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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE Nesters!

    A glorious autumn day here!

    Pav, your son is at an age where he's starting to push the boundaries, and you are hyper-aware of the problem that can start with a sip here and there and which then escalates. Difficult situation - obviously keep an eye on it, but don't hammer on it too much?

    Daisy, DIY aversion therapy - brilliant idea! And a clean house in the bargain - now, what's to complain about?

    Well done on sticking to you plan, Kensho!

    Oh Dottie, you're must be the first person ever to complain that a personal trainer is going too slow!

    Bran, your sleep should improve day by day (or night by night. I love not waking up at three o'clock with all those thoughts racing through my head. When it happens now, I know it's just life - I've always been a bad sleeper. (All my cats have been voracious readers and very keen to help with keyboard duties.)

    Sarah and David, check in and let us know how yesterday went!

    Jane, sorry about your dog - that must be one of the most difficult decisions to make.

    Nesters, have a wonderful AF Tuesday: make it a good one!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Rahul: "why is it harder to make real friends as we grow older..." Sounds like you have a ton of friends - you must have just forgot them in a down moment! Easy to look for the bad when we're struggling. Glad you had a great week. Keep pressing on!

      NewDreams: I'm doing good and I know you are too! I only tend to make time to come here at 10 PST and that means it is TURTLE slow to check it. I agree with whoever thought about starting a new thread at some point just to speed up the load time. Or maybe I'll just check in the morning sometime and see if it's any different.

      Nice to read up on all y'all. Lots of good stuff. Happy AF Tuesday.


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters,

        Looking at a cold & cloudy day but at least it's not snowing, yay!

        Pav, if only I could put those hens to work
        The teen years are full of temptation & excitement, for sure. I found with my kids that if I was honest with them, they were honest with me! They both had a few 'moments' but in the end everything turned out OK. I did a lot of bartering with them too - works great

        Daisy, glad you decided to avoid the drinking crowds!

        Kensho, keeping myself seriously distracted with anything but drinking got me through those first few tough days too!

        LuvinSpoonful, the website has been having some issues lately but that's not always the case. Just know that we're here if you need us

        Wishing everyone a great AF Tuesday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all - good morning! Happily at day 21 here! Kensho it sounds like you are doing this at a great time - I hate that I was distracted by AL during my kids' early years. I also never wanted them to see me every evening, first thing when I got home, opening the wine and pouring myself a drink. But, unfortunately, that is what they saw for many years. I sort of expect them to ask why I've stopped - they haven't - but I'm quite certain it hasn't gone unnoticed although they are at an 'all about me' stage right now!

          Have a great day all and stay sober!!


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning, Nesters!
            Kensho, I am thrilled for your Day 1 done and dusted! Isn't it a great feeling to reclaim those hours in the evening!!?? Not to mention reclaiming control of your life! Well done!

            Wishing everyone an easy day today! Make it count, Byrdie

            Edit to add: Crosspost Frances! 21 days is huge!!! Here's a big WOOT for you!! 7 more days til you get your official hat!
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Hiya Nesters!

              Just checking in. Hope all's well.

              L8tr, Yo!

              G bloke.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Newbies Nest

                Wow, this coffee tastes fabulous on Day 1 AF! Feeling good but tired. Anxiety at midnight, and then again at 3:00. Deep breaths and gratitude that they weren't accompanied by AL yuck! I've always had strange dreams Byrdlady - ones you could write novels about, so it will be interesting to see if they get stranger.

                How do I post on Roll Call? Copy/paste? Looking forward to doing this.

                I didn't tell the hubby of my plan last night... was enjoying the feeling of sober self control too much. I did kiss him a lot and told him that I was going to be doing that more often, and asked him if that was ok In the city working all day today. Will leave the AL credit card at home, so no temptation to stop on my drive back. Taking supplements so often will serve as a reminder to my plan - as it will be easier to get distracted from it. During my drive home, I will think of all the reasons why sobriety is better. I will also think of as many things as I possibly can that I am thankful for. Same plan as last night with getting kids... the distraction and cinnamon-orange soda water worked nicely. Also, can't wait to give myself my first reward on AF Day 3 - I desperately need new sunglasses! I'm driving around with a crooked pair with one arm fallen off! LOL!

                I don't believe I would be doing this without you all. Reading posts from those who have done it and survived and have so much wisdom is absolutely what I needed. And the continued support is nothing you owe me, yet it keeps coming. I can't express my gratitude. NOW, on to TODAY - a whole new beast.

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE Everyone,

                  Glorious sunny day here after much needed rain yesterday.

                  Just caught up on the new posts. Daisy, way to go! Your post made me smile, thanks!

                  Kensho, you sound amazing. And imagine, that's just after one day AF!!

                  Have a happy, AF day/evening.
                  Mary Lou

                  A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                    Newbies Nest

                    MAE nesters

                    Just checking in...thanks Luvin for that post...we became quit buddies & then you disappeared, but I see your pattern isn't everyday...

                    Warm but windy here to day in Colorado.

                    See you all l8r


                      Newbies Nest

                      Day 9 for me . Spent the last couple of days at a resort where there was beer and wine in my room and I did not touch a drop , thought about it but abstained . Instead I spent the time with my daughter enjoying the pools , reading , hiking and resting . Everything tasted better , looked better and felt better without AL.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Nesties!

                        Just checking in to see how everyone is doing!

                        Kensho - What is it about that DAMN anxiety at 3am??? The good thing is, once you quit drinking, it goes away! I remember it very well though, and it's enough to keep me from drinking. Good job on day 1. Take it a minute at a time. You CAN do this!

                        Summer - Great job on the vacation! The great part is you remember everything that happened! I still regret the Cruise I took my daughter on and I had a hangover every day, but had to pretend I didn't! Well, we can't dwell on the past, remember it yes, but move on! I am proud of you.

                        Hello to all the Newbies and Oldbies...hang in there everyone! You'll never wake up in the morning wishing you'd drank the night before!

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE all,
                          Congrats Frances and Kensho!! The days will start to pile up and u will feel so darn good you will never look back.
                          Sun is out finally and we are off to run errands. I have to start setting an alarm. Dh could sleep all day I think but I dont want to. I have so much energy now I want to do something...anything but sleep the day away...
                          Life is good!!

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank you Dottie, Marylou, Jane27, K9, Lavande & Pavati! Way to go Daisy for avoiding the green temptation yesterday! Your links cracked me up NoSugar! Who was I kidding, thinking I only had a "small" problem - to be deceitful (no matter how humerous now) is such a wake up for me. Francis, thank you for your words. I think one of my biggest motivations is that I don't want my children to have a half-present mom, nor learn that AL is medicine. And they have seen that from me... it's been my go to for headaches, other aches, anger, stress, overwhelm... Rahul - your health is inspiring to me. It's my other biggest motivator. Why go down a road that ENSURES health problems? And Byrdie, my first supporter - your kindness leaves my eyes wet at times, and your words send so much strength. Thank you.

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks K9 ..the support here has been amazing . Reading everyones posts and realizing I'm not the only one has been such a relief for me . I am feeling so much better ..thank you !!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                lead366;1637572 wrote: RIGHT ON New dreams.....You tackled it! The next time will be easier...and easier and easier. Use that tempt moment to build on for the next time. For me?...every time now MR. AL come into my brain I simply tell him to "FO!.. Im on a mission!"

                                The more you utilize these aggressive words..the more your brain gets trained to pipe down and the craves decline. PROUD OF YOU
                                Mr AL (aka BB for booze brain) tried to come calling yesterday & I remember this post
                                ...and I shared with my husband your words, Lead...& then used em Hey BB FO!.. Im on a mission!...It worked.... :H

                                Had a drinking dream last night, but I never managed to get served, I was trying to order & the bartender kept arguing with me about what I was ordering...weird.

                                Day 18 feeling strong, sleeping better...why is it you feel so strong in the mornings & not quite so in the evenings...someone addressed it earlier, was that your post too Lead? Is it a left brain/right brain things?

