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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    jane27;1640876 wrote:
    Petrel, Congrats on your 2 mile run. Do you run in doors or outdoors, both?

    Thanks Jane. I must have missed this post of yours when I was still waking in the early hours this morning. I use both a treadmill inside, and run outdoors too.

    It was a 2 hour run. About 20 kms, or about 12 miles.
    The marathon is 42.2 kms or about 26 miles, so I've got a lot of work to do to build up to that distance.


      Newbies Nest

      Well done Rahul. You're showing plenty of character to stay strong and sober, considering what sounds like a hectic busy lifestyle with temptation to drink everywhere around you.

      Thanks for the well wishes with the running. I had a good weekend of it, and feel that preparation is going okay. I have a little over 3 months to prepare for it, and that should keep me out of trouble.

      Rahulthesweet;1641003 wrote: Hello Nesters,

      Back home today. Last 4 to 5 days were with lot of travelling. I see a lot of posts and good to see everyone active.

      Too tired now after this long fight so good night
      Kenso : I can relate to you r feelings when you went there with ALL to a brewery and didn't drink. Well you are at early stage and it can be very miserable experience. I too have life surrounded by AL. And when I didn't have company I used to drink alone ... For me even staying also was a trigger ... I am still working on my attitude ... I am not having a feeling of gratitude when not drinking. I dont know if you have been seeing my posts since last few weeks now. All of them have been about how proud I feel not drinking when put to situations like the one you were. I just came back from a business trip sober ... The kind of drink where I would drink myself to glory ..

      WE must protect our sobriety, we must respect it,nurture it and maintain it. I am nor an expert there are so many other senior peoples to give advice here ...

      Peppers way to go ... You will feel days better and nights even better after few days.

      Petra : awesome to see you r working out and preparing for marathon .. Wish you all the best


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Cold again in my portion of the nest - oh well!

        Hello & welcome Pepper & Thinkabouit!
        Glad you both decided to join us! Please make good plans for yourselves, eat, stay well hydrated & if you think you need medical help - get it please! We want everyone to be safe on their journey.

        Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi, all:

          Petrel - I can't IMAGINE running for 2 hours. It must be so much easier without alcohol in your system - or is it? I have a friend with a friend who is an alcoholic yet teaches exercise classes for a living. I have to believe it is easier.

          Pepper you sound great. That doesn't sound to me like enough to cause a serious withdrawal other than maybe anxiety. Welcome to MWO!

          Welcome also Thinkabout it. There is a lot of lingo - if you read back a few pages you might get to know us a bit better, or just start posting and reading and you'll catch up soon.

          Jane - glad you're feeling better.

          OK - After a long and very full weekend I am tired (I guess I keep saying that!) I need to sleep more. Stay close, stay sober!



            Newbies Nest

            MAE Nesters,

            It's been a rough week for me. Since my first 1 day AF, it's like all hell broke loose. I guess I'm not as strong as I thought I was. 2 days this week I didn't even 'limit''s like the devil said "you did 1 day AF, so now you make up for it"...and I did. I had everything in my toolbox ready too...but it's like a rusty toolbox that hasn't been opened. Honestly, I did need a break from 'thinking' about AL as it seemed to cause more cravings within myself. I tend to obsess about things. So, IDK what triggered how I was feeling or thinking when I picked up AL again other than habit.

            Realistically, I know I have to make this decision, and no sugary food or supplement is going to do this for me. I HAVE TO DO THIS MYSELF. If I'm not committed to it, then I just won't do it. And it's pretty obvious I'm not committed.

            Thanks for everyone's words of wisdom this week, as I have been reading (when the site worked), and trying to work myself into this journey with all of you that i'm so proud of.

            Thanks for listening,



              Newbies Nest

              MAE nesters

              Just a quick check in to say all alive and well in Aus land for me.

              Petrel congrats on your full calendar month, feels pretty good doesnt it and as time goes on it gets so much easier.

              Kensho i think the first few weeks are the hardest with our emotions all over the place. I used to get annoyed when my children did not tell me constantly that i was doing well not drinking, now they actually dont even bother so obviously they now believe that i am doing what i should have done years ago. I think a lot of women on here have wanted to kill their husbands for their ignorance but it takes time to believe.

              Gees Pav i think you are always tired now lol, better to be busy and sober than drunk and tired. Im still walking the walk with you.

              Sarah sorry to sound harsh but it is not habit drinking it is addiction. We all have rough weeks, my 100+ days have not been smooth sailing but how I deal with stress now is not to drink. I could give myself 100 excuses to drink but i choose not to take any one of those excuses and put my head in a bottle, i prefer to face life head on and deal with whatever is thrown at me. Nothing is worth me picking up a bottle of wine and i mean nothing. If something happened to one of my children, who are my life, i know that drinking would not solve anything and also that they are really proud of my being sober.

              Only 7 more work days till holidays in sunny humid thailand and i cant wait. 8 weeks ago i was nervous, thinking about drinking and giving myself permission to have a few and celebrate. Now i am going to enjoy and relax. the more i type it the more it sets itself in concrete so i think i will type it everyday. I have too much to lose if i drink and i will arrive back in Australia in time to celebrate another milestone, my 50th and i will be sober for that one! We are going out for dinner, just the family and even now i get a fleeting thought of "one glass" to celebrate but i will have my children with me so that for me is celebration enough.

              Have a great day/night everyone and to the newbies welcome. Keep reading and saying hello, check in a lot and you will succeed in giving up al. MWO is such a pain freezing atm. sigh
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Pav, running with a hangover rather than running drunk. But now I wake up fresh and clear headed and 6 days a week. I've always loved running. I'm just glad I've got it back after so many wasted years drinking to excess.

                Ava, thanks. Yes a full calendar month is awesome. Very happy about that.

                Sarah, it is a habit that can be broken. For me, having goals that get you really excited is a big deal. Goals that have no room for alcohol in them. Even a short term goal, like 1 month Al free, with the promise to treat yourself to a great weekend away. Somewhere you really want to go......just a thought.


                  Newbies Nest

                  I think I'm going to like it here.
                  One step forward, two steps back...:h
                  I will do this!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Congrats on a month AF, Pet! I have a friend who has run several marathons...she amazes me! I love running, but blew out my knee about 8 years ago, so can't do that anymore. Loved playing soccer, too. Now that I think about it, it was after my ACL/microfracture surgery that my heavy drinking started. I do yoga 3-4 times a week now and walk my dogs, but even that makes my knee sore if I do too much. Guess it could be worse. And I hate when I wake up and feel too crappy (because I drank the night before) to do anything. I'm going to try telling myself tonight, after work when I'm sitting quietly at home because my husband's at work, "I really don't want a drink." And visit here. Sorry for the rambling.
                    One step forward, two steps back...:h
                    I will do this!


                      Newbies Nest

                      I really want to go to thailand, first time there af that will be a great feeling as nothing worse than waking up with a hangover in 150% humidity. Does not make you want to do a damn thing and everything was an effort until i got that first drink into me again.

                      JAG welcome and glad you think you will like it. Its a great place to stay sober and accountable.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        I'm really concerned how my husband is going to handle all of this. He's ignorant when it comes to brain chemistry and is one who believes if you want to quit, just do it. He does that with smoking (which I still smoke and can't seem to just quit like he does). I was taking Zoloft for awhile, and he had the hardest time with it. Just didn't get that I needed medication to feel better, and really freaked out on me about it one night after he'd been drinking. I'm no longer taking Zoloft, but am taking several natural supplements to help with anxiety/depression. He's ok with that, but I don't think he understands that's what the supplements are for. I'm going to need his support because my plan is to see me doctor soon and get started. I think I'm going to try doing most of the plan, but not the Topa. I also don't think I'll be able to do all of the hypnotherapy Roberta recommends, so I may buy the one cd she recommends if you aren't going to buy them all. I do feel so much better having made the decision to get started on my recovery, and I'm very thankful for you all.
                        One step forward, two steps back...:h
                        I will do this!


                          Newbies Nest

                          You will be amazed at how the anxiety goes when you dont drink. I used to take xanax for anxiety to face life as it was never the al. Gave up al and very very rarely have a xanax. Who would have thought that al caused anxiety and bleeding gums, nausea, shakes, dehydration, insomnia, sweats, bruises, headaches, diarrhorea. Amazing as i blamed it on everything but............
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Newbies Nest

                            Jag, thanks and welcome. Yes I'm glad to be holding it together at my age and still running quite well. I'll see how well in July.

                            We all have to make our own way on this journey, but there is so much wonderful support here. So hang around to increase your chances of success.


                              Newbies Nest

                              available;1641085 wrote: Now i am going to enjoy and relax. the more i type it the more it sets itself in concrete so i think i will type it everyday. Crack me up, Ava! Your brain definitely is NOT concrete! Look at what you've accomplished :l.

                              Petrelhead;1641094 wrote:
                              Pav, running with a hangover rather than running drunk. But now I wake up fresh and clear headed and 6 days a week.
                              You made me laugh, too, Petrel - what is going on with you on the 7th day :H? I know you're not drinking!

                              Have a great new week, Nesters, taking the long view and making the good choices. :h NS


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters,

                                Petrel, CONGRATS on your AF month!! Great work

                                Hello & welcome JAG! Make a good plan for yourself, look in the Tool box for helpful ideas!

                                jane, pregnancy doesn't necessarily create aversions to drinking & smoking. The desire to have a healthy baby tends to override the bad habits - at least for me it did.

                                I have a super busy day ahead so I'll wish everyone a great AF Monday!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

