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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening Nesters,

    Hey Byrdie, how's your weather? I heard there was a possibility of severe weather in your area. Keep an eye open

    I just ran across an article written by a guy 20 years sober - pretty informative.
    10 Things You Need To Thrive In Recovery From Addiction

    Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. Buckle up & hang on!!!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks for that Lav, they have a "recovery conference" online for free 3-6 May so i signed up for that. No point in not giving it a try especially if it is free. I will probably still be dying in bed anyways ha ha.

      Keep safe Byrd, no frolicking naked if there is a storm a coming!
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Ava, Nurse Lav will make house calls when needed
        Hope you feel better soon!!!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          What it was like -a retrospective:
          I have to admit that I loved that first sip. Just that sense of AHHH. If I could bottle THAT feeling is be a billionaire. The here it comes, I don't have to feel anymore: stressed, rushed, worried, angry, tired, lonely, scared- this will make all that disappear. When I finish the first (beer) I grab another - two's not so bad right? Wow now I'm really feeling good .... I'll slow down now , what would my husband think if he knew I'd already had 2 to his 1/2? Wait why's the second one empty? Oh it's my third?fourth? Better wipe the can so it looks like I've had it awhile (not too cold) - rearrange the Refridge incase he sees how many are gone? Well, okay it's a weekend I mean 6 is really not thaaaat much... Oh oh oh it's 3 am .... I hate myself I hate alcohol.... Did I look drunk? Stumble to fridge..10??? How wil I hide this? Shit I'll never drink again...... Well, it's 5:00 I deserve a drink .
          Yep that's how it was every night


            Newbies Nest

            Snapdragon;1653343 wrote:

            Another thought I have is the 'one day at a time' thing. I hadn't really dissected this theory before, but yesterday I got it. I was thinking - next week I have a big Awards dinner to go to. How will I handle everyone trying to ply me with champagne? Then I have my brother's marriage at the end of May. Then suddenly I thought - do you know, I don't need to think about this today. I'm not drinking today, so why am I worrying about it. The same goes for today. I'm not drinking today, so why worry about what might happen tomorrow.
            Hi, Nesters:

            Snap - loved your post (and I am another one who had gotten GREAT sleep since quitting - what a relief to not have that 4am wake up!

            It wasn't until I came here that I really got the one day at a time (ODAAT) thing. I was so fearful of all of the "things" that I had to get through without alcohol that I wasn't focused on just staying sober today. We can all stay sober for today, right?

            iCan - Great to see you check in, and I can so relate. My counselor and I talk about what a quick and effective drug alcohol is - speeds relief to that racing mind. That one glass buzz was a strong temptation, but now (at least the last two/three days) even the idea of that is gross to me. I am so (surprisingly) happy with being sober and straight that I wouldn't even want that feeling right now.

            I actually got two great buzzes today - I had an uproarious belly laugh with a friend from work, and then I had a challenging yoga class. MUCH better than sitting on a couch drinking to chase that first feeling all night.

            Snap, Spirit, Mesh - hope you all stick together and enjoy what an alcohol free life can bring. Dila, Pepper, Petrel, everyone else - you, too.

            Happy sober Fraturday, Dreamy.

            Good night nest,



              Newbies Nest

              And Ava - is the conference part of Lav's link? I'll check it out. Maybe we can meet there...


                Newbies Nest

                Morning guys - Day 7. Was really very close to caving yesterday but so glad I didn't as I was up in the night sick. If I'd drunk, I a) would have put my tummy under even more stress and b) DH would have just blamed the AL and given me no sympathy lol.

                Got to say, even though I don't feel 100 % this morning, it's far better than the overall hungover feeling.


                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE Nesters!

                  Rainy in my part of the Nest.

                  Pav, love the way you discover new buzzes in your life - the real, true ones and not the ones that come in a bottle! Good Fraturday to you too, sweet dreams!

                  What a coincidence, Ava and Jim - I wasn't an alkie either! Imagine, three people without a booze problem meeting on a site for alkies - how odd is that! At least we can laugh about our denial.

                  Have a lovely AF Saturday, Nesters. The best we can do is to get through today without the glass crutch - we'll tackle tomorrow together - tomorrow. Not today.
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Nesters
                    thought I fly by and perch here for a sec. Off to market on this beautiful Saturday AM. Hope everyone here is doing well and enjoying AF to its fullest!! Well time to fly. Be amazing to yourselves!!

                    Liberated 5/11/2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      Have a great day Sam

                      I'm going to be out most of the day myself, glad the rain has stopped!
                      I hope everyone has a plan to keep themselves busy & out of trouble today
                      Have a great AF Saturday everyone!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning everyone. I am being tested this weekend...I am out of town with a group of people and last night everyone was sitting around at the bar drinking. I had my tea but of course comments were made about me not drinking. One guy said what's up with that, you're usually three in by the time I see you. I just said that I just felt like a nice relaxing cup of tea. I felt awkward and I realize that I really need to figure out how to handle these situations with people who know I usually drink a lot (and they do too) and now suddenly I've stopped. I think I hate to admit my weakness/failing with alcohol. So being honest is hard. I guess I can just say that I'm just not feeling like drinking this weekend or something like that. It will be a challenge again tonight at dinner but if a group hangs out at the hotel bar again I think I just will not join them. I just don't want to seem like I'm antisocial or something. I did feel like a party pooper but that was probably more in my head than anyone else's (I hope)!

                        This issue hasn't been too bad for me so far - even at home and at family events noone has really said anything again once I've said I'm not drinking at that occasion - Or even at all in some cases - I just said no thanks and that was good enough. But now others are commenting and it was more difficult than I thought it would be.

                        Post post read read. that's what I will do!


                          Newbies Nest

                          I'm sure no-one thought you were a party pooper Frances - and if they did, that says more about them than you. I will be in a similar situation next month - a friend is having a girlie night in and it just happens to be my birthday the next day. I'm just going to tell them that I've been working on being healthier, fitter and maybe losing a little weight (all of which are true). But yes, it is hard to be completely honest.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Jane. That helps. Everything you said makes perfect sense about how they are probably feeling. I know you are right.

                            Edit to add: cross post! Thanks Willow too :-)


                              Newbies Nest

                              HI NNesters,
                              I'm going to join this thread, as I'm new to sobriety at 26 days today, but not "new" to the site. Since October, I've had good AF time, but it seems as though after a good amount of time, I've made stupid choices to drink for one reason or another. My decision to join here is so that I can offer any support and encouragement to newcomers, and continue to keep myself on the right track. I know that posting daily is the most essential and necessary thing we can do, stay connected, as it's easy to let things go and slip down the rabbit hole. I'm not willing to let that happen to me again.

                              Frances, you got through a really tough situation, and I don't know that I could have done that. You were aware that your AL brain felt a little left out of the party. Sometimes I think in early sobriety we can make this happen for us, although it doesn't feel too good, but my fear would be that the second, third time we're in that same situation we would snap and say F-it. I hope since you made an appearance last night, you don't expect yourself to do it again tonight!

                              Willow, hope you're feeling better. Being ill wasn't a a good enough reason for me not to drink. Sick, huh?

                              Have a great day.
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Morning, Nesters! I've been to the garden center this morning and hauled in a bunch of plants to keep me occupied this afternoon. I tell you, people are nuts! There I was with a backseat full of foliage trying to back out of a parking place and some Einstein walks right behind me and bangs on my rear bumper with her hand like I am the idiot! Well, I may be....but she should watch out when she is walking behind cars! I gave her the stink eye, I hope she saw it!!

                                Frances, you don't have to be totally honest with people about this. It is NONE of their business! You don't monitor what's in their glass, so they should offer the same courtesy to you (but sometimes they won't). We are just extra sensitive about it. Tell them you are having some issues with your tummy....I told people that it was irritating a couple things I had going on....I didn't mention it was my marriage and my liver!!! Or just tell them you are making some overall lifestyle changes for the better! We don't owe these folks a documentary. I'd rather be the one being talked about for NOT drinking that the one being talked about for being drunk. UGG>>>> I cringe at what I used to do (and say) oh god!

                                Willow, you forgot the most important reason of all for staying sober! Your moon!
                                Congratulations on 7 full days of kicking AL's arse! GREAT JOB! The worst is behind you!!!
                                Jane, enjoy your mini vacation!!! Keep the stories of staying strong coming! They are very helpful to all!
                                Off to plant my stuff! Hugs all, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

