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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I just listened to quite a few podcasts on bubble hour which no sugar shared.

    It got me thinking. I heard quite a few folks talking about their experience with recovery and that does makes me wonder about one question.

    I don't speak to anyone about my problems related to drinking or the recovery I am in. I mean in real life. Not even to my wife. She never understood my drinking, and currently is not appreciating me not drinking (as from her point of view that how one should stay anyways so I was crazy earlier now now. ) I don't have great marriage and I hardly share anything with my wife and same with her.

    I don't go to AA meetings, I don't take any meds or supplements. What I only do is read and post on MWO and not drink. I am very keen on staying sober long term (I still cannot digest the fact that for ever). What are my chances ?

    In other words, how important is real world support, medications or supplement.

    Can I secretly overcome alcohol ? And can stay long term sober ?
    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
    Rebooting ... done ...
    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


      Newbies Nest

      Hi All,

      Well day 4 is turning out to be the hardest so far. My body is craving that fix.
      I am eating well, drinking lots of water and taking it easy watching the last round of the Masters.
      I am really tired today and I actually think I am starting to feel the withdrawls from all the drinking I did in the last year. Sweaty, hot, a bit of the shakes.
      So I guess the honeymoon is over for a while. It is time for me to just rest, drink more water,
      Eat more and just hang on one minute at a time.
      I have worked hard to get to day 4 and I am not going to blow it today.

      Thanks for being here.

      All things in time if I am Alcohol free


        Newbies Nest


        There are no "have to do it this ways" - you are finding your way out. An online community has helped get you AF and there is no reason to think it can't help you keep it that way -as long as you stay committed and do what is necessary. Drifting away will likely lead to problems unless you have another form of support, in my opinion. MWO has been my only support group, also (although I've read a lot, listened to many podcasts, etc.). Other people have added rehab, AA , etc. There is no one right way so if you feel secure with what you're doing and it keeps working, I don't think you should feel like you are doing something wrong or need to change anything. If you feel yourself wavering, by all means do something else!

        I'm sorry about the stress in your marriage. To become a truly sober person, and not simply AF, I think it important that we deal with as many underlying problems as we can. I've found that the longer I'm AF, the more able I am to communicate clearly with those around me (and the more I can see what is going on and the role I'm playing). That took a long time, though - much longer than 50 days. That podcast about the brain is startling in terms of how much repair is needed. But it was so encouraging about our odds of ultimate success.

        Try not to question things that are working, ok? :l


          Newbies Nest

          Rahul - Thanks for sharing your posts. Glad you talk to us here. I spent hours reading the forum today and can report that I did not drink at all tonight! I am going to make a cup of tea and probably head to bed early. Hoping to keep it going AF.

          rednose - keep going. I am right behind you.

          Byrdlady -thanks for the great posts and inspiration.


            Newbies Nest

            Had a great day...80 degrees and got my veggies in the pots....going to snow Tuesday.....crazy weather...gym tomorrow so back to normal...
            Have a wonderful AF evening.

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              MAE one and all

              Byrd another excellent post by an adorable woman. You keep inspiring me each and every day.

              Rahul great post also, its wonderful to see the change that being af brings to lives.

              Al is a hard task master and conquering him is one of the most difficult tasks i have had to accomplish but once out of our lives then we can truly start living again. He walks beside me everyday but I refuse to let him into my life. I have let al go, i have mourned and grieved for al, craved and desired al but with determination and strength and guidance from here i can finally say al is not a part of my life that i want included into my life. I have made it through my first christmas af, New Year af, holidays af and next is my 50th af. These are events that i have not been af in over 20+ years. If you had of told me that i would succeed last November in being af, i would have told you that it was not possible, that this was my life, there was no way out of the hell i was living, that you were talking out of your arse! I have achieved what i thought was the impossible and for that i am truly grateful to this site and the many friends i have made along the journey of sobriety.

              Petrel big hugs and congrats on 7 days and lots lots more to come. The temptation has been everywhere on holidays but a girls gotta do what she has to do and thats not drink. There is a lot to be said for checking in here twice daily and reading and posting. There is always time to look after my sobriety.

              well off to bangkok tomorrow to shop and when i say shop i mean shop. I have a limit of 35kgs for my luggage and i am hoping i wont go over. If i do i will be wearing everything i have bought, layers are great!

              Have a lovely Sunday/Monday guys and newbies keep checking in, make yourselves known everyday and it wont take long to get to know us here.

              Ps, lav send me some eggs please. I remember when i was little we had chickens and i so loved them, named them and my fav was "Ernie", he was an arthritic rooster who lived out his days with lots of love and attention from me.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Dila;1648590 wrote: Rahul - Thanks for sharing your posts. Glad you talk to us here. I spent hours reading the forum today and can report that I did not drink at all tonight! I am going to make a cup of tea and probably head to bed early. Hoping to keep it going AF.

                rednose - keep going. I am right behind you.

                Byrdlady -thanks for the great posts and inspiration.

                Glad you were sober today but remember it was you who made it happen not us. It is you who is going to make that change in your life. We are here to help. As you go along you will find you will be faced with new emotions (or lack of it). What ever share your experiences, share how your days go along. We are here ... Listening always. We will not judge you saw we are all in the same boat.

                First week will be hard very hard. AL thoughts may drop you nuts. I went cold turkey and first week I had trouble sleeping. My brain was active and super charged all the time. There is a reason for it and we will tell you why as you go along. After one week or so you will see the life in a different way and you will love it.

                Stay on path and rewards will be worth the battle.
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  I am exhausted after a long & busy day with family. I am so incredibly grateful for this chance to enjoy my grandkids in a healthy, safe & loving way

                  OK, OK - everyone needing/wanting fresh eggs just line up. I'm sure the 'girls' will be more than happy to oblige :H

                  Rahul. I have to agree with NS- no point in questioning what's working for you. We're all a bit different & have different needs. I also don't really talk about details to anyone outside of MWO. I just don't see how anyone could possibly understand our unique situation. There is strength in numbers!

                  Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi, Nest:

                    Once again an extremely busy day has me checking in late and tired.

                    Rahul - You have been on an amazing journey and seem so strong. My two cents - MWO is a "program" in the find and work a sober program sense. It feels different because we don't meet face to face, and therefore is really much more anonymous than AA. If you read the relapse thread and all of the information about relapse, you'll see that relapse starts in the mind. I believe that as long as you are working a program - that is posting here when you feel good AND when you feel crappy, listening to and giving advice, working on your life outside of the program to change old habits and ways - you are likely to stay sober.

                    Personally, however, I have found that telling people face to face is a strong support, too. I have told my husband, sister, three good friends and an acquaintance that seems to be very understanding and sensitive. The first good friend introduced me to MWO so she "knew" already, and my husband was with me that last horrible hangover/withdrawal day (not to mention all the horrible hangovers and guilt that came before), but the first time I told someone who didn't know felt like a weight off my shoulders. I told my counselor and then two friends - they were so great! We all cried. I hope you can find someone in your life - maybe your wife as Jane suggests - that you can talk to face to face.

                    Dila - That took a lot of courage to jump right in when you were challenged! Great on you, and I'm happy you made it through the night.

                    RedNose - Day 4 is hard - your hangover is gone, and that old AL brain starts screaming loudly for its fix. Stay close here, read, distract yourself, eat - you can do this. If you need, read back to your day 1 post and try to recall that feeling.

                    Jane - glad you had a good time. I hope you learn to feel good about feeling good - you DO deserve it!

                    OK - Must toddle off to bed. I'll take three fresh scrambled in the morning, Stella.



                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Abbers,

                      Eggs coming right up Pav :H

                      I'm going to pack in exercise, some work & lots of outside time today before the rain arrives tomorrow. Grateful to have the clear head to get it all done

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning, Nesters!
                        I'm SORE from all the yardwork yesterday! (Did I mention I sweated???)

                        Powerful posts overnight....Jane, I identified with your analogy of finding treasures. We are meeting our true selves for the first time in years! I don't think I've ever seen anyone who didn't like his/her new identity 1000 times better, either. It's as if we have been given an opportunity to actually CHANGE the people we are and are becoming. It's hard to describe, and as you say, it's not always pretty but the end result is magnificent! It's almost like a work of art that WE created.

                        I didn't go into a lot of detail with my hubs for months and months. I didn't want him to know just how bad I was (he still doesn't know I hid booze in a hairspray bottle in my purse). I thought he might think less of me. I think it was just the opposite, he is keenly aware of the grip it had and he is proud of me for coming out the other side. It is sort of amazing that all the things I really feared while I was in the grips of AL, most of them have not materialized. The thing that held me down was the addiction itself. IT told me I couldn't do anything right....that I wasn't worthy...that I was worthless. It was the ALCOHOL! I have experienced tremendous growth in these 1181 days! I AM worth fighting for! My life IS precious! Some discomfort and withdrawals ARE WORTH IT to break free of the chains. Soldier on, Nesters! There is life beyond AL, and it is worth the battle!

                        Have a wonderful AF Monday! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thank you Byrd.


                            Newbies Nest


                            What a powerful and thought provoking post. You tell me about being honest and open about sharing my emotion look that you ... You are pouring out your feeling and we see and appreciate you living a new chapter in your life. If we see a 4 year child (like my son) , he has volcano of feelings. The joy which pops out like a champagne cork. Cry and tears and then his expression of love. We are all releasing to appreciate these emotions. We are lucky that we realised and are moving towards recovery and feelings these new emotions daily.

                            Paviti, you inspired me .. You came here and were steady.

                            Still so much to achieve ...
                            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                            Rebooting ... done ...
                            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Day 52:
                              Thanks nosugar was to listening to few pod cast yesterday night. This morning woke early, wanting to set routine and start working out. Drove to office and listened to few pod casts as well. It's like I found another treasure of content which I haven't see before. Any suggestions for some good podcasts which you all must have heard .

                              I went to play badminton today. It's the only sport I loved played since my school days. Played awful as was playing after 3 months. I used to play during my days when I was drinking. Used to drink like crazy at night wake up early with dryness and then used to go and play like crazy. This was a routine I followed for an year but then by performance become degraded and I became more and more crazy due to drinking,

                              Past 2 months have been sleeping late due to MWO and rather too much that was having trouble waking up. Now want to balance my routine, have gained enough weight it's about time I do something about it.

                              I used to bring booze and chocolate from duty free while coming home from overseas. It used to be my daily routine to sneak out before sleeping and have couple of shots of scotch. Today however the bottles are still there and in the same bag there is a bar of dark chocolate. I just sneaked out to grab some chocolate while the bottle of scotch lie there maybe surprised ...
                              Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                              Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                              Rebooting ... done ...
                              Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                                Newbies Nest

                                The Bubble Hour is the only podcast I know about re: alcohol. Now, if you want some about not eating sugar, let me know and I can keep you occupied for hours and hours .

