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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Rahul, little white lies are acceptable! Especially in our situation. And I feel so good and proud now, myself. I know that feeling won't stay forever and other feelings will be along, but having this experience of being without AL and feeling so contented is a memory that we can tap into when we get down.

    Congrats, Pepper, on your 35 and BND on your 30!

    Hi Sarah, I hope you let your anger go. It does nothing for us but take up happy space.

    Dila, because it's an addiction and that sucks. But it can be overcome with hard work. When you feel like you're gonna take a drink, can you call someone or post what's going on? What tools are you using. Short-term, long-term sobriety requires a solid plan. I've adjusted my plan when things didn't work for me or I needed additional support.

    Thanks for the coffee DTD.

    Day 28 here and hungry for more.
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning, Nesters!
      Another trip to the garden center this morning...gosh, they sold a lot of stuff in the last 24 hours! I made it in and out and nobody got hurt!
      This set me to thinking in the many years prior to my quitting drinking...frequently yesterday, I'd come upstairs to get some water... before , I used to sneak upstairs to take gulps out of my hidden stash in the closet. I would have either had to go to the garden center really early or ask hubs to drive, as I would start drinking around 10:30 am. I didn't have much interest in the yard back then....all I cared about was being able to get my buzz. What a sad state to live in...I was existing, and that's about it. Today, I am enjoying being outside and I don't have to worry about having enough booze or worry about trying not to look too drunk so hubs won't say anything. What an absolute relief.
      Bran New Day, hats off to you! Congratulations on 30 big days!!
      This is a real milestone in our world. Would you have a few words as to how you did it? We love a 30 days is amazing how much progress can be made in such a short time! Keep it going!
      Jane...if you ask me, as non drinkers, I think more people are jealous of us! As you say, the people who actually notice are, and the others don't give a toss, so it's a win-win!
      Rahul, you sound good and strong!! Keep up the great work!! You are helping so many with your experience now!! day I realized that I had the power to do this all along. You do, too. But change has to take place for there to be another path. Is all of the AL out of your space? That is such a key to this thing... How does this keep happening? Because we are alcoholics and if given a chance to drink we are going to drink. Put measures in place to Dila-Proff yourself. Stop listening to the Voices that drag you back down into the pit of addiction and glue yourself on to this site. Break free....say, NO, HELL NO! AL will not take one more day of my precious life! All you gotta do is get thru this day!
      Sarah, I'm glad you checked in to let us know you are still here. It is hard to let me, I know it is. Sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith....we will be right here beside you. Tomorrow never comes in the world of addiction, you have to make it NOW. Right now is all we have! We are pulling for you! Every single one of us are pooling our juju to help you get there! Hugs, dear lady!! One day at a time.

      Back to the dirt for me! (and loving it!) Happy AF Sunday, Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Byrdlady;1654205 wrote: Morning, Nesters! day I realized that I had the power to do this all along. You do, too.
        MAE, all:

        Funny you should say this, Byrdie! Someone on another AL site posted this - I was contemplating making it my avatar, but I like the flowers so much... I'm trying a way to upload images without photobucket - we'll see if it works.

        Dila - there's no way around it - you have to make a plan to stay sober. Is there anyone you can tell in person who can help you with that? One thing is to be clear what you're going to be doing during that witching hour - leave the house if that's where you drink, make sober plans to be in a movie, the library, wherever. You CAN do this!

        Way to go, Bran! Speech, speech...

        I have a birthday party for my son today - 8 kids and it is raining (the activity we're doing is outdoors, so suddenly they're all in my tiny apartment). How much better will it be to face it with a clear head and no hangover!?

        I listened to another Bubble Hour podcast yesterday - this one was on PAWS (post acute withdrawal symptoms (or syndrome?)). It was enlightening and funny - here's the link.

        Happy Sober Sunday! I'm going over to Jackie Claire's thread to shout it out - 147 days for me!

        Pav Attached files [img]/converted_files/2310772=7749-attachment.jpg[/img]


          Newbies Nest

          Pav, what a great image! I see why you considered making it your avatar. We DO have total control of this, even when it seems like we have none. Getting control of this has given me back the self-confidence that I used to have - what a relief! Everything becomes so much more fun and rewarding, not to mention easier. It is so worth the short-term stress and discomfort. Enjoy your Sunday!


            Newbies Nest

            Dila - what was going on right before you took the first drink? Something must have triggered you, whether it was something that happened, people you were with, a problem, a celebration, hunger, exhaustion, cooking, anger...we all have different emotional, environmental or social issues that trigger us to want or feel like we "need" a drink. During the first few days, it helped me to make a list of what those triggers are and be aware of them every day so I could plan in advance to get through those moments when they surprised me.

            I generally despise metaphors involving violence or war (a guy at work inappropriately uses them all the time) but in this case, it fits at least for me because AL was killing me: Think of AL as the gun, and your plan as the safety....When something happens that causes you to pick up the gun and you find your finger on the trigger, if your safety is on you won't be able to fire. At least not right away, and those few minutes of thinking through your plan can prevent you from taking that drink. That helped me, I know.

            Hang in there and start over - you have tons of support and are not alone!
            Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


              Newbies Nest

              I have been really struggling lately and am back here to start trying to regain control of my life. I cannot drink any longer. I really need to and want to stop, so I will be coming here regularly in search of inspiration and advice. Today is day 1.
              I can beat this.
              Today is the day I start.
              1st September 2015.


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks J-VO, Byrdie and Pav for your support and advice. Peppersnow you are right I need to figure what is triggering me to drink. I will begin to write it down. I like your metaphor it is one I can use. Thanks!

                Another Day 1.

                Fat fella - welcome back. I have been reading for hours, it gives me strenght when I do.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello newbie's nest. I should lurk here more often. I have enormous admiration for Byrd, Lavande and other old timers who take care of newbies. The tone of the thread is always very uplifting and respectful. L & B are better understanding than any al counselors I've had, they know exactly the perfect thing to say.

                  Just my 2 cents regarding refusal of alcohol, it's easier for me to say "I don't drink". People who know you will get it and the nosie's ALWAYS need an explanation, and if asked I say "it was a problem" and I've never had anyone ask further.

                  Go well newbie's, you are in excellent company.
                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi nesters

                    Well Dil, what everyone said above is a good start on stopping. My advice is to post and post and post some more and read and read. Why do mwoers with big days have big days? Its because we are on here twice a day, rain, hail or shine and if not then we explain why we wont be around. Even if it is just to say "hi, im doing fine" it keeps you accountable. Use MWO as it should be used, as a support network for when you are feeling bad and good. This is my AA, the only difference is i dont have to walk out the door and drive to a meeting, the meeting is right on the net. I never thought i could get days up, i thought i would be a repeat offender until i realised that i had to give myself to the support that was offered on here. By being honest totally and to be done with lying and excuses and hiding of why i could not give up al has made this journey worthwhile. Also to grab onto a newbies baby tail feathers and share the journey is a fantastic help. Pav and I now have big girl tail feathers and nearly up to 5 months and i would not want to share that with anyone else. We have done this together, we have felt the same, talked about it on here and worked on how we felt as a team. Its good to know that how i feel i am not alone in those feelings.

                    Lav thanks for the offer of Stella, that makes me feel very special but today i am feeling that there is light at the end of this flu. If stella could send me a couple of protein filled eggs now that would be fantastic. thanks for caring.

                    BND congratulations on your 30 days and yes a speech is definitely in order as its a pretty emotional day turning 30. I could not believe i had done a month which made me want to do another. Bugger those thoughts of moderating.

                    Jane glad you weekend was af, tempting as al is, as it was on my holiday, that first drink is never worth the world of pain it causes to us alcoholics. 111 great number.

                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good evening Nesters,

                      I played outside in the dirt today too Byrdie :H
                      Still have lots & lots more to do out there, fun!!

                      Welcome back FF!
                      The Nest is the place to be so make yourself comfortable. Kicking AL out of our lives is the best decision we'll ever make. Let us know about your plan & we'll give you a hand!

                      Dila, knowing your drinking triggers is a must so you can make your plan work for you

                      Ava, I have eggs coming out of my ears right now - the girls have been very happy :H
                      Glad you are recovering!

                      SKendall, great to see you here & thank you
                      Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        MAE Nesters!

                        Yesterday was Freedom Day, the date of our first democratic elections, and today's a public holiday (except that I have a deadline looming, so I'm at my desk). Wish I could spend the day in this lovely cabin while drinking coffee and reading.

                        Skendall, it's always to see an old-timer popping in and encouraging the newbies!

                        Dila, don't give up, no matter what! Good advice about triggers from Pepper. Remember HALT - being Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired are general triggers to watch out for, in addition to your own "personal" ones.

                        FF, good to see you settling in here again - use the butt velcro.

                        Pav, hope you survived the eight children - that would have had me running off the the hills!

                        J-vo, wanted to say this yesterday - glad to see you posting in the Nest too! Good to see you'll keep Byrdie busy with the PP in a day or two!

                        Sarah, can you let go or accept what you can't change? Stay strong ok, and as Byrdie said, just make the jump - all of us were scared to death of quitting, but with the help and support here we all survived - and are happy and glad we did so.

                        Have a great AF Monday, everybody!
                        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks DTD, and enjoying the coffee!

                          FF, this is the place to be if you don't wanna drink ever again. My lots and read everything you can. Make your plan after reading in the toolbox. What has worked for you in the past? What triggers you? Maybe we can help sort this out.

                          Have a great day.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Monday morning Nesters,

                            Once again my dog gets up before dawn for a quick trip outside & now is fast asleep again - I'm not

                            Wishing everyone a great AF Monday!
                            Stay busy & stay connected!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi everyone. Well Monday is done and 6 days down. No booze, and no mondayitis. Feels great!!!!

                              Good night all.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning everyone - great job on AF weekend and welcome to the newer newbies!

                                My weekend was challenging but I'm proud that I got through it (and thanks to support here, too)! One of my concerns was about what others were thinking. why? I'm not sure but I'm going to work on that - the truth is they may have given my not drinking a passing thought, but in general they were only concerned with what they were doing themselves. I am just not all that important :-)

                                Skendall I could say "I don't drink" but most of the people I was with over the weekend know differently so I think they would come back with some comment. I could just say "I don't drink anymore - it hasn't been sitting well with me". I'll come up with something but I'm not going to worry about it too much - I know summer is going to be tough but I am getting stronger every day!

                                Stick around everyone - it really helps!

