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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    thanks Crock and Dot, i am feeling pretty damn chuffed today and my daughter is coming to visit me to celebrate the big occasion, life cannot get any better today or any day being sober. Oh and the sun is shining!
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening Nesters,

      Still Sunday evening here but I want to wish Ava a Happy 100th :wd:
      Protect your quit always & you'll be just fine!

      Glad you are back Crocketta! Stay close to the nest now until, the support really helps.

      Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everybody. New here. Feeling very sad and frustrated tonight. Was "caught" by husband, in that the liquor bottles in our bar below are down in levels. I am almost through the book and fairly hopeful that at least the hypnosis and supplements will help. Not excited about the T stuff. I am curious how many who have told their spouses have received support, and how many have done a partial version of "the program"? I ask myself if it is necessary to do the T stuff also. I am appreciative that there is support out there. Thank you for being there.

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Newbies Nest

          Ava, congratulations on your 100 days! I cant tell you how proud We are of you! You are proof positive that it is not only possible to quit and survive, but you are thriving! You have come to MWO and taken a hand when needed, and extended one when someone else did. You are an amazingly strong person. We are so glad you are on this journey with you.
          Keep up the great work! We will all be here right by your side!
          Thid is The Bird! Its for flipping of AL! Use it in good health! Much love and admiration, B
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Happy 100 th AVA , and what a cracker of a day it is too . I'm still hanging in there at day 14 . BND
            Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
            Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


              Newbies Nest

              Afternoon all (almost 2 PM in Melbourne)

              OK, so "just not drinking" wasn't such a great idea last night... I got no sleep and had awful anxiety, was thinking horrible thoughts and my body was making jerking movements all night.

              Went to work Today, anxious, exhausted and depressed, only worked half a day and have had 4 beers to settle down, off to bed soon.

              Planning on seeing my GP Tomorrow to get some Valium and then taper off the meds, I have done this before and it works for me..


                Newbies Nest

                Hey, Petrel:

                Here's the post on the Pink Cloud Effect -

                The “pink cloud” is best described as a period of time where the addict or alcoholic experiences a reprieve from the struggles associated with early recovery. These struggles are generally associated with the feelings of depression, anger, resentment, self pity and the realization of where their drug addiction or alcoholism has taken them.

                Upon experiencing this phenomenon for the first time, the addict or alcoholic is understandably excited. They begin to believe they now “hold the key” to their recovery. This is where the seed for relapse is planted. They begin to believe more in themselves than in the process they have been following. Without the pain as a daily reminder, they tend to forget about what it took for them to embrace recovery. Denial rears its ugly head and they minimize how devastating their drug addiction and alcoholism really was and that they have a disease of drug addiction and alcoholism that requires attention on a daily basis. Relapse prevention becomes an afterthought as the person becomes defiant and rebellious regarding suggestions contrary to their desires. Without resorting to drugs or alcohol, the individual in recovery is one step away from relapse. Remember, relapse is not an event, it is a process.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Available you are inspire us all !!

                  Day 17 beginning here ... raining like hell this monday morning. Feel good to see winter rains with sober eyes.

                  yesterday evening I was not in correct state of mind. I have been to lunch with younger croud about 5 years younger than be. Some new married some with first young baby ! While I was not feeling older (althoigh did looked like one) but see those guys drinking away and smoking. While nothing compared to what I used to drink just about 2 weeks back but ... their discussion about how it is cool to drink hit me.

                  Maybe it is cool and OK to drink in moderation
                  whats fun with AL
                  soon Imight be clubbing with these guyz ...where is fun without AL.
                  maybe I am taking it too extreme by completely stopping.

                  while there are ABSOLUTELY no physical craving none what so ever !! But still in my mind these thpghts came ...

                  This AL brain is a BITCH I'll tell ya ...

                  I did feel like sharing with these guys there nothing cool about it .... but I know they will nit understand.

                  I want to be sober and proud.
                  I want to feel as I know the secret to a treasure which no one knows ..
                  I want to look good .. feel good
                  I want to be strong piritually
                  I want to change my life .. become organized
                  become responsible ..
                  take charge ... be proactive
                  Kill my inhibitions not by AL but myself ...
                  I want to feel fresh breath air ... breath of lofe and not of poison ...

                  Am I in struggle ? No ... I just need to keep my head straight ... focused ...

                  have a nice sober day you all ....
                  Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                  Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                  Rebooting ... done ...
                  Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                    Newbies Nest

                    I AM sober and proud.
                    I know the secret to a treasure which no one knows ..
                    I WILL look good .. AND already feel good
                    I AM strong spiritually
                    I AM changing my life .. and WILLbecome organized
                    I AM responsible ..
                    I HAVE taken charge ... to be proactive
                    I AM Killing my inhibitions not by AL but myself ...
                    I AM feeling fresh breath air ... breath of life and not of poison ...
                    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                    Rebooting ... done ...
                    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                      Newbies Nest

                      MAE Nesters!

                      I been struggling with a really slow internet connection for a while now - so aggravating.

                      This is for the girl who's just made it to 100 Days, but I'm sure she won't mind sharing her coffee - Ava, well done on reaching a century!

                      Have a good AF Monday Nesters - pop in here to keep the blues and those crazy drinking thoughts away!
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks again all. BND congrats on 14 days, 2 weeks, keep plodding along and before you know it.......100. Just keep saying no to that al brain and the world is your oyster!

                        Dream you are a dream, i so love the mug and i want one! Its so nice getting good attention, i am a totally blessed MWOer today and a very grateful one. Bring on August 2016 for the big 1000 days!
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          A quick fly-by to join in the chorus:

                          CONGRATULATIONS AVAILABLE ON YOUR 100 DAYS!! :goodjob:

                          And best wishes to all; hang in there and live your life well...

                          AF free since April 29, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all. Congratulations to all sticking with it, or trying again. Lots of great, inspirational examples set by some very motivated and braves folks on this thread.

                            Pav, thank you for the "pink cloud effect". I'll refer back to it if feel low again.

                            BL and LB, thanks for your thoughts. After a glum Sunday yesterday, I had a great Monday at work today, Monday is usually my worst day of the week. So promising changes.

                            Ava, congrat's again. Thanks too for your advice, especially your thoughts on moderation. I haven't made a serious decision with that, and it's months away before I will (I hope). But I'm enjoying the positive life changes so much, drinking isn't on my mind. My biggest driving force right now is the marathon on July 6. I now if I were to drink, that dream will crash. I'm determined to not allow that.

                            Day 15 is nearly over. Half way to 30 I guess! Feeling good.

                            Wishing everyone strength. Especially those starting again. I hope to get to know you as the days go by. There is so much strength in this site, and especially this thread: newbie's nest. What a blessing.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Steady thanks so much lovely and glad you could pop in and wish me a happy 100th. still havent go the letter off the bloody queen though, she must be busy.

                              Petrel, my thoughts when i first stopped drinking was that i would not drink till my 50th and then have a few to celebrate. Now i dont want to drink on my 50th and just having my family and being af is enough of a celebration without adding al to the equation and i so totally know that i will be back to where i am in a short period of time. I love al, well i used to love al, it took me out of reality big time and i dont have another quit in me to start again, i'm tired of being on the merry go round of addiction to al. Keep that marathon in mind and then set yourself another marathon to achieve. There are no positives in drinking unless you can have one or two and walk away from it but you are on mwo so that is not the case is it?

                              What do you mean you guess? Half of 30 is definitely 15 so no guessing about it, you are well on the way to the big 30 and that is a huge milestone. Keep positive petrel but if you have negative feelings keep posting on here, we deal with the positive and the negative quite happily on mwo and i am feeling so positive today.

                              Yes this site is a blessing and i am living proof to that.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks Ava,

                                One of the reasons I started on February 24, is that is was just over 3 months before my 50th birthday. I was looking for anything to make me take a break from AL, and decided on a 3 month pledge on "hellosundaymorning". I found this site around the same time.

                                I thought, I could celebrate with a few drinks on my birthday. My mindset has changed from that now. The marathon goal is far bigger than my birthday. Soft drink and waking up with a clear head will do the job nicely on my birthday. It's a Wednesday anyway.

                                Thanks for the tough love Ava! I know you're right.

