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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dila, I can only echo what everybody else has said - you are such an incredibly strong person. Use that inner resolve to now tackle booze - it won't change your past, but it will definitely change you future and that of your daughter. :l:l

    Willow, will keeping yourself as busy (or as distracted) as possible push your anxiety about the house and house-hunt to the back of your mind? Hope the kids are better soon. Sounds as if you're homeschooling them?

    Mr SuperGman - I don't really have to tell you to keep on fighting, do I? I'm always in awe of your incredible outlook on life - keep the spirit going.

    Oh Jennie, the journey is difficult, but don't stray off the path, and you'll get there. Glad to see you're exploring various options - you will find something that works for you. Just don't ever give up (except the booze, of course )

    Lovely rainy day here - enjoy the rest of Tuesday!
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      Yes DTD, I homeschool them - which keeps me pretty busy for the best part of the day! At 5pm though when I'm making dinner that's my worst time because I'm not teaching, they're off playing or watching TV and that's when I usually crack open a bottle. I'm sure everyone here can relate to the 'Oh go on, you work hard, you deserve it' voice. I got to say, recently it's been more of a drink because it's a habit thing rather than 'needing' a drink - I would have conversations with myself saying 'Really? Do you really want to drink? You're not even sure you want a drink, so why are you grabbing your bag ready to nip over to the shop?'. But I still did - I would convince myself that if I took it slowly and made sure I ate dinner I wouldn't feel hungover the next day and so then I could just teach the kids as usual. I knew that was a load of crap but I just didn't want to admit it.

      I will miss this house because I was pregnant with both children here, they both came home from hospital to here and it's all they've known but a bigger part of me just wants to go. So many bad memories here, pretty much all AL related and I'm just so eager to leave and make a fresh start. Because we haven't yet found a house to move to, I'm getting a bit stressed about that too. So yes, I definitely need to push it all to the back of my mind!


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning, Nesters!
        Jennie, it's great to see you! That is so odd that NS was asking about you just Sunday!! Here is the Butt Velcro! Strap in and hold on! We are so glad you're here!

        Willow, that 5 o'clock cooking time was a bear for me, too... I made sure I nibbled my way thru it...I kept my mouth busy and my tummy full, it helped a lot.

        Dila, can't add much to what the rest of the nest many of us have broken places in our hearts. To better days ahead!

        Hope everyone has an easy day. Back to work today for me. Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Willow, we home school too. How many are you schooling? I have 4 boys and sometimes when I'm done with literally draaaaaagginggg them through all their subjects (especially the 13 yr old who hates anything to do with books or writing) I definitely feel wrung out and ready for some kind of peace! :P


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all,
            Feeling a bit better but still plant to stay in today and probably tomorrow....thought about going to the gym but would rather get better first.
            Might get some laundry done if dh will help. We shall see.

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              Gracie, I have 2 - my daughter is nearly 7 and my son is 4, 5 in July. They are similar to yours, not fans of reading/ writing but Maths and Science - whoa momma, they love those!

              Thanks Byrdie, I'm on the lemon squash with sparkling water and I'm not going to wait for DH to get home until I eat, I'm going to eat with the kids in about ten minutes. Once the kids are in bed, I'm pretty sure I'll be fine! Just feeling a bit ancy right now.


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nesters,

                Wow the neat has been pretty busy over the easter weekend ... I too had a looog day and looong night yesterday. I believe I was high ... High on caffiene. Can one get high on it ? It is drug after all ..

                Let me tell ya what happened. Started the day in office a coffee or two there ...went out of town to meet a client over dinner. He was exited to be there as he knows normally we would drink ... I met him at a hotel bar, he ordered beer and I said no of course on pretext of having flu. Well I was down with flu a day before but then I dont have to tell you fine folks why I said no to drink anyways. This type of meetings had one and only one purpose... To entertain the guy coz he is my customer. It would sound so bad saying no to a drink and he too end up not having one ... Right ?

                But much to my delight he didn't mind having it alone while I enjoyed my warm coffee. Two hours later.... He was down pints, 2 large scotch ... And I was down 2 large coffee And 2 large diet cokes ... In the end he was tired and I was fresh and alert.

                Drove home listening to bubble hour (mist say some of the hosts sound very depressing). Was feeling anxious by the time I reached home, super alert. And could not sleep till 4 AM. Some of you might have seen my post about windmill.

                This morning has less sleep was tired during day and a bit of cold was really irritated ... Never so much rather a lot angry too when things werenot going as per plan ...

                So what happened yesterday night ...was I high on caffeine ?

                Completed 60 days and thanks all for your wishes and support ....
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Rahul -- I really liked your windmill analogy. I'm just reading about PAWS and your thoughts were really helpful about the brain rewiring its circuitry like a windmill.

                  All I know is that if I drank any coffee at all after 3:00 in the afternoon or even caffeinated diet coke, I'd be up all night long for sure. Are you used to caffeine in the evening? Maybe try a juice drink with 7up or sparkling water next time.

                  Hang in there Dila and Willow -- the witching hour really does become less intense with each day. Keep eating and keep the distractions coming. Every day gets better!
                  Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                    Newbies Nest

                    Peppersnow, I just awarded your hat over on roll call, but let me give you one here, too!! (for full coverage).
                    If you have some words of wisdom as to how you did it, we are all ears!!

                    Rahul, gosh, all that coffee! Like Pepper, I have my cups in the morning only, if I drink them after lunch I toss and turn all night. I don't even drink diet coke at night because of sleep interference. That pretty much limits me to water with lime when I go out, and I TRY not to drink so much of that because I have to wee wee all night!! It's heck to get old!!! Maybe you could try DECAF next time...but I don't even trust that at night! I'm so sorry you were jacked up to Jesus on caffeine!!! Yikes!

                    Jane, so glad you are feeling better today!!
                    Had a great day today, toured our local NBC news station with the meteorologist!! We got to see how he does the weather... my hat is off to those guys!! I couldn't do that if my life depended on it...pointing east to west but saying west to east??? No way! It was very cool!
                    Hope everyone has an easy evening!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi nesters

                      bit quiet on the nest but easter and all that non drinking and keeping busy will do that.

                      Glad you are feeling a bit better Dot, i am also and plan on doing three things today. Kitchen already done, taking dogs to groomers before winter sets in and unpacking that suitcase, then going back to bed. Sun is shining so may do some washing.

                      Dil so sorry about what happened to you. Some people dont ever deserve to be parents but you have risen above your childhood and for that be proud that your daughter will have the life with her loving mum to enjoy. Giving up al will be a walk in the park for you girl.

                      Jane glad you are over your "dooby" and stop stalking Petrel, he is fine and dandy lol.

                      Willow and Gracie you both deserve a medal as far as i am concerned in home schooling. As much as i love my children i needed them out that door in the mornings. Not sure how you managed drinking with it though, blah! This is why you both deserve a medal!

                      Rahul i over drink coffee sometimes and forget the sleep but i still do it. I am trying to not have coffee after 3pm now and a cup of tea when i get home. Congrats on your 60 days also, that is way better than your last achievement and i know you can do 100++++++++++, you are one determined man!

                      Byrd, did they say why they get the weather wrong though? My brother always wanted to be a meteorologist, he was a very very smart man but al killed all ambition. I remember him waffling on about the weather thinking "oh shut up" but i wish he was here to waffle again and sober. Oh well such is life.

                      have a great ummm whatever day it is over there! xx
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks everyone it is nice to be able to talk to people who can relate and be so supportive. There is so much more that has happened, called "Life", I guess, that I need to deal with. I believe I drank to feel numb and not hurt or be disappointed. Still figuring that out.

                        Day 4 and I want a drink. Sitting here fighting it.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thats what i love about mwo Dil, same boat just different people in it. You may want a drink, you just dont need a drink. That al brain can be very powerful so keep on here and posting and eat eat eat, whats a kilo or two if you are not drinking. Mine is about 5 or 6kgs lol.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Ava!

                            I just found out what DH stood for - Dear Husband. Would have sworn it was Damn Husband! lol


                              Newbies Nest

                              feeling peaceful?.just had my camomile tea and I am going to curl up in bed with a good book
                              I just won't anymore


                                Newbies Nest

                                Been reading for almost 2 hours. It helped so much, I did not drink. Making a cup of tea and then off to bed early. Have not been sleeping well.

