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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oy missus, what are doing still up?

    Great post though, really does spell it out.

    Dream I'm getting distracted/wound up by a co worker who is calling to get it all off her chest. Wants to write an email to boss telling her what she thinks. She's an emotional knee jerk kind of person but also negative. Have benn trying to stear her to making professional rather than personal.

    Oh dear.


      Newbies Nest

      I had a nap this afternoon, bad move on my part Roxy.

      Do not drink AT your co worker, remember that unless its tea or soft drink. xx
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        I'm not Ava, but I do feel for her even though she made her bed. She's not good at expressing herself in a um, er lol. You know what I mean.


          Newbies Nest

          Attitude of Gratitude

          Jane mentioned this in an earlier post:

          If adopting the attitude of gratitude was a matter of making a simple decision, then controlling an alcohol addiction would be too.
          I agree that is isn't a simple decision that can magically free you from an addiction. I think it is an active process that can help free you from the addiction. I found that being aware of and thankful for even the smallest changes in my life that were a direct result of not drinking over time eventually changed my whole outlook on the situation.

          It takes effort - all day long you have to constantly be asking yourself how so many things would have been different if you'd been drinking. After awhile I realized that almost everything
          was different - and better. How could I not be grateful for that?

          I know I suggest being grateful in my posts sometimes and hadn't ever meant to be glib but I can now see how it might sound sometimes. I don't think we can simply decide to be grateful but we can make the effort to become grateful. And once you recognize and are thankful for the changes in your life, it is so much easier not to be tempted to give all that up -- you'll have way too much to lose.


            Newbies Nest

            Absolutely agree NS.

            I had CBT a few years ago and that is a process of changing attitude. I now (mostly) see a positive in any negative. I used to have to consciously do that, I don't now, it just comes.


              Newbies Nest

              NS i have to agree, if i did not change my attitude i would still be drinking. It did not happen overnight and i do not agree with everything written on here but i take it on board. I have to open myself up to accept that we all have opinions, everyone is different, we are all individuals.

              I make an effort daily to think of the positives in my life now that i never had when i was drinking. They may be little things like saying hello to my next door neighbour, which i would never have done before hungover to bigger positives like fixing the relationship with my mother. Everyday i think of a positive that i have achieved in that 24 hours being sober.

              Its a totally new life being sober and for that i am grateful and especially for all of the support i have received off mwo. Without the support of here i would be with my ex best friend, wine and that will never be me again.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                I saw nothing BUT negative Jane.

                Glass was not only half empty, it was dirty and cracked. And had Guinness in it :H

                Nothing but bad happened to me. Nothing but bad happened to those around me. Because of me. I had my own little rain cloud over me and others got wet.

                I couldn't see the silver lining until it was pointed out to me (by CBT). It took work, but so worth it.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Gees Rox, glad i wasnt standing next to you, would have been a real thunderstorm if you include my black cloud also. Hurricane material even!

                  My mother even told me i was "so negative" and i thought "you bitch" how could you say that. Oh damn she was so right!

                  Now i am going to bed!
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest



                      Newbies Nest

                      Whatever works that doesn't kill you Jane, whatever works.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi All,

                        Thanks for the warm welcome back, Jane. I did go awol a bit. Felt guilty about all the internet time, and thought I was getting it covered, but bottomed out in the end... relationship troubles, money stress, yaddayadda. I'm on yet another day 2 here.

                        BUT! I did find something I think is a piece of the puzzle for me. I put it up on my personal thread but I know a lot of people only read this one, so I thought I'd go ahead and repeat myself in case it might help anyone else.

                        Read this in "The Diet Cure" by Julia Ross M.A. (More a book about food allergies and such, but there is a good bit about alcohol too.)

                        "There are certain people from specific genetic stock who we know have very special needs for the omega-3 fats found only in cold water fish such as sardines and salmon.... Even a distant ancestor could have passed on this genetic need for fish to you, though you are most likely to have the problem if you ancestry includes 25 percent from one of these genetic stocks:
                        *North American Coastal
                        *Native Celtic Irish, Scottish or Welsh

                        ........Many of our clients come from alcoholic families that are Scandinavian, Irish, or Native American and suffer from alcoholism and depression at unusually high rates. Depression and cravings for alcohol as well as fat can be relieved by the use of fish oil. Without the omega-3 fats in their diet these genetic types suffer depression as a brain fat deficiency symptom . They use alcohol to numb the depression and/or over eat all kinds of fat, blindly searching for the right one, omega-3, which is hard to find in the American diet."

                        I am Irish/Swedish so this really struck me. Might be worth a try for anyone else!

                        Also, she suggests opening a capsule of L-Glutamine and pouring it under the tongue if you are having intense sugar or alcohol cravings. Good to know! I think I'm going to start carrying it in my purse for those times I'm out and about and it starts to hit me.

                        Hope that might help someone. Every little bit, right?

                        Hope you all have a good day.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Just stopping by to say good night & wish everyone a safe night in the nest!
                          I am happily exhausted after managing a day with my very active 3 & 5 year old grandsons
                          Yes, I am grateful for my for every single moment I have with them!

                          Jane, if you prefer to remain stuck in your rut then by all means do so. It's completely your choice & has always been your choice. You can wake up & choose to be happy too, try it for a while. And by the way - I know a mood swing when I see one. Nothing changes if nothing changes!


                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE Nesters!

                            It's becoming chilly in my part of the Nest - guess I'll have to resign myself to winter weather for a good few months!

                            Gracie, MWO is the only resource I used to get sober - no way am I going to feel guilty about spending time on here.

                            I love the discussion on happiness, gratitude and consciously cultivating a mindset that allows positive feelings to enter us. Yesterday, somebody pointed out some rain drops that had collected in my Eschevarias and said that they sparkled like diamonds and asked if would I take a picture of them. It's the small things that make your heart sing.

                            Have a great AF Thursday Nesters - talk again later.
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Just checking in and reading the posts.

                              Byrd, yes it sounds like I am testing the boundaries but truth is When you have taken the AB for awhile it stays in your system for 2 weeks. Now that it has built up in my system I figure once a week is enough. Trust me when I tell you taking AB and drinking even an ounce of alcohol is not worth it.

                              DrinkThinkDo, it's your post that inspired me to write what I am most thankful for.

                              Have a good night everyone
                              I am going to school. My first goal is to get my Certified Medical Assistant. I have always wanted to go to school but never had the opportunity. Met my hubby at 16 etc.......

                              I turn 50 on May 6th. My estranged husband thinks it's a waste of time and money to get a career at my age but I find it empowering.

                              I have taken classes at the college before just for my own enjoyment and discovered that I don't have that many pre-recs to finish to be accepted into the program and strange enough I have a high GPA that I am at the top of the list.

                              I have always considered myself stupid but when I saw my transcript, I felt really good.

                              I have been a wife and a mother it seems like my whole life. My kids and their spouses are the best thing in my life as well as my grand kids but I consider that luck. We are extremely close and they really want me to go to school. For some reason they love their mom and are proud that I am going to school.

                              I am so thankful that God gave me my children. I look at them and am in awe. Mind you I never touched a drop of alcohol until they were out of the house, they have never seen me drink too much but I have been very honest with them about my drinking and they still respect and love me.
                              Day 1:4/4/2014


                                Newbies Nest

                                mimi911;1652894 wrote: DrinkThinkDo, it's your post that inspired me to write what I am most thankful for.
                                Oh Mimi, I roared with laughter when I saw what you did to my name! But thank you for your sweet words - heart singing again. I'm in awe of people who go back to the books later in their life - disregard what the DH said (and here Damn husband is meant!) - and follow your dream!
                                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

