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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Moring Nesters & Happy Humpday!!

    Kbrown & Panno, lesson learned? Glad you hopped right back on board!

    Jolie - Grrrr SNOW Grrrr!!!!!!

    Greetings, HC, Spam, Mama Bear, NoraC, Canadian Girl & everyone who drops in

    Have a great day, I'll check in later.
    Have to run out for a few storm supplies.......again!!!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Okay, Lav & Jolie: Which one of you ordered the snow???? Haven't you had enough yet? Hopefully it won't be too much...but I guess you never know with the storms we've had this year.

      Hello to all of you lovely nesters - hope you have a terrific hump day!! Hold your heads high and keep on smiling! Attitude of gratitude - I read that on the daily reflections today - I'm going to try to live by that.
      Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


        Newbies Nest


        I am glad to say I am starting day 8 AF... I am not sure what it is though, the past 2 nights have been horrible. When I get home from work the urges start full force. I guess I did it to myself since after work I would allow myself to have a few drinks to "unwind", a few turned into alot and eventually passing out and feeling awful the next day. I am trying to find things to do to keep my mind occupied but I always think it would be nice to have a glass of wine while doing whatever it is I am doing. I am pretty sure I incorporated alcohol into everything, cleaning , cooking , talking on the phone... I guess thats why I keep thinking about it. Oh well it's a new day and I am still here so bring on day 8!!!

        Have a happy / AF humpday everyone!!


          Newbies Nest

          Excuses;811493 wrote: Morning!

          I am glad to say I am starting day 8 AF... I am not sure what it is though, the past 2 nights have been horrible. When I get home from work the urges start full force. I guess I did it to myself since after work I would allow myself to have a few drinks to "unwind", a few turned into alot and eventually passing out and feeling awful the next day. I am trying to find things to do to keep my mind occupied but I always think it would be nice to have a glass of wine while doing whatever it is I am doing. I am pretty sure I incorporated alcohol into everything, cleaning , cooking , talking on the phone... I guess thats why I keep thinking about it. Oh well it's a new day and I am still here so bring on day 8!!!

          Have a happy / AF humpday everyone!!
          Hey Excuses I hear you...I too am a at home drinker and not working much for the past year, I would start some days as earlier as lunch and manage to drink all day, while cleaning, cooking, just about anything...the AL makes me Id just keep on going..ALL DAY..maybe take a nap get up and at it again come evenings....yes evenings are the worst, cuz even if I managed to get thru a AL free day, it just wasnt happening at nite....I too am starting my 8 and I know it's gonna be a real humpday, so feel better knowing Im with ya !!!!!


            Newbies Nest

            sisley;811505 wrote: Hey Excuses I hear you...I too am a at home drinker and not working much for the past year, I would start some days as earlier as lunch and manage to drink all day, while cleaning, cooking, just about anything...the AL makes me Id just keep on going..ALL DAY..maybe take a nap get up and at it again come evenings....yes evenings are the worst, cuz even if I managed to get thru a AL free day, it just wasnt happening at nite....I too am starting my 8 and I know it's gonna be a real humpday, so feel better knowing Im with ya !!!!!
            yep me too. hyper cleaning, drinking, dancing,drinking, gardening, drinking,singing..drinking... more drinking, crying, screaming, drinking passing out. hmm .. not a good life really
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              Newbies Nest

              drink shrink

              going for first appointment with al advisor tommorrow. terrified. took me long enough to admit to myself. the idea of talking to someone scares the hell out of me. feel like a drink now to calm down. NOT GOING TO. will be desparate to have a quick one before i go. and for god sake there is a bar next door to the place so i have a fear i will dive straight in there afterwards. tommorow is day 5 af. this is my first goal. only managed it once in about 5 years so am going to have a horrible feeling i think i 'deserve' a drink...WHAT... MY SENSIBLE HEAD SAYS... YOU DESERVE TO POISON YOURSELF AND UNDO WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR THE LAST FOR DAYS. i really need to listen to that voice instead of listening to al calling me from afar... or very close. im going to write down some thoughts off here and take them with me on a note pad and read each one before i take that drink. i know i will feel crap if i give in.:argh:
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Newbies Nest

                out to lunch

                went out for lunch today (day 4af). i made a point of driving so no al. i sat with my slimline tonic (ice and vodka) actually enjoyed it because i enjoyed the food without gagging for my next drink. im usually looking at company and trying to drink at a civilised pace... sneaking a swift one when i go to the loo (how pathetic is that). then getting bored with the food and people and wanting to get home to get stuck in to some serious drinking. this time i was dying to get home to come on here and read read read and be strong
                Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                Keep passing the open windows


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Sisley - Great job making it to day 8! Isn't it sad how we made alcohol so important to all functions? Oh well, the past is the past and time to unlearn in order to learn a better way of life. I am not sure where I heard that but I like the saying.

                  Spuddleduck - I always started out the same way happy happy happy then I am not sure exactly what # drink it was I turned into a crying screaming mess, it really was like night and day.

                  It's nice to have the support of others going through the same thing. Keep up the great work!


                    Newbies Nest

                    do you guys have the supplements......L Glut and Kudzu are supposed to help with cravings...I have also ordered the Topamax
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Spuddleduck be strong I drank Monday and last night after 7 days and trust me its not worth it. I will not be drinking tonight and I know I will feel better tomorrow. Good luck with your appointment. :l

                      Mama Bear I will be ordering from the health store the L Glu and Kudzu and I have finally made my appointment with the doctor but its not till next Wed. I finally have admitted to myself I need some anti depressants been fighting against it for sometime now.
                      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Day 2. I don't drink during the day, normally, so I don't understand why I'm thinking about it so much this early in the afternoon. Guess this is withdrawl. Work out is on the schedule. So is hot tea. Feel like my nerves are on top of my skin! Trying to breath and I just want to cry. One part of me feels like a spoiled brat and the other side feels like the parent saying "No! Absolutely not!" for the first time. The brat is pissed. The parent feels guilty. We both need a time out!

                        There is strength (and hope) in numbers! Best to all of us making the effort today to be sober.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Baltimore;811590 wrote: Feel like my nerves are on top of my skin
                          Thats just how I feel right now, my partner was playing his guitar earlier and I literally could of put it over his head!!
                          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                            Newbies Nest

                            "BPleasant, Hi, and you're right. I lost a brother to drugs - I'm here now - but Mom and Dad rarely drank. Life just has its strange turns that make people learn to cope in different ways."

                            Little epiphanies along lifes journey and this 'recovery' journey... we, me, you, anyone here and many out there probably spend so much time filling our minds with guilt, self-belittling and self-reprimanding there is little room to allow good in. Today, while I was driving I realized, I somehow all but stop beating myself up when I came to this site. I looked back and I think I had two days of a few hours of self-hatred and berating. THAT'S AMAZING! Wow, from everyother day to just twice in 24 days.
                            I have a new outlook. I have been speaking more openly with my kids about curbing/abstaining from wine. My oldest daughter mention a roommate telling her to drink a beer and chill because she was all revved up- and that open a line of communication. She said "once an addict, always an addict" at one point and I told her about mywayout. Anyhow, I won't even let my daughter make me feel guilty! Wow, that's huge. She said she probably doesn't drink because of me and made a I SMILED so big and thought "GOOD ON ME then"... I would rather have years of struggle to save my kids from it. Now, do I believe that's what happened? Ehhh, who knows, she, they, may just not be predisposed to it. I pray none of my kids will ever be. Maybe, if I had made it a huge NO-NO they would all drink, who knows. We can't know.
                            I have had many thoughts that are different than I used to think.
                            3 days, but whose counting? Had a few 3 days, a few 2 days and that's better than every other day.
                            If any of you haven't gotten the kudzu or Lglut, I think they work. The Kudzu seems to make me sleep much better,(anyone else?) and the lglut? Well, not sure but when a craving hits and I think GO CHEW AN LGLUT instead of go pour a wine- it's helping, right?
                            I think the kudzu helps with that accentuated nerve stuff too... so does slowly sipping ice water.
                            Hi all, good wishes for a sober hump day.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Baltimore- I have your brats twin sister right here!! Yep, she is a little twit and a handful. I am shoving her mouth full of homemade popcorn and tabs oF LGLUT! haha! There are better things to let the brat win over, pick this as a battle to be won by the parent.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Nesters,

                                Hope your Humpday is going well

                                Grateful, I absolutely did NOT order more snow.....this is insanity!!!! I know we're all sick of it!! Love your 'Attitude of Gratitude'

                                Excuses & Sisley - congrats on your 8 AF days - Good Job!! It does feel good, doesn't it?

                                Spuddleduck, don't fear your appointment with the counselor. They are trained to be sensitive & understanding, just be honest & tell them about your involvement with MWO. And don't listen to the 'Junkie Talk' going on in your head. AL is tricky, will try to mess you up!

                                Panno, glad you're back on board, you can do it!
                                Baltimore, be strong on Day 2!

                                BPleasant, I worried about my kids too but they seem to be just fine at this point in their lives. You never know what the future holds, I just pray & try to maintain some faith that they will never have to deal with this issue.

                                Enjoy the rest of the day everone!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

