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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome Dila and Soft. Glad you are here.

    Ava, I am totally jealous of your foot massage! Total body massage for $15? Wowza!
    Count me in!!!

    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone - hope you are all well!

      Rahul - just curious - after the drink at the mexican restaurant 6 months ago, how quickly did everything get back to your old habits? Did you just give up or did you think you could moderate? I need to be reminded how the mind can play tricks on you.

      I know for me in the past after some time AF (max I ever did was 45 days) - I slowly got back to my old habits. I fooled myself that I could moderate. It took maybe 4 months or so but then shortly after got back to my "daily drinking too much" habit. I don't want to do that again but as I have mentioned recently my mind is trying to play those same tricks on me again. Your experience will be a reminder to me if you don't mind sharing.


        Newbies Nest

        Good evening Nesters,

        Had a great day with family all around for my grandson's 3rd birthday - fun, fun

        Hello & welcome Soft Focus!
        Congrats to you on your AF time - wonderful! I think having the support of so many here really helped me find lasting success & you can too

        Dila, I am really sensitive to supplements & only take what I know I can tolerate. Don't go piling in too many & upsetting your system if you think you may have problems. If nothing else a good quality multivitamin with minerals along with a healthy diet helps. Add the L-Glutamine if you feel cravings are a problem. I never tried the Kudzu.

        Rahul, you sound good so keep going!

        narilly, how are you doing? It's been a while

        Ava, I take a little of that warm air but you can keep the food & water :H
        Be careful, stay well!

        Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          MAE nesters

          well one has to do what one has to do, so that entailed another foot massage today. Tomorrow is the facial and body massage. I did ask for a full body massage today but i know they did not understand me as mum and i got a foot massage again. Not complaining about that mind you. Had a lovely pineaple and coconut smoothie on the way back to the resort. These places we stop in for a drink used to entail having al in them. funny how it brings back memories.

          Nar i am thinking of you all when i am getting these massages, you do know that dont you! Mum is even loving them as we have never had them before only pedicures and keeps her quiet for an hour!.

          Jane even though the days drag its so good getting into the high numbers. the next ten days seemed like a 100 days for me but when i hit 100 it was such a great feeling. Stay strong girl which i know you are.

          Lav the food is delicious and so cheap, we had seafood last night and i seem to have the appetite of a horse which is a good thing as i didnt eat much for years when i was drinking. So relaxed and happy right at this moment. Room getting cleaned then nap time.

          Glad everyone seems well, being af is the best feeling in the world, hard sometimes but well worth the effort. xx
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            Newbies Nest

            Jane- whoohooo!! congrats! I hope I can get to where u are.

            Dila & Soft- so glad to have you here!

            ava- I'm so jealous. I'm coming to be your adopted daughter for the day!

            Rahul- keep it up!

            As for me....still sick. But better enough I still managed to drink 4 drinks tonight...ughh. IDK why I do this to myself. Yet, I do. It's weird, cause while my body is ailing, my mind is on overload. I'm thinking about so much tonight, but not obstaining from drinking... yet I am here. Emm...

            I'm not a lost cause. I'll do this. I just need to find the magic formula for me I guess.




              Newbies Nest

              MAE, All:

              Ava - sounds divine! I would love a foot massage and a coconut pineapple smoothie about now...

              Soft Focus and Dila - welcome! Hope you find the serenity of being alcohol free. It really is a much better way to live than always counting, fretting, setting limits, making and breaking promises to yourselves.

              Sarah - I really think the magic formula is to make a commitment to yourself (and to someone close to you if possible) that you will just not drink, period. You sound determined - you CAN do this! Give it 30 days and reassess if you need a limit at first.

              Way to go, Rahul - DO stay out of those Mexican restaurants. Congratulations on your personal record.

              I had a lovely hike today and then a sporting event with no beer - didn't even want one. What a relief.



                Newbies Nest

                MAE everybody!

                Hope everybody's feeling like this today!

                Pav, isn't it wonderful how we can actually do things and not want a drink before, during or after? When long-timers said that sometimes weeks passed with them not think about drinking I raised both eyebrows and thought about pants and fire - until I realised that I, too, went for days without the thought of a glass (ok, a bottle or two, to be honest) crossing my mind.

                Sarah, I think the magic formula comes as we build up sober days. Sometimes we just have to take the plunge. You have an incredible support network here who will hold your hand for as long as you need it - use it!

                Ava, soooooo envious of you - enjoy the holiday! It seems that things are going relatively well with you and your mum - good to hear that! don't let her spoil your holiday - in any way!

                Rahul, from now on every day will be a record-breaker - keep it going. (And avoid Mexican restaurants and New York :H)

                I've lost track of the Newbies - but a huge welcome to each and everybody!

                I'm going to look at some puppies today - I think we can all guess what the outcome will be... The mum is a short-legged Lab, the dad a sort of a mystery man. Any tips on puppy pajama drill? It's been a while since I've had a puppy.

                Have a great AF Monday!
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi everyone. Well as you May have read, I came unstuck last week. Feeling quite miserable with myself.
                  Anyway a new week and a new beginning.
                  Glad to see everyone doing so well. You're all inspirational!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Petrel, a couple of things to keep in mind - you've got 38 sober days behind you, so you know you can do it, and you came back to try again. We all make mistakes, and the best we can do is to acknowledge that something went wrong, learn from it, and then keep going. So, butt velcro, keep your eye on the marathon and do not let the past derail you. Have a good Day 1!
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks DTD.

                      Yes, I will hopefully learn. And the marathon is 3 months from yesterday. So back on track now.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Monday morning Nesters,

                        Cloudy & threatening rain, oh well.

                        Petrel, identifying triggers & planning to get around them AF in the future is the way to go. Glad to see you back

                        DTD, a new puppy is fun & also a lot of work but they're not all that bad. My beagle mix is 2 years old now & still has lots of energy so prepare for that! She's been in a crate all night since I first brought her home & seems to prefer it - it's her private space Wishing you loads of luck!

                        Wishing everyone a great AF Day!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning, Nesters!
                          Good to see everyone!
                          Ava...I have a little secret that only comes out when I get a pedicure. I am ridiculously ticklish on my feet! I bust out in uncontrollable laughter, it's embarrassing. I have to pumice my own heels and stuff and I still laugh! It's hard to enjoy the wonderful rubbing when it tickles so! It's nuts! I am jealous, yours sounds much more relaxing than mine! Sounds like you are getting the hang of controlling your mom! Have you considered a little toy and filling it with peanut butter and letting her spend the afternoon getting it all out? It's easier with my hubs, all I have to do is give him a bowl of popcorn and that gets me an hour of peace!! :H

                          Hold on tight, everyone...I worry when the nest gets quiet! So check in BEFORE you have an opportunity and we will Velcro you in good n tight!
                          Sarah, your day is coming here shortly, I just know it! Thanks for checking in with us!

                          Have a great, AF day everyone! Dream, where do you get such pretty mugs??? I love your spread every morning!! Hugs to all, Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Jane, my Chihuahua is a porker...she supposed to weigh no more than 7 pounds and she is almost 10! She is big boned..:H (like her daddy) If you think you might want a Chihuahua, get a pack of rectal suppositories and try that for a week...if you think you can live with a dog up yer butt for the next several years, then you're all set!! :H:H:H Ours is HIGH MAINTENANCE! (but we love her!!) How exciting, the thought of getting a new dog!

                            I'm glad your cleanse if going well! Hope you get your subscriber pencil soon!! Your avatars just crack me up!! :h Your fan, Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesties!

                              Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I had a wonderful LAZY weekend. Spent hours watching The Tudors. Good lawd that King Henry is is hawwwt. :H

                              I got the bright idea that I'd rearrange all of my living room furniture, so I moved everything around, then got tired of doing it, and quit. My house is "interesting" looking right now. I figure I'll get to it eventually. LOL

                              Hope you all had a good sober weekend. Stick close to the Nest!!
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Petrelhead;1645875 wrote: Hi everyone. Well as you May have read, I came unstuck last week. Feeling quite miserable with myself.
                                Anyway a new week and a new beginning.
                                Glad to see everyone doing so well. You're all inspirational!
                                I came unstuck too...glad to see you back...
                                I fell off for one day but came back right away
                                maybe we need some double strength butt velcro :H

