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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    summering;1636299 wrote: Hi today is day 1 for me also after another bad weekend . I'm sick of being sick ...looking forward to enjoying my weekends ...been dreading them for sometime as I know the pattern for me ...finish work , drink the weekend away ...Sunday sick and depressed ,looks from my husband and daughter ..the worst is the guilt ..start to feel normal by Wed. to start it all over again Friday . Wow when I put it like that what a waste .
    I am very grateful for this site .
    Hi summering, comforting to see a newbie on day 1 like me, you just described exactly how I feel, each time I say never again but I do exact same thing, over and over. I feel ashamed. It is a waste, a waste of life. There is no reason why we can't have a good life. I want to be alcohol free, and never have to worry about letting people down, myself included. We can cheer each other on. Nice also to see some really positive posts. Everyone on here,whether 5 years sober or 5 weeks, had a day one. Hope it is the first sober day of many


      Newbies Nest

      Checking in after a wonderfully AF weekend... the first in a very long time - the first of many!! Day 7 for me today!

      Sugar & Summering... I am a born-again newbie.. And let me tell you, I know that weekend pattern all too well... After finally getting an AF weekend under my belt, I can tell you - IT IS WORTH IT!! It felt great to wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed... No regrets. No guilt... Stick close MWO - it got me though a couple hard days (particularly days 4 & 5)... You can do this...

      Today is my birthday. Having no hangover is the best gift I can give myself...

      Btw, what does "MAE" mean? Thanks!
      God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


        Newbies Nest

        Hi sugar77 , it is comforting to me also to have newbie to do this with ..and yes lets cheer each other on .Your right there is no reason we can't have a good life . A new season is starting in our lives lets make it the best !!!


          Newbies Nest

          Thank you SpiritGirl ...your an inspiration ! Looking forward to my first weekend AF .
          Happy Birthday !!!


            Newbies Nest

            Yay Spirit Girl! I'm so happy for you! I am on day 25 and it's true the further you get from alcohol the more things fall into place. My clothes are fitting looser, my attitude is more cheerful and I'm starting to get caught up on some long over due household organizing projects that I couldn't do before because I couldn't organize my own mind-and guess why! :P I can't wait to see where I'll be at 6 months! :P

            Drinking alcohol is like willingly taking on a handicap. I don't want that handicap anymore!

            Cheers everyone! Have a great day! It's a dry (albeit cloudy) day here after days and days of rain, Maybe I'll get my boys up to the park. The have been cooped up inside for too long and are starting to make me batty!


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Jane,

              Thanks for message. I can drink .... ! But I dont want to drink! I am working on changing my attitude about AL. i dont feel miserable by not having a drink ...rather I feel proud by not drinking ....

              Correct me I am working wrong. I have been drinking almost everyday for so long that I cannot avoid AL. Its been with me in every situation .... Traveling or at home. Movie or shopping. Driving or flying. Vacation or work. Friends or For. Customers or suppliers! With friends or alone ....

              How can I escape AL. I cross the bars, liquer shops everyday ... How can I avoid my immediate family which drinks. ....

              I figure the only way I can stop is if I change how I see AL. As poison ...

              The ironey is that these new friends was my initiate to form a set of friends where I will not be known as a drinker ... I can't imagine anyone who views me like that.

              As far as clubbing is concered ... Or any thing we do including sitting a bar .. Well it can be damn boring with AL. Infact what's the point. I mean half the things which I used to enjoy I now find boring ... So whats the point doing it ...

              Jane, the above is the attitude I am forming now a days in order to avoid AL. I feel that's the only way to stop it.

              I am no expert in this but do let me know if you suggest otherwise.

              jane27;1636344 wrote: Rahul, Lose those new friends of yours. You've got 17 days, and you can't drink. Period. What sort of appeal does clubbing hold for you? Clubbing and sobriety are not a good mix. Middle age and clubbing is not a good mix. Being married w/ a family & clubbing is not a good mix.

              For a few hours of clubbing, and the company of new friends that are at a different station in life and don't give a feather about you, you will wake up tomorrow feeling like this man did, defeated, ashamed, and filled with remorse.

              From 12-13-13

              Bastard AL is trying to tempt you Rahul. Please see it for what it is. 17 days. Protect them. Read your old posts. You can not handle drinking. If you remain diligent and simply repeat any of the past 17 days, you will be another day closer to being the man you want to be.

              A small piece is fighting to protect your hard earned 17 days of sobriety. It is this piece that had the courage to post and tell the truth. Sweet Rahul is scared to death that Good Ol Rahul is going to flush it all down the toilet once again. Don't do it. It is great that you are doing positive affirmations. Keep that up, and continue reading and posting. It is times like this when you have to work even harder than you have, and you can.
              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
              Rebooting ... done ...
              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                Newbies Nest

                SpiritGirl;1636337 wrote: Checking in after a wonderfully AF weekend... the first in a very long time - the first of many!! Day 7 for me today!

                Sugar & Summering... I am a born-again newbie.. And let me tell you, I know that weekend pattern all too well... After finally getting an AF weekend under my belt, I can tell you - IT IS WORTH IT!! It felt great to wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed... No regrets. No guilt... Stick close MWO - it got me though a couple hard days (particularly days 4 & 5)... You can do this...

                Today is my birthday. Having no hangover is the best gift I can give myself...

                Btw, what does "MAE" mean? Thanks!
                SpiritGirl: Wow lots going on. Congratulations on 7 days! Congratulations on a AL free weekend and happy happy Birthday. MAE by the way is Morning Afternoon and Evening. Covers the time differences among the group!
                Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                William Butler Yeats


                  Newbies Nest

                  Day 17 end : Went for movies with my wife .. Saw a good one ...

                  And I did wonder mid way thru it ... So here the thought:

                  Before we started drinking ... We had life and break from it was to drink ... And early on we loved it .... But what we see is an illusion

                  Now we have AL and as soon as we take break we have LIFE !!! And we absolutely love it .... And now what we see is Reality !!!

                  But its always either AL or LIFE .. There is no life with AL ...

                  In the movie it is shown people going to party and drinking ... A girl who was dumped by her boy friend, hurt ... Drank to release herself ...

                  How can they show this ?!! It is just not true ... It is how it appears to be .. But the strange part is this how it is viewed in real life by all people ...
                  Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                  Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                  Rebooting ... done ...
                  Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                    Newbies Nest

                    Pavati;1636161 wrote:

                    Here's the post on the Pink Cloud Effect -

                    The “pink cloud” is best described as a period of time where the addict or alcoholic experiences a reprieve from the struggles associated with early recovery. These struggles are generally associated with the feelings of depression, anger, resentment, self pity and the realization of where their drug addiction or alcoholism has taken them.

                    Upon experiencing this phenomenon for the first time, the addict or alcoholic is understandably excited. They begin to believe they now “hold the key” to their recovery. This is where the seed for relapse is planted. They begin to believe more in themselves than in the process they have been following. Without the pain as a daily reminder, they tend to forget about what it took for them to embrace recovery. Denial rears its ugly head and they minimize how devastating their drug addiction and alcoholism really was and that they have a disease of drug addiction and alcoholism that requires attention on a daily basis. Relapse prevention becomes an afterthought as the person becomes defiant and rebellious regarding suggestions contrary to their desires. Without resorting to drugs or alcohol, the individual in recovery is one step away from relapse. Remember, relapse is not an event, it is a process.
                    Thanks for sharing that Pav...a good reminder, to be diligent & not rest on our laurels!c

                    Big congrats Ava...I am in purple in celebration...of course that meant staying in my P.J.'s one of the advantages to working from home!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Whew I am tired. Up to 58F today and I made the most of it..cleaned part of the garage and finished cleaning the RV. Raked up the leaves from last fall and a few other things in the yard.
                      I should sleep really well tonight....
                      Snow on Wednesday so I needed to take advantage of today....puts me in such a good mood to get outside and soak in a little sunshine....woohoo!!

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Congrats Ava! 100 days AF sounds so good. Any advice on how to handle social events? I have some coming up, that I have to attend. It's how socially awkward and uncomfortable I feel around people when I'm not drinking. Even the thought of it makes me feel anxious.. I have my own hen night ( bachelorette party) in 5 weeks! 😮 Its all arranged so can't cancel. Although I did arrange an activity day, abseiling, zip line etc so no drinking there, but a BBQ and drinks for later.
                        In early days of being AF did you avoid social events? Or go and stick it out? :thanks:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey Rahul:

                          I agree with Jane here....If you are toying with the notion and playing with thoughts?.....its the beginning of a relapse...which occurs quite some time before the actual drink. Watch your thoughts--ok? Beware of disguises...this AL is the trickiest . Regards to your journey


                            Newbies Nest

                            Feeling really tired today ...more than ususal after a weekend . Wondering if it's my body getting ready to battle against AL ...even though I said I was gonna quite before I have never taken so many steps to ensure I sucseed.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Congratulations to available an brilliant 100 days so very well done !! you have done it mate and Pav and I are on your tail. Think we are due a party and sounds a bit of a cliche but where has the time gone !!!!. Anybody who is struggling or wishing the days would add up quicker we have all been there so stick with it being af is a better buzz than you will get from any drink !!!
                              AF Since 2nd December 2013

                              Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

                              Diet Start

                              25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


                                Newbies Nest

                                Jane thanks so much for your lovely post on my 100 days, it has been so worthwhile this journey and if i can do it anyone can, it just takes a lot of determination and strength that you have to pull out of your inner being at times to just survive the urge for al. People may say "well you didnt drink like i do so it was easier for you". Well i drank 1 1/2 - 2 bottles daily 7 days a week for years, not proud of it but i can say that i was consistent in my drinking and i have now followed it through to my non drinking.

                                Sugar af is great, the early days not so great but as time goes on its something i am very proud of achieving. I dont go out much but when i do i repeated to myself constantly the drink i was going to have as suprisingly if you dont have to think about what you want it is easier. Once we think "oh I'll have aaaaaaaaaaaa coke" then it can lead to "f**k it i will have a wine" so "think the drink". Its not that hard once you have a drink in hand. I remember i went out for a date after 3 weeks af and i told the guy i would have a soft drink and he said "not a wine", i said "no i was not drinking", thought phew made it and then he asked if i wanted another drink "soft drink pls", "sure you dont want a wine, one wont hurt", I'm like "no thanks i am not drinking atm" then we went for dinner and he said "do you want a bottle of wine with dinner" and by this stage i'm like ready to kill him but i refused that bottle. If you are determined you will succeed, if you set yourself up for failure you will fail. I was really anxious also and thought i would just have one to be sociable, one is better than what i was drinking but one is lying to yourself and one would have led to buying a bottle on the way home. Suprisingly you will feel fine when you have a drink in your hand and there is no better feeling than posting on mwo the next day that you made it.

                                I do not put myself in situations where i feel i may cave in. I am going to thailand in 3 weeks and they will have some lovely mocktails, their cocktails were damn lovely so without al they will taste even better. I dont need to be constantly around al to prove that i dont drink that is way too much of a temptation even for 100 days.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

