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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters,

    Happy Saturday to one & all!
    Cute coffee mug as usual DTD

    Hibernating in your AF home for a few weeks/months while you get started is not a bad thing - that's exactly what I did. I used that time to practice saying out loud 'No thanks' & sound like I really mean it too! I also practiced saying 'I just feel better when I don't drink' to have an automatic response ready for the inevitable 'whys'. It works

    Dila, Kailey, Gardener & anyone else just starting or restarting - being prepared & staying close to the nest is a big help!

    Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Happy Sattidy, everyone!
      Gardener, so good to see you! DTD has dispensed excellent coffee and advice, as usual!!
      Pav, great to see your check in!
      Jane, hope you are feeling better! We are getting the red carpets cleaned for for 100 day ceremony!
      Dila, so good to see you!
      Kailey, GREAT job, rinse and repeat!
      Available, showing us all how Extreme Vacationing is done!!!
      Rednose! I think this is YOUR sound just sick to death of the cycle, and thats exactly what it takes! Stick with it and you will get off that hamster wheel.
      Lav, gooday, my lovely!
      Stick with this, everyone! There is nothing like the feeling of accomplishment by staying sober! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        MAE all,
        Good job on AF Friday night!!!!
        Off to the garage to clean up mouse poop..what a fun day....
        Back later.

        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Day three.

          We'll day three begins for me and I am excited to face the day Al free.
          Had a great day 2 .

          Great job to you all.

          All things in time if I am Alcohol free


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all...
            Today will be day one for me. I was doing really good and fell flat on my face the past couple weekend and could use a hug. I know I don't visit here much but thinking maybe I should.


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady, Ican, available, Dottie, Jane, Paviti, Dream that's all for the wishing. Thanks also for guiding me when I needed the most. I am not satisfied. I thirst for sobriety is still strong and I want to continue on this path.

              Am preparing for my upcoming trip to Germany next month. A big show an exhibition where our company is exhibiting so will be there for about 10 days or more. Normally I would be exited to go on the thought on drinking german beer. But this time I do feel a bit scared as to what will I do in evenings and might slip. Anyone know AA in Germany where they speak English ? Will try to google it.

              Today was a boring day and I did realise I am so alone not many people to talk to not even my wife. Does drinking too much makes you isolated ? Deserted ?

              I also thought about depression. It's there in my family jeans. Two of my family members from. Y mom side committed suicide in their lives. One my mom's brother and second the same brothers elder daughter. This happened in span of 20 years or so but I have even my mother fight depression thought it her life. My sis is now showing sign of her. They were and are all sober people. I am from the same genes. Think a bit too much, have been so unhappy and Aloof for so long, have seen so much rejection in my life. A perfect candidate for depression. But then I have different problems , I became and alcoholic.

              And alcohol delay depression or avoid it ? It's a crazy thought but I googled it to day found host of links linking alcohol to depression and depression with alcohol. I must say relearning to live life is not easy you do told to get bored and there are moments you miss the buzz of excitement caused by alcohol even though a fake one.

              Feel bit low today but then tomorrow will be another day.
              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
              Rebooting ... done ...
              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                Newbies Nest

                Hi, All:

                Rahul - someone sent this blog along - it is from Glennon Doyle Melton who writes the Momastery blog. Truthfully I find some of her stuff hard to read, but this is a letter to someone whose sister died of alcoholism (I guess she uses the term Lobster to mean loved one). I think Glennon talks truthfully about missing alcohol and missing who she (thought she) was, but then makes the point that when you're drinking you numb the good feelings along with the bad. Getting sober is not easy, but being a drunk is a heck of a lot harder.

                BK - Here's a big hug from me. :l I have found that posting and reading, posting and reading, and more posting and reading has been what works to keep me sober. I get a lot of insight and some "tough love" here - reading and reflecting keep my sober head screwed on in the right direction.

                I'll post one of my favorite meditations from NA that an AA friend sent me on surrender:

                "We felt different... Only after surrender are we able to overcome the alienation of addiction."
                Basic Text, p. 22

                "But you don't understand!" we spluttered, trying to cover up. "I'm different! I've really got it rough!" We used these lines over and over in our active addiction, either trying to escape the consequences of our actions or avoid following the rules that applied to everyone else. We may have cried them at our first meeting. Perhaps we've even caught ourselves whining them recently.

                So many of us feel different or unique. As addicts, we can use almost anything to alienate ourselves. But there's no excuse for missing out on recovery, nothing that can make us ineligible for the program- not a life-threatening illness, not poverty, not anything. There are thousands of addicts who have found recovery despite the real hardships they've faced. Through working the program, their spiritual awareness has grown, in spite of-or perhaps in response to those hardships.

                Our individual circumstances and differences are irrelevant when it comes to recovery. By letting go of our uniqueness and surrendering to this simple way of life, we're bound to find that we feel a part of something. And feeling a part of something gives us the strength to walk through life, hardships and all.

                Just for Today: I will let go of my uniqueness and embrace the principles of recovery I have in common with so many others. My hardships do not exclude me from recovery; rather, they draw me into it.

                Happy Sober Saturday, everyone. I'm off to clean this messy house!



                  Newbies Nest

                  Afternoon everyone, day 2 here for me and feeling the familiar uges as the evening approaches. I have intentionally not left my home today so I will not stop at the liquor store, not feeling strong enough yet to be tempted. I moved things I was going to do today till tomorrow when I won't be alone in the vehicle. Keeping myself busy by pretty much baking all day and I'm going to get ready to make dinner shortly. I hate these times.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mom, weekends seemed endless at first for me. I had started drinking at 10:30 on weekends so i had a whole lot of time to fill. Like you, I did some baking. I took cakes to neighbors who didnt get out much. It is rewarding to do something nice for someone who isnt expecting it. I wrote some long-overdue notes ( on stationery) and got grateful phone calls in return. I took my dog to a local nursing home and visited the residents about grateful people! Taking the focus off of you and onto something else makes all the difference. You are doing great, you too, Rednose!
                    Bkyoga, hang tough, your morning brain and your afternoon are trying to start a fight. Make sure Morning brain wins! All you gotta do is get thru this day.
                    Rahul, business conventions are a test, but you can pass with flying colors. I was always the first one to the bar after the meetings. Always attended the cocktail hours before dinner, and stayed up half the night with the other heavy drinkers. Now, i go back to my room after the meeting and check email and MWO, I take a bath and hit the tail end of the cocktail hour and I get my own drinks. I get water with lime. I hold it in my hand as a deterrent. At the dinners, I turn my wine glass upside down so I dont have to go thru the verbal no thank yous. I go to bed around 9:30 or 10. Usually by the time I go up to my room, the others are getting sloppy drunk, talking loud, close and many times, inappropriately! I dont miss a thing! Then I wake up feeling great and ready to go another day. You can do this. If I can, I know you can too! I can give you my email address and you feel free to email me any time if you need a boost! I will be happy to help! We've got your back!
                    Hope everyone is hanging strong today!!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey jane!! Glad you are feeling better, enjoy your outing!!!!XXXOOO! B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Wow Pav... That's cool.. I will read that over again for sure. It is funny how alone addiction/recovery can feel... I love reading here over and over again. I need to stay closer... Pink cloud follows me around then bam... Black cloud is back.
                        Thanks for the hug.

                        Byrd- thank you for the reminder. It seems when I allow myself to take care of myself like sleeping when tired and taking down helps me slay the beast.


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE all. Just a quick hello to everyone. I've had a lot going on of late. Start of day 7 here.
                          I hope to pop in later for a chat. Great to see so many going so well.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Petrel, hope you have time to enjoy a moon!
                            Here's to kicking AL's arse for 7 big days!!! The worst is behind you!!!!!
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Had 3 beers last night. Did not get drunk. Don't usually drink beer, I drink wine or vodka but I thought beer would at least not get me drunk as I can't drink too many. Went to bed early and listen to the CDs. Better but not where I want to be.
                              Spent the entire day shopping for a bedroom set. So exhusted but 1st thing I did when I got home was pour a glass of wine. Hoping to control it to night.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Are you tapering before you quit drinking altogether for 30 days, Dila?

