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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Sarah, what a day - :l:l:l. You must have felt as if the entire universe was conspiring against you. Dust yourself off, clean the skinned knees (we used spit as children!!!) and jump back on that horse. Keep on keeping on, one day at a time. You will make it, I know.

    Is it just on my side, or does the Nest take an awfully long time to load? Now, I know less than zilch about websites and suchlike - but could the number of posts have an influence on loading times? If so, should we not consider a "new" NN - NN Part 2, if you like?
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      DTD- took over 20 minutes for my 1st post tonight to load. It seems the site goes 'tits up' after midnight my time. Happens every night and very frustrating cause I'm in the US and CST. That is part of the night of my 'witching hour' and it's so frustrating. The # of posts have no influence on the loading time. It's either the server they are using or they have a cron job or some other maintanence of the site running during these hours that cause the server to slow. I hate it. It's something they need to fix.

      Yes..I did feel like the world collapsed on me , but I will try again tomr. I hope the site gets fixed soon b/c I know I need you all to do this.


        Newbies Nest

        It helped to complain, Sarah - the thread is back to normal loading speed here!
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Sarah. Sounds like you've had a tough 24 hours or so. But tomorrow's a new day.

          David. New start for you too, tomorrow.

          As others have suggested, stay close to this forum and read, plan and execute. Have a plan for everything. Nice things to eat, AF drinks etc. have them ready when you know the inevitable tempting cravings will come. I found once my sleep patterns became good again, going to bed early with a positive, busy plan for the next day will keep your mind off Al.

          For me, like many, witching hour was after 5 when I got home from work. Be totally ready for this. Take the liberty of consuming anything but alcohol. Chocolate, junk food, lollies, ice cream if you have to. If you can slay the alcohol demon, the rest will be easier.

          At three weeks, I reduced my "treat" intake to almost nothing. Getting the alcohol off the menu was the main thing. The momentum has picked up from there.

          Good luck to you both!!!!!!


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters,

            Happy St Patrick's day to our Irish peeps

            I woke up to another half foot of fresh snow ~ really
            The season changes to Spring on Thursday, it would be nice if the snow melts by then.

            Sarah, the first day is tough on everyone. Get your mind set that once you get through the first three days AF the rest is much easier.

            Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              EHi nestersByrdie,thank you so much for finding that post by Kuya,i am handwriting it in my journal,David,welcome to mwo,Sarah,sounds like a horrible day but drinking didn't make any of those promblems go away did it?and Lav is right(as always)day 1 is hard on everyone,i find it best to try and lay low the first 3 days,treat yourself as if you're sick,tell your family you're not feeling so good,it's the one time to put yourself first and just get it out of the way,Happy St.Patrick's day peeps,wear green so you won't get pinched
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Newbies Nest

                Good Marnin, Nesters! (to be said with an Irish accent instead of a Southern drawl).

                So good to see everyone! Pauly, I'm glad I could find that post by Kuya. It's now in the Tool Box for easy reference! She wrote some great stuff, it was good to go back thru her posts and see the power of her words.

                It was a rainy, dreary day here yesterday, so I watched a series of Andy Griffith shows! Aunt Bea was cooking like crazy and it all looked so good. In spite of the cold rain, I wanted to go to the grocery store and get the stuff to make some of the good eats she had whipped up! This set me to thinking about a topic we had been discussing over on the 100 Day thread; Drifting away from our support system. How did Aunt Bea's cooking make me liaise these two ideas? Sitting there watching Aunt Bea cook, and everyone eating her delicious meals and commenting on them, I thought, this is much like when I go out with others at restaurants.....ALL of the others are usually drinking. I am the only one NOT drinking as a rule. When you sit and watch something repeatedly, then you want to participate, like I did in Aunt Bea's cooking and meal adventures. Unfortunately, except for the few shows that talk about Intervention and some kids shows, everything else on tv extolls the benefits of drinking! So there needs to be a place for folks to come and reinforce what they are doing! We must keep our support front and center in our lives....the whole world (it seems) is drinking...a LOT! Do not drift away from the MotherShip! We ARE the life raft! Keep one hand on us at all times! Keep protecting your quit (whether it's one hour, one day, or one year) with all you've got! You will never be sorry!

                Happy St. Paddy's Day, all! Wishing everyone MindPeace today! xxo, Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  For each petal on the shamrock.
                  This brings a wish your way
                  Good health, good luck, and happiness
                  For today and every day.
                  Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Time to DO.

                    Well, I said it. And now it's time to do it. Hypno CD's and kudzu arrived this weekend, so it's time to finalize and start my plan. I've been thinking a lot about it. Feeling a little under the weather today, but a commitment is a commitment. (especially to myself). TODAY IS DAY ONE. I am scared. Wonder if I should build self up more before starting or just start... I am more scared of failing than actually continuing to drink. EITHER WAY, today it is.

                    My plan:
                    - supplements - be religious about these (have begun many, and have added fish oil, probiotics and fiber) + lots of water
                    - Sweat as often as I can (min. 4x per week. I have been doing this more frequently for a couple weeks now. It's nice to be sore from something that is healthy!)
                    - Tell my husband that I'm stopping for a month, and that I will be wearing headphones as a new fashion statement at night... (both these things will be hard for me. Not the fashion LOL, but the discipline to do CDs as directed)
                    - get rid of my "personal" (booze) credit card ASAP (within 15 days) so that all my purchases are accountable
                    - Remember what AL does to me: Makes me fat, forgetful, sluggish, tired with kids, irritable, old, at a much higher cancer risk, untrue to myself, hide my breath when talking to people, hide in the house to drink, sneak around to different liquor stores, numb
                    - Remember what life without AL will be for me: will be proud of myself, will be stronger, will feel more energy and wake easier, will get some libido back??, will not have to inhale when kiss husband, will not have to hide from husband, will be setting a good example to children, will look and feel healthier, will not be increasing disease risk, not numb - real.
                    - Find other things to do and focus on at my hard times:
                    - urge surf, and remember that each and every craving will go away
                    - immed. upon arriving home (hardest time), pour a seltzer water with a lemon/lime - or some other non-AL drink - MUST DO THIS EVERY TIME. Maybe have kids "concoct" me a fun health drink each evening, with different flavors. (would keep them busy LOL!)
                    - upon craving, immediately make a new goal for that time... like focusing on being on time to pick up kids, making a REALLY great dinner, helping kids with homework, decide to clean out a drawer for the evening, pick something that will make me a better mother like make up a craft kids can do when get home, rather than turning TV on - things that will be fulfilling and productive.
                    - play hypno subliminal CD when commuting - this is a time when I tend to talk myself into stopping at a liquor store
                    - Attend thursday evening "adult" Muay Thai kickboxing at 7:30. Wouldn't want to drink before exercising... (my witching hour is typ. 3-5pm). Will have to convince my family that I need this personal time for myself and that they can manage an hour without me.
                    - Give myself a compliment per day at roll call, and post my progress
                    - Avoid work events where they practically shove wine in your hand at the door
                    - Don't work late at night, as I hate it and tend to numb the hours

                    Not sure what to do about the alcohol in our house. Would like to install locked doors on our cabinet and give hubby the key, but this will take some $$ and planning. Also have a keg fridge that doesn't lock. Hubby is able to drink responsibly.

                    Here I go. Not stopping until I 'GET THIS LICKED'. Thanks for the toolbox, support and many posts that have helped me immeasurably. :thanks:

                    Done. Moving on to life.


                      Newbies Nest

                      KENSHO;1638823 wrote: Well, I said it. And now it's time to do it. Hypno CD's and kudzu arrived this weekend, so it's time to finalize and start my plan. I've been thinking a lot about it. Feeling a little under the weather today, but a commitment is a commitment. (especially to myself). TODAY IS DAY ONE. I am scared. Wonder if I should build self up more before starting or just start... I am more scared of failing than actually continuing to drink. EITHER WAY, today it is.

                      My plan:
                      - supplements - be religious about these (have begun many, and have added fish oil, probiotics and fiber) + lots of water
                      - Sweat as often as I can (min. 4x per week. I have been doing this more frequently for a couple weeks now. It's nice to be sore from something that is healthy!)
                      - Tell my husband that I'm stopping for a month, and that I will be wearing headphones as a new fashion statement at night... (both these things will be hard for me. Not the fashion LOL, but the discipline to do CDs as directed)
                      - get rid of my "personal" (booze) credit card ASAP (within 15 days) so that all my purchases are accountable
                      - Remember what AL does to me: Makes me fat, forgetful, sluggish, tired with kids, irritable, old, at a much higher cancer risk, untrue to myself, hide my breath when talking to people, hide in the house to drink, sneak around to different liquor stores, numb
                      - Remember what life without AL will be for me: will be proud of myself, will be stronger, will feel more energy and wake easier, will get some libido back??, will not have to inhale when kiss husband, will not have to hide from husband, will be setting a good example to children, will look and feel healthier, will not be increasing disease risk, not numb - real.
                      - Find other things to do and focus on at my hard times:
                      - urge surf, and remember that each and every craving will go away
                      - immed. upon arriving home (hardest time), pour a seltzer water with a lemon/lime - or some other non-AL drink - MUST DO THIS EVERY TIME. Maybe have kids "concoct" me a fun health drink each evening, with different flavors. (would keep them busy LOL!)
                      - upon craving, immediately make a new goal for that time... like focusing on being on time to pick up kids, making a REALLY great dinner, helping kids with homework, decide to clean out a drawer for the evening, pick something that will make me a better mother like make up a craft kids can do when get home, rather than turning TV on - things that will be fulfilling and productive.
                      - play hypno subliminal CD when commuting - this is a time when I tend to talk myself into stopping at a liquor store
                      - Attend thursday evening "adult" Muay Thai kickboxing at 7:30. Wouldn't want to drink before exercising... (my witching hour is typ. 3-5pm). Will have to convince my family that I need this personal time for myself and that they can manage an hour without me.
                      - Give myself a compliment per day at roll call, and post my progress
                      - Avoid work events where they practically shove wine in your hand at the door
                      - Don't work late at night, as I hate it and tend to numb the hours

                      Not sure what to do about the alcohol in our house. Would like to install locked doors on our cabinet and give hubby the key, but this will take some $$ and planning. Also have a keg fridge that doesn't lock. Hubby is able to drink responsibly.

                      Here I go. Not stopping until I 'GET THIS LICKED'. Thanks for the toolbox, support and many posts that have helped me immeasurably. :thanks:
                      This sounds like a GREAT PLAN!
                      I will keep an eye out for you today and tonight. I am so proud of you for taking this leap of faith...I hope you find, like so many of us, that it is much scarier to think about than actually do!
                      Your post is great, you know I still find myself not breathing on people! Old habits die hard! For some reason that one has been the weirdest to shake. But if that's the worst one, then I'm in good shape, huh?
                      There is no better time to begin than right will wonder why you didn't do it sooner! We are right by your side! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        So nice to know there are people here (sniff). Thank you.

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Yep, we are here. Are you in the pacific time zone of the US of A? I'm eastern time. It is quarter to 1 here at the moment....should we simonize our watches? :H
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Kensho, that post sounds like a person who is truly ready to be done drinking. There is no time better than NOW and you are seizing the opportunity TODAY. I'm so happy for you :l.

                            Another part of my plan that helped was to promise myself that if tempted, to come to the NN and post about it BEFORE I drank. People are of course encouraged to start again immediately when they post that they DRANK but --- why not USE this place? Get those same words of encouragement before you make the wrong decision. Especially on a busy thread like this one, you're likely to get a fairly quick response. And even if you don't, typing it out will probably be enough for you to calm down and change your own mind. Typing requires you to use your rational brain - when that part is engaged, the pleasure-seeking addicted brain doesn't get its way.

                            All the best, NS


                              Newbies Nest

                              Great plan, Kensh! I especially like the part of involving your children in concocting you something to drink. A great idea! Could you ask your husband to store his booze elsewhere for a while - the garage perhaps?
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                MDT. I will check in at 4:00 my time before leaving to pick up the little ones (ON TIME)! And I will go straight there, do not stop to collect booze. Will stop home briefly to get son changed into karate gear and FOCUS TOTALLY ON THIS TASK. Arrive home at 6:15 - will pour a lovely soda with lime and concentrate on how fresh and light and clean it tastes. Will focus on grilling burgers and helping son with homework/piano. Will enjoy kissing husband when he gets home. Will focus on folding laundry THE BEST THAT LAUNDRY HAS EVER BEEN FOLDED (LOL) until put kids to bed. Will tell husband about abstaining for 30 days. Will open CD's and read instructions - will prepare and start that tomorrow. The good thing about me not wanting AL during the morning/day is that I have time to come up with a plan.

                                Done. Moving on to life.

