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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Guitarista, I feel exactly like you do - all my creativity and doing what I love depends on me being sober. Byrdie, good to hear from you - I need to rethink tomorrow. I have always went with my family - sober the last 3 times but feeling so vulnerable, I will talk to my daughter in the morning. She so looks forward to it but I am sure she will understand. The obvious thing to do and yet I didn't consider it.
    I feel better already just thinking about it.... Thanks you two!
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Newbies Nest

      Guitarista, I feel exactly like you do - all my creativity and doing what I love depends on me being sober. Byrdie, good to hear from you - I need to rethink tomorrow. I have always went with my family - sober the last 3 times but feeling so vulnerable, I will talk to my daughter in the morning. She so looks forward to it but I am sure she will understand. The obvious thing to do and yet I didn't consider it.
      I feel better already just thinking about it.... Thanks you two!
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Newbies Nest

        Hi David and welcome to MWO. Drinking is a vicious cycle of self destruction to outselves. We have to want to stop drinking and we have to realise that being an alcoholic that we can never drink again. It took me forever to accept that i could NEVER drink again and this is a lifetime decision to remain sober and honest with myself as Mr G put so nicely above. I could lie to everyone on here and drink (i have done previously), did it hurt them, no of course not. Did it ultimately hurt me, of course it did. I was sick of the lying, the shame, the depression, the anxiety, the hangovers, my body not functioning properly. Everything! Now by posting on here daily (although at the beginning every minute i think) i am accountable, i am strong, i am in control of my life. It may not be the most exciting life but it feels wonderful to wake up every single day and function as a "normal" person. It has taken willpower, grit, determination, hard work and dedication to get to 100+ days sober but I have done it and you can too. I am a Melbournian also so i am around at the hours that you will need company David so Pm me or chat on here. Keeping occupied is a must when giving up drinking.

        Daisy you can do this girl and as Byrd says do not go to the celebration if it is too tempting. I am going out on a date tomorrow and i am having these thoughts of "a scotch would be sociable and its not wine". I shake my head in wonder that i can still get these thoughts. I will not drink, i would have to come and post on here and that is enough to scare the daylights out of me and i am a non drinker and i am an alcoholic who cant drink.

        Mr G you will get what you want in life as we know life was not meant to be easy and sometimes i think ffs just give me a break, but only we can chose what makes us happy and act on it. At this stage in my life not drinking makes me happy.

        How did your day go Sarah? One day af woo hoo!
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Can't believe we have 4800 pages of posts in the nest......time flies

          David, glad you found us, please stick around!
          If you truly want to stop drinking more than you want to continue then you will find a way.
          Sometimes drinking becomes a habitual thing, at least it did for me. We have the power to change habitual behaviors. We can choose better, healthier behaviors. Make a good plan for yourself & stay close to the nest!

          Daisy, choose something better for you to do tomorrow. I wouldn't want to lose my quit for anything

          Wishing everyone a safe AF night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest


            Thanks for finding that, Byrdie. That makes me tear up every time - why was (am) I so mean and intolerant with myself!

            Good to see you back in the saddle, Mr. G. We miss you when you stroll away. Good on you for staying sober on a holiday - those are the hardest times for me.

            David - there are SO many things to do when you are bored other than drinking. There is a great list that Sunbeam posted in the Tool box. You can exercise, garden, knit, play checkers, surf the net, clean a closet (Ava's house was spotless the first month), read a book (that was my ploy), cook, call a friend, write a letter, post here. Blah, blah, blah. Life will become much less boring when you are sober for a good long period and you get to know the real you - what he likes and doesn't. Being bored is just an excuse that AL give you. Don't listen! Listen instead to the THOUSANDS (4800 alone in the nest - thanks Lav) of pages of wisdom here on this site.

            Daisy - I'm with Lav - Don't go if there is even the slightest temptation. Think how happy you'll be when you've made it through.

            Ava - you KNOW who you'll have to deal with if you have a scotch (other than yourself and your kids, of course). I can be on a plane to Melbourne in 2 hours...

            Fly - thanks for the fly by.

            Hope you are all well. A beautiful day here in my part of the nest - plenty of outdoor activity, and a nice relaxing afternoon. Butt velcro applied, and I'm tucking in. Good night!


              Newbies Nest

              Pav, lav and ava, thanks - that is now the plan!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Newbies Nest

                I'm overwhelmed with your responses and good advice, thank you everyone!

                I'm planning on going to a "Day hab" at the Melbourne Clinic for addictive behaviour, wich involves 2 days and one night a Week, which my health insurance covers thankfully!

                As far as loss of wages (I work for myself) the cost of not drinking covers half the cost!

                Regardless of money, I need my life back.

                I want a relationship and I want to enjoy my life...



                  Newbies Nest

                  Thank you

                  I'm overwhelmed with your responses and good advice, thank you everyone!

                  I'm planning on going to a "Day hab" at the Melbourne Clinic for addictive behaviour, wich involves 2 days and one night a Week, which my health insurance covers thankfully!

                  As far as loss of wages (I work for myself) the cost of not drinking covers half the cost!

                  Regardless of money, I need my life back.

                  I want a relationship and I want to enjoy my life...



                    Newbies Nest

                    Thank you everyone


                      Newbies Nest

                      Tomorrow I will start Day 1 and also start Naltrexone (I have used this before and it totally kills the AL Buzz and I lose all interest in drinking..,

                      Apologies for hogging the Forum..,


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey David303 , i'm in Melb and here most nights
                        Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                        Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE Nesters - and happy Paddy's Day to all wearing green today.

                          Mr G, musical butt velcro next to your coffee today. No point in throwing away any more days in your life just for the sake of what comes in a bottle or a can. :l

                          Rahul, great goings - and you can join Petrel in a run.

                          David, :welcome:, and thanks for that beautiful blessing. I'm not religious, but it's always been a favourite. The Nest is an incredible place to come to for support, advice and encouragement - and with face-to-face contact in day hab, you've set yourself up for success. And don’t worry about hogging anything here – that’s the point. Ava, aka Lovely Lunatic Linda posted like crazy initially (OK she still does) just to get past the cravings. So, the site is all yours – go for it!

                          Daisy, there will be another parade next year, and then you'll have 367 AF days behind you - which also means that you'll be 367 AF days stronger.

                          A friend of mine popped in for a quick visit yesterday. He brought wine for himself, and juice for me. Now, this is an old drinking buddy of mine, and last year, a few weeks into my quit, he kept pushing wine at me - so much so that I decided to rather not see him any more than to keep pushing him (and the wine) away. I really appreciated his gesture, because it meant he's accepted my new AF life. I poured him a glass of wine - and there really was no pull from Al at all. What a nice feeling!

                          Have a lovely green AF Monday, Nesters!
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Bran :-)


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi all,

                              Thanks for those who asked how it went today. I'm sorry to report...not well. Here's how my day went:

                              Woke up after a good sleep, and felt I could conquer my 1st day. Fixed some coffee, and before I had 3 sips...hubby gave me bad news... the first was we owe ALOT of money to the IRS this year for taxes. Second. we got a rambling email from my stepdaughter who quit her job in a 'rant' situation. She is disabled (mentally) so her finding another job is going to be very tough for her. (and us).

                              So, as I was sipping more coffee, my mind kept saying "thanks Devil for coming into today to ruin what was going to be 'my day' ". I persevered anyway...I don't drink during the day and knew I had to pick up my son at 6pm anyway. I was feeling anxious even then, as I normally start my first drink at 5 pm (except on days I know I have to drive), but during the drive..I was so anxious that I had to control my breathing.

                              I got home from picking up son, and my first thought was "damn, I need a beer". But, I didn't. I stayed determined I was going to do this (even with the bad news). Hubby was trying to encourage me as he knew how flustered/stressed I was...even offered me 'snacks' while dinner was finishing up.

                              At 8'clock, I told my hubby that the anxiety was too much to bear and that I hoped he wouldn't be disappointed if I had a beer or wine or whatever. He said he wouldn't be as he understands this is a process, but I assured him I would try again tomr.

                              After one beer, I received news that one of my friends from high school died from sudden brain aneurism. She is my age and left 4 beautiful children behind.

                              Of course, I didn't plan on those types of stressors in my life coming to me on the same damn day I try my first quit.

                              I chose today because I thought it would be least stressful, as hubby was cooking, etc. Yet, it blew up in my face. I guess I need to acct for stressors such as these, but on my first day try??? COME ON GOD..IS THIS A JOKE??? I MEAN 1ST DAY TRYING????

                              Of course, I drank more. Esp after the news of my friend, but I still limited myself, and now getting ready to snack and fix a gourmet hot chocolate.

                              Obviously, I'm more disappointed in myself than anyone. I suppose my plan didn't acct for days like this. Not even sure you can 'plan' your 1st try on the same day you learn of a dear friend's death.

                              However, tomr is another day. I'm not going to beat myself too much over today, but instead will attempt tomr. And if I fail tomr, I will try again until I do.

                              I would have posted sooner, but I've reading, reading,reading so much so I have a headache from reading.

                              I pray tomr will be more successful.

                              David- thinking of you and wishing u the best.

                              Much love,


                              P.S. LOVE others TODAY as they may be gone tomr.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all,

                                Thanks for those who asked how it went today. I'm sorry to report...not well. Here's how my day went:

                                Woke up after a good sleep, and felt I could conquer my 1st day. Fixed some coffee, and before I had 3 sips...hubby gave me bad news... the first was we owe ALOT of money to the IRS this year for taxes. Second. we got a rambling email from my stepdaughter who quit her job in a 'rant' situation. She is disabled (mentally) so her finding another job is going to be very tough for her. (and us).

                                So, as I was sipping more coffee, my mind kept saying "thanks Devil for coming into today to ruin what was going to be 'my day' ". I persevered anyway...I don't drink during the day and knew I had to pick up my son at 6pm anyway. I was feeling anxious even then, as I normally start my first drink at 5 pm (except on days I know I have to drive), but during the drive..I was so anxious that I had to control my breathing.

                                I got home from picking up son, and my first thought was "damn, I need a beer". But, I didn't. I stayed determined I was going to do this (even with the bad news). Hubby was trying to encourage me as he knew how flustered/stressed I was...even offered me 'snacks' while dinner was finishing up.

                                At 8'clock, I told my hubby that the anxiety was too much to bear and that I hoped he wouldn't be disappointed if I had a beer or wine or whatever. He said he wouldn't be as he understands this is a process, but I assured him I would try again tomr.

                                After one beer, I received news that one of my friends from high school died from sudden brain aneurism. She is my age and left 4 beautiful children behind.

                                Of course, I didn't plan on those types of stressors in my life coming to me on the same damn day I try my first quit.

                                I chose today because I thought it would be least stressful, as hubby was cooking, etc. Yet, it blew up in my face. I guess I need to acct for stressors such as these, but on my first day try??? COME ON GOD..IS THIS A JOKE??? I MEAN 1ST DAY TRYING????

                                Of course, I drank more. Esp after the news of my friend, but I still limited myself, and now getting ready to snack and fix a gourmet hot chocolate.

                                Obviously, I'm more disappointed in myself than anyone. I suppose my plan didn't acct for days like this. Not even sure you can 'plan' your 1st try on the same day you learn of a dear friend's death.

                                However, tomr is another day. I'm not going to beat myself too much over today, but instead will attempt tomr. And if I fail tomr, I will try again until I do.

                                I would have posted sooner, but I've reading, reading,reading so much so I have a headache from reading.

                                I pray tomr will be more successful.

                                David- thinking of you and wishing u the best.

                                Much love,


                                P.S. LOVE others TODAY as they may be gone tomr.

