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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I posted this on another thread but thought it was worth repeating here...we have to vigilant at all times...AL is cunning..
    Gym was a hair was wringing wet....hurts so good...
    The AL thing is so damn annoying . I was having those "thoughts" today since I have done so well blah, blah but got to the gym and the gal asked us if we wanted to participate in the spring challenge. So I said yes, knowing full well that at my age I have not real chance but it gives me something to work towards to see how well I can actually do...funny how things pop up when u need them...saved me from stopping at the deli...whew...

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks to everyone for the congrats.
      ICan - The list is huge but here are a few. I no longer have problems with anxiety. It's still there its just that al doesn't make it unbearable. I don't have to worry about smelling like alcohol anymore. I believe the breath mint industry will probably go into a mild recession now. I no longer have to try to remember conversations from the day before (I still forget but now it's just old age). Don't have to worry about running out of al or where to hide it or getting rid of the empties (don't know how I had the time and energy to do it all). Don't have to wander if people know I'm drunk. These are a few but I realize more everyday what I was missing out on. Also don't have the shakes any more.
      Jane - please first take into consideration that I am a man. I do feel your pain though. For many years I worked overtime (12 hrs a day 6 or 7 days a week) and multiple jobs so that my wife could stay home with our children only to one day find out that she was telling everyone that she felt abandoned and neglected. We have been married 33 years and once again Byrdie has hit the nail on the head with her sage advice accentuate the positive (Byrd you know that there is a special place in Heaven for you).
      Rahul - My wife has noticed. We were at our daughter and SIL's home for dinner SIL asked if I wanted a beer and I said no (to stunned silence in the room). My wife quickly replied that I was just trying to cut down a little still don't think she has realised that I have quit completely. Normally she says something like how long will this last ( she has every right to say that).
      Have a great al free weekend everyone!


        Newbies Nest

        Day 50:

        Nomorejim : Great to see you are doing so well and hanging on. Today I went out with my wife and couple of her university friends with their respective wives. It was a nice bar and as usual we ordered drinks. Of course to their surprise I didn't order. And to my surprise my wife had one for old time sake. While others were asking y r u not drinking my wife explained my blood reports have not come well that's why the detox. I wanted to say my reports HAVE come a LOT better that's why I will not drink. Strange people were drinking and these folks have hardly seen me drinking in past but discussion was around alcohol for a while and while I did mention few things about my "wonderful" drinking days just to gel in ... They did remarked "how can you don't drink ? You are you controlling yourself not to drink ?" It was quite an irony as I was not at all controlling myself. On the contrary I felt free ! With no urge to drink . I wanted to say but a loud but simply gave a lame excuse. My wife did notice me not drinking but there is hardly anything what I do or not do which makes her appreciate me.

        Anyways post dinner on way back she asked me did you enjoy ? You seemed quite. I said no I was ok I am shy remember. You are not shy ... No ways ....

        And that kept me think. I was quite quite today, my normal self. I have always been introvert and shy. I remember I was so shy during my schools and college day days I was working on self improvement to "unshy myself" and did take some personality development courses in sales.

        But my Wife telling me you are not shy did made me think, I have been drinking everyday for so long that I have been doing too much alcohol crap talk in such kind of occasions. With inhibitions leased due to AL I must have become an open and extrovert person. Seeing my calm and sober maybe my wife saw a new rather the real me. The real me which even I am rediscovering after so many years. This real me who was always a bit shy and calm in social occasions , gathering. How alcohol changes you and your perception about you even with the closest person around you.

        Jane: I hope you are having a better day today. I can't say but maybe AL could have brought distance in your marriage and it might take some effort to bring it on track.
        Rewiring my brain ... done ...
        Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
        Rebooting ... done ...
        Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


          Newbies Nest

          Rahul! We are so proud of you. I used to write diddies at 50 days, but due to the LOUD SILENCE when I did, I will stick to prizes!

          I am just thrilled for your transformation! Giving time TIME to work makes all the difference, great job in having the patience to wait for the magic to happen! Great speech, too!

          XXOO, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Drank all week, could not stop. Doing the CDs every night. Ordered the supplements but they have not arrived. Hoping they will help. Can't do this alone. So disappointed in myself!


              Newbies Nest

              Rahul, you are doing great. I know you have fought hard to get this far and I am so happy for you. Keep it going.
              Dila, disappointment in yourself will not help you stay AF. Keep trying and it will click one day. Keep coming here and reading and posting. We will help you however we can.


                Newbies Nest

                Rahul congratulations on your 50 days, very very proud of you and in what you have achieved. I knew you could do this, i just knew it. I was in a situation where i felt like i was invisible as they were talking about al around me etc and i went into my shell for awhile until they stopped. i have no need to explain why to people that i dont choose to drink if i dont want to. Be proud of yourself Rahul you have come a long way in your sobriety and keep holding onto it with all you have. Baby steps in our recovery is all we can do, remember we are still in early recovery so dont overload yourself, i know that i dont as its still one day at a time.

                Mom how are you going? Dila, keep on here, keep posting and one day at a time. Always come on mwo to be accountable. I am on a lovely holiday and yes here i am on mwo twice a day. al will not win anymore. This is my life, not al's and i am totally enjoying that feeling of freedom.

                Oh still having a wonderful time in thailand, we go to bangkok on wednesday and i will be home on the 18th, damn time flies when yo are doing nothing but relaxing.

                Love to all xx
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest


                  I am working on day two so I am hardly a wealth of good information.
                  But when I beat myself up for drinking all it did was give me an excuse to keep drinking.

                  Stay strong and maybe start tapering off until those supplements arrive. I went from drinking a fifth of vodka every day to cold turkey. Maybe not the brightest choice but that is how I do things.
                  All or Nothing... I am no doubt a raging alcoholic who can find a cure everyday.

                  Best of luck to you.

                  All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Hope your birthday was special DTD - just like you

                    Welcome back momof3, meshell & Kailey!
                    All of you can make this your very last quit - make the commitment & I promise you'll have nothing to regret.

                    Dottie, glad you are challenging yourself & staying true to your commitment.

                    jane, hoping tomorrow is better for you! Get outside, it's nice out now!

                    Greetings Jim, Sam, Byrdie & everyone!
                    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      :goodjob::happy::wd::yay::applaud::yougo: Rahulthesweet's Congrats on 50 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        Kailey;1647632 wrote: After not drinking for 30 days in February, March was off and on. Mostly not drinking, but I can see the direction things were going. I wasn't trying to moderate... I was just giving up, I guess, and justifying to myself that I wasn't drinking as much as before.

                        Today is the 4th day, I pray, of my final quit. My immediate hurdle is this weekend so I'm logging in and sticking close to the nest. Mom and Meshel, we've been here before and not sticking to what we know we have to do is bringing us nothing but heartache. Let's tough it out and make this the last time we have to start over.
                        Hi Kailey, I am feeling like its Groundhog Day, with me and drinking. I keep trying, but not making it past the first week , keep getting derailed by friends and family. Im really sick of continuing to quit too. I'm in for making this my last quit too,,will work to tough it out with you girls, Meshel and Mom too. Day 1 for me today. Wine dinner tomorrow night, I'm not drinking no matter what, they are not getting to me next time. Will enjoy nice mocktail and enjoy fabulous food. Have a great weekend everyone.
                        "A good garden may have some weeds"
                        Thomas Fuller


                          Newbies Nest

                          Gard why not try and keep away from these af dinners for awhile. We can go to them with as much determination as we can muster but in the early days it is so hard to not drink. I kept myself way away from any situation that i did not feel i could cope with. At the end of they day these functions will always be around and the stronger we are the better we are equipped with knowledge and strength to say no. I am on my first af holiday in over 20 years and 8 weeks ago i was petrified i would fail, those 8 weeks af have given me more strength to say no to it. Im loving every moment but the road can be rocky.

                          best of luck with your dinner! I have had so many "no matter whats" with al and al nearly always won i am afraid. Be safe.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy, happy, happy to report that I did not drink tonight. If I could do it tonight I can do it again tomorow. Whoohoo! Off to bed...I can't wait to wake up in the morning and feel proud of myself! I Hope everyone else has had a successful evening, too!
                            You had the power all along, my dear.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi, Nesters:

                              Quick fly by to say hello and I'm still here! Very busy with work and after work fun - all sober.

                              Way to go Kailey! Keep 'em coming. Rahul - keep racking up those days.


                              More later in the weekend. Stay strong and stay sober. Think how many more hours Saturday has if half of them aren't spent with a hangover!



                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE Nesters!

                                It took for ever for this thread to load! I hope everybody's had a lovely Friday and that you really look forward to an AF weekend. They are the best! Help yourself to some coffee - and butt velcro.

                                Pav, all those wasted weekends (and yes, pun intended) - first trying to get rid of the one hangover, then working hard on acquiring the next one. Have a lovely Friturday!

                                Kailey, those small milestones are so great in building up your resolve, and as you said, if you could do it once, you can do it multiple times. Sober Friday nights absolutely rock!

                                Gardener, in the beginning I became a reclusive and stayed away from any form of temptation. If friends and family have derailed you in the past, are you not worried that the same will happen again tonight? I know, it's such a fine balance between avoiding temptation and flexing your Af muscles, and only you can know if your resolve is strong enough. As Byrdie always asks - would you go to an eat as much as you like buffet when you're on a strict diet? If I were you, I would stay away from the dinner, but ultimately the decision is yours. Best of luck!

                                Dila, you don't have to do this alone - you have the entire Nest behind you. Stay close and post when you feel weak - there will be somebody here to help you.

                                Rahul - well done!! So glad you've cut yourself free of the shackles!

                                Have a great AF Saturday!
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

