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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters

    Tranq, excellent job with the AF weekend. Thanks for the healthy eating advice..I carried a small orchard in my bag today to nibble upon between meals.

    KBrown, 13 days, well done. Delighted you are feeling so tip top..just shows how efficient our bodies are at making the most of our healthy choices.

    Hippie Chick, yes all aboard the health wagon. I played around with my mind today.. heh heh it suspects nothing. So here it is.. I want to be alcohol free for 30 days as I want to break my addiction. I want to live a full life. If I replace alcohol with sugar I am still not free to live a full life. So, for the next 30 days I am not distinguishing between alcohol and sugar. They both have a grip on me so they are getting the same treatment. So, wish me luck and all aboard now

    Spam, thanks for sharing that beautiful story about your son. Well done:l

    Jolie, good on ya on the cooking really does pay to know ourselves doesnt it.

    Excuses, homemade cookies yay happy days...:goodjob:

    Mama Bear, keep it groovie smoothie


      Newbies Nest

      you go girl!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone

        Just checking in. About to enjoy an af Wednesday. Have made out a few lists (I'm not normally a 'list' person) for stuff to do this weekend thanks to good advice I received from you lovely people. I realised it was mostly jobs on the lists so I then enjoyed thinking about some nice things to do. I have the weekend all to myself so can do 'ever what I want!!!'

        Have to start work early today so must go. Will be thinking of you all today. Stay strong, happy and healthy!
        Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


          Newbies Nest

          Hi all,

          I'm checking in also.. Mazzie.. I also have to make a list! I again have the weekend to myself coming up.. have you got any ideas? I'm running out.. was so used to not having to "think" about what to do as always had my little boy.. anyways, im now Day 14!! Congrats to everyone who has remained AF.. for those that haven't.. it's no biggie.. jump "back on the horse"! (i like that saying..) all the best guys xxx
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Newbies Nest

            Hi All,

            Everyone's looking good this morning.

            Was tested last night. Hubby went to buy a 6 pack (which will last him days and days) and asked me if I wanted anything whilst he was at the bottle shop.

            Must admit, I did think about it and hubby said it was my choice. My final answer was "No Thanks, I've got some Coke in the fridge."

            Kb - Are you looking for weekend activities? Start thinking about what YOU like doing. You've mentioned getting "back on the horse" - can you ride? Maybe, something you could think about! (Just be aware of the aching bum the next day.)

            Spam xx


              Newbies Nest

              Back on the AF wagon again.

              Much better today. Thanks for all your support everyone. This is the one place I can be more honest than I have ever been!

              Jolie - thanks for the private message. Wow our stories are so similar it's amazing. I see the progress you have made since you started here and knowing that we do have set backs it doesn't mean we have failed. We are succeeding it's just not a short trip to sobriety but we will get there!!!

              Haven't had a chance to read through everyone's posts. Houseful of little kids after school again. Yikes.

              Feeling much happier, determined today. those stupid, painful depressing hangover blues are in the past once again.

              AF1 and going to be an AF2 tonight! Hope everyone joins me.


                Newbies Nest

                Hello again.
                A very busy positive nest today.
                Just want to mention Overittoday (hope you dont mind) has posted a very confronting post in general discussion, Tragic Day Yesterday. I needed to see that and have got a huge amount out of it. So if anyone needs a reminder why we're on this path read her very emotional post.
                Mamm, Panno, MG - doesnt matter how many first days again you have as long as you keep having them. Its when you stop trying that the problems start. We're all behind you.
                Lav - thanks for the advice. I havent been on AD's for a few years now and that is why I need to go back on to something. But I know that withdrawal if they are stopped without slowly reducing them. Horrible. Cant wait for the Amoryn to arrive - always been impatient!
                Fallons Mum - Hi nice to see you pop in. Come back again soon.
                Excuses - what a lovely thing for both you and your daughter -making cookies instead of drinking. I bet your daughter got so much out of doing that instead of seeing her mum drinking.. Well done.
                Sophie - Great idea to plead going sugar free for 30 days also. I am climbing on that train too. So we can go sugar free together. Keep me posted on your progress.
                Mazzie, KBrown - lists are an essential part of my life. I need lists to remind me to take my other lists.... I think I might write one on things to sort out my boredom too. Writing a list should stop me being bored!
                Spam - well done on saying no to the bottleshop request. Takes strength but feels so good doesnt it.

                I am feeling so upbeat today. Probably cause I am going car shopping and dont have to go into work. But also because I got a book yesterday that just makes so much sense to me and has inspired me. It feels like someone has got inside my head and put my thoughts on paper.
                Who was it that recommended "Rational Recovery" a few weeks ago? Thank you whoever it was. I know it is not for everyone and I respect that we are all different, however for people struggling with 12 steps programs, there is a alternative out there. As long as we have the same goal, I dont think it matters how we get there.

                Anyway have a great hump day - I will. Hello Tranq if you pop in. Take care and catchya tonight.
                I finally got it!
                "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Meech, we cross posted!
                  Glad you see you. Take care and be strong. I love the honesty in this place too. Makes a nice change hey!
                  Have a good one (and hope you survive all those kids.....)
                  I finally got it!
                  "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                    Newbies Nest


                    So, well well done on refusing that request! That is awesome! Not sure I could have the same willpower if someone just came right out and asked me like that.. i'm a bit nervous about what future "tests" will come my way.. in the meantime I will just concentrate on not thinking about AL, and if ever tempted, have to remind myself why NOT to drink! or come on here and get some support/advice..
                    It would be difficult for me to go horseriding - as I live in a big city and don't drive yet, so cant access the country easily.. I AM going to write a list! of possible things I can do - museum's, sight-seeing, etc.. i'm sure I can come up with some stuff..

                    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi folks, I've never posted here before, but I thought I might like to try out the nest... I did as Hippy Chick suggested, and checked out Overittoday's thread. The thread was certainly a shock. This quote, however, made my heart almost stop:

                      Hippy Chick;811175 wrote: One of my first thoughts when I woke up after a blinder was to think that I am lucky I actually woke up. I always knew that was the path I was headed.
                      Wow. Double wake-up call. Thanks for being here, everyone.
                      "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hippy Chick - thank you for telling us about that post. That was something I needed to read. Actually, hubby has said quite a few times that he worried about me falling & hitting my head. I always scoffed at him. (Actually, he has said - I am scared that you will pull a William Holden - the actor that hit his head & bled to death while drunk) Like I said - I don't drink for one drink. I drink to get smashed. uch:

                        Welcome Canadian Girl. Glad to meet you.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening Nesters,

                          Another busy day around here - great!

                          NoraC you go right ahead & use all the Lavan-itude you need to keep yourself on track - it's plentiful & free for all

                          Greetings Sophie & Mazzie, hope you are both well!

                          Kbrown, Congrats on your 14 days, great job!!
                          I'm living out in the country these days, kind of far from the museums, shopping & cultural events I love so much. You plan yourself a fun weekend!!

                          Spam, Coke is the drink of choice

                          Meech, enjoy those kids while they are little for they do grow up fast! I'm enjoying my first grandchold these days - so much fun!!

                          HC, let us know what you think of the book. I looked around the website a little......

                          Canadian Girl, welcome to the Nest. Just find yourself a comfy twig & settle in with us - we're a nice bunch

                          OK kids, I'm calling it a day myself but I'm leaving the night light on.........
                          Wishing everyone a safe, cozy night in the Nest.
                          Hey Tranq!!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Evening all...

                            Hope everyone had a good that story about overit finding her neighbor dead. How sad. I am just happy to be sober today! Relapse always sucks but this site has really helped me....normally I would have just said, well, that didn't work and not tried again for another 6 mos, year, two years when things just got really bad.

                            Now we can unite be honest and start tryiing again without just losing hope that we tried and it didn't work so oh, well I guess this is just how it is. I'm a drunk, can't help it. You know what I mean? In AA I was always too ashamed to face the people at the meetings after relapsing so this is really helpful that it's not as hard to talk about in this kind of forum/format.

                            Have a good evening, everyone. :thanks:
                            I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                              Newbies Nest

                              Glad to meet you, also, NoraC. And of course hello again Lavande. I would find a nice twig and settle in, fluff up my feathers against the cold, but right now I can't. I went to bed and then got up again coz I wanted to share this. It's not good.

                              At Christmas time, my 22 year old daughter came to stay (love her to pieces). She lives way up north. Hubby and I went to bed, but I guess she stayed up drinking - decided to go out for a walk for any number of stupid reasons that maybe some of us could relate to... Fell on the ice. Her face was an absolute mess, no evidence that she used her hands or arms to break her fall. It was cold that night, damn cold and no one was going to be up and out for hours. She didn't take the dog for some reason - if she had knocked herself out, I don't know what might have happened. Fingers amputated? Worse?

                              Alcohol abuse - the gift that keeps on giving down through the generations. What have I done?
                              "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday


                                Newbies Nest

                                canadiangirl;811271 wrote:
                                Alcohol abuse - the gift that keeps on giving down through the generations. What have I done?
                                That is also the guilt that I live with whenever my son drinks. What have I done?
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

