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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oops, I got a little impatient with the submit key!
    Sorry for the multiple posts.
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      Newbies Nest

      OK OK guys....I hear you! When I posted that post I was feeling sorry for myself, and hopeless. TY all of you!

      I realized that all of that is just plain excuses.

      While I am sensitive, I'm not a drama 'queen' and what I have posted in the past certainly wasn't meant to be dramatic. I was just trying to be honest.

      Ya'll have given me plenty to think about, and I'm not giving up on being matter what day it is. You guys are helping me (whether you see it or not). The bottom line is..I just need to make the decision to stop this.

      Love to all,



        Newbies Nest

        MAE nesters

        Everyone seems to be doing so well and a great topic of conversation. I must say i was petrified at thinking of not drinking for 30 days, it didnt seem doable and i still wanted to drink, simple really but that was my al brain or my addictive nature saying that. When i finally did start this journey i just thought, dont drink for a few months and see how it goes and believe it or not the addictive brain settles down and its not the main focus of my day at all but in saying that it still pokes its ugly head up in moments but it is easy to tell it to F off now. I do know even after 100 days that if i have one drink i will want more and thats not called moderating that is called addiction, like any drug, we cant have it.

        Sarah why dont you ask your husband to pick a number between 1 and 30 and whatever number he says set that date for a no al day. It is still your choice to do it or not but may give you an incentive since you cant seem to pick a day! No harm in trying and if you keep going great but if not ask him to pick two numbers and stop on those days. Where there is a will there is a way. You sound scared of no al and believe us all, it is the best feeling.

        Petrel i think after all the sugar i have eaten i have about 7kgs to lose and after thailand it will probably be another 7kgs but im not drinking so i am not worried and it will give me an interest when i get back. You are doing really well.

        My laptop is about to kark it and i am technically not able to fix it, its a man thing i think so i am posting quickly before it shuts down on me and i lose my post.

        Friday tomorrow and need to start packing and organising my hols and also am doing some typing from home in May so need to dig out the program for a computer to type on. Looking forward to the extra money and may get a new laptop i am hoping.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          Thanks Ava,

          Yes, all in all, I'm travelling along nicely. I just got a letter from my GP for a cholesterol blood test. She's booked ahead quite a way, so I'll have the blood test in about 5 weeks. I'm very curious to see if alcohol was having an effect on my Chol. With all the running, hopefully some weight loss, no Al, and good diet, I'm hoping for a good one.

          Sorry to hear about your laptop. I must say I'm preferring my iPad most of the time, these days. Very reliable.

          I bet you're excited about Thailand. Bangkok and Phuket? Or some where else?


            Newbies Nest

            Oh the blood test, my gp gave me a referral for bloods as i apparently "was of that age" mmm, he is lucky to be alive i must say. Took me 4 weeks to get it done as i was petrified and my liver was brilliant and cholesterol a bit iffy and vitD low but all in all it was great. I used to avoid blood tests like the plague especially since i did not tell the dr i was an alcoholic but i would now.

            Lucky me, my son won some money today and is going to buy me a new one for my birthday and get money off his brothers and sisters so i will be happy in a weeks time i think.

            I am so looking forward to a holiday. This will be my third time in Thailand and i am going with my mum so i have to be vigilant. she seems to push buttons that only she knows how to and i have not told her yet i am not drinking. I figure i will wait till i am on the plane to say that one as i have a feeling she will say "will this last as long as your stopping smoking" and i need positives not negatives in this journey. We are going to bangkok first to shop and then phuket for a week and then back to bangkok to shop. they have a gym where we are staying so i plan on checking that one out and reading a lot and borrowing my daughters ipad to use to keep on here.

            did you tell your dr how much you drank?
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              Hello All,

              long time no see.

              This is just a quick check in from me. Sometimes when people go away for a while it could mean that they are doing terrific or could also mean that they may have fallen off.

              I am happy to report that everything is going great at the moment. Over 18 months sober and very happy. My weight is at ideal point according to BMI index, I am starting my own company and learning so many things every day, due to all the time now available to me.

              There are a lot of new faces here. I would just like to say welcome and hang in there the first month is the hardest by far... But it is so so so so so worth it in the end.

              Good Day everyone.

              Allan Kay
              AF since 1st Sep 2012
              NF since 1st Sep 2012

              If you want to feel better visit


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Allan,

                Thanks for dropping in and well done on the 18 months. Long term sobriety like yours Is the inspiration a lot of us need, to see that it can be done together with a happy and prosperous life.

                Ava, my original GP took a medical history including alcohol consumption, about 7 years ago. I admitted I drank too much, but wasn't totally honest. Back then, my marriage was in a better place, and I didn't drink much weekdays, but made up for it on weekends. Since then, she left town and I have a new GP. She's never quizzed me about alcohol consumption, but I suspect she knows I was overdoing it. Knows about my marriage split etc. Anyway, I'll be bouncing with a lot more confidence next visit. I guess all other parts of my life were in good shape; weight,diet,fitness etc, compared to most of what was walking through her door each day, that I probably seemed quite stable, even if I drank a few too many. I might have a chat to her about it next time.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning everyone! Feeling nice and clear and engaged lately....loving it! Wishing you all a wonderful sober day! The discussions have been interesting. I appreciate the primary focus here being 'get AF, stay AF' and think that this should never be taken negatively or interpreted that the poster is being judgemental. The comments I have read have been straight talk based on experienced. The folks here (thank God) are just very wise and direct.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Allan, I remember you so well - so happy to hear how well you are doing. Good luck with all your ventures!
                    Unfortunately after 26 days AF last month, back to porridge! Going to have to come here more often. Really was doing so well - I was exercising, eating well, praying, reading......did come to visit MWO daily but think now that I should have committed myself to more time here. Was so busy I felt I hadn't time yet now that I am drinking, there are days wasted. Trying to get myself started again.
                    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                      Newbies Nest

                      I told my gp i drank 6 glasses a week, more like 6 bottles plus plus plus but i was in denial and god forbid he would tell me to stop. I now feel that if i need help to keep not drinking that i will tell him as he is a great gp and im not in denial which helps a bucket.

                      Well i just had a frozen laptop for twenty minutes so its sleep time now. i should just appreciate that it is still working for me. Another friday and weekend sober for us and that is always a good feeling. I need to do a few things around the house before winter sets in and hibernation sets in also.

                      Hi Frances and Allan great to see you checking in and Allan very impressed you gave up al and fags at the same time. i am yet to give the fags up but after my holiday to thailand, they are soooooooo cheap over there, thats my excuse for now.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Freezing cold in my portion of the nest this morning - still waiting for Spring

                        Hypernova, CONGRATS on your 30 AF days :wd:
                        Keep going on your AF journey!

                        Hello allankay, great to see you! Congrats on your AF time & your new business! Nice side effect of being AF, huh?

                        Daisy, revise your plan to get all of your triggers covered & hop back on board!

                        frances, you sound good!

                        Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday. Make it a good one

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          I will Lav; going to hang out between here and Loamers - need all the help I can get
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Pavati;1637305 wrote:
                            So many of us feel different or unique. Thanks for the post, Pav. Addiction really is a great leveler, isn't it? We're not so different from the celebrity who makes a big show of going off to a fancy rehab or from the guy who sleeps in the park with his hands around the neck of an empty bottle. I didn't think I was different in that I thought I had worse circumstances than others and "deserved" to drink more than they did. I thought I could control it. Finally I see what that was: foolish arrogance. When the thought that I could have 'just one' crosses my mind now and then, I just think of all the people here who have conducted that little experiment. Why would I think that I would be different? In this we truly are the same and the sooner that is understood and accepted at the deepest level, the clearer and easier all of this becomes.

                            daisy45;1637413 wrote:
                            ......did come to visit MWO daily but think now that I should have committed myself to more time here. Was so busy I felt I hadn't time yet now that I am drinking, there are days wasted. Trying to get myself started again.
                            Just start now. Don't plan the day to start drinking, Daisy. Just jump in and DO IT. I had a big rant about this awhile ago because I was getting really frustrated with some friends who would not just do what they knew they needed to do. Maybe the posts in this thread would help you or someone else today:



                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks for that NoSugar.
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Newbies Nest

                                It's morning. It so amazes me that I can feel so optimistic in the morning... No desire for a drink, no problem admitting that I spend way too much time thinking about AL, no excuses for my behavior.

                                And then afternoon hits, and a totally different me arrives... with excuses and the "just one more" line, and all ration flies out the window.

                                It is so perplexing to me that two such different mindsets can be in one day. (every day).

                                I keep finding such inspirational statements in everyone's text. Truths that I am writing down because I know I will need the words. Thank you! Going to begin AF the day my hypnosis CD's arrive. Anyone here tried the CD's? Not much discussion here about it.

                                Done. Moving on to life.

