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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dang it, lost my post
    Welcome 143! You have the best seat in the house! When I came in, I was just plain scared of what the future held for me. What would I do without AL? Well the answer has been quite surprising....I'm doing extremely well! You will too. We operate one day at a time around here. We are glad you are here
    Pepper, great job on your 6 days, I am warming up your moon! Protect your investment! We are so proud of you!! Rinse and repeat!
    Rahul, Dubai is on my bucket list! Enjoy your family and AF life! We want pictures!
    Good to see everyone!! Tomorrow, you'll be so happy you stayed sober tonight! Hugs, all, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Rahulthesweet;1642854 wrote: Hello Nesters

      In Dubai. Coming here after 10 years ...absolutely shocked to see the process.Its like Singapore or hong Kong.

      Sober and really tired .. Good night
      Wow Rahul, you sure get around. I absolutely love Dubai. It's one city I plan to return to and site see and shop a whole lot more!


        Newbies Nest

        MAE nest

        Well this is the weekend where i HAVE to pack or go naked to thailand and the country is already unsettled so packing it is. Wednesday morning i will be on a flight to QLD then to thailand. So looking forward to this holiday and the first being af for ever. Those al thoughts were niggling at the back of my mind last night but fall plans in place and i have no desire to wake up with a hangover as it is 4 months tomorrow. Time flies when you are having fun and i have done the hard work and intend to keep my sobriety with everything that it takes.

        143 welcome and not drinking is so doable. I was a 20+ year drinker with the last 7 being rather unpleasant. I started to think more of drinking than my children and they were backing away. To me i had no decision to make between al or my children. My daughter said to me awhile ago that when she had a baby that she would not ever let me look after my grandchild. That still did not make me stop but when she started to back away also then i made my choice just like you have to do. Its hard but the end results are wonderful. I am totally there for my children and myself and life is so much better in every damn way. My regret is that i did not stop drinking sooner. Set yourself a day and for that day do not drink, when you wake up the next day set your self a goal of not drinking and dont drink. The days will just blend into one another after awhile. Good luck.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening nesters,

          Precisely the same reason I quit ava - wanted to have my hands on the grandkids
          Happy packing!

          Pepper, awesome on your 6 AF days! Be prepared for Byrdie's shocking but well deserved prize tomorrow.

          Rahul, enjoy your vacation. I would love to see a picture or two as well

          143, stay close to the nest - you'll find lots of support here & come to realize that taking back control of your life is the best thing you can do for yourself.

          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone, I've not been coming here for some time, got up to 60 days and blew it yet once again. I've gotten right back to where i began in just a couple of weeks, maybe even drinking more. I am so miserable and ashamed of myself. My husband doesn't understand that I just can't have 1 or 2 drinks .with friends every now and then. He encourages me to join in and stop after a couple. Well we all know where that takes us, don't we.. Old AL voice starts talking with me again and we are together again. I start hiding how much I drink and its unbearable for me to do that anymore.

            My husband doesn't think I'm an alcoholic and it embarrasses him. I'm going to set us up for couples therapy, I want to save my marriage and hopefully a third party can get it across to him better than I can.

            Will be stopping by here lots, I want to quit for good and stop the madness ! Thanks for listening. Hello to everyone I've been missing. I am really looking forward in participating here again.

            Day 1 today.
            "A good garden may have some weeds"
            Thomas Fuller


              Newbies Nest

              Gardener well done on those 60 days, keep them close as you know you can do it again. When i gave up my boys said i could drink for my 50th birthday and it has taken me awhile to get it through their thick heads that i am an alcoholic and i cant drink ever. They know i used to drink too much but unlike them and your hubs i cant stop at one or two so i keep telling them i am an alcoholic whether they want to hear it or not. Its my life i am saving and al is so not worth those one or two drinks. You need to make your quit your number 1 priority and if hubs doesnt like it then too bad, he will get over the fact that you cant and dont want to drink. Nothing will make me have a drink again.

              Keep posting on here like a lunatic if need be and you can do it, especially for yourself
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Hi All! Great week of work. Had cravings some nights and others were better. Tonight was not easy. I'm getting tired of stuffing my belly, and eating crap make me just feel yucky. So there seems to be a balance with that strategy. Really tired of cravings though. I need to pull out the tools once again - read - and re-read. SIGH.

                Good night and stay strong!

                Done. Moving on to life.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Thanks Ava for the advice. This is nonnegotiable. It has to be and i will get that thru to him. I don't want to be back in that misery ever again. I can do this and i will ! I'm sticking in here for reinforcements. Night to the nest.
                  "A good garden may have some weeds"
                  Thomas Fuller


                    Newbies Nest

                    Kensho the more that time goes by the less the cravings for al and crap food will be. Just be gentle with yourself and as long as you dont drink then you have had a good day. I still get the odd al thoughts now but i choose to ignore them. Al still wants me to drink, still tries to tell me to have one but i will never forget how i came to be on mwo and i will never forget how in the early days it was hard not drinking. The good thing is it gets easier each and every day and one day you will think "god i did not have a thought of drinking" and that is a great day. Dont push yourself to do too much at this stage, that time will come.

                    Gardener good on you, remember "non negotiable" daily. Hopefully hubs will come on board with you on your not drinking. How did he handle it when you did not drink for 60 days?
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      KENSHO;1642683 wrote: Though my sugar experiment was interesting last night, I have no intention of swapping one addiction for another. I was wondering why my knee joints have been hurting so much during the last 11 days (I have eaten the heck out of carbs). Going to look seriously into Paleo. Read a bunch last night - makes a lot of sense to me.

                      Have a wonderful Friday! Lest us not forget how the sneaky AL voice speaks a little louder on the weekends!
                      kenso- curious are you on any meds? (other than supplements)..there is a reason I'm asking. Also, do you have any auto-immune type disease or arthritis that might run in your family? And may I ask your age?

                      Sorry to be so blunt, but I might be able to help with the knee joint curious.

                      Going to read back,



                        Newbies Nest

                        MAE Nesters

                        Busy busy busy day for me - will pop in later for a chat, if I can - seems as if the site is on a go-slow again.

                        Have a lovely AF Saturday, everybody
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters,

                          Happy Saturday to everyone!
                          I'm in for flooding rains this weekend, ugh but better than snow I suppose

                          Nice mugs DTD!!!

                          Kensho, I had a huge increase in joint pains when I quit drinking
                          I suppose I had been covering them up with wine?
                          I got myself started on Schiff Move Free & it really helped a lot! Now I am maintaining myself on a less expensive glucosamine chondroitin product & take arthritis strength Tylenol when needed. A regular exercise program has helped a lot too

                          Welcome back Gardener!
                          Spouses often don't understand our plight but I didn't let that stop me from doing what I knew I had to do. It's nice to have their support but it's not entirely necessary. You know what you need to do, stock around with us!

                          Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Sarah42;1642921 wrote: kenso- curious are you on any meds? (other than supplements)..there is a reason I'm asking. Also, do you have any auto-immune type disease or arthritis that might run in your family? And may I ask your age?

                            Sorry to be so blunt, but I might be able to help with the knee joint curious.

                            Going to read back,

                            Hi Sarah. I'm 38. Always been active and athletic (a little out of shape lately). No auto-immune that I know of, but it seems to run in my family (rheumatoid, fibromyalgia, alopecia, thyroid stuff). No meds. I even eliminated the kudzu - just good vitamins (multi, C, D, calcium) and fish oil. I am sensitive to supplements. The pain started on day 8ish. I had just done two runs, but no immediate pain after.

                            SO, going to a get together tonight. Colleague and friend of my husband. He is in a field where people drink. We are having dinner at their house, and they will be surprised to see I am drinking water. My PLAN: tell them I am detoxing. Bring my own soda water and lime. Have it IN MY HAND at all times - do not put it down. Have my phone handy to chat with you wonderful people. Don't EVEN entertain the thought of a sip, even for a minute - keep repeating to myself, "NOT AN OPTION." I'm sure I will be giving the bird to the AL voice a few times!

                            Have a lovely day wherever you all are! :h

                            Done. Moving on to life.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Gardener;1642900 wrote: Hi everyone, I've not been coming here for some time, got up to 60 days and blew it yet once again. I've gotten right back to where i began in just a couple of weeks, maybe even drinking more. I am so miserable and ashamed of myself.

                              Day 1 today.
                              Hi Gardener. I'm starting over again, too. I only got to 30 days and slipped, so that's my goal again, then 60, 90 and 100. I wish I hadn't started drinking again, but I can say that it opened my eyes about any thoughts I still held on to that I could drink like a normal person, or even that I would enjoy it. I've been miserable, pure and simple.

                              Let's rack up some days together!
                              You had the power all along, my dear.


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE all,
                                Raining and gloomy here today. Think I will work on the mess in the other rooms for a while. DH needs to work on the mess he created in the basement yesterday. Wanted to go to a health fair but I don't even want to go out. This weather is depressing.
                                My joints hurt more for a while and now seem to be better. The gym has helped I think and drinking lots of water. No clue why at first. Maybe I was covering up the pain with the wine too. Who knows but I don't like taking any medicine unless absolutely necessary. But I had no problem medicating myself with wine...funny how the mind works.

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

