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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning, all:

    My new Friday treat to myself is a great yoga class and a delicious meal, which, depending on the week, could mean pizza or filet.

    Happy Friday, a sober day like any other sober day.


      Newbies Nest

      I am going to try that body scrub Jane - thanks for the tip!

      Really struggling today - and do you ever get the feeling that some kind of higher power is somewhere having a laugh at you?! Just received an email from our local pub with a voucher for a free bottle of wine if we eat there (it's my birthday next month so it's a 'present' from them). I really did NOT need to receive that email today!

      As it is, I'm making sure I eat a lot and I'm not even caring about whether or not it's healthy right now. There's a much less chance of feeling rough after carbs/sugar than AL.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi just dropping in - day 132-
        I always likes coffee or ice cream for my treats in the early weeks... I hope you all have a great weekend
        I was thinking last night how I love not being hungover, guilty, throwing up, broke, ashamed, etc. thanks MWO peeps))


          Newbies Nest

          Pepper - sure thng - will do!

          Hi everyone - hope all are looking forward to a great weekend. I will be watching my daughter's softball games - can't wait...I love watching her play :-)

          Last night I poured out the leftover wine that was in the fridge from having company on Easter...I hated to see it go to waste, but I sure wasn't going to drink it!

          Ican - I love ice cream too :-) I don't hesitate to eat it whenever I want it these days. Good for you on day 132!!


            Newbies Nest

            That scrub sounds really good Jane - I'm deffo going to give it a try!

            Willow, bad days do happen, but they also pass, and get fewer and fewer as time passes. Is the voucher transferable? If so, pass it on to somebody who will not abuse it; if not, delete it. And anything is better than Al, so eat whatever you feel like. I'm making a Thai dish tonight, and it contains an unholy amount of coconut cream - but without Alcojoules in my diet, I feel no guilt about what's on my plate.

            Ican, I was thinking about you earlier today - so nice to have you post your mounting days every once in a while!

            Frances, well done on getting rid of the wine. It's not a waste: it might have had you wasted, though.

            Byrdie, mug collection on its way to you! And Lav, I love choosing two mugs a day - the Army also gets fresh coffee.
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Newbies Nest

              Hello everyone - and thank you so much all for your warm welcome back :l No Sugar - thank you for your patience, it did take a while to drag me back :H

              Peppersnow - you are so right about the moderation mind and the downhill struggle that follows. A similar thing happened to me last year. Three months AF and a couple of things happened which gave me an 'excuse' to hit the bottle believing I would have just one big blow out, get the anger out of my system, and then get firmly back on the wagon. As we all know, alcohol doesn't let it happen that easily. Yes, a few glasses of wine one night quickly transgressed into a bottle a night and more. Then the realisation that I have to go back to square one.

              One thing I really love about being AF is the ability to go to bed and sleep like a log all night without waking. I know that's unusual and lots of people giving up AL seem to struggle with sleep, so I am thankful.

              A line in Turnagain's Story really resonated with me: "I remember waking up on that Saturday last summer as usual, around 4 a.m. ? perhaps the worst hour of my life every day. It was a routine I dreaded: I would be soaked in sweat ? stuck to the leather couch in front of the TV where I had finally passed out - overflowing with self-loathing and hard-edged despair."

              When I drink, I fall asleep on the couch every night, but usually wake up and drag myself to bed around midnight. But EVERY single morning I would wake up at about 4am soaked in sweat and feeling filled with self-loathing. I would get up and clean my teeth to get rid of the stench of stale wine before my husband wakes (he hates me drinking anyway - but to smell it when you wake must be horrific!). I would then lie awake until it was time to get up at 7am and feel exhausted all day for lack of sleep.

              Another thought I have is the 'one day at a time' thing. I hadn't really dissected this theory before, but yesterday I got it. I was thinking - next week I have a big Awards dinner to go to. How will I handle everyone trying to ply me with champagne? Then I have my brother's marriage at the end of May. Then suddenly I thought - do you know, I don't need to think about this today. I'm not drinking today, so why am I worrying about it. The same goes for today. I'm not drinking today, so why worry about what might happen tomorrow.

              Anyway - onward and upwards. Day two and I feel fine. Did an hour's 'virtual' spinning bike ride last night at the gym (nearly killed me - and sweat - boy it was like Niagara Falls from my head to toes! :H)

              Gracieb and Spiritgirl - looking forward to this journey together - and Lav and Brydie - so glad to see you still taking charge of us fledglings!! Love you both! xxx
              Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                Newbies Nest

                My daughter loves to make those sugar scrubs and they really work! Much better than the store stuff, it seems to me, and no junk in them at all.

                Willow, I'm so sorry about the voucher! What timing! Hit that delete button!

                It's day 4 for me. Hoping to get some work done and my room cleaned as I let the boys watch their anime in here last night.... Then I think I will make chili for dinner.

                Have a good day everyone.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Willow23;1653322 wrote: Really struggling today - and do you ever get the feeling that some kind of higher power is somewhere having a laugh at you?! Just received an email from our local pub with a voucher for a free bottle of wine if we eat there (it's my birthday next month so it's a 'present' from them). I really did NOT need to receive that email today! .
                  Hi Willow - a similar thing happened to me on whilst I was AF last year. We went out for dinner with another couple and it was a set menu - two steak dinners and a bottle of wine for a set (bargain) price. The other couple didn't know I wasn't drinking and my husband prefers a beer anyway. So when the waiter came to take our order, I asked if we could have the bottle of wine with our meal unopened. I drank lime and soda, took the wine home and gave it to a friend. I felt really proud of myself - and didn't feel like we lost out on a bargain either. :H
                  Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Thanks guys. The email is deleted - but to be honest it wasn't so much that I wanted to use it, it was more that it was reminding me about AL and kind of rubbing my face in it a little bit. On top of that a friend called in with her girls and I ended up making dinner for the kids. On one hand it was nice to have the company and it distracted me, on the other although she is lovely and we get on well, we have also had quite a few times drinking together so she probably wasn't the best person to see as she is kind of a trigger. In fact, if I hadn't quit I'd have been straight out to buy wine after they left - she just has that effect on me.

                    As it is, I'm getting through, DH is home in 20 minutes so we're going to go to the supermarket to do our weekly food shop, but something extremely yummy for dinner and then by the time we get back my witching hour will be over.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi Snapdragon, and everyone else with the struggle. I feel the same way.. I joined AA about 8 years ago and made it to 9 months. Somewhere along the line i slowly convinced my self that i was fine and did not have a problem with alcholohol. Then, for at least several years now, i drink wine a bottle or one plus a glas and pass out not remembering the going to bed. I sometimes wake up with a half a glas by my bed in the morning. Very embarrasing. I have teenage boys and i dont even rember talking to them at night. now both boys have been in trouble with smoking weed. One is on probabtion. I do feel responsible with my drinking causeing some of this. Hello Alinon/?????? Anyway, back to AA and here for sure. Today is day 5. Felling better, excercising, reading, taking my pills/vitamins. I too avoided free wine at my hair apt. yesterday. I heard myself say the words, "Im ok, I have my water". WEird but a good feeling!! Also, i am worried about a wedding at the end of May myself. I will just focus on each day and try not to think too far ahead. Happy weekend, happy sobriety to everyone!!!!!!!
                      ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

                      ― John Wayne


                        Newbies Nest

                        I really thought I was the only one who woke up in the wee hours of the morning to find a 1/2 filled glass of wine on their night stand... I would sometimes reach over and hide it under the bed so no one would see it before I was able to dump it out... SO happy to replace that with a big glass of water tonight!

                        Thanks to everyone for posting here... Looking forward to keeping in touch, Snap - since we seem to be in the same place on this AF journey .. Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday... I am looking forward to waking up feeling fresh and ready to host a garage sale tomorrow!! Hangover free!!
                        God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                          Newbies Nest

                          Meshell - I never went to AA because I wasn't an alcoholic didn't matter how many of the symptoms I had or that i couldn't stop. You have to find out what works for you.
                          Snap - I do believe in one day at a time. One of my biggest triggers was all about what the future might bring. The past is the past (can't change might as well leave it alone) and the future isn't here yet. Hang in there both of you we are all rooting for you.


                            Newbies Nest

                            I highly recommend reading 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle.
                            The Power of Now - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            This book really helped me to see the wisdom of focusing on what's going on right now
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning nest

                              so good to see you newbies chatting to each other about how you are feeling. I cannot recommend posting and posting enough to get through the days. Once you think you dont need MWO to connect to us fellow alkies then the al thoughts enter and believe me i have been on and off MWO enough to realise that total 150% effort is required not only in day to day life but also support from here if that is all you have. Just one word from someone on here may be all that it takes to stop you from going to get that bottle of wine or spirit and to make it through another day. I was not called Lunatic Linda for nothing but i'm now nearly at 5 months so it does work.

                              Jim what you talking about? I was so not an alcoholic, i just needed to be around fellow drinkers so i came on here. None of us have a problem (tongue in cheek).

                              Oh the wine glass next to the bed and the bottle hidden in the bedside drawer or under the bed and i would look at that glass and promise myself i would not do that today and then by the end of the day the repeat button went again. I am still getting emails from a bottle shop that i unsubscribed to and damn that was annoying and one company even offered 1cent wines. OMG how enticing was that, forget about what it tasted like, 1cent! Delete, delete, delete!

                              Keep on here for the weekend if that is what it takes, dont ever think you are hogging MWO, that is what it is here for, post how you feel good or bad, we are here! You can do this and making it through a weekend is a huge achievement.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                That is great advice, Ava! That's what I do! Stay strong, everyone! It IS worth it!!! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

