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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    MAE Nesters!

    Early coffee service today - I have a huge deadline looming!

    What Lav said about ODAT is sooo true - and something I never really understood until I started on this amazing journey. I only have to get through today - I'll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. No, that does not mean not taking care of things and not planning for the future - but there's absolutely no point in obsessing about what may or may not happen.

    Have a great Hump Day everybody - and stay AF just for today; soon there'll be a string of them.
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Newbies Nest

      j-vo;1654954 wrote: Hi Marty, welcome to MWO and the Nest. You've found a great group of support. Glad you're here.
      Thanks mate

      Hello to everyone here

      Alcohol will hit you bad but you can always turn your back
      Alcohol can bring a lot of misery but there is a solution because it's not a mystery
      Alcohol will give you pleasure but in the future it will give you pain that you cannot treasure


        Newbies Nest

        Oh, for goodness sake, I just lost a long an lovely post. I accidentally hit the wrong key...

        Suffice to say - good job, welcome, and good night. I'll write more later.



          Newbies Nest

          Morning Pav - happy Wuesday to us!

          Hate it when I lose posts!
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Newbies Nest

            Hi all! I see several of the people I "met" when I first checked in March 1st. Day 60 today, 61 tomorrow. I was SUCH a homebody for the first six weeks! When I had time to check this place, it seemed like I couldn't log in without it being extra slow, so I just tried to read a bit when I could. I think I pray every day that the Big Man will just take away the alcohol thoughts - not so much the craves as those have been manageable but even the thought of alcohol at all is what I hope will just vanish. I know it's a tall order but it happens for some people, right?

            The past two weeks, I've gone to a play, and Easter lunch, and a celebratory fiesta with my coworkers. I was prepared for the Easter plethora of alcohol around me and sailed through. The play was easy too because all the people who were drinking around me reeked and it just didn't seem fun. But the celebratory fiesta? That impromptu luncheon brought on a crave. My coworkers were killing beer, it was totally unplanned so I didn't have time to pre-prepare myself, and I felt the NEED for at least 3 minutes throughout. Ended up leaving right after I ate saying I was tired, but I guess I finally bumped into one of my major triggers: hanging out with men, blowing off steam from finishing something, and DYING to be accepted/part of the crew. Now that I have seen it up close, I suppose it was the major reason why I started drinking in the first place but it sure blindsided me. Glad I just counted to 300 in my brain and started immediately talking myself out of it as soon as I saw their first beers. It really felt like the hardest test so far.

            I came by to check on NewDreams. I don't see her around but I sure hope she's doing good. I hope you all are.


              Newbies Nest

              P.S. Thanks Jane for the nice congrats. Rooting for you always, girl!


                Newbies Nest

                Morning (or evening) all. Thanks to everyone for the kind words and support. Will post later as am en route to work currently. Day 4 dawns with a groggy head for no reason, but a determination to reach day 5.
                I can beat this.
                Today is the day I start.
                1st September 2015.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Fat, expect to feel slightly the worse for wear for a while before you start feeling better. Lots of toxins being flushed out, etc. But that too will pass, and then you'll love that sober feeling!

                  Luving, well done on 60 days!!!! I had to trust the old-timers when they said that they rarely think about Al - and you know what - they were right! I always joke that for a group of non-drinkers we talk about Al quite a lot - but that's a different matter. When I'm faced with a "new" situation, I always try to prepare myself mentally for it, much the same as you do, and an impromptu thing was just about my worst nightmare. However, the mental prep does become automatic at a stage, and these days I don't need much advance warning; I'm sure you'll arrive at that stage sooner or later. It took me a while to accept that I will not ever drink again - but once I got to that point, it was relatively plain sailing. If drinking is the admissions criteria to be accepted into a group, I'd rather not belong, thank you very much. 39 days to go before you hit 100 is something to look forward to. Post the day somewhere so that we can celebrate, ok?
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Congratulations on your 60! That's a huge achievement! And I agree with DTD, that if drinking is required to be one of the 'boys' then opt out happily. And at 60 days, even though you were blindsided, you looked in your toolbox for the right tool and started hammering away by counting to 300 and talking to yourself. Brilliant!
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters,

                      Congrats Luvin on your 60+ AF days!
                      You did great in an unexpected social situation, very nice

                      I'm looking at 2-4 inches of rain today so there will be no gardening for me :H
                      I'm going to have to put life vests on the chickens - don't think they can swim :H

                      Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Hump day!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning, Nesters!
                        Luvin, 60 days has us busting with pride!
                        Congratulations on your huge pair (of months!) We are so proud of you!!
                        Keep up the good fight! You will never be sorry!

                        Let TIME work for you.
                        I remember back when I was a newbie, I thought...."Sure, it's easy for the old timers, they've been at it so long!" What I was saying was actually reinforcing the whole premise. The longer you go AF the easier it gets. Sure there are times when 'those thoughts' creep in or I feel sorry for myself, but giving in would make these paltry occasions pale in comparison to how low it would get if I caved in. You can be an old timer, too....just keep doing what you are doing. Stay AF today. Rinse and repeat. Let time be your best friend....your intense cravings and thoughts WILL FADE....I promise. It will become normal for you to be AF and enjoy life! I protect my quit with all I've got...because really, everything else crumbles if my foundation gives way. Stay strong. It IS worth it. Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Dang Lav, it is raining.

                          way to go Luvin, 60 days is wonderful.

                          Time, as Byrdie says, is your friend. Once the fog clears, you wonder how (and why) you even had time to poison yourself.

                          Enjoy the day friends
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank you for all the encouragement... You have NO idea how much it helps (or maybe you do! I look so forward to reading all these posts...

                            Oh Byrdie - your post was great to a born-again newbie... those are my EXACT thoughts ("that's easy for an old timer")... I do realize though, that NO ONE starts out as an old timer... So hopefully I get there too eventually!

                            I have been wondering - can any of you share the physical changes - particularly in appearance - that you noticed after some AF time? Did you lose weight? Did you gain weight from the ice cream :blush: ? How about your skin, hair... I know it sounds superficial - but I used to feel and look so healthy and I miss that... I have spent so many years drinking and then the next day eating as much greasy food as possible to "absorb" the alcohol in my system... GROSS!! Once of my MANY motivations is to hopefully lose some of this alcohol-greasy-food weight and feel & look healthy again... Does that happen??
                            God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Spirit, I've lost a lot of booze weight - even with eating more than usual and without doing any exercise. Weight loss is starting to slow down, but it's still happening. My skin also looks much better, and the best - the whites of my eyes are actually white these days! I've had lots of compliments the past few months - guess I'm bragging a little here, but goodness, I appreciated each and every one of them, also because I can actually see that they were deserved. Yet another reason to stay AF! Also what Jane said about feeling at peace and being calm: they do show on the outside.
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Luvin congrats on 60 days .... This is awesome ...

                                What do you do when you get a call from guys ... Let go out drinking ... I should say no right ? Well I said yes ... But will more about it later ...

                                I had a terrible night yesterday, for those you saw My posts a day before or so I had a bad stomach and I came back early from office and slept like a baby early and woke up yesterday morning (extra fresh !). Had good day but by evening was feeling a big low and could not sleep the whole night. Slept like 5 am. Was thinking too much I guess about life ... But no thoughts about AL. I used to think a lot about lots of stuff before I started drinking heavy is that me coming back ?

                                Today was bit tired in evening and evening these guys called for drinking out ... Now these are the new younger set of friends I just made where I am new in a group. It's not a drinking group but a kind of group where friend meet to do social cause and also enjoy. They have not seen me drinking. So I choose not to drink. Simply said am trying to lose weight.

                                We were all chatting, talking, enjoying and drinking in a crude way. Sitting in a garden, with scotch,pouring down and eating. I did the job of driving, enjoyed the chit chatting. One of the fellows loooves to drink. He is in Mid 20 s , felt like telling him about risks about drinking but didn't. Have been told not to tell the same until someone asks. Another person of my age chose not to drink and smoke.

                                I felt good, confident able to be in the group not feeling as if I am missing something felt good. And I was not ! Was so grateful not to be slave to drinking. They had just 3 or 4 pegs ... Way too less for me.

                                I am not testing my self, not throwing myself a challenge but it was good to be in that kind of company after a long time. And I was enjoy the company and not the drinks. That felt so good. Back home sober felt even Better, ...
                                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                                Rebooting ... done ...
                                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

