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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey... I don't know the stats on this but I have 4 kids within what might be considered drinking age and none of them drink. I do, too much, their dad does not so much, both grand fathers are alcoholics...
    I hate to think you are beating yourself up for something you shouldn't be. I know parents that don't drink at all, including in my own family, extended family and they have lost kids to drugs and alcohol. Ugh...


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone!

      Spam, KB - way to go - kep it rolling.

      NoraC - I think RJ said that it could take a bit to find a doc who really cares. I'm not sure it makes sense to stick with one that doesn't want to help.

      Way to go Jolie - how was the scampi?

      Hang in there MamaB - you have to do this for yourself first. Your h/b and the rest will take care of itself in time.

      Hi FallonsMom.

      Excuses - day 7 - way to go. A week af is fantastic. Good job fighting off the temptations.

      Glad you're back on track MG29! It is good to have a place to go where people really understand and really care - without judging, posturing and evangalizing. I just realized that I've been here on mwo for about six months now - I've not had this much control over my life since I was a teenager. 'Tis a blessing indeed!

      Mazzie - good job planning for the weekend. I usually end up with too much on my list and not enough time. Planning fun stuff for you is a great idea.

      Meech - glad you're getting back on track too. It's a process not an event. Like HC says, the important thing is to keep trying.

      Hi CanadianGirl - welcome.

      BPleasant, Hi, and you're right. I lost a brother to drugs - I'm here now - but Mom and Dad rarely drank. Life just has its strange turns that make people learn to cope in different ways.

      Take care everyone!
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Hello again from HOT, HOT, HOT Perth...

        [QUOTE=marriedgirl29;811268]..normally I would have just said, well, that didn't work and not tried again for another 6 mos, year, two years when things just got really bad.

        Married Girl - what you said above is what I dread. Not just for myself but for all of us. That is why I make it my personal mission to tell everyone to keep trying if they fall off the wagon. Doesnt matter how many "first days again" we have as long as we keep trying. It took years to get where we were/are with our addiction and it will take time and effort to get it right.

        Welcome CanadianGirl. So glad that night turned out OK with your daughter. Hope it was a lightbulb moment for her.

        It is amazing what we pass down thru the generations. My dad drinks like a fish but my mum doesnt. So did I have a 50/50 chance of becoming a drunk too? My son is 14 and just getting to that age where I imagine he is going to be exposed to drink/drugs (if he hasnt already) and I am dreading the day I have to deal with that. My daughter is 10 so I am hoping I have stopped in time for her to forget that I ever drank.

        Overittoday, if you pop in, hope you are doing OK. My thoughts are with you.

        Stay strong everyone and might pop in again tonight.
        I finally got it!
        "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


          Newbies Nest

          Ok all.. I have 'slipped up' and had 1.5 glasses of wine at a friend's house tonight.. she made a huge roast dinner to go with this.. but I feel bad as I was planning to remain AF for as long as possible (forever even).. I have not bought any myself, and do not keep any in my house.. I am just disappointed in myself as I was planning on staying AL free due to all the problems in my life! I hope maybe I can be a moderate drinker? As long as I never buy any of my own.. I will never ever buy AL again, but the odd drink at a friends' house is ok? I just dont know.. I think its best I tell myself to remain AF or I may be tempted to go back to my old ways and start binge drinking again.. so I will start afresh tomorrow..
          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



            Newbies Nest

            Good idea Kbrown. Start afresh tomorrow and dont beat yourself up about it. You know you can do it now, so learn from the experience. pick yourself up and dust yourself off.
            Take care.Hippy
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              2 AL Days

              I was really hoping to come on here this morning to say I had an AF night but I didn't!!! I drank a bottle and half of wine and am feeling like s*** I did so well last week with 7AF days. When I first posted here I was unsure whether I was going to stop or moderate today I realise I will never be able to moderate, for me now it has to stop. I went to be in tears last night I was so dissapointed with myself and I am really sick of feeling this way. God give me the courage to change. :thanks: for letting me ramble

              P x
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                Newbies Nest

                oh, Panno.. please don't be too hard on yourself.. i'm trying to not do that myself.. even though I didn't binge, i still feel a bit 'guilty' for even touching a drop of AL.. but we must look to the future, not what is done.. I am going to make sure I never buy AL again.. as I know its dangerous for me, as I can never stop at one if I buy my own.. but at a friend's house I found there was no temptation as it was not my AL.. tomorrow is a new day.. lets look forward with hope and strength,
                K x
                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                  Newbies Nest

                  KB and Panno,

                  Please, please don't beat yourselves up - the one thing I have found with my slip ups is that each time my resolve becomes stronger and curiously enough, I don't enjoy the buzz as much and always seem to wake up with a headache the next morning - whether it be 2 drinks or 4. Getting tired of that feeling and thinking to myself - was it really worth it? A big NO!

                  Nora & Canadian girl - I have 2 yound adult children - both seem to be able to drink socialy without having a problem (for which I am so thankful for). So please don't beat your selves up or feel like you've failed them.

                  Hiya Hippie - how are you doing? Like your reasoning as far as doesn't matter how many "first days" or even how many total AF days in a row - don't mean to take away from anyone who has achieved a goal like a week or a month because I think that's awesome and my goal lately has been 30 days AF. I just don't like getting caught up with the numbers thing. It's a struggle for me but I'm a still doing so much better than I was a couple of months ago.

                  MG29 - We're all here for you and have walked in your shoes - think of it as a learning experience instead of a failure - you know where you want to be so just try again. You can do this - keep coming back here - all you have to face here is everyone's cute avatars - nobody judges here so nothing to be ashamed of.

                  Tranq - the scampi was delicious - didn't need the wine. More snow coming your way?

                  Lav - can you believe it? 4-8 inches predicted for my area tonight into tomorrow. Just a "dusting" as my hubby calls it (he he)

                  Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

                  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi KB,

                    Don't beat yourself up.

                    I really think that "never again" is a pretty scary statement. I know I can't say it. I prefer to say "not today."

                    You've said it to others so now it's time for you to "get back in the saddle." :H

                    I also prefer not to count AF days (as I am trying to mod). Instead I say I have had 24 days AF out of the last 30. You've had 1.5 glasses of wine in 14 days and it sounds like you're not going to drink tomorrow.

                    Love :l

                    Spam xx


                      Newbies Nest

                      Panno and KBrown
                      I was really hoping to moderate myself. Last Saturday I had three beers and was SO proud of myself. SO I has some beer Monday night and got smashed...........I tested the waters and now I know I HAVE to be AF for a long time........we are all learning aren't we....
                      So I am starting Day 2 again.....and very proud of myself and feeling very strong....I am trying to remember my remorse.....Allen Carr in Easyway says Mother Nature has a way of making you forget......and I say ......REMEMBER and learn!!
                      Have a Happy Wednesday ( and be AF!!)
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh by the way.....
                        Hi everyone else!!!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          mama bear;811413 wrote: Panno and KBrown
                          I was really hoping to moderate myself. Last Saturday I had three beers and was SO proud of myself. SO I has some beer Monday night and got smashed...........I tested the waters and now I know I HAVE to be AF for a long time........we are all learning aren't we....
                          So I am starting Day 2 again.....and very proud of myself and feeling very strong....I am trying to remember my remorse.....Allen Carr in Easyway says Mother Nature has a way of making you forget......and I say ......REMEMBER and learn!!
                          Have a Happy Wednesday ( and be AF!!)
                          Mother Nature's memory is very selective....

                          Child Birth !!

                          Spam xx


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Point Spam.....tee hee
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Newbies Nest

                              Child birth.... hahahahaha, good one Spam.
                              I finally got it!
                              "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


                                Newbies Nest

                                NoraC;811275 wrote: That is also the guilt that I live with whenever my son drinks. What have I done?
                                :l There's a lot of forgiving on these boards - maybe enough that we can make some amends and do some forgiving of ourselves, NoraC? I hope to be a good example from now on.

                                Kbrown, Panno, Mama Bear - here's some self-forgiveness for you, too. Honestly, I think you're doing great! A couple, few, drinks every now and then is so much better that what it might be. It's harm reduction, and sometimes that's totally okay.

                                Hi Married Girl! Umm, I'm a drunk, too.
                                "Kinda brainy, but with no common sense..." by permission of Anotherday

