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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening all.

    MG - Are you ready to tell people the truth? That you have given up? I found when I told people I had given up a number of them were quite envious and said they wished they could and congratulated me on doing so. That was a huge boost to my desire to stay AF. It is hard to decide on what to say and to whom, maybe you will just need to take it as it comes and not stress too much on it. It's strange how we are proud to admit when we give up smoking but embarrassed to say we have given up boozing..... Good luck with whatever you choose.

    It's my brother's 40 birthday party tomorrow. It is going to be a huge change for me to be sober at a family party. At least I will remember his 40th as with mine I drank so much champagne I passed out while everyone was still there. People gave me a hard time for years saying about me being a real good hostess... "sleeping" while everyone else was partying. That is one thing I will not miss - people telling me things I did while in a black out.

    Anyway I got thru my worse day of the week. Seven weeks without a drink! I am proud of myself.

    Seeya tomorrow.
    I finally got it!
    "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


      Newbies Nest

      Hi All,

      You should be proud! Well done hippy chick I've now done day 2 AF.. but only had AL one day out of 16 (and that was one unit of wine only).. so i'm feeling pretty good too.. I feel confident I can veer away from the evils of AL as long as I keep telling myself I don't drink, and not to buy any EVER!! I know the moment I start to think i can handle it and buy some, i will end up getting drunk and doing something stupid..
      Anyway, here's to everyone having a happy and successful AF weekend! good luck at the party tomorrow hippy chick, and i know what you mean about making a fool of yourself at family parties.. i'm going to avoid them if i can, as i dont trust myself to handle any parties yet..
      K x
      "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



        Newbies Nest

        Hello Everyone!

        Checking in from snowy/windy PA! Is it spring yet? I am happy to annouce I am now working on day 10 AF! Of course it is Friday so I am a little nervous I dont have anything planned tonight and my husband will be working but I have to wake up early tomorrow so I am going to hang in there. I am sure I will be popping in and out alot this evening.

        Have a great Friday!!


          Newbies Nest

          Hippy Chick...u should be proud of yourself!!!
          I am home in bed with a tummy bug....everyone have a great Friday!
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters,

            Reporting in from a very snowy & windy portion of the Nest! It's just crazy out there with 45-55 mph winds whipping the snow around!! I thought the weather people were just goofy talking about a
            'Snow-icane' yesterday - now I get it!!!

            Greetings NoraC, Tranq & Overit - good to see you all!

            Kbrown, stay as strong as you are right now & you'll do just fine

            MG - about your work party......blow it off, don't go if you think you're not ready! If you feel you have to go then just remember this - you don't owe anyone an explanation as to why you're not drinking! You're an adult - you don't have to make excuses!!!! Just say No Thanks & change the subject!! I'm sending you a huge dose of 'Lavan-itude' to help

            Jolie, HC - feeling good about yourself is exactly what this journey is all about!!!!
            It's true, the longer you remain AF the more confident you feel. Of course I never forget what an idiot I was prior to starting my journey. That memory serves me well & helps me remain AF

            Wishing everyone a terrific AF Friday - I'll be back later.
            11 months AF today - YAY!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Just cross posted Excuses - congrats on your 10 AF days - Woo Hoo!!
              Feel better Mama Bear
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Congrats on 11 months Lav.....that is awesome!!!!!
                Day 4 for me!!!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Newbies Nest

                  Lav- Congrats on 11 months! That is so wonderful, I hope I can stay as strong as you have!

                  Mama Bear- 4 days is great! Keep up the good work!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    MG~ If you go to the party, you will no doubt have some kind of a drink in your hand. Will people really ask if it's got alcohol in it? Maybe noone will even notice...

                    Congrats on day 4 MamaBear, kick that stomach bug quickly.

                    I have a wide open weekend. AF?


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hey Everyone... I am starting my 10th day. Hard to believe I got this goal for now is to make it to Easter...and if I make it till then, who knows...dont know why Ive always given up something every year...for Lent...past coupla yrs..barely made without a whole lotta slip-ups..when it was AL...this is about the best Ive done in a long time...So, Excuses...I hear ya and I'll be popping in and out this weekend too...congrats to you Hippy Chick...I couldnt even think about handling a party right now...nevermind a FAMILY party..Wow..that's great..Mama Bear hope ya feel better..hang in there KBrown...thanks everyone for sharing....Sis here.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning everyone......
                        14 days today. I go home on Sunday and I am getting firmly planted in this nest so that I will stay here. I have not been taking any supplements or Topamax while I have been on vacation and I was thinking yesterday that it might be a good idea for me to get started on those. Once I get home, the temptations will be strong.

                        Lav - I just love your lavan-itude. Great job on 11 months!!! That is fantastic.

                        Sisley - :goodjob: 10 days! Woohoo. Way to go.

                        Mama Bear - Feel better!

                        Kbrown - That is exactly the way it is with me. I cannot buy it and have it in the house. Period! I am slowly coming to the realization that I am not going to be able to moderate.

                        HippyChick - Good job! You enjoy your family party and stay strong. Remember we will be here waiting to hear all about it.

                        MG - Thinking about you today. Enjoy yourself tonight.......maybe nobody will even notice you are not drinking.

                        Spam, Overit, Jolie, BPleasant, Excuses, Tranq, Sunshine and everyone else that I know I am missing........Have a wonderful AF day. :h
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Nesters:

                          Lav-CONGRATS!! Very inspiring for the rest of us. Keep warm over the weekend.

                          Sisley - 10 days! Great. Let's keep it up until Lent. We can do it.

                          Mama Bear - Hope you feel better. Maybe some tea?

                          MG-Last week, I told everyone I didn't feel good. Nobody seemed to care. Or like Lav said, blow it off.

                          HippyChick - Can totally relate to hearing the "stories" after. Good luck with the fam.

                          Spuddle-How are you doing? Thinking of you.

                          Tranq: Thanks for the GABA info. Wondering if Amoryn will do the trick entirely.

                          Everybody else... Keep your heads up high and enjoy an AF weekend.

                          :goodjob: EVERYBODY!
                          A new beginning 2/16/10


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good luck to everyone as the weekend approaches. Day 41 for me, and I'm actually becoming used to not drinking on the weekend. I even had a dream last night that I was going to allow myself a few drinks since I've been so good at abstaining lately, but even in my dream I was able to talk myself out of it. This is perhaps a positive sign!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Everyone in the Nest

                              Waking up to a beautiful bright sunny Saturday - wish you were here Lav and all you other snow-icane people. Mind you it will prob be quite a warm one in the mid 30's. I have this weekend all to myself and am feeling good. I have no al in the house and no plans to buy any. Going to have a special sober me time weekend.

                              Hope you all enjoy your weekend as well. So well done Lav HC NoraC Hip Jim Sis Mama LCC BP Excuses Overitt MG Spud KB Tranq and everyone else I've missed. I hope to spend some time here today and talk to you guys some more
                              Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                                Newbies Nest

                                Funny but sad

                                Hi Everybody just reading through the posts and everybody is sounding positive well done to everybody. At the end of my 3AF and I'm feeling good myself. Managed to avoid drinking with 2 of my girlie friends this evening.

                                A funny but sad tale yesterday when I spoke to my friend to say would not be meeting tonight because I have finally come to my senses and decided to kick the drinking in touch or at least give it good try her response was - yes I'm cutting down on the wine I've decided to switch to vodka and coke because that way I wont drink as much I don't like it!!! (we were both Chardonnay ladies) Tried to steer her here but fell on deaf ears at the moment, texted her the website so lets hope she gives it a try.

                                Its a great feeling going to bed and knowing you wont wake up fuzzy and ruin the weekend.

                                Sorry to hear about your tum mama bear hope you feeling better soon.'

                                Luv P x :l
                                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

