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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I just wanted to drop by and get in on the Byrdie and Lav love fest!! Don't know where we would all be without you both. Thank you!!!!!

    Jenn - if you are reading this, please stop by the nest. You said it was on your list. I know it can be intimidating, but I want you to get every drop of support and love you deserve - so please do us all a favor, and just say hi.

    Nesters - I have a new friend here on MWO who is struggling right now, and I just want her to feel comfortable posting in the nest. I know you will all understand.

    Off to have some dinner, and do some knitting. xx
    Everything is going to be amazing


      Newbies Nest

      I haven't told my story yet. I will. For now, I'm blessed with 3 days of being sober and finding you all...:new:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Jraash,welcome to MWO
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Newbies Nest

          jane27;1641135 wrote: Morning Nesters,

          Petrel, waaaaahhhoooooooooo! Yiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppeeeeeeee! 30 golden days! Some times the days add up quickly, and sometimes they seem to crawl, but it's always amazes me whenever one of us reaches a big milestone. Hope you have a great day and feel proud.

          Thanks Jane. I'm having a crazy day at work, so it's not sinking in yet. I guess it will tonight when I'm at the end of day 30.


            Newbies Nest

            NoSugar;1641143 wrote:
            You made me laugh, too, Petrel - what is going on with you on the 7th day :H? I know you're not drinking!

            Thanks NS!! No, not drinking on the 7th day:H
            I've found it's not good to run everyday, but to have 1 rest day a week. For me it's monday.

            Having said that, Today is Tuesday here, and I've woken up this morning ( my 30 th day AF) and I feel like I have the non-drinking hangover. I slept in, have a headache and I'm tired. It may be my long 2 hour run on Sunday catching up. I probably didn't drink enough water yesterday. I feel dehydrated. Detox?? I'm a bit tired of the artificially sweetned snacks I've been having. I honestly don't know. So lots of water today and fruit smoothies instead of diet pepsi max.


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Jraasch and welcome. Congrats on 3 days. The first few days are always the hardest. Glad you found us. Tell us your story when you are ready. We'll be here to listen.
              Everything is going to be amazing


                Newbies Nest

                Good evening Nesters,

                Such a long but good day for granny Lav

                K9 & NS, thank you & everyone for the shout out - much appreciated

                Hello & welcome Jraasch!
                Congrats to you on your 3 days AF - what a great start!!!
                Make yourself comfortable & stick around with us.

                Petrel, take good care of yourself, you've been pushing yourself pretty hard!

                Greetings & good night wishes to one & all!
                Have a safe night in the nest!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello everyone! It's been a long day at work and I didn't sleep well last night, but it's refreshing to read up on what's going on with you. I'm planning on doing some guided meditation after I get off of here...try to get my mind off of that ONE glass of wine that sure sounds good but I know will turn into 2 or 3. I found myself babbling when responding to another's thread...I'm sure you're all pretty tolerant of that sort of thing. I love reading about those of you that have been 3, 30 or even longer AF...I'm hopeful I'll get there too! Just wanted to say hi. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this site and have a jumble of emotions right now...ciao!
                  One step forward, two steps back...:h
                  I will do this!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello folks...thank you for the friendly welcomes. Day 2 down for me. I've been eating but don't have much of an appetite. I've been taking the supplements like clockwork and think they are helping. No jitters, spiders on my skin or snakes on the walls, but my head feels really weird. Not dizzy, just kind of like it's being squeezed. And I'm incredibly tired. I slept okay last night, despite the bizarre dreams. It was nice not to wake up every half hour after 3:00 needing water for dry mouth. Off to bed again - I don't dare stay up, as that's when I used to drink the most (after my husband and kids went to bed). Take care all, and sweet dreams.
                    Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you!!!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening! Anyone know any good books about addiction? I would like to learn more about it. Thanks. Welcome new folks! I've been here a week and it is a great place to be

                        Done. Moving on to life.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdlady;1641166 wrote: Petrel, it is a great honor to be able to present this small token to you for 30 AF days! You have climbed out of the rabbit hole and fought tooth (Dentist joke) and nail to do it! 30 days doesn't just happen, it takes commitment and a strong treatment plan. We are so proud of you! Do you have a few words as to how you did it? What worked, what didn't. You know the drill! With great pleasure:
                          Thanks BL!!! Yes, I fight teeth all day

                          I'm not sure exactly why it's worked so well this time. I know when I first came here, 1 month ago, I said I can be very stubborn when I want to be. I choose my fights carefully.

                          In the past, I never took quiting Al that seriously. I wanted to stop. I would give up for a few weeks to bluff my way through a blood test, to convince my Doctor that all was good. But I was just fooling myself. After getting through the blood test, I figured I could have a few drinks over the weekend, and then become sensible the following week. Trouble is, it never happened. The daily dependence started again.

                          Anyway, I made the decision to quit for 3 months, which would end just prior to my 50 th birthday. I knew I could do it. I just needed will power and determination. I found getting home at 5.30 after a solid day at work, was the most vulnerable time. The "witching hour".......we all know it. So I made sure I had plenty of destractions and alternatives. I found that Al was often just related to boredom.

                          I also decided to set a realistic but difficult goal of run a marathon. I've done plenty of running, and remained fit for my age, so it's not a massive goal, but it's a big one. I should have enough preparation time in the 4 months I've allowed myself. I know if I was drinking every night, even moderately, I just wouldn't get up in the morning, on a consistant basis and train adequately for it. So that's been a key aspect of my plan. So already, my 3 month plan is now going to be at least 4.5 months. Perhaps beyond.

                          Lastly, the wonderful support and friendship, sharing of good & bad experiences has been intergral. There is never a day I don't log on. :thanks: This really is such an important part of getting through "our" problem. It's such a powerful environment to beat alcoholism. To anybody just starting out, please, if nothing else, stick around here and stay in contact. This is the best environment to beat this problem.


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE, all!

                            Petrel - Congratulations on your 30 days! Your story was a great one - you should put it in the tool box for others to read. Part of it rings very true for me - that being able to quit when absolutely necessary and then disobeying "rules" I had established when drinking again. The first time I went 30 says without al (since being pregnant) it was my stubborn nature that kept me at it - I had told a friend I would do it with her, and for sure wasn't going to be the one who didn't make it. That is why coming on MWO and stating my plan - I will not drink alcohol again - here was so important to me. Now I've said it publicly, and my stubbornness for once can do me some good! I hope that once you reach your 4.5 months (and your marathon) that you consider how great your life is (and how happy you sound) without the chains of alcohol.

                            K9 - Thanks for being PP for the nest mums. I'm sure we don't say it enough. THANK YOU LAV AND BYRDIE!!!!!

                            Kensho - love the 7 day post - you sound great.

                            Jra, Justa, stay strong. It DOES get easier...

                            Rahul - Love you hear you sounding so great.

                            Well, son needs the computer for school now, so I guess I have to be running.

                            Good night, nest. And happy Moeusday, Dreamy.



                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE Nesters!

                              So glad I can get into the Nest again - it took so long the last couple of months (or so it felt) that I just gave up trying.

                              Anybody for coffee?

                              Petrel - well done on 30 days! I'm sure that after the marathon and more than 4 AF months you will not feel like having a drink - ever again.

                              Kensho - 7 days - you are going so well!

                              Peppersnow, JAG, Jraascha - a belated welcome here to all of you! Pepper, I, too, was incredibly tired the fist few weeks - treat yourself like a baby and drink enough fluids - it really helps.

                              Rahul, you are so close to 30 days - well done, sweet man! Lovely pics!

                              Oh no - can't get to the previous page - this will have to do for now.

                              Have a lovely AF Tuesday everybody! And Pav, hope your Mouesday was a good one!
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE everyone.

                                Petrel congrats on your 30 days, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi, damn i hate that saying but well done, you should be very proud and happy with your achievement and you are totally right about being on here daily to stay accountable. Left to our own devices is dangerous.

                                Exactly 7 days now till i finish work for 3 weeks and i cant wait. I actually seen an interpreter today who works where i do and she asked me if i had had any treatment done as i looked so fresh and younger. Im thinking damn i must have looked bad before but it was a great compliment. It just goes to show what we dont notice about not drinking but others do. I did not tell her my secret was to stop drinking.

                                Kensho good on you for 7 days if i have not congratulated you, a job well done i must say and being on here helps immensely as we do have a lot of emotions in the first few weeks.

                                Welcome newbies, i have not gone back any pages as atm i am lucky to log on. I must add that i was so bone tired the first few weeks but i thought to myself that i put al into my body it now has to come out and there was a lot of al poured into there over the years. I also had bad headaches but again i just went with what my body was doing.

                                Dream lovely to see and hear from you again. I thought you had gone AWOL for a bit there but new you could not stay away. This site is so frustrating atm but i am hoping they will upgrade it and put in a "like" button. MWO is my facebook now.

                                Pav we are coming up to 120 days soon, the time has flown since we hit the 100, still walking with you and having a quit buddy is the best.

                                Byrd and Lav you know i am speechless when it comes to you two. words can never describe my gratitude to you both putting in the time and energy to basically keep us feeling warm and welcome. I hope to one day achieve the results that you both have.

                                Well must go and feed the dogs and myself. Take care all and be strong.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

