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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Awww Jane chin up lovely. Maybe its because you are sick and want attention or at least some attention, any attention really. Just remember its us with the up and down emotions and before we dealt with them all by drinking, now we have to face day to day life. This is it for us being in reality everyday. I am sure he loves you very much and being a man, well we know what men are like! I can send you a brick if you like but tell me what colour first.

    I hope you feel better soon. xx
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Newbies Nest

      MAE Nesters!

      Another beautiful summer's day here - our temps yesterday were in the thirties C, and I think we're going to see the same today. No complaints from this girl!

      Help yourself to birthday cake and coffee:

      Jim - well done on a 100 sober days; that's a great milestone!

      New, a full week behind you; from now on things do get so much easier, and before you know you'll be at your previous day count. Stay strong, and post before doing something silly, ok - you know somebody will be here to talk you out of it.

      Allan, check in on the actual day 600 - you know how we like to celebrate here!

      Janey sthweetneth, I know that when I'm not feeling well I see every tiny negative thing as a huge mountain I have to get over and perhaps this is what's happening here. I do hope you feel better soon - not just healthwise, but in all aspects of life.

      Have a lovely sober POETS day, everybody, and make sure you have your weekend plans in place - it's crucial in staying sober.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning all - always such an inspiration to see people who have made this commitment stick!

        Congratulations to Allan and Jim!!!

        Jane, I am sorry to hear you are feeling down. It is very hard when you are doing so much and not getting anything in return - it is good that you were able to tell your husband how you are feeling. Communication is key. I hope things change. After all, you are beautiful, hardworking, giving, and such a smartypants using big words like punitive and all! :H
        You and Byrdie both!!

        Ava I like the brick idea!

        Hope everyone has a wonderful AF day! The weekend's here - time for more ball games and some scrambling to clean and get ready for Easter dinner here at my house!


          Newbies Nest

          Jane, I'll save you some for when you're done with that cleanse.

          Ava, perhaps you can knit us some bricks for errrm for when necessary? Could I have a teal green one for when I'm only mildly peed off, and purple for when it's really very and extremely necessary?

          Frances, what's on the menu for your Easter dinner? The cleaning beforehand is such a pain, isn't it - until the house is all neat and tidy and inviting.
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters,

            Hope you have a great day!

            Jane, I allowed myself to be affected by someone else's chronically depressed mood for way too long & eventually I caught it myself. Then I tried to drink myself out of it & of course that didn't work. After 41 years I can tell you marriage almost killed me. I'm still married but he's no longer in residence - works better that way
            Focus on yourself & what is good for you! Don't depend on someone else to hold you up, hold yourself up

            I have a busy day ahead so I have to get going. Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!!!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning everyone, feeling pretty bad about myself right now and really need to start coming here on a daily basis to start my life as a non drinker.


                Newbies Nest

                Good Mooning, all. Mooning? No, it's not a typo! Drop yer pants, eva'body for New Dreams!!
                Here's to kicking AL's arse for 7 big days!! As you know, these are the hardest so the worst is BEHIND you!!! GREAT JOB!!! Keep up your streak!!

                DREAMY, it's your ByrdDay???? Well, how did this get past us? We are so happy to celebrate with you! I will have the cake in front that Jane left, please!! Those in the back sort of look like a Boston Cream layer cake or something. Have a big Day, DTD! Our party pales in comparison to the spreads you put on around here! Always with the perfect mug for the occasion! Hugs, Ladybug!

                Jane, marriage has it's ups and downs. I'm 27 years and like everything else, there are bumps in the road. I try to take a page from The Jungle Book....Acccccentuate the Positive....(voomp, voomp) Eeeeeeeliminate the negative and don't mess with Mr. In-Between....or something like that. It works for me and you don't always have to sing it. Maybe you should go to the Dr since you had this fever for several days...Lav, isn't 2 days the max to suffer thru a fever? I hope you feel better soon!!

                MomofThree, I remember you! You are in very good company here! Dive into the Tool Box and plant yourself here in the nest and read and post! You can do this, it only takes a couple of days to start to feel better about yourself. If an old hag like me can find her way out....I know a smart, momof3 like you can, too!! Let's get going! We are so glad you're here with us. We can help, talk all you want to...we are very good listeners!
                K9 will be along with the Pep Squad shortly....remember, Friday is JUST anotha day! (to be said like Scarlett O'Hara) It's not a free ticket to BoozeVille on the VinoExpress! Hang tough! Byrdie

                Edit to add:
                MomOfThree, your note sounds so sad....and I know part of that is the fact that you are having to 'give up alcohol' but let me say that once you have done it, it is GOOD RIDDANCE! We aren't really giving up much when you really look at it, the scales have been weighted in the wrong direction for a long time. The benefit/reward ratio has been skewed! The rewards of drinking are FEW. The benefits of not drinking are many. Please don't be sad, today is a new day. There is GREAT LIFE beyond AL! It's there for the taking! You just have to take that leap of faith! Grab our hand, we will help you!! Do it, you'll never regret it!!
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest


                  I am back again. I will comit to this. I have to. It is so hard and my al brain is so mischevious. It can come up with all sorts of reasons why it is ok when the evening hits!!!! I need to take my suppliments, meditate and Eat!!!!

                  thanks for the great support and this web site!!!!
                  ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

                  ― John Wayne


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mom, that is such a positive approach - not to stop drinking but to become non-drinker. Do you have a plan to keep busy this weekend? There's lot of useful tips in the Let us know how we can help you.

                    Thanks, Lav!

                    Jane, it really is my cake day! No idea what those slices are - all I can tell is, they're delicious. Thanks for your good wishes - I especially liked the "welcome surprises"!
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thank you so much, that put a smile on my face. Thinking about my behavior last night I didn't think I would smile at all today. I need to give my liver a break, and by a break I mean a permanent one. I think may be I'll make a smoothy and pack it full of vitamins and nurse my body today. I feel like I've been run over by a truck and I keep shaking my head at the things I've said. Alcohol is a real bitch, turns me into such a horrible person once I pass the happy lovey stage.


                        Newbies Nest

                        meshellrn;1647620 wrote: It is so hard and my al brain is so mischevious. It can come up with all sorts of reasons why it is ok when the evening hits!!!!
                        We're already aware that the part of our brain that seeks rewards is out of control but now scientists are finding that the part than learns from our mistakes may be faulty as well:

                        Why Do Some People Become Alcoholics but Not Others? Blame the Brain

                        No wonder this is so hard! But we know from all the examples here, it CAN BE DONE! So, stay close and do whatever you see people who are having success doing - you'll never regret not drinking .


                          Newbies Nest

                          After not drinking for 30 days in February, March was off and on. Mostly not drinking, but I can see the direction things were going. I wasn't trying to moderate... I was just giving up, I guess, and justifying to myself that I wasn't drinking as much as before.

                          Today is the 4th day, I pray, of my final quit. My immediate hurdle is this weekend so I'm logging in and sticking close to the nest. Mom and Meshel, we've been here before and not sticking to what we know we have to do is bringing us nothing but heartache. Let's tough it out and make this the last time we have to start over.
                          You had the power all along, my dear.


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE all,
                            Kailey u can do this...I had so many do overs but the last one was different because I knew it was time to totally commit to the quit. It is so worth it...I wake up clear headed and ready to go, well at least most can do this!!!!
                            Off to the gym then chores around here. Bought some plants yesterday so I want to get them in a pot.. Kale and swiss good in a salad and my morning smoothie...
                            Back later.

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              [QUOTE=Kailey;1647632Mom and Meshel, we've been here before and not sticking to what we know we have to do is bringing us nothing but heartache. Let's tough it out and make this the last time we have to start over.
                              Heartache is right, and unwanted attention, trouble and apologizing to everyone including myself. It's time to really put effort into this and not giving in so easily.


                                Newbies Nest

                                stay here and post, post, post. Read and post some more. Any time the urge hits, come back here put on that velcro. Read the toolbox (see Dottie's or Byrdie's signature line). hope you're doing well
                                Liberated 5/11/2013

