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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi ladies...and thank you for your welcomes. No Sugar, lol, no, Im not French, but I would love a French accent LOL. Well, I probably have a story similar to everyone. Tried for years to give up, moderate. yadda yadda... drank too much, said the wrong things and did things I would rather have not done!!!!! I decided its now or never... I was tired of 'trying' to stop drinking all the time... so in August last year I stopped drinking... and here I am. I am married with 2 children and 3 grand children... so it's about time I grew up LOL. Will be looking forward to meeting you more often here online
    "Saw the light" in August 2013


      Newbies Nest

      So did you do it on your own beginning last Aug? I got close but couldn't quite get it done until I came here.


        Newbies Nest

        I see a therapist... she is excellent and has helped me work through a lot of old baggage etc... I am so determined not to go back to those days of waking up feeling like cr@p and feeling like I am a looser... cause I'm not by a long shot!!
        "Saw the light" in August 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Well, Congratulations! I hope participating here makes this exciting adventure of reclaiming a sober life even better .


            Newbies Nest

            Lav, 30 chickens... wow, I only have 5 (and one rooster). I get about 4-6 eggs a day, one of them always lays twins!

            I give lots of eggs to friends that they appreciate because they really are uncomparable to "store bought". Chickens are fed wheat, corn, lots of leftover peels and are AF!
            Pavati, I think one chicken wouldn't make too much noise.
            To everyone else in the nest.. Sorry for not contributing more. I read regularly and benefit greatly from all your posts, struggles, successes, fun stories, etc. (K9, you scared me!) But I am very overwhelmed with life's worries and also some exciting projects now that I don't drink, have more energy and can think straighter, and brighter. Today is day, let's see, I have to go and count...I don't count very often as I am so busy getting on with life. Wow, I actually have to get out the calculator... Day 98 ! ! ! Are you there Birdlady?
            Gotta go, so great AF day to you all. Attached files [img]/converted_files/2303052=7744-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Go as far as you can see.
            When you get there, you'll see further.


              Newbies Nest

              I just went to sign in again now, and I didn't even have to put my name or password in and I could read all the threads (without signing in)??? Can anyone else do this.. its not very private if this is the case... I googled my way out, then I had the option of clicking on 'community'...and there it all was!!
              Can you ladies do this too?
              "Saw the light" in August 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Hi, Fleur

                I use a Chrome incognito window on shared devices. You wil sign in from scratch each time.

                Fleur23;1648430 wrote: I just went to sign in again now, and I didn't even have to put my name or password in and I could read all the threads (without signing in)??? Can anyone else do this.. its not very private if this is the case... I googled my way out, then I had the option of clicking on 'community'...and there it all was!!
                Can you ladies do this too?


                  Newbies Nest

                  This is a really interesting talk:
                  The Bubble Hour

                  Special Guest, Dr. John Kelly: Changing the Stigma of Addiction Through Science
                  Many people think that recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is a lost cause when in reality there are approximately 25-40 million people who consider themselves to be in active, stable long-term recovery. Based on those numbers, most people probably interact with someone in recovery on a daily basis, but they don't even know it because it's not talked about openly. Dr. Kelly and the Recovery Research Institute's mission is change that stigma and show people, through science, that recovery is not only possible, but it is the likely outcome.

                  On this episode we will talk to Dr. Kelly about addiction, stigma and recovery and how understanding the neuroscience of addiction will help alleviate that stigma.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good Morning, Nesters!
                    Yes, MyWayIn, I'm here, and keeping count of your milestone! Be sure to check in over on Roll Call for the ceremony!! GREAT GOING!!!

                    Dila and Fleur, welcome aboard! Fleur, MWO remembers my password so I don't have to sign in every time. I'm the only one using this computer, tho, so I prefer it that way. We are so glad you found us.

                    All this talk of chickens and eggs has me thinking about lunch!

                    As I think back on the last 4+ years here....we all do have so many similarities. Sure, there are cultural differences, economic and religious and personality differentiators, but what I find is that ADDICTION is the same. It doesn't discriminate at all. (To Pav's post yesterday). What I find ....not discouraging, I don't know the word....frustrating, maybe is that addiction PREVENTS us from hearing and really seeing the way out. We are so mired in the quicksand that our thrashing around trying to hold on to it (AL) actually makes our situation worse. The people that are here are not only trying to get out themselves, but they are trying to make the trip to recovery EASIER for those that follow. Addiction prevented me from seeing this for the first year....I thought I knew better than these people here. It turns out, the simplest and most humane way from Point A (addiction) to Point B (recovery) is to stop drinking completely and STAY stopped. I fought this with every ounce of my being. But even for skeptics like me, there comes a time to face TRUTH. There comes a time to trust others. I was afraid to let go, but only when I did was I able to get to the other side. As long as you have a life link to alcohol, you will have a harder time getting to recovery. Let it go. That is the best advice I can give today! AL does not provide the safe haven we think it does. It does not give us the special powers it promised, or the social skills. The only thing AL gives us now is regret. Just let it go, and you will see that you were clinging to a boat anchor! Do whatever it takes to get thru this day AF. Day by day you will build your self confidence (like Rahul, Ava, DreamTD, Pav, NS) and countless others! Day by day we do this thing and help each other! If what you HAVE tried isn't working, why not try it this way? You may be pleasantly surprised!

                    There is a hard way to recovery and an easier way. Like we just saw with Rednose, keep yourself out of temptation for the first few weeks. Putting yourself in harm's way only makes it harder, it doesn't really prove anything. Set yourself up for success.
                    Push drinking thoughts OUT of your head. Distract yourself any way possible. Sitting and dwelling on what you can't
                    have only makes this harder and the likelihood that you will cave increases. You can change your thoughts! That is one thing we CAN do!
                    Concentrate on what you CAN have and not what you can't. Be grateful that there is an online community available to you 24/7 with folks just like you to talk to! You are NOT alone. Is this always easy? No, it isn't, but drinking to excess every day wasn't easy either, so it's a trade off. You CAN do this!! Stay connected with us here...we can help!

                    Hugs to all today, go out and live this day as if it were your last!!! XXOO!!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Beautifully written as always Byrdie,thank you
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Private browsing

                        Flower, these thoughts have crossed my mind too. I wonder if my husband, children or friends see my connections to MWO, what will they think.. And so what! I'm sure that people realise, more than we imagine, our drinking situations. What is the problem if they realise that we are trying to overcome them? Afraid of people talking about it, criticism? I've concluded that the only people i really care about are the people that love and care about me, and they would not use that acquired information in a bad way. It would only make them happy.
                        You can also use some "private browsing" solution. Whatever you do though, stay connected to MWO!
                        Go as far as you can see.
                        When you get there, you'll see further.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdie-I loved your post today. So true and inspiring. No BS just the honest truth. Yes recovery is not easy at all but so worth it. And what is it really that we are giving up? Poison, shame, regret and misery. I truly try to find ONE good reason in drinking and I can?t simply because there is none. I think that most of us here already concluded that it doesn?t bring us any joy or pleasure and we are struggling with something that took complete control over us and our lives and makes us so miserable, so why? and for what?

                          All I can do is one day at a time I think it?s the best way to go. All I know is that with each and every passing AF day, I get stronger, I see more clearly, I can focus on my life, the real life and move forward with whatever it is I want to achieve and make of this life. Taking control feels so empowering . I look back at my life, the wasted years with alcohol and I can?t explain myself WHY.

                          With AL - I see myself as two people where I am the horse and AL is holding the reins and directing my life to devastation. Now as I am sobering up there is only me and I am both the horse and the reins and I lead myself to a better place knowing I am in full control and all I wanna do is improve my life and make sure AL has no power over me. Being sober brings so much power and freedom. I love this freedom and I will fight with all I?ve got to keep it.

                          Wishing everyone a sober Sunday.:l:h


                            Newbies Nest

                            Dial and Fleur,

                            I am new member at MWO and have benefited a lot with the comfort and advice of all the folks here. I wall take you thru few of my posts ...

                            This was my first post on MWO ....

                            August 2013:

                            What a mess I have made my life into. Guys I am new here .... Woke up at 5 am with dry throat and lack of sleep due to excess drinking beers yesterday night. It's been now more than 10 years of daily drinking 8 to 10 pints of beers everyday. My work which involves travelling all across have made thinks worse . Alcohol is my time pass every evening. Tried to reduce it control it but just can't. Need your help guys

                            When I completed 30 day first time in last 15 years

                            I can't believe just 30 days back I felt so sick of myself. I felt I was in a pit with no way out. Sitting in a hotel and after drinking more than 10 pints of beer I felt cheated by this AL was till that time my friend (at least I though so.)

                            I must admit I have been to MWO forums several times saw several posts, but never cared about making an account and start posting. Then one night after drinking too much and waking up early morning with dry throat completely dehydrated and depressed I plunged into these forums ...

                            It was a pleasant surprise to see so many friends listing and responding and giving advice which I needed the most. And I must thank you guys for giving me strength

                            Yes so if you also came here are reading this first thing you should is join this forum and post. Share your thoughts your feeling anything.. And when you do so you will feel relaxed as if a load out of your mind is over.

                            Looking back 30 days I feel so proud of myself ... The feeling which I just cannot describe. I have been promise myself and others almost everyday "I promise I will not drink today" even swear on my kids ... But power of AL ! And here I was in Switzerland during my travels having non alcoholic beer (and not liking the taste of it).

                            30 days later I have no carving towards AL but yes lots of carving if sugar.

                            Here is my advice for new comers :
                            1. Don't tell yourself you are giving up alcohol. For me it's still a difficult thing to accept "I will never drink again" I still cannot digest it. But what I have realised is that during first few weeks it sounded absolutely far fetched and impossible as a tough but now I looks doable or rather "its not a big deal to stay sober."
                            2. Make sure you stuff your self with food. I used to drink alone most of time in evening. I use to have 8 to 10 favourite places all around my home town where I use to go along drinking. Now I have made a habit that in evening I stuff myself with food so much that amazingly carvings disappear. This will really help you new folks.
                            3. Post every day on MWO what ever you feel no matter how small just post it. And make it a habit to read the replies and also comfort others to what ever extent you can.
                            4. Watch you tube videos on how alcohol is bad for you. During past 30 days I read a lot and saw several documentaries on why alcohol is not good and what all it do to damage the brain, it was a strong re enforcement for me.
                            5. Treat yourself with sweets ice creams etc it working for me.
                            6. Exercise ... Although I am not doing much should do more but I feel more active and alive after words.

                            Remember I am just like you and probably much weaker than you. And if I can make it for 30 days then you too...

                            12 November 2013 I relapsed and was feeling very bad. This post I wrote when I found no way to control my drinking and was having a bad hangover in morning. And wrote this ...

                            I hate you Al
                            Y did you even come to my life
                            I am sick of drinking you every day till I collapse
                            I am sick of head aches
                            I am sick and tired of waking up in middle of night with dry throat
                            I am so sick of feeling hung and guilty every morning I wake up
                            Why did you come to my life
                            U are not my friend
                            You are like a parasite who is hanging on to me and sucking my life away
                            Life is good, challenging, exiting, and here I am wasting it away on you
                            Every day I spend 2 to 3 hours on you
                            And what you give me in return is more despair, guilt
                            God has given me gift of life, this body, my family
                            And I am simply destroying it by having you.
                            If just hate you ... You are the worst thing that happened to me.
                            I will kick out of my system
                            You just wait and watch
                            I have you as you are nothing but the poison
                            I have had enough of you ....
                            Good bye and I don't want to drink you again !!

                            I have completed 51 days and again on path towards being sober. The only want it is possible is by compete abstinence and changing attitude ...

                            Take care ...
                            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                            Rebooting ... done ...
                            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE all.

                              It's the start of day 8 for me.

                              Rahul, glad to see you're still staying strong. I'm not sure how the chat thing works, but PM me anytime.

                              Ava, Phuket sounds like a supreme challenge course to take you to the next level of AF zen mastery. Walking the streets with temptation everywhere. It sounds like you've passed the test. Well done!

                              Pav And Lav, thanks for the support. Feeling good here.

                              I've been very busy and preoccupied recently, which has put Al out of my mind. I finally dealt with a huge work related issue last Friday. So glad it's finished. I have a week off from work this week. The kids are on holiday. So some much needed time to chill out.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Rahul, your growth has just been amazing! What a wonderful post!!
                                Petrel, great to hear that you are going strong!
                                Lucky and Pauly, thank you for the kind words and keep up the great work!!

                                Just finished up some yard work! What a mess out there from 6 months of rain and gloom! I sweated!!! Hope everyone is enjoying some sunshine today! xo, B
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

