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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dream, available and Lav its not the next coming trip to Germany which worries me. I am confident that I will remain sober on that trip. It appears I need to vent my thoughts some where. Like talking to someone or sharing. With AL I was just drinkimg , I was not living ... The priority was somehow to pass the day then drink.

    Now I am living life and it comes with its ups and downs. Preparation for show next month in germany was stressful for me. It was not difficult but it was a new experience for me to experience stress without alcohol.

    I remember before my heavy drinking days and before I had my girl friend I was sober and alone worried with my career and life , I remember I used to meditate ... It was a good vent.

    I am not turning towards booze again, have gone that way before ...
    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
    Rebooting ... done ...
    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


      Newbies Nest

      Had a stressful day at work yesterday and I came home and drank until I got drunk. Kept saying I'll have just one but I did not stop. Had the worst hangover today. I knew this was going to be hard but I thought I was doing well. Need to start again.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi everyone. It's been a busy night in the nest! And lots of inspiration and wonderful advice.

        Jane, I'm sorry you've been doing it tough. You are a wonderful support and friend to many here, me included. And I'm glad you "stalked" me (HaHaHa!!!!!!). I needed to be put back on track. So thank you for that. There have been a lot of inspirational posts overnight. I hope they help. Stay strong.

        Mimi, I'll be 50 in May too. So let's make it a sober one! And it's never too late to learn, grow and reinvent ourselves. I believe, but don't always follow, that one of the key aspects of a full life is never stop learning. Whether it be career, or more importantly life in general, relationships and self improvement; learning and developing are part of a healthy way through life. I think it's one of the big factors to a healthy and fulfilling life.

        Rahul, I have to agree with Ava. Be a tourist in Germany whenever AL is a threat. I haven't seen Germany yet, but I understand it's an outstanding tourist destination. It's at the top of my list for a holiday. No beerfest though. Just more yummy food.

        Lav, nice post. I think seizing control is a lesson for life that goes well beyond the focus of this forum. Taking control, making decisions for us, are critical to a happy life. And I don't mean that in a selfish way. A good decision for us can be inclusive of what's best for those around us. Also, I don't believe I'm being overly critical in saying that sometimes "our" worst decisions are because of manipulation from beyond ourselves. I take full responsibility for the excesses of alcohol in my life. They were my choices. But reading yesterday's paper, there were no less than 7 full pages dedicated to booze. That's incredibly powerful. As you said Lav: SEIZE control!

        BL, as always, lovely post. On starting day 3, I'm feeling much more normal and less depressed today. It's a beautiful day here. The little things in life are so much nicer when my head is clear. These are the things I need to remember when I get complacent.

        Snap,Gracie,Pepper,Spirit, I'm starting over again this week. So let's get serious. Newbie's nest is where we need to check in regularly. And see you at role call!!!

        Thanks for listening everyone. It's Anzac Day here in Australia. A very powerful day were we remember those lost in war. It makes me think how wonderful our lives are today, and how we need to appreciate that fact. These soldiers were young kids, in WW1,WW2, Vietnam etc who gave the ultimate sacrifice so we could be here today. So I for one, want to make the most of that and not waste life's opportunities anymore.


          Newbies Nest

          Evening Nesters!
          Welcome back, Snap! I know that it is human nature to feel ashamed about this stuff, but if I may say will not be made to feel ashamed by us. This is a site for alkies, so this is the best place on Earth for you to come! You wouldn't rinse your car off before you go to the carwash. You shouldn't be embarrassed to come back to this site for help. Thats what it's for! You will notice we dont get very many people who come here that are already sober, most of us learn HOW to do that right here! So settle in, and hold your beak high! You have come to the right place!! Hugs, Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Newbies Nest

            Pepper i laughed at the Jaws theme and this is the whole reason why i will never touch another drop of al as your story would become mine and i am sorry to say i dont want that as my story ever again. We have all that that lightbulb idea of moderating, i have done so many days, i'm not really as bad as what i thought i was, i can control my drinking now and the doozy "im different to everyone that cant moderate". Nope we are all in the same bloody boat and while the seas are smooth we are fine. Great post Pep.

            Frances, one can never spend too much time on mwo if it keeps us sober and you are the priority in this journey so whatever works, do it. I am on here constantly after 140+ days and if it keeps me away from drinking then mwo is the place to be.

            Dot i hope you feel better soon, i woke up this morning thinking i felt good, took 10 steps and thought no i feel like crap so cuppa and bed. i am unpacking my suitcase today if it kills me. My mum is sick too and she is talking about driving to the hospital as her head feels as if it is in a vice, i wish i lived closer to her.

            We have a public holiday today which involves an early dawn service for remembrance day of the fallen soldiers and then a game called "two up" and lots and lots of al is drank all day. Oh i have lots of occasions where i dont remember ANZAC day. Not this time and really at the end of my drinking days i did it alone. I will quietly remember their sacrifice in the safety of my home.

            Snap, Gracie and Spirit welcome back. Take the AB if that is what you need, do what you need to stop drinking and keep taking it each and every day if it stops you drinking. You all know life is so much better af but be proud of those af days you have achieved, we know they dont come easy to us alcoholics.

            Dil, i must say i am glad it is you with the hangover, i personally dont want another hangover as long as i live but i can understand why you drank. I was exactly the same, went to work, shit day, deserved a drink, fought with myself and my al brain about stopping to buy those bottles, al brain won and then hit repeat. It was a 7 day a week battle that started to wear thin, i could see no light at the end of any day only darkness and shame and guilt to do it all again and again and again. Stay on here religously, post and post and post and find every bit of determination you have to say no to yourself. At the end of the day only ourselves can stop the rollercoaster ride of al, i am more into being on a boat in calmer waters these days and no guilt or shame in myself anymore.

            Have a great af Friday nesters.
            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


              Newbies Nest

              Hey all, it's 12.55am here which means it's the beginning of my Day 6. Yesterday was SO hard - we looked after my neighbour's little girl for her for part of the day as she had to work and her childminder was ill. Then when she went home we went to the park for an hour and then DH came home and we went to look at a house. The house is perfect in some ways, not so perfect in others but we're figuring out ways around that and seeing if it's workable, or even do we like it enough in the first place to make it workable. So it was one of those days where you seem to be mad busy all day but actually feel like you got bugger all done! As you can imagine by the end of the day my old friend Stress had come for a visit but somehow, I got through it and didn't drink.

              Feeling pretty annoyed right now that I'm awake in the night again as last night I was awake from 2.30-5.30am and even after that sleep was very broken as I kept having some very weird dreams. Was really hoping for a decent night tonight as was shattered after yesterday but I guess it looks like I'll be reading my book for another few hours instead. I know it's all part of withdrawal but blimey, it seems to be going on for ages. I didn't even drink every day, yet it must be seriously built up in my system!


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks Ava - you are so right.

                Willow - good for you on Day 6!

                Starting again...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi, Everyone:

                  I concur Ava, the Jaws theme would be my life in very short time. It really is so freeing, such a relief, to take the choice off the table by saying - by KNOWING - that I won't drink again. I can't drink and have the life and relationships I want, can't have the job I want, be the mother I want to be. Why would I trade that for the fleeting "relief" but ongoing suffering that alcohol offers?

                  Coming to MWO and admitting you have a problem is one of the most courageous act there is. I am going to borrow Molly's words from another thread - another MWO master whose words I listen to with great care:

                  I didn't feel a bit brave when I made my mind up to accept outside help and care --- but it was truly the bravest thing -- and the wisest -- that I ever EVER did in my life --- it takes a big person to accept that they can't do it alone -- it's a sign of strength - not weakness -- I wish you the miracle that I experienced --- because it was nothing short of that

                  One bit of wisdom that was offered to me when I started that part of my 'journey' - was to be unrelentingly honest --- both with others and myself --- anything else is a mugs game --- it can be painful -- but within that honesty will be the release that we strive for -

                  Nothing more to say - thanks Molly, and thank you all for being here. So grateful for the MWO sober community today.



                    Newbies Nest

                    Frances - I'm really glad my story was helpful, and congrats on coming up on Day 60! You can do me a favor back, if you don't mind: As I never got to Day 61, when you do get there in the near future, kick some AL ass and post what it feels like. There are milestones that are exciting or even exhilarating, but a few that are also rather terrifying, and 60 is that for me, and it sounds like perhaps for you as well. I'll be cheering you on!
                    Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                      Newbies Nest

                      Frances - I'm really glad my story was helpful, and congrats on coming up on Day 60! You can do me a favor back, if you don't mind: As I never got to Day 61, when you do get there in the near future, kick some AL ass and post what it feels like. There are milestones that are exciting or even exhilarating, but a few that are also rather terrifying, and 60 is that for me, and it sounds like perhaps for you as well. I'll be cheering you on!

                      Welcome to everyone new or starting over... Nobody's in this alone. :l
                      Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                        Newbies Nest

                        Willow keep going girl, the bone tired feeling was so depressing but i figured i put the shit in my body for 20+ years. try and nap when you can but just go with the flow as you are doing. I sleep like the dead now and just appreciate that even with little sleep you are not hungover to face the day.

                        Dil i am going to show my children what you said. I keep telling them i am right and they never believe me lol. Change your routine so you are not tempted to buy al, get into your pj's as soon as you get home and keep on here. As i keep saying this is my AA, this is where i get to talk about how i feel, you guys are the ones i am accountable to in not drinking, i want my mwoers to be proud of my daily for not drinking and my family. There is strength in numbers Dil, we cant do this alone.
                        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good evening Nesters,

                          Kinda busy here today - great

                          Welcome back Snap!
                          None of us can moderate, that's why we're here!

                          Dila, get yourself ready to hop back on the sober bus, you won't be sorry. AL does nothing but rob us, it's no friend or helper.

                          Petrel, I think most of us at times forget that we are in charge of & responsible for our own happiness. And like DTD's coffee mug - happiness is an inside job

                          I'm calling it a day, tired after watching grandkids the past few days but oh so grateful
                          Have a safe night in the nest everyone!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE Nesters!

                            Yesterday's report of winter was greatly exaggerated - it's a gloriously beautiful in my part of the Nest. Add POETS Day to the mix, and Dreamy is a happy camper! I have a busy weekend ahead of me - cooking supper tonight, going out for a meal tomorrow night, and our monthly Saturday movie night that was moved to Sunday afternoon. Those are three things I was scared (well, terrified, to be honest) of doing without a glass in hand - even cooking. And when I did do it solo the first time, the sun did not stop shining and the sky did not fall down! Each new AF experience really does become easier with practise and time.

                            Have some coffee to start your day:

                            To all the starter-overerers: there is absolutely no shame in coming back here - the only shame would be in not coming back here and continuing drinking after a fall/slip/relapse (pick your term). Butt velcro for today and the weekend - we can do this, one step and one day at a time!

                            Have a lovely AF Friday!
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              Now that HAS to be the prettiest mug I've ever seen Dreamy
                              Glad to hear you are feeling comfortable doing normal, everyday things without AL on board - me too! I think we are all a lot more flexible & fearless when living authentic lives. Nice side effect of going AF

                              Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning, Nesters!
                                DTD, that IS a beautiful mug! I'd like to place an order for ALL the mugs you have displayed!! Each one is so special, I don't know how you do it!! The only thing that is MORE impressive is your support here each day! Keep up the good works!! It is most flattering on you! xo

                                Friday is just another day! Yes, we deserve a the form of NOT killing ourselves! Go out and do something nice for someone else, you will find GREAT rewards! The more you give, the more you GET....I know it sounds sappy, and I'm as cynical as the next guy, but it works!! Go out and CLAIM this day as yours!! Happy Friday, all! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

