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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Lol well i was thinking that one. It reminded me of listening to an ex - blah, blah blah. Maybe why i am still single ha ha. I have a black car Petrel, that is all it is, black!

    Oh btw i can hear the cars 29k's from where they are racing.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      Well here we go with day one again . Have a good Sunday everyone .
      Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
      Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


        Newbies Nest

        Determination BND and keep posting like a lunatic, we are here for you!
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          MAE Nesters!!!

          Bran, I put some double butt velcro next to your coffee! :l

          Petrel - well done on your 21 days! (A 90 minute run would probably see me in hospital.)

          Ava and Petrel, love the dialogues you two have going on here at night. Petrel, for the life of me I can't see how they can make F1 even a bit greener - the cars possibly a teeny weeny bit, but what about getting the whole circus from venue to venue? Ditto here on cars, Ava - except mine is white. I cook my rice until it's almost soft, then steam it in a colander - maybe try that? (From cars to rice - gotta love the Nest!)

          Nursie, a good end to your visit; so glad you stayed strong!

          Have a great AF Sunday Nesters - enjoy whatever you do today!
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Newbies Nest

            Made it through the weekend !!!


              Newbies Nest

              Woo hoo Summer and isnt it such a great feeling. My first weekend af i thought i was going to go mad, all i could do was pace the house and only think of drinking and justifying why i should do so but due to MWO and being "lunatic Linda" i made it and damn i felt proud of myself. After that weekend i knew anything was achievable so good one Summer!

              Jane some great points and i have had 8 weeks to prepare for this and also 8 more weeks of sobriety up my sleeve that i have no intention of giving up. My attitude is completely different to what it was before, al is not ruling my life, i have my supports in place, being here and my children. My girls know the challenges i will face, we have laughed about them and spoken about them and they no when i try and ring i mean that i NEED them right now, not later but now. This will be my third trip to thailand so i know pretty well what i will be doing which is shopping in Bangkok for two days and then going to Phuket and staying in a resort for 10 days. This resort has a gym and a lovely swimming pool to amuse me. When the "going gets tough" the "tough get going" so i will be planning walking spots also. The staff are very good in that if i say "no alcohol" they will not put any in my drinks and whats a cocktail without al, a mocktail so i believe which i will be indulging in. My mother drinks a "few" wines a night and a "few" can lead to more which is where the arguments always started. I think me not drinking may make her realise that she does have a tad of a problem with al and ultimately it is up to her to drink and my choice not to drink. We dont frequent bars at all so it is just dinner time and nights. i plan on wearing myself out by looking around Phuket and leaving mum at the resort. I have books, knitting, laptop, iphone and i am sure there will be someone i can chat with. My mother is not one to argue, she is more one to give the "silent" treatment and if she starts this little "tantrum" as i call them i will walk away until i feel able to cope. I keep running every scenario that i can imagine happening with mum and have an option for each one. I am just grateful that i will have about 18 weeks of sobriety up my sleeve. I am also realising that there may be something she throws at me and may send a "curve ball" and with that i will ring my children. I actually think that if we both are not drinking or even me not drinking that our anger towards each other will not esculate but i will not be spoken down to by her anymore. I am not perfect, do not claim to be and i am a daughter she should be proud of and especially for not drinking. It killed my brother and could well have killed me, she should feel blessed that i have taken a path of sobriety and am proud of my achievements. I have done this by myself, for myself and my children. Maybe there is a bit thrown in for my mother, hoping she will say she is proud of me but i am not holding my breath on that one and if she doesnt my world will not end and everyday of these 14 days i am away i will be sober and i cant wait to come back to bitch to the children about how i nearly killed nana! In saying that any ideas are always good ideas although i dont feel anxious about this holiday now, i feel confident and "normal" in going. I dont drink..... the end!
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Woo hoo Summer and isnt it such a great feeling. My first weekend af i thought i was going to go mad, all i could do was pace the house and only think of drinking and justifying why i should do so but due to MWO and being "lunatic Linda" i made it and damn i felt proud of myself. After that weekend i knew anything was achievable so good one Summer!

                Jane some great points and i have had 8 weeks to prepare for this and also 8 more weeks of sobriety up my sleeve that i have no intention of giving up. My attitude is completely different to what it was before, al is not ruling my life, i have my supports in place, being here and my children. My girls know the challenges i will face, we have laughed about them and spoken about them and they no when i try and ring i mean that i NEED them right now, not later but now. This will be my third trip to thailand so i know pretty well what i will be doing which is shopping in Bangkok for two days and then going to Phuket and staying in a resort for 10 days. This resort has a gym and a lovely swimming pool to amuse me. When the "going gets tough" the "tough get going" so i will be planning walking spots also. The staff are very good in that if i say "no alcohol" they will not put any in my drinks and whats a cocktail without al, a mocktail so i believe which i will be indulging in. My mother drinks a "few" wines a night and a "few" can lead to more which is where the arguments always started. I think me not drinking may make her realise that she does have a tad of a problem with al and ultimately it is up to her to drink and my choice not to drink. We dont frequent bars at all so it is just dinner time and nights. i plan on wearing myself out by looking around Phuket and leaving mum at the resort. I have books, knitting, laptop, iphone and i am sure there will be someone i can chat with. My mother is not one to argue, she is more one to give the "silent" treatment and if she starts this little "tantrum" as i call them i will walk away until i feel able to cope. I keep running every scenario that i can imagine happening with mum and have an option for each one. I am just grateful that i will have about 18 weeks of sobriety up my sleeve. I am also realising that there may be something she throws at me and may send a "curve ball" and with that i will ring my children. I actually think that if we both are not drinking or even me not drinking that our anger towards each other will not esculate but i will not be spoken down to by her anymore. I am not perfect, do not claim to be and i am a daughter she should be proud of and especially for not drinking. It killed my brother and could well have killed me, she should feel blessed that i have taken a path of sobriety and am proud of my achievements. I have done this by myself, for myself and my children. Maybe there is a bit thrown in for my mother, hoping she will say she is proud of me but i am not holding my breath on that one and if she doesnt my world will not end and everyday of these 14 days i am away i will be sober and i cant wait to come back to bitch to the children about how i nearly killed nana! In saying that any ideas are always good ideas although i dont feel anxious about this holiday now, i feel confident and "normal" in going. I dont drink..... the end!
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  Woo hoo Summer and isnt it such a great feeling. My first weekend af i thought i was going to go mad, all i could do was pace the house and only think of drinking and justifying why i should do so but due to MWO and being "lunatic Linda" i made it and damn i felt proud of myself. After that weekend i knew anything was achievable so good one Summer!

                  Jane some great points and i have had 8 weeks to prepare for this and also 8 more weeks of sobriety up my sleeve that i have no intention of giving up. My attitude is completely different to what it was before, al is not ruling my life, i have my supports in place, being here and my children. My girls know the challenges i will face, we have laughed about them and spoken about them and they no when i try and ring i mean that i NEED them right now, not later but now. This will be my third trip to thailand so i know pretty well what i will be doing which is shopping in Bangkok for two days and then going to Phuket and staying in a resort for 10 days. This resort has a gym and a lovely swimming pool to amuse me. When the "going gets tough" the "tough get going" so i will be planning walking spots also. The staff are very good in that if i say "no alcohol" they will not put any in my drinks and whats a cocktail without al, a mocktail so i believe which i will be indulging in. My mother drinks a "few" wines a night and a "few" can lead to more which is where the arguments always started. I think me not drinking may make her realise that she does have a tad of a problem with al and ultimately it is up to her to drink and my choice not to drink. We dont frequent bars at all so it is just dinner time and nights. i plan on wearing myself out by looking around Phuket and leaving mum at the resort. I have books, knitting, laptop, iphone and i am sure there will be someone i can chat with. My mother is not one to argue, she is more one to give the "silent" treatment and if she starts this little "tantrum" as i call them i will walk away until i feel able to cope. I keep running every scenario that i can imagine happening with mum and have an option for each one. I am just grateful that i will have about 18 weeks of sobriety up my sleeve. I am also realising that there may be something she throws at me and may send a "curve ball" and with that i will ring my children. I actually think that if we both are not drinking or even me not drinking that our anger towards each other will not esculate but i will not be spoken down to by her anymore. I am not perfect, do not claim to be and i am a daughter she should be proud of and especially for not drinking. It killed my brother and could well have killed me, she should feel blessed that i have taken a path of sobriety and am proud of my achievements. I have done this by myself, for myself and my children. Maybe there is a bit thrown in for my mother, hoping she will say she is proud of me but i am not holding my breath on that one and if she doesnt my world will not end and everyday of these 14 days i am away i will be sober and i cant wait to come back to bitch to the children about how i nearly killed nana! In saying that any ideas are always good ideas although i dont feel anxious about this holiday now, i feel confident and "normal" in going. I dont drink..... the end!
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest

                    Damn this site is annoying atm, sorry about the triple post everyone.

                    Dream, i will take the rice cooking on board, its pretty bad when the dogs wont even eat the rice i cooked but i put it down to maddy is unwell as she had a seizure. Thats my story although i did cook some more rice and that seems to have appealed to them.

                    The grand prix has nothing going for it, i mean why watch cars going around in circles for hours and hours! Its a man thing i think. I am glad i have a fellow aussie to talk to, knit and talk at the same time, win, win i think, may drive poor petrel nuts though!
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good MAE Nesters,
                      just wanted to post part of a message I received a while ago when I was in the depths of struggling to get through my first sober days. It helped me to change my way of thinking so I wanted to share it here. We are all HEROIC here!!

                      -----I, too, struggled for years and years with trying to control my drinking. I really beat myself up for 'failing.' As if we need more crap to deal with on top of the addiction.

                      Back then, quitting 'for good' was not even an option I would consider. There were so many negatives and so much stigma that I associated with that. Not only would I have to 'give up' ALL drinking - even the 'one or two' (mythical) glasses of wine, but I would also have to wear the label 'alcoholic' and deal with having an 'incurable' disease. AND, as if all that wasn't enough, I would have to go to meetings, figure out all my faults and flaws and tell everyone about them and THEN have to worry that I could get sucked right back into addiction if I DON'T do all those things just so. Forever and ever.

                      Well. As it turns out. I didn't give up alcohol. I gave up an addictive toxin and gained my freedom and my health and my life back. I absolutely refuse to label myself - or anyone else who has gotten free - as an 'alcoholic.' In fact, the only -ic suffix I would add in describing those who find their way out of addiction is HEROic.

                      You know what helped me THE most in my final, forever quit? I finally understood the facts about alcohol - the undeniable and unalterable facts about how each and every drink damages the brain. We are dealing with a substance that is a known toxin and carcinogen and is classified as a drug. Every drink crosses the blood-brain barrier almost instantaneously and immediately begins altering the delicate chemical balance of the very organ that controls everything we do. Knowing this and accepting this made it possible for me to make the decision and commitment to take drinking (and smoking) off the table once and for all and forever. It was life or death. I wanted life. You do,'s your name, afterall!-----

                      Wishing you all a wonderful and sober Sunday..


                        Newbies Nest

                        Just a note for the Newbies - is a weekly post, and all are free to post their days. When I first started out, I was waaaaaaaay too intimidated by the big numbers people posted, and so I didn't. However, it's an open thread - so go there and post. Whether you post on the roll call or not, it's another way to celebrate your sober days.

                        LC, thanks for that post, and the HEROic label - now that's one to wear with pride! When people come here and talk about their struggles with Al, I'm so proud of them - because changing your life is difficult, admitting a relapse is difficult, picking up the pieces, putting them together again and starting over is difficult. But - that wonderful feeling of being sober truly is worth all the agony that preceded it.

                        Ava, growing up, we had a dog that ate absolutely everything - except on the rare occasions that I attempted doing something that involved a kitchen, a mixing bowl and a recipe. I think that your being sober will definitely change the dynamics between you and your mother - and you deserve respect for the way you've turned your life around.
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Wonderful post lifechange! TY I needed that right now as tomr is my goal of AF day 1. (Tomr for me meaning after I wake up tomr )

                          So, today..I went back thru the Toobox..but the most important thing I guess I did was tell hubby that tomr..."just tomr for now" I want to try to go AF. I know it's not good to use terms like "try" or "hope", but that is my personality, and it won't change.

                          Anyway, I asked him to help 'encourage' me to eat something during the day, among others things to help encourage me..and he was very supportive. I don't know how I will do, and I won't pretend to make any promises, but my goal is AF Sunday for me.

                          As Birdie and others say "one day at a time"...tomr I hope is a least day 1. Will go from there...

                          Thanks and love,



                            Newbies Nest

                            That sounds great, Sarah! And that you have your husband's support is wonderful. I've been doing the same as you are planning to do tomorrow, namely taking it one day at a time. Trying not to let my mind wander too far into the past or future. Just really concentrating on NOW. Something that has helped loads of people, including myself, is a detailed plan for the day-- especially the usual "witching" time. To really write down specifically which action(s) you will take if you start to crave. I'm going to bump up the "What's your Sobriety plan" thread-- it's great to read..:l


                              Newbies Nest

                              Funny u said that LC- already started to read that thread among others in the introduction/general area that weren't there before like "Honey's" path, etc., and it's all great!!! I have alot of reading to do!

                              My plan tomr is semi-set, but I have other things to help me thru the week. So, it's worth a shot at least.



                                Newbies Nest

                                Good for you Sarah - I'm pulling for you!

