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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good job Frances!

    I know I hate that feeling when I deny a drink and every one is like "Whaaat?" I started rehersing little things in my head. "Eh, it's been bothering my stomach lately." "Hasn't been tasting good." Family parties are the worst.

    Good morning all. The sun has broken through here. It's been pouring and pouring so it's nice to see the ground dry up a bit.


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning, all!

      Sounds like a lot of folks were out last night but hung in there.

      Willow, sorry you're sick - I laughed when I read your post, because I can relate. I'd rather be authentically sick and be able to be honest about it than to secretly have a nasty hangover and put on an award winning performance covering it up. I could give Merryl Streep a run for her money with some of my past performances.

      Frances - sorry about your evening, that does sound awkward, but that guy also sounds like an ass. I was out for dinner last night with my family who were visiting, but there were not comments when I ordered tea, which surprised me. I was ready to say, "I'm trying this new thing where I only put healthy things into my body for awhile", which I've used with my colleagues at work and they actually seemed impressed and respectful - but didn't need to last night. I like Byrdie's excuse of AL "irritating" a few things, too. I hope all goes well this evening - is there a spa there or something where you could go pamper yourself? Or at least a hot tub? I think I'd skip the social event at the bar. Also, huge congrats on Day 60!

      Jane, my daughter and I are making sugar scrubs tonight - I was going to look up recipes later and am going to just make the brown sugar one you described. I think I'll add some pumpkin pie spice, too, as it's one of her favorite scents.

      I'm at 35 days and my hope keeps growing a tiny little bit each day that I can do this. I hope all have a wonderful weekend, and a relaxing, stress-free AL-free evening tonight!
      Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


        Newbies Nest


        Here are few things I have been saying : actually have been in this type of situation so many times now!

        "My livers gone for a loss, am on detox bro ..."
        "Detox bro .. Couple days and u see me back in action "
        "Losing weight man ... Tried everything"
        "Baaad throat ... Can't take anything else"
        "On medications .... Don't wanna mess things up"
        "Had too much yesterday .... "
        "Bad hangover this morning can't afford another tomorrow ... Gotta work"
        "I am testing my B*lls ... Let's see how much self control I... Have u tried it ?"
        "Bro my blood work went out of scale ... When was last time I got yours tested ?"

        I figured excuses which we alcoholics can related to work more ... Rather simple lame ones like "I don't feel like it", "not feeling well". When they can relate to these they don't consider me an odd man out. They feel that I have a "genuine" reason not to drink.

        Ok now I know when giving these excuses I am lying BUT I feel so happy for a change I am lying For NOT talking a drink (rather than other way around )

        Tomorrow I am going out for a family picnic ... Kids will be in pool, and we adults will be .... Well u know drinking and enjoying ... Plan to use some of above tomorrow ...

        But point is from inside I feel so good and proud. With so many years of lying, cheating for a drink it's feels so good to be honest with yourself, proud about your new status.

        Frances you know what is the best feeling I have been getting when I declare to new sets of people "I don't drink" ... It's amazing how people simply forget about you. Like yesterday night I took a business client for dinner. He ordered scotch and I said I don't drink. He had no worries.... And I felt realllly good and PROUD !

        Ok I know others might have a different way like tell them on their faces ... But I know they will think I am freak ! But most important thing is to feel [b] gratitude / , stuff your self with food before /[B] you expose yourself to that situation. You might lie to the world BUT it's important to be honest with yourself . If you feel miserable and feel longing for a drink when in that situation, I suggest you withdraw and don't just don't go there. If you are confident and if it's really important to go then go ...
        Rewiring my brain ... done ...
        Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
        Rebooting ... done ...
        Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


          Newbies Nest


          Here are few things I have been saying : actually have been in this type of situation so many times now!

          "My livers gone for a loss, am on detox bro ..."
          "Detox bro .. Couple days and u see me back in action "
          "Losing weight man ... Tried everything"
          "Baaad throat ... Can't take anything else"
          "On medications .... Don't wanna mess things up"
          "Had too much yesterday .... "
          "Bad hangover this morning can't afford another tomorrow ... Gotta work"
          "I am testing my B*lls ... Let's see how much self control I... Have u tried it ?"
          "Bro my blood work went out of scale ... When was last time I got yours tested ?"

          I figured excuses which we alcoholics can related to work more ... Rather simple lame ones like "I don't feel like it", "not feeling well". When they can relate to these they don't consider me an odd man out. They feel that I have a "genuine" reason not to drink.

          Ok now I know when giving these excuses I am lying BUT I feel so happy for a change I am lying For NOT talking a drink (rather than other way around )

          Tomorrow I am going out for a family picnic ... Kids will be in pool, and we adults will be .... Well u know drinking and enjoying ... Plan to use some of above tomorrow ...

          But point is from inside I feel so good and proud. With so many years of lying, cheating for a drink it's feels so good to be honest with yourself, proud about your new status.

          Frances you know what is the best feeling I have been getting when I declare to new sets of people "I don't drink" ... It's amazing how people simply forget about you. Like yesterday night I took a business client for dinner. He ordered scotch and I said I don't drink. He had no worries.... And I felt realllly good and PROUD !

          Ok I know others might have a different way like tell them on their faces ... But I know they will think I am freak ! But most important thing is to feel [b] gratitude / , stuff your self with food before /[B] you expose yourself to that situation. You might lie to the world BUT it's important to be honest with yourself . If you feel miserable and feel longing for a drink when in that situation, I suggest you withdraw and don't just don't go there. If you are confident and if it's really important to go then go ...
          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
          Rebooting ... done ...
          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


            Newbies Nest


            Here are few things I have been saying : actually have been in this type of situation so many times now!

            "My livers gone for a loss, am on detox bro ..."
            "Detox bro .. Couple days and u see me back in action "
            "Losing weight man ... Tried everything"
            "Baaad throat ... Can't take anything else"
            "On medications .... Don't wanna mess things up"
            "Had too much yesterday .... "
            "Bad hangover this morning can't afford another tomorrow ... Gotta work"
            "I am testing my B*lls ... Let's see how much self control I... Have u tried it ?"
            "Bro my blood work went out of scale ... When was last time I got yours tested ?"

            I figured excuses which we alcoholics can related to work more ... Rather simple lame ones like "I don't feel like it", "not feeling well". When they can relate to these they don't consider me an odd man out. They feel that I have a "genuine" reason not to drink.

            Ok now I know when giving these excuses I am lying BUT I feel so happy for a change I am lying For NOT talking a drink (rather than other way around )

            Tomorrow I am going out for a family picnic ... Kids will be in pool, and we adults will be .... Well u know drinking and enjoying ... Plan to use some of above tomorrow ...

            But point is from inside I feel so good and proud. With so many years of lying, cheating for a drink it's feels so good to be honest with yourself, proud about your new status.

            Frances you know what is the best feeling I have been getting when I declare to new sets of people "I don't drink" ... It's amazing how people simply forget about you. Like yesterday night I took a business client for dinner. He ordered scotch and I said I don't drink. He had no worries.... And I felt realllly good and PROUD !

            Ok I know others might have a different way like tell them on their faces ... But I know they will think I am freak ! But most important thing is to feel [b] gratitude / , stuff your self with food before /[B] you expose yourself to that situation. You might lie to the world BUT it's important to be honest with yourself . If you feel miserable and feel longing for a drink when in that situation, I suggest you withdraw and don't just don't go there. If you are confident and if it's really important to go then go ...
            Rewiring my brain ... done ...
            Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
            Rebooting ... done ...
            Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks everyone for the great support and advice! I was out all day and just got back to the hotel. A group is down at the bar now but before too many got there I had ordered my tea and made a quick exit back to my room. So far so good. I will decide what I will respond when and if it happens (and when and if I go back downstairs which I may or may not do depending on how strong I feel). I like the idea of something like it hasn't been sitting well with me. Or even possibly being completely honest and saying I don't want to drink too much and if I can't drink too much I'd rather not drink at all.

              And Pepper - you're right - that guy is pretty much an ass!

              Hoping everyone continues to have a good and AF weekend!


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Nesters

                Willow a huge congratulations on your 7 days sober, i remember i was so proud i had done those days and at the end of it, it really wasnt that hard to play sober mind games with myself (well it doesnt feel like it now). Much easier than fighting about drinking/not drinking/when to drink/where to hide it/lying/shame/guilt/depression/anxiety. None of that in those last 7 days for you. That al brain will not give up for awhile longer but be strong and you are the one in control not al, never again! Keep on posting and posting, it is a joy to see your journey daily when i check in and out.

                Lav, pack your bags. Now i was thinking whether i needed your nursing skills and the answer is yes please. I woke up and felt good for 15 minutes, woo hoo. Going to drs today as there is no way i can drag my sorry arse to work tomorrow and i dont fancy passing it on to a hospital. May make more business but we dont really need that.

                Byrd that is my pet hate, people who think that they have right of way in a damn car park. WTF are they thinking. I go to the big hardware/plant store for the sausage sizzle. Im still trying to get to the store that sells my wool for knitting but have not had the energy, they have 40% off this weekend so i am thinking that while i am at the drs i may go there as i will be out and not in my pj's.

                Frances, you sound as if you are doing so well, keep it up. What is important is that you are not drinking and drinking for/with/at anyone is not going to solve your al problems.

                To all the other newbies, please keep posting and posting and posting, it makes the world of difference in sobriety and your journey to get there.

                Have a great day everyone
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Hang in there Ava, I think you are going to be OK. I can always send Nurse Stella (my best assistant) if needs be

                  Willow, CONGRATS to you on your 7 AF days & I hope you feel better very soon too!

                  Frances, seriously - don't ever let anyone be rude enough to badger you about not drinking, especially in these early days. I would rather leave the room than let someone be that rude to me. You are doing great!!!

                  I had a nice day, nice weather for the most part too.
                  Byrdie, parking lots are dangerous places - beware :H

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello All , I haven't been on here much but have been reading daily , good to see so much success and so much effort . I've done my 30 days now for the next 30 . The last week has been a struggle with being on holidays , but I found some no Al beer at the market so have been having one of those when the urge comes along . Keep on keeping on , BND .
                    Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                    Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


                      Newbies Nest

                      MAE Nesters!

                      I'm late with the coffee today - apologies!

                      Bran, well done on your thirty days! Bet you can't wait for Byrdie to be doen with her planting on putting on her Prize Patrol hat! So glad to hear you're in for the next thirty!

                      Willow, good job on getting your moon! I felt so chuffed about mine.

                      One of my excuses in the beginning was to tell people that my liver had begged me for a breather. With the right tone of voice and facial expression, it got me a lot of laughs and people left me alone after that. Nowadays, they are so used to seeing me with a bottle water in hand that I don't get questions any more. I too have noticed that the only people who pay attention to what's in somebody's else's glass are those who have a "slight" problem themselves - normal drinkers take it or leave it, so they don't give it another thought. It is awkward in the beginning, but believe me, it does become easy after a while.

                      I'm off to a meal and movie at friends' later today - looking forward to that, cuddled up since it's quite windy here at the moment.

                      Have a great AF Sunday, everybody!
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh, and a reminder - post your days here as well:

                        Day 1 or Day 100, it's something to be proud about! Tell the rest of WMO about it!

                        I'm so grateful for each of my 196 days!
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello everyone. Just dropping in to say Hi. It's so good to see everyone doing so well. I've been so busy and very tired at present. My AF life is going very well. Feel good and confident.

                          Well my bedtime. Wishing everyone well, and I hope to chat a bit this week.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all. So glad to see most of you doing so well. I mean that. As for me?...I'm angry. I could go on for hours as to why, but I'll digress.

                            I'll just keep reading for now, but I am here.



                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              Nice on your 30 AF days BND

                              Sarah, sorry you are angry.
                              I can't hold on to anger too long, letting it go & moving in a new direction is a better use of my time

                              Wishing everyone a great AF Sunday!
                              I will be outside planting new blueberry bushes today - yay!!
                              Have a great AF Sunday everyone!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                pounding headache, stomach upset, no memory of last night...why do I keep doing this?

