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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey Lav!

    With the Amoryn? Did you wean off the anti-d's first, then start the'd you do it. I know its not good to go cold-turkey off the anti-D's. I am on Zoloft 75mg and it seems to work, but would much rather something more...'natural'!



      Newbies Nest

      oops,forgot to ask?
      Does anyone know how long it takes for AL to leave your system??


        Newbies Nest

        Hi everyone.

        Wow. I can see I am going to have to get up in the middle of the night to stay up with all these posts!! I come here first thing and last thing but because of the time difference most of you are awake while I am dreaming..... Where do I start?

        Lav - thanks for that link. I will look into that as I would prefer to put something healthy into my body (what a change hey!).
        Well done Excuses and Sisley on your 5 and 6 days AF. They all add up.
        Byrdlady - why not increase the L-glut and get some Kudzu as that is good for the cravings.
        Meech - hope you are feeling better today. It is not easy but at least you keep coming back to us and dont give up. Well done.
        Jolie - I agree with you about you guys being my new best friends. I have NEVER been able to talk so openly about my AL career (and there is still alot more to open up about - in time). It is a fabulous outlet to be able to come here and give and get help and support. I LOVE IT!
        Mazzie - I try to stick to all the things suggested in the book - the CD's, supps, exercise etc. RJ knows better than I do so I trust what she says and just do it. For me I have to give it my all or it wont work. (Overcast and rainy since Christmas - where are you? Tassie?)
        Sophie - I too worry about replacing drinking with overeating as I get a lot of comfort from food. I was trying to stick to a low carb high, protein diet however with the amount of cake, sweets, etc I have been eating that has gone out the window. Time to get back on the healthy food wagon!

        Anyway gotta find that happy face and get ready for work. Take care, keep visiting us and stay strong. We can do this - together.

        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          Hi All,

          Just wanted to share another Joy of Sobriety with you..

          This morning I woke up NATURALLY at just before 6 am. A definate first. I comtemplated going for a run before everyone else was up but opted for another 30 mins in my lovely bed.

          I was snoozing and waiting for the alarm to go when my son came and hopped into bed with me.

          He put him arms around my neck and snuggled in close. It was so wonderful just to lay there. I didn't have to run to the loo to vomit, I didn't have to push him away because "mummy's got a headache / doesn't feel well." I didn't have to dash downstairs for panadol and water.

          Absolutey joy.

          Hope everyone is having a good day / evening. It's 10.30 am here and already over 30 degrees and very humid.



            Newbies Nest

            Hey LCC, just get right back to it...guilt, regret and shamefullness..are such shitty wasted emotions and so typical of my Catholic religion upbringing the whole guilt thing.....hard to loose those feelings that I do know, but you can do it, I mean we really beat ourselves up dont we??? Be proud you stopped at two..that's awesome... Hey will your hubby join in w/ya...mine is doin it with Me...just makes it easier and harder at the same time..I dont wanna let him down either...thank god he has no problem, can take it or leave it..not important to him...Me I really enjoy a good drink...but one, two is just never enough!!!


              Newbies Nest

              Wow, another busy Nest day - good! The morethe merrier

              Greetings Jolie - cross posted with you earlier!

              Meech, LCC, Mazzie, hopping right back on your twigs is the best thing to do today.
              I think revising our plans for the weekends is in order!! Plan dork activities like cheese making - keeps you out of trouble

              Sophie, Spuddleduck, Funny Girl - greetings, hope all is well!

              Chook, I believe the Amoryn website does advise weaning off the ADs before starting Amoryn. You probably already know how to wean off the Zoloft but you can always call the Doc's office for a weaning schedule to be safe. As far as alcohol metabolism goes that's going to depend on your age, weight, sex, etc. I would think, especially if you are drinking a ton of H2O, 2 or 3 days should do it! I drank tons of herbal tea, decaf green tea, etc. & still do actually. The sooner you start the sooner you get the job done

              LCC, I never used the MWO supps. I have lots of allergies, have to watch what I take. I have medical grade vitamins/minerals & used the Amoryn. BTW - my nasal allergies all but disappeared when I quit drinking - go figure!!

              Spam, nice to hear you're enjoying the benefits of an AF life - that's terrific!

              OK everyone, I'm saying goodnight. Leaving the night light on for Tranq
              Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                MG29 - "I just feel like I suck lots of yucky self loathing biz going on."

                One beer? Self-loathing? It doesn't add up. Yes, you gave in to a very strong temptation - think of it this way: you reacted in that situation the only way you knew how. Something to learn from - understanding that you need to figure out how you can interupt the trance that takes you from wanting to doing.

                Hi Chooks. Glad to see you. Be very kind to self and take good care!

                A quick google search turned up this site - 48 to 80 hours for urine testing.

                Hi HippyChick, glad you had some fun with the goodies!

                Jolie - You'll be fine keep going forward. Look back only to help you move forward.

                HC/Lav - I've also tried amoryn based on Lav's suggestion - I started in January and I believe that it has made a difference for my moods.

                MamaB - good going with the weekend cutback. Now you know a different way to be. You can do a week. You've already started!

                Excuses - 6 days and a weekend - yay! Huge steps there!

                Hi Sisley. Way to go on the weekend. Huge! You did well to stick hard to a plan. Good to separate yourself from al right now.

                Byrdlady - al is al. It's in wine and vodka. You're going to crave until you can manage to eliminate the al in your body. Good for you for cutting back. Everyday you can manage through the cravings will make the next one a little easier.

                Meech - Get out of the blues - it's just al making you feel sorry for yourself. While you're looking at the positives, look to the experience to help you next time. Remember your headache and the raw feelings you had today. I know that the less I drink, the worse it makes me feel when I overdo it. Good news is if you keep it up, you'll reach a point when you'll consciously think not drinking is much better than drinking.

                You're right about the fight! I did all the supps and cds, but had to add my own determination and some Lavanditude too. Yes, a reward is a good idea, but remember to reward yourself everyday by treating yourself well.

                LCC - Stopping at two wines is great! I know you feel bad, but chalk it up to experience. You guys can stick to the plan and make your goals. Re - Amoryn, I believe that I only eliminated 5-htp, since that is in amoryn, but that supp wasn't in the book - I got the idea from another forum on mwo. I think amoryn consists of like four main supplements, so it doesn't make sense to double-up any of those. By the way LCC, I have to thank you for mentioning the Social Drinking hypno cds the other day. I stepped-up and bought them, so I'm hoping they'll help. I didn't really know they existed until you mentioned it.

                Hi Mazzie. I know weekends are hard. I had to avoid the regular scene and drinking crowd for a while. I also found that the gym was much less crowded on Friday evenings (no wonder why). Maybe a commitment to do something early Saturday and Sunday would help? Something that can't be done well with a hangover?

                Sophie, sugar can be an addiction, and maybe fighting two at once can be harder. Something that might help though - a trainer suggested that I should eat six times each day. So I try to eat three healthy meals and three healthy snacks. It is supposed to help keep weight off by keeping the body busy processing food instead of storing it for 'later'. I've been able to maintain my weight at a good level doing this (plus exercise). I learned that hunger is a huge al trigger for me, so keeping well fed helps me avoid those happy hour cravings too.

                As for me - I made it through the weekend af - wasn't too hard since I didn't go out. It's a pretty busy week here, so I may be popping in late again.

                Hi and welcome SpuddleDuck and FunnyGirl. Hang around and join in.

                Take care!
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Lav. We x-posted.

                  Spam Hi to you too. It's nice when waking up before the alarm clock starts to feel good. I like getting to sit and drink my coffee in peace before the day begins - a lot more peaceful than racing around to get out on-time with an H/O!

                  Take care!
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi all good friends,

                    Just checking in.. I'm doing well.. on Day 13 AF.. took my son swimming this morning then had a therapy session.. i'm feeling so much better without AL - I feel healthier and more "awake" - I used to feel so tired all the time, but now I feel vibrant! I'm looking healthier too - no more bags under the eyes! Had a healthy smoothie for breakfast.. it's great to make the most of my son, who is a joy to look after.. I am much more appreciative of the things I have than focussing on what I have done/lost in the past.. my new life is much more enjoyable without AL!!! all the best x
                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Everyone!

                      This thread is very positive and really great to check in to. Everyone seems like they are doing well and working on things that aren't so well! Great job , keep up the good work everyone!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Wow, the nest is buzzing! Awesome!

                        Sorry.. no time to address everyone... but all in all, it looks like all the nestlings did pretty well this weekend! Great job! As said before, don't beat yourselves up over past short comings (past = weekend) - let's work towards a better Monday/Tuesday!

                        CHICKEN LITTLE! So good to cluck.... errrm.. see you! :l Hang in there precious...

                        Sorry folks, I'm pooped. Fluffing out me feathers and finding a comfy corner. Over and out!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          sisley;810607 wrote: Me I really enjoy a good drink...but one, two is just never enough!!!
                          That is my problem. My husband had told me - why don't you have a couple of beers instead of getting smashed. Well...that does not seem to be an option for me. So, we are going to go alcohol free for now. I might try moderating at some point but for now I know that it would not work. So, I need to just keep up with this - 10 days so far. I need to keep it going.
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Newbies Nest

                            Spam, great morning story! That's very precious.


                              Newbies Nest

                              NoraC; my (now ex) hubby used to say that to me too! "you can have a couple,you just need to know how to moderate".. he does not understand!
                              He also said I would be able to have a couple of wines before driving (when I get my license back) - again.. he really should know better! If I did that and got caught I could go to jail! I
                              I am so glad we have separated.. or the same mistakes would be repeated again and again and my life would never be improved.. my ex is really so blind to the past - and has obviously not learnt from his mistakes either - he could go to jail for beating me up - he was drunk at that party and probably would not have assaulted me if he was sober..
                              At family occasions like 3 yo's birthdays etc. him and his whole family would drink and smoke.. this is "acceptable" in his family - but totally the worse possible environment for me (and any children involved).. i'm glad I am no longer part of that family.. the way forwards for me is to just have friends that don't drink.. or friends that never drink around me at least.. I have to remain AF, and have no temptations put in my way..
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Everyone

                                Well, thanks for all the support, and no maybe I didn't state clearly I didn't just have one beer I had several...and the next day....and the next day. But I did go to the doctor today...and he was still encouraged that I responded well enough to have 7 AF days most in a LONG TIME. AL in the house is definitely a big trigger for me I am also realizing it may mean taking some more drastic measures to protect myself.

                                Also- today the doc said that I need to find a way to celebrate and "get pumped"-so funny coming from this tiny Indian man- everyday I stay sober. He isnt a drinker so its hard for him to understand why I experienced depression from stopping drinking, and how difficult it can be initially to enjoy life when you take away the thing that makes you feel relaxed.
                                Tommorow I am pledging to be my first day starting again.

                                I told Doc about this online community and how much it has helped.
                                Y'all have a great eve/day tomm.

                                I ain't afraid of no ghost....

