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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dot, congratulations on 8 monhts!!!! That's so wonderful!
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Newbies Nest

      There is never a good time to stop drinking Sarah. We can all procrastinate that we are going to stop and we all have procrastinated. The reality is biting the bullet and stopping but no one can do that but yourself. I wonder what is holding you back that scares you to become af. None of my business but its a thought i have.
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters,

        Happy Friday to all

        Sarah, fear held me back for a long time. I feared how I was going to live without my crutch, how I was going to put up & cope with the stuff that I had been drinking AT for so long. Someone here advised me to just take the leap, so I did!!!
        Turns out there was absolutely nothing to fear, only a whole lot to gain - I had no idea
        We will be here for you, so go ahead & take that leap!

        I'm off to go get my grandsons & bring them back here for most of the day. I'll accept your prayers for strength & sanity :H

        Wishing everyone a great AF Friday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Dottie - I somehow saw 80 days

          So sorry about that!! Even more awesome for you - I hope to follow in your footsteps!


            Newbies Nest

            prayers said for strength and sanity! Enjoy your grandchildren today.

            Ava, you have 5 months and funny thing what you said to Dot, but I'd be where you are had I not slipped up those times, too. But we're all on our own timeline and as long as we keep moving forward, that's what counts.

            Pav, I need to catch up on some of the Bubble Hour episodes. I agree that it's a great resource. I'm gonna look up that book.

            Sarah, I agree with Lav and Ava. And I'll add, we may not get our "mind" to stop thinking about Al, in fact we won't before we stop. We will be consumed with thoughts of it. But you don't have to wait until your mind is in a proper place to take the leap. The mind will catch up later.

            Have a great day.
            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


              Newbies Nest

              Dots, 8 months!!!!
              What a world of difference in you! Dance classes, cooking school, volunteering, helping animals, retirement, the list goes on! I want to be YOU when I grow up, you are living life to the fullest, and I am SO proud of you! Keep spinning, girl! The world is your oyster!
              Marty, great to see you!
              Sarah....I was a very resistant case! You will find your wings!! Stick with us, you are going to fly shortly!
              Quick check in, off to see the step daughter this weekend (lost her hubs in January) so we are helping her with chores. It will be good to help her.
              Have a great weekend....I will find time to check in, as always, you guys are my liferaft! Much love, B
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                MAE all,
                You all did see 80 days. No clue where that came from. I went back after ava PM'd me and woke me up. It should have read 8 months. Sorry for the confusion. Guess I am not completely over my crud yet. ;-))
                Thanks for the well wishes regardless of how much time I have it is ALL good.

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Have a great weekend with your DIL, Byrdie.
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    Newbies Nest

                    j-vo;1656106 wrote:

                    Spirit, you wish this attention to alcohol wouldn't consume you, but in reality, wouldn't you rather have these thoughts than the physical pain of going through a hangover, ridding your body once again of the spirit that takes your spirit away? I know, easier said than done. But these thoughts will come and yes, they will go. Just tough it out and maybe look at the gratitude lists in the general section. It's a great read. You can do this and we're right here doing it with you.
                    J-Vo - WOW!! Yes, yes and triple yes! You are SO right! I would much rather deal with the 'thoughts' of drinking than the aftermath of drinking... THANK YOU for that reality check... So easy to forget since I am feeling so good...I will definitely check out the gratitude list thread... There is also an old thread I still subscribe to called "What I love about my AF Life" ... I need to visit there too

                    Dottie - congrats on 8 months! Wow - what am accomplishment! I imagine your life is so much better now...

                    The weekend is here - and as I am only 9 days AF its a little nerve wrecking.. I will make a plan and read the threads that inspire me and remind me why this AF life is so much better than the daily hangovers... I'll be checking in...

                    Love to you all!:l
                    God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers...


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hello Nester,

                      Feeling not so great today. I feel and wonder what am I doing in life. What am I living for. 2 days later I am starting my 3 weeks tour for europe and colombo. Away from home for so long for does makes me wonder what am I working for.

             drinking days it was easy. I didnt have to think. It was super exiting to travel. Drnking and partying along every night. So that was the main purpose.

                      Now i dont want to drink, nor am.I.missing it. But then what am I working for ? I miss family, kids and all that matter.

                      Why am working and for what ?

                      Life used to be simple when I was a kid. Got hugely conplex from teens. Last 10 years its was simple but a.mess (drinking). Now complexity is back.
                      Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                      Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                      Rebooting ... done ...
                      Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                        Newbies Nest

                        Sarah42;1656280 wrote: I just gotta get my mind to say 'stop'.
                        I am sticking here and not giving up as I am drinking less than I was...but I want to stop.
                        I have been here for over 2 months at least..,and had 1 day AF. That's not exactly the time I wanted. I was hoping to have the 30 day challenge at least behind my belt by now, but noooo.
                        I know I will get there...I just have to simply do it.

                        Sarah, I don't think there is any way to make this change using logic and your obvious intelligence. Like Lav said, you just have to take the leap and have faith that those of us who took it are telling the truth about how much easier it is than you think it will be. How it becomes so normal that your main regret is that you didn't do it sooner. I started a thread about this last November and still believe that you can't over think this - just do it:

                        Rahulthesweet;1656413 wrote:
                        Hello Nester,
                        Feeling not so great today. I feel and wonder what am I doing in life. What am I living for.
                        Life used to be simple when I was a kid. Got hugely conplex from teens. Last 10 years its was simple but a.mess (drinking). Now complexity is back.
                        Rahul, it sounds like you're in the "existential abyss" that people have written about for ages. Many of us clearly used alcohol so we didn't have to face the lack of meaning in our lives. A book I read every now and then about this is Man's Search for Meaning: Viktor E. Frankl, William J. Winslade, Harold S. Kushner: 9780807014295: Books. Maybe you could get a copy and read it during your long trip. All the best, NS


                          Newbies Nest

                          Rahulthesweet;1656413 wrote: Hello Nester,

                          Feeling not so great today. I feel and wonder what am I doing in life. What am I living for. 2 days later I am starting my 3 weeks tour for europe and colombo. Away from home for so long for does makes me wonder what am I working for.

                 drinking days it was easy. I didnt have to think. It was super exiting to travel. Drnking and partying along every night. So that was the main purpose.

                          Now i dont want to drink, nor am.I.missing it. But then what am I working for ? I miss family, kids and all that matter.

                          Why am working and for what ?

                          Life used to be simple when I was a kid. Got hugely conplex from teens. Last 10 years its was simple but a.mess (drinking). Now complexity is back.
                          Rahul, questions for the ages and something we all ask ourselves regardless of our proclivity for brother grape. I'm more worried about your posts over the last week. I saw this pattern once before and it was right before you had an extended trip where you relapsed after nearly 50 days. I urge you to make a plan for this trip, find someone you trust and can talk/text to and make this trip anther milestone on your journey towards long term sobriety. Stay strong my friend.
                          Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

                          William Butler Yeats


                            Newbies Nest

                            Why are Friday nights so hard?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Dila they were hard for me for the first month or so. I started new Friday night things to do that didnt involve sitting in front of the TV and drinking. Find something to do that will keep your interest. Is that doable??

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Yes Dila - Maybe you could go for an ice cream or go for a walk? Or a nice dinner since you have saved money not drinking! You are doing great you can get through this feeling and before you know it the feeling you are having now will have passed!

