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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi, Nest:

    The I didn't have a plan, per se, FF, but I did have some things I fell back on. The first is one day at a time - no worries about that vacation this summer back in January. I can be sober today.

    The second was writing down my thoughts, feelings and actions on the day of the worst hangover I've ever had, after the worst week of drinking I'd ever had. I NEVER, NEVER want to feel that way again, so if a drink looked good, I just played forward in my mind what that one drink would lead to. This still works, as that painful memory is vividly etched in my mind, but I wrote it down also in case I have to consult it...

    The third was confiding in my husband - if we were going to a party I would let him know what I planned to drink ahead of time, and check in with him if I needed. I might be able to lie to myself, but I couldn't lie to him, and he was with me during that last week, so I definitely wasn't going to lie to him and tell him I could "moderate."

    And lastly, I post and read here. Ava and I were one day apart and we vied for the most posting (she won, I'm sorry to say). Reading here gave my rational brain a lot of information upon which to frame my sober journey - I am a logical person and getting the facts really helped.

    Ok - sorry to waffle on in the nest. I now have to abruptly end as I see it is time for me to pick up my son.

    Stay strong, Nesters!



      Newbies Nest

      And FF i am the illogical person so ying and yang works well for us. Thanks Pav but i think we are pretty much even on the lunatic posting at the beginning.

      Also newbies today is: wait for it ---

      150 days can be converted to one of these units:

      12,960,000 seconds
      216,000 minutes
      3600 hours
      150 days
      21 weeks (rounded down)

      I have looked at the date/time calculator at least 20 times today making sure i have 150 days as to me it doesnt seem like its me that has not drank for 150 days. This is so doable guys and i have my quit buddy to vouch for this also.

      Today i have my flying underpants on and even if they are a tad uncomfortable i am wearing these with pride with my hat and my boobs and all the other prizes i have been awarded for not drinking by Byrd.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Yo Nester's!

        Great stuff Pepper.

        Good to see you FF. Go for it mate.

        Day 21 here. I'm orf to an info session (tomorrow) wednesday night for an outpatient rehab 6 week program. Mon-fri days. Runs every 6 weeks, and this one starting may 12 might be full, but looking forward to it.

        The outstanding thing here for me is positive the message i'm sending myself. It's empowering. Will keep youse posted.

        Congratulations Ava and Pav! Bravo!

        Take care out there.

        G bloke.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Guys,

          I'm new here. I hope we get a long well and I can contribute to this community and share my experiences and knowledge in the future.
          Alcohol will hit you bad but you can always turn your back
          Alcohol can bring a lot of misery but there is a solution because it's not a mystery
          Alcohol will give you pleasure but in the future it will give you pain that you cannot treasure


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Nesters!

            just a quick note as we are expecting very very bad weather here over the next few hours. I'll need to read back, but thanks to those who responded. I was more angry at myself that evening for 'drinking at' chit.

            I need to go hunker down now and watch more weather reports. I'll try to be back tomr evening if we don't lose power or get hit by a twister. Thanks all! love you all very much!

            Talk soon,



              Newbies Nest

              MAE Nesters!

              Without internet for most of yesterday - aggravating, because I missed the chats here!

              Right, what about some coffee to start the day on a good note!

              Sarah, hope the bad weather doesn't hit you or anybody else. There is one way of avoiding getting angry at yourself for drinking...

              Mary, welcome here! The Nest is an incredibly supportive place when you want to break that connection between yourself and the bottle. Let us know when you need help. There will be somebody here with good solid advice and who understand how you feel. Settle in, and use the butt velcro to make yourself secure!

              Gman, if not this round, then the next! Loud applause on your 21 days!

              Ava, a whole 150 days! Brilliant, gazette girl!

              Pav, have a great Muesday! Everybody would have lost to Ava on the post challenge!

              Bran, the next 30 will be a lot easier. In my second month I was worried about getting complacent and false confidence. But, that's when the clear thinking really kicked in and I knew that that no wine I ever had tasted so good that I'd risk my sobriety for a glass of that.

              Dila, now that you mentioned the A word, brave girl, perhaps little chats here and there will let him understand how we cannot control our reactions to booze. Good luck with Day 2!

              Byrdie, I think your plan should go into the Toolbox - it's all there, in one post.

              FF, I guess you've read Byrdie's post by now. And well done on Day 2 - here's to Day 3! Then it's just getting through to moonday on Sunday.

              Rahul, get some sleep, eat well - remember HALT are the bad guys! And what Jane said.

              Spirit, the edginess will come - and then go. You're already doing a lot to keep them at bay. It does feel good to be sober, doesn't it?

              Sanp, I also don't seem to be able to save money at nursery sales. What have you planted in your butterfly garden?

              Frances, I think that most people gave a silent sigh of relief when I told that I'd given up the booze for a while. The only people who seemed to be bothered by that were my drinking buddies. And yes, most people do not care what's in you glass, as long as you have something in your hand. I've a water glass welded to my hand when I go anywhere "new" or where I know the emphasis will be on drinking.

              Funny story: a friend yesterday said he may as well give up drinking since he drinks so little. Whaaaaaat? People don't stop drinking because they drink so little, they stop because they drink too much. There really is a huge difference between "them" and "us" when it comes to drinking and perspectives on drinking.

              I'm off to have a busy Tuesday - have a great AF one, everybody.
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                Newbies Nest

                Morning all and thanks for the positive comments, especially BL and Pav for the advice which I will follow. Like Pav I'll struggle to free my house from booze because my wife and sons all like a drink. I guess on this point I'll have to just find another strategy. I looked at a bottle of wine on the kitchen worktop last night and just tried to visualise all of the pain and hurt it has caused over the last 20 years of my life. I need to try and AL as an enemy not a friend. Well, day 3 starts in a determined way, but I'd better get to work so I'll check in later.

                One quick thing, I'm considering getting some L glut amine to try and cut down the sugar/ AL cravings. Anyone tried it?
                I can beat this.
                Today is the day I start.
                1st September 2015.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Pepper, hahaha! The image of you with the microphone was hilarious. Something I'd do. And as far as sick days, I was always in the lead. Not so much this year, although I've taken enough, but the days I took this year were not for being hungover, just mental health days.

                  Snap, keep up that new habit. Exercise is great and once I get my as* off the couch and down to treadmill, I love it!

                  Spiritgirl, try not to equate alcohol with reward. Alcohol brings on bloating, being hungover, and a guilty heart. That's not a reward. Can you think of something else that would be rewarding to you after a hard day? What would it be?


                  Have a great sober day! I'm grateful I woke up this morning hangover free! Although I'm late now...
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Marty, welcome to MWO and the Nest. You've found a great group of support. Glad you're here.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Tuesday morning Nesters,

                      Dark & damp in my portion of the nest this morning but it's just rain.
                      Sarah, I really hope you are safe if you are in the areas dealing with tornadoes.

                      Ava, Congrats on your 150 AF day :wd:
                      G, very nice on your 21 days!!! I hope you can arrange a spot for the rehab, sounds promising & could just be the thing to help you prevent relapse

                      FF, I did use some L-Glutamine myself to help cut the sugar habit - it worked for me so give it a try!

                      Hello & welcome Marty! Make yourself comfortable, let us know your plan!

                      Greetings to everyone else. Sending wishes for a terrific AF Tuesday for all

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning, Nesters!
                        Posting from the road hotel sleep last night (not much).
                        Ava, 150 days scores you the coveted prize of flying briefs!
                        Great job Missy!! We are so proud of you!
                        Marty, welcome aboard! Tell us more about yourself when you are comfortably settled in! We are glad you are here!
                        Mr G, there is no prize for 3 weeks, but it makes the Hat more dear when you get to 30 days!! Sounds like you have the bull by the .......horns! (I was gonna say horns!!). Whatever it takes is the right way!
                        Sarah, so glad to see you, keep checking in and let us know how you are!
                        Where is Rahul?
                        J vo, great post, as usual, so glad to have you in the nest!!
                        DTD, being unplugged stinks! How did the early settlers get on the internet with electricity?
                        Have a great day, everyone. Thinking of you all and wishing strength! Today is the day!!! Xo, Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Happy Tuesday everyone.

                          I'd just like to say that my first failing here is that I read all of your posts and think that I will respond to each, but by the time I hit the 'respond' button I can't remember who it was that said what! It would be OK if I had paper and pen to hand (I haven't even got the excuse of an alcohol fuddled brain this week!! :H)

                          Anyway - Fat Fella, I know how you feel about alcohol in the house. My husband isn't a great drinker, but enjoys a bottle of cider with his dinner in the eve. We also have a cupboard full of various spirits from vodka and peach schnapps to Baileys and brandy - none of which tempt me at all. White wine is my poison - I really struggle when my daughter (24) has friends round and they open a couple of bottles of wine, have a glass each and leave the rest in the fridge. So hard to stare and walk away! But - my family don't have a problem with alcohol, so it's unfair of me to stop their enjoyment because of my miserable addiction.

                          Dream - you asked about plants. I created a Butterfly garden last year and planted loads of things from Lavender, Buddleia, Lavatera, cornflowers and poppies etc. I lost a few plants because (hard to believe) but we had a hot summer and drought and I struggled to keep them watered enough. I've just added some fuscias, hollyhocks and sweat peas to add a splash of colour. Can't wait for it all to flower.

                          Day six for me AF and Day 3 of doing the 30 day shred. I seriously couldn't walk last night, the muscles in my legs and butt hurt so much. I took my dogs for a walk in the woods and when we got back to the car, I simply couldn't bend down to pick them up to put them in the car! (I have two Border Terriers and the boot (or trunk) is a bit high for them to jump. I stood there for 5 minutes begging them to jump so I wouldn't have to bend!! :H

                          Anyway - hoping to get the gym as well tonight (if I ache too much, might have to have a swim and sauna instead!)

                          Hope you're all doing well today. Snap x
                          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Do you have another refrigerator downstairs where you could put the wine if it's a white wine. I know red doesn't need to be refrigerated. We never had a liquor cabinet, as I'd drink anything and everything until it was gone. Taste didn't matter to me! I ended up drinking cooking wine more than once because it was there. No lie, DH used to have to hide everything from me, as he cooks and would wander where his cooking wine went, then he caught on! Didn't take him long.
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Sarah - I hope you stay safe today and that the worst weather stays clear of you.

                              FF -- I've been using L-Glutamine and I swear by it as far as calming the nervous system down, which helps me get through cravings better. I think that same effect also helps early on with the anxiety of acute withdrawal symptoms.

                              Snap - major coincidence, but I also started the 30-day shred yesterday! And I totally hear you about the pain. Certain muscles helpful in sitting down....or getting up from sitting down...or hell, just plain old sitting...are positively screaming today. Did the treadmill this morning instead, but plan to go back to the video tomorrow, but will substitute some other exercise for the butt exercises.

                              I hope everyone's Tuesday goes well and is AF! :l
                              Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                                Newbies Nest

                                Well, I just got the ultimatum. Quit or leave. Got the whole broadside really, "get a grip" "pathetic" "it's your choice no-one makes you drink" "if you cared you'd stop". Needless to say self esteem is a little low round here at the minute.

                                I need this to work this time. Day 3 was going quite positively until an hour ago. It's still going though, and I will not give in. I guess I'll have to rely on you guys for some support and understanding. Going to order some L Glutamine now, and am going to the gym every day to keep myself busy and distracted.
                                I can beat this.
                                Today is the day I start.
                                1st September 2015.

