out of organization when I am out of my mind. Bills get lost, stuff doesn't get payed, etc.
      David and crockettaa, it looks like we are in the same boat. I have been doing the same thing for quite some time, doing good, then giving in to al. I hope this time it is different, that I am determined enough to keep going on. About 6 years back, I started again after 4 years clean. I do remember that in those 4 years, I had gotten more done in my life than I had in 20 I thought. So I am trying to keep thinking that way, cause I want to do a lot of stuff. Not all work either. But it never goes anywhere when I am drinking.....


        Newbies Nest

        crockettaa;1635955 wrote: ... and realizing I need to get my butt back into the Nest, at least every now and then.
        So glad you came back, Crockettaa.

        My experience was that 'now and then' was not nearly enough. Getting off AL takes a huge commitment. Other than meeting your personal and professional absolute responsibilities, this needs to be the #1 priority in your life.

        Many of the people who have had success spent the time they used to spend drinking on MWO. For most of us, that meant several hours a day. You have got to get your thinking changed to get this done - reading and posting and then doing it again and again really can work.

        If MWO is your main tool for getting this done, you've got to really use it. The Roll Call is a great tool. Perhaps sign in there and commit yourself to an AF day each morning. Or, each night post that you've completed another AF day. Use the things offered here in the way that works for you.

        My opinion is that posting often helps - writing out what you're thinking helps you organize your thoughts. When you encourage others, you are encouraging yourself -- you are making those beliefs TRUE. There are a few people who have been able to succeed without posting often (such as 64 who recently accomplished 100 AF days:goodjob, but this seems the exception. Why not give yourself every possible chance to succeed?

        All the best, NS


          Newbies Nest

          MAE all,
          Time change here in the US and with that and a long tiring day yesterday I am still tired...zzzzzz
          But we have some errands to run then I hope to just chill out....
          It has not warmed up much yet...33F today but there is hope for next week.
          Maddie is doing better than I expected. He is getting along with the girls and playing hard with the puppy...she loves to play with him and he seems to be enjoying it too.

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone.

            Welcome to everyone new and those returning, and wishing you all the best for an AF life.

            Congratulations on 100 days today Ava. Wearing purple (lilac, not quite Austen Powers baby!) shirt today. I remembered.

            Just starting day 15. I got through another weekend. Staying AF has been no issue. No cravings for it. I do want to curb the snacks though. I'm not overweight but want get into my best level of fitness again.
            I strained a muscle, glut. yesterday while out running, but no bid deal I'm sure.

            I'm a little down generally at the moment. I don't know if there is such a thing as "the honeymoon is over"
            Phase with the AF journey. I'm not even remotely tempted to drink. The AF life is still so rewarding. I guess I'm just having issues in other parts of my personal life which are bringing me down at present.

            Anyway, enough of my pityfest. I'll get through thanks to all of you fantastic guys and girls.


              Newbies Nest

              Hello nesters!
              I'm still here! Glorious sunshiny day here.
              My girlfriend that also recently decided to be sober relapsed last night. She called me but it was after she started drinking. She is still drinking now. I am sad about that. I like to be sober together and I hope she doesn't give up. She is a dear friend of mine.
              I started my Antabuse again last night because I know temptation is huge for me right now. My brother's birthday is next weekend (the one who passed away) and my mind is spinning, heart is hurting.
              So I took that extra step to prevent a hasty mistake.
              I made homemade ginger tea today and holy hell it is spicy!
              I'm making baked ziti for dinner mmmm mmmm
              Have a great day!
              Day 1 again 11/5/19
              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

              One day at a time.


                Newbies Nest

                Petrel, from now until you get your hat at 30 days your emotions will be all over the place. The good news is that you wont have 2 bad days in a row! After 30, things will calm down a LOT and you will settle into your new life. Hang in there!
                Nursie, today is my brother's birthday, he would have been 59. I cant imagine him being any older than 17, when he died. It still makes me sad, so I am celebrating his life by living mine to the fullest! Great job on your AF days! Stay focused!!!

                Hugs to all today, good to see everyone checking in! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Great job on 15 days Petrel! That is awesome, and 30 days for nursie, so great.

                  The weekends are the hardest for me because hubby and I usually drink a lot. He's out in the garage having a beer right now and puttering. I'm having a decaf and getting ready to make dinner, although it doesn't feel right because it's still so bright out. This is not my favorite time change! Dreading trying to wake up my teenage son tomorrow morning, it's bad enough at 6 AM now it will seem like 5 Am. ugh!

                  Byrdie so sorry about losing your brother at such a young age. Sending hugs! I know what that feels like.
                  and here comes hubby with his nice-looking beer so I need to get my butt into the kitchen and away from the temptation. I'll check in tomorrow. I feel like crap today from my escapade last night and don't want a repeat. Want to wake up with as clear a head as the time change will allow!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdie, I must have lost my post again, thank you for sharing your brother's birthday with us. I know the best thing we can do for them is be sober and live our lives to the fullest.
                    And Crock, hang in there. I didn't know you lost your brother too. Mine died at age 30 in 2012. He was my heart.
                    He was drinking and driving and had a car accident. But I know he wanted to get sober and that he is looking down on me happy that I am sober again.
                    Day 1 again 11/5/19
                    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                    One day at a time.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hope you feel better soon Frances.
                      Welcome back David. It really doesn't take long to feel better.
                      Crocketta I know how hard it is to not drink with drinkers around you. Staying close here when tempted has gotten me through some tough times.
                      Glad the flea market sale went well Dottie and you doggie is adjusting so well. A little love goea a long way.
                      Jane glad to see you. You seem to be feeling better today.
                      Petrel I did feel a little post honeymoon at times, but a little blah is better the a lot of yuck because of a hangover!
                      Rahul it sounds like you are doing better. I am glad you are.
                      Nursie taking anabuse is a good idea. Without it my hubby would never have made it. Having a dear friend start drinking is hard, but your quit will help her. I have been in similar situations and quiet determination will win the day. Seeing you living a happy alcohol free life really impresses people. More the we know sometimes.
                      To me being happy al free is one of the most important aspects of quitting. Not feeling deprived of something, but rather we are giving ourselves a precious gift. The gify of life. We are really there, living everyday. Not hiding from loved ones in shame but proudly going out, doing things we only talk about when drinking.
                      Welcome Mr. V. It's always good to see you.
                      No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi, Nesters:

                        Back from a good weekend – really fun belly laughs MANY times throughout the weekend, and no alcohol for me at all. A few were drinking, one other was not. It was a small topic of discussion the first night and then it was all fine. I had a brief feeling of pity party after a LONG day at work and the drive down there, but it was over quickly. I might have compensated with too much sugar, but I have to pick my battles. I had to hurry back and get my beauty rest for Ava’s 100th party which for me is tomorrow, Monday, not today, Monday in Melbourne. So much fun to have an extended celebration in honor of Ava, rock star of posting, comedienne, mother, friend, and all around great person. Let the festivities begin…

                        Welcome Trademan – as you know by now you’ve come to a great place. Keep reading and posting, and lay that butt Velcro on thick these first few weeks.

                        Petrel – There is such a thing as the Pink Cloud Effect, but maybe a bit later in the quit? Try Googling it, or I will try to find the post after this. I post it a lot, but it means a lot to me.

                        Rahul – You and I have some similar taste in music. I have been to a few concerts sober, and it does feel great to experience the music in a much more real way, rather than running out to the concessions to buy a $12 budweiser (gross). You sound great.

                        That’s the spirit, SpiritGirl – reading and posting here is a great antidote to that stinking thinking that will lead to trouble.

                        New Dreams and Luvin – great that you can be quit buddies. My quit buddy Ava has 100 days! (only 99 in my time zone, but that’s why we get a three day party). I’ll be joining her in the century club on Tuesday – it has been so great to have someone who is going through the same stages as me.

                        G – Great to see you pop by the nest. Hope all is well.

                        Jane – sorry you’re not feeling great, but you sound like you’re on top of doing what you need to do to feel better in the long term rather than take the quick fix but long term pain of alcohol.

                        64 – Thanks for popping by, too. 107 days by now – Great stuff. I’m glad you’re doing so well. Maybe you can take a laptop to a coffee shop to get some privacy sometimes?

                        Crockettaa – I concur with NoSugar – being part of a sober community is necessary in my book. It doesn’t have to be here, but some place where you can check in and people will tell you NO, PUT DOWN THAT ALCOHOL when you need to hear it most. Not to mention, learning from the wisdom of all of these successful long-timers. I know it is very important for me, and especially was in the beginning.

                        Nursie – great to see you here in the nest. I commented on your other thread, but your journey was an inspiration to me when I was lurking before having the guts to sign up. Hang tight this time – you can do this!

                        LB – your outfit for Ava’s party sounds lovely, and it should fit right in with the purple theme.

                        Gracie – that alcohol and husband thing! My DH pours a stiff drink and forgets about it – WHAT? Who “forgets” about a drink? Even if I’m trying to “moderate” I would be sucking the ice cubes to make sure I got all the alcohol I could out of the glass. He is very supportive of me, but DEFINITELY does not have my problems with it. Be sure to pour it out fast if it sprouts a head and starts talking to you (as Lav and Byrdie warn).

                        Welcome back, David. Hope you settle in for a long sober time. Anxiety does certainly feel like a major symptom, as it was overwhelming anxiety that finally got me to post here. The good news is that it goes away quickly, and there are other methods of dealing with it. Check the tool box for some great ideas.

                        Mr. V – wecome back. Do you want to be sober? What are your goals? Join us! I agree with Byrdie and K9 – there is no time like the present, and there has NEVER been and instance when I regretted NOT drinking. Hope you’re well.

                        Lead – 30 plus and sounding strong! Good to see you here.

                        Dot –the Flea Market sounds like a great time, and I’m glad it was successful. I still can’t believe that 33 is warm to you! I hope spring is good to you, as you deserve it.

                        Frances – do more than hope it sticks this time, WORK to make it stick. So far I have found that reading all I can here was extremely important. I learn from the journey of others, and they also post some great links and ideas for how to stay sober when not posting here. Being sober is easier than being drunk, for sure, but staying sober does require some amount of work. I am still in the tweener stage – still a lot of work but not as much as where you are. You can do this!

                        NoSugar, Lav, Byrdie, Ava, K9 – great to see you all, too, and thanks for working hard for all of us. I am probably missing a few in here, but not bad after being gone for the weekend.

                        Take care, everyone. Stay strong, stay focused, and stay connected. We can do this!



                          Newbies Nest

                          Today has finally arrived.

                          100 days can be converted to one of these units:

                          8,640,000 seconds
                          144,000 minutes
                          2400 hours
                          100 days
                          14 weeks (rounded down)

                          of pure grit and determination and love and support from here. My special thanks go to Byrd and Lav for having the patience to get me over many humps and hurdles along the way. I have finally started and carried on with something extremely important for myself and my children and i am loving it. It feels like xmas for me today as i never thought today would come.

                          Petrel you are a sweety wearing liliac today and remembering, very unusual for a man to remember much i must say. We all get in the "funks" as i call them but the point is you are not drinking, you are happier not drinking, life is better not drinking and it takes time to heal the mind as well as the body. I drank for a good 20+ years so i know my body is still recovering and well lets not go near the mind, its still all over the place but it doesnt want a drink. I decided to moderate at 11 days so be wary, it doesnt work, as Pav said she would suck the ice cubes to get the al out of them moderating. We know we cant moderate.

                          wow Pav thats a my post, how long is yer furking 100th going to be, you have been a great friend to travel with, i could never let you down in this journey, we have gone through the same stages and helped each other through (with help of others of course) and i have never felt alone with you near me. today i am making ice-cream in preparation for your big bash. Cant wait for you to come and stir the pot in the 100 day thread, but i am a grown up now so must remember my manners!
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Newbies Nest

                            Mein i hope you are okay, my thoughts are with you and please stay strong and let us know how you are.
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              I am going to be in here a lot then because hubby & I both come from hard-drinking families & we live in an area surrounded by pubs, bars, restaurants & everyone drinks! In fact just got a Facebook invite to do a "Ladies Pub Crawl" for St. Patty's. Oy.

                              Nurse, didn't mean to mislead--lost my dad, best friend & grandma (who was more like a mom to me) at young ages. Good old Dad was the one who taught me how to drive at age 14 so when my sister & I visited him out in California, I could drive us home "safely" when he was wasted. I still loved him & wish he could have lived to see his grand kids & watch them grow up.

                              What do you guys do when you're with people who are getting annoying when they're drinking? This is reminding me of when I was pregnant! You realize how stupid people sound (and how I must as well) after 3 or 4 drinks.

                              Ava I think I missed your 100th day--Congratulations!!! Way to go. ⭐️


                                Newbies Nest

                                WooHoo Available!!!!!!!!!!!! That is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

