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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    AF 3 for me

    Hello Everyone,

    I am truly sad to hear all the snow you are having out east. As much as I love the white stuff and get excited...once March gets here it can all go away!

    I just have 3 more snowshoe hikes in the mountains. Avalanche is extreme right now so I am being very cautious on where I shall take my crews.

    From one Canadian Girl to another and to all of you buried in snow - I agree you can't fight Mother Nature so try to enjoy it somehow. Be a kid again - Kids would even love it in July! hee hee :H

    Well I really know the key with me during witching hour is EAT. Nothing like hunger to make my alcohol cravings go through the roof. When I eat they go away - at least the really gruelling cravings go away. And I know I can fight off the rest of them for the night. That was the deciding factor for me lasting AF15 not too long ago.... hmmm interesting how EVERY TIME I messed up with AL it happened to be on an empty stomach.

    Looking forward to another AF day tomorrow. Hope you all have one too. Good luck with avoiding the sugar to Hippy, Sophie and anyone else. One day at a time.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi all,

      Glad to see everyone seems to be doing well.. sorry to hear about the freezing temps on the East coast of the US.. its 'cold' here in Sydney at the moment - 20 degrees! i'm acclimatised so im having to wear a jacket..:H
      Back to Day 1 AF.. doing well, not having any cravings; only for choccy! bought myself a little choc bunny that im going to scoff whilst my son is having his nap..
      I did buy lots of fruit today too.. so il make a fruit salad this arvo'
      Anyway, just checking back later
      K xx
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Newbies Nest

        Good point

        I thought about what was said and I have always relapsed on an empty stomach too! So I am going to bring on the food and the excercise suggested in MWO, I am getting to the middle-ish of the book where she breaks down the program. Also, is anyone on prescription meds having a problem with chronic yawning? It really sucks! But its hard not to do it! Anyway, sober for day 2 feeling pretty good with some slight anxiety not too bad, def manageable. Good night nesters.
        I ain't afraid of no ghost....


          Newbies Nest

          Whoohoo! Had a work related break-through tonight! :H
          Sorry, have had no time to check in here - no rest for the wicked! No wick for the rested! Or something like that! LOL

          Hope you are all doing well.. Chook, hope to see you back more often, dove! Lav, my goodness, you ARE getting clobbered this year, aren't you? Well... I really feel for you 'cause usually WE are the suckers... sooooo.... keep the white stuff SOUTH of the border, will ya!? :HAlthough, I just read someone saying - borrow a dog and enjoy it... she has a point. We took ours out into the bush last weekend and it was just wonderful

          K.. getting late and I have a date with Mr. Wonderful Night all!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters: Seems like everyone is staying on top of things today. AF for day 3 and am really trying for 30 days.

            Weird question? I forgot to take my lunch supps. Didn't realize it until it was almost dinner and I was a raving BITCH. Didn't help that hubby was yelling at kids, me... He's trying to do AF during the week and it just seems to add to my stress as well as his. I know he sneaked a few when I went to pick up my son from Lacrosse. He won't admit it and I didn't even ask. Why start another fight.

            Am I the only one with this spouse thing going on? Don't quite know what to do.

            I digressed, if you miss a dose of the supps, do you guys see major mood changes?
            Also, what's the deal with GABA? Haven't bought any yet but if it helps my stress/mood I'm all over it.

            Without you guys I would be have polished off a bottle of wine by now. But, I don't have any in the house

            Thanks for your unending support and understanding.
            A new beginning 2/16/10


              Newbies Nest

              Hi LCC - I know that I have had problems with my nerves/mood going wacky. I just can hardly stand my husband. Of course he went off anti-depressants 2 months ago and that didn't help at all. He actually realized that he needs them and has started them again. Hopefully, it will be better once the cravings aren't so bad.
              Anyway....I have not tried Gaba. I do know that the Kudzo and the L-Glutamine help with the bad cravings. My dr. did give me Lorazepam and that helps when I am totally overwhelmed. Also, if I can't sleep. I don't want to get dependent on that but it helps when necessary.
              Congratulations on Day 3! That is fantastic. :goodjob:
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all, starting off with positive thoughts today, catch you all later :h
                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Panno. Have a wonderful day.
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey all.

                    I'm new here. Been sober for 14 days and it's not been very easy. Everyday I think about going back but I somehow find a way to keep taking that AB to keep me straight. I've been reading a lot on here and I've liked a lot of what I've seen so hopefully this can help me out!



                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Phillip - GREAT JOB!!!:goodjob: I agree that there seems to be alot here that can help. I am learning my way around and learning so much!
                      Great to meet you.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi All,

                        Had a reasonably productive day.. have remained AF, yay! I can start stringing those pearls together again My soon to be ex-husband has been annoying the heck out of me today.. no one else can stress me out or upset me like he can..*deep breath*, trying to remain strong.. not going to turn to AL as that always leads me to get more upset.. I have to keep reminding myself that.. have a great day guys, its night-time here in Oz, so i'll be off to bed soon..
                        K xx
                        "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                          Newbies Nest

                          Evening All! Well it is hotter than hell here today,like a furnace outside and my 5yr old has decided to get sick with temps in the 40 degrees! urgh! so we have all stayed home in the AC today!!!!Not sure how I will manage tomorrow with work and a sick girl,but will play it by ear I guess!
                          Af tonight, feel strong today..can't afford to drink,may have a hospital run ahead of me if she doesn't start dropping her temps soon!!
                          I agree with whoever said about hunger leading to drinking, so I am not going to be guilty if I need to eat at odd times. But shall try to stay away from the fatty stuff! (is hard though!)
                          Nite all,stay strong
                          Chook *cluck* for Sunni & Lav


                            Newbies Nest

                            be good today

                            morning on uk time zone. hope everyone well. today is just another day and we can do it af. day 5 for me. have appointment with drink shrink (al advisor) today. first time and am terrified. i think without mwo i would have bottled it but im feeling positive now. unfortunatly there is a bar next door to place so im gonna have to put blinkers on and walk straight passed it when i come out. how bloody stupid would that be. put me back to square 1 NO THANKS. gonna go to health shop and see if i can get some supp x
                            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                            Keep passing the open windows


                              Newbies Nest

                              ChickenNumber3;811899 wrote: Evening All! Well it is hotter than hell here today,like a furnace outside and my 5yr old has decided to get sick with temps in the 40 degrees! urgh! so we have all stayed home in the AC today!!!!Not sure how I will manage tomorrow with work and a sick girl,but will play it by ear I guess!
                              Af tonight, feel strong today..can't afford to drink,may have a hospital run ahead of me if she doesn't start dropping her temps soon!!
                              I agree with whoever said about hunger leading to drinking, so I am not going to be guilty if I need to eat at odd times. But shall try to stay away from the fatty stuff! (is hard though!)
                              Nite all,stay strong
                              Chook *cluck* for Sunni & Lav
                              hey chick, if you cluck, maybe i can quack. big quacks to everyone here xx
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hy Everyone

                                All the best for another af day tommorrow (Friday). Thinking of you all and how much you all help me. :thanks:
                                Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

