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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I can't believe your friend thinks drinking vodka is better than wine! vodka is so much stronger! whether she 'likes' it or not (just one home-poured voddie is prob the same as 3 glasses of wine.).. i have had so many hellish nights when I have drunk vodka.. and i find it so much more addicitve, and often felt like drinking the next morning if i vodka the night before.. oh well, not much you can do about other people's decisions i guess..
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Weather is getting warmer and some sun shining through. All of the ice is off the sidewalk and I think I'll go for an early morning run tomorrow. Early for me is going to be 5 am. Just one of the little things I have back now that I'm not (A) drinking (B) going to bed at 3 or 4 am and (C) waking up at noon feeling like shit. Hope everyone has a great sober weekend.
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Everyone. Happy Friday!

        MG29 - I got a lot of mileage out of upcoming Dr's appts and medication stories. I used a high blood pressure test, blood sugar test, antibiotics as excuses. Worked great - got sympathy. And it really looks bad if you do drink on top of the medical issues.

        LCC - "Tranq: Thanks for the GABA info. Wondering if Amoryn will do the trick entirely." -- Check out the Amoryn website. I recall that Gaba is discussed somewhere there as being helpful on top of Amoryn. Like I said I still take Gaba, but mostly because of my neck and shoulder issues, it seems to provide some relief. I haven't tried 'not taking it'. But Amoryn seems to be pretty good stuff, and it probably will be fine alone. I think I was taking 5-htp (an Amoryn ingredient) successfully without Gaba. Just so you know - 5-htp and Amoryn are "mood enhancers". In other words they're intended to help with depression. They've helped me in that regard - I'm moderately depressive, borderline perhaps, so never tried anti-d meds.

        JB - You Rock!!!

        All you nesters Rock!!! I love this place.

        Hey, I was thinking about - "thinking about al" today. People have mentioned that they wish they could stop thinking about it. I still do too sometimes. But something occurred to me that helped me shake lose, and I just kind of realized it today. At some point I was able to "think past al".

        Instead of focusing on not having al, or what I was missing, I thought about where I really wanted to go with my life beyond al, and what I wanted to become as an af person instead. I thought about what might be interesting to pursue, and how I could make myself more interesting - having goals to pursue seems to keep me active and motivated. Hobbies, learning, partners, financial concerns, career, travel, living spaces, etc. all present opportunities to make me feel more whole and fulfilled. Just food for thought I hope.

        On a different topic - Here's another link to an interesting article about NOT drinking that I stumbled upon today too.

        Lav - congrats on your af time! Hang in the with the snow to all those in the eastern US.

        Take care all!
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          So many fledglings here again today, very nice
          I see the AF days growing steadily thanks to this hard working crowd! Keep doing whatever it won't be sorry, I promise!

          If anyone has doubts about surviving the weekend......please be sure to keep yourself as busy as possible & away from drinking locations & triggers. Go have some fun shopping, seeing a movie, spend time with a child - anything that doesn't involve AL. Quitting drinking is just the first step, we also have to change our habits & thinking. Life is so much better when you wake up with a clear head & NO GUILT!

          Mazzie, if you send me some of your warm weather I'll send you some snow

          I just heard we are to get yet another snowstorm next Wednesday - I'm trying to not cry........

          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest.
          Tranq, whatever happened to our plans to pick up Sunni & the 3 of us to fly down to visit Chook???? Can we still go??

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Thank you for that link to the article, Tranq.. This is one interesting quote I found in it:

            "It's as if the body knows that in sobriety, it would have better judgment, so it runs headlong into oblivion before rationality has a fighting chance."

            This was so true with my drinking pattern - I would have a couple, then decide to finish the bottle before I had chance to talk myself out of it, as I loved the feeling of having no inhibitions so much, and thought it was more "fun".. so I am pleased that I understand myself so much more, and know why I ended up binge drinking.. which of course has led to so many of my disasters in life (the whole having no inhibitions or rationality part..)

            Happy Weekend all! I am on 3rd day AF - and with the money I have saved these last 2 weeks not buying AL, I bought myself a lovely top today I also have a couple of DVD"s to watch and housework to do.. plus I am working tonight (just for 4 hours).. so, lots of distractions!
            K xx
            "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



              Newbies Nest

              MOrning Nesters!

              I had an intense day yesterday! basically my 5yr old is still throwing high temps at me with flu-like symptoms, so she stayed with her Nanna most of the day while I was working.I knocked off early at 2pm to collect her and go home.(My 2.5yr old still at Day Care at this point).

              Get home and before I even have time to change there goes the doorbell!
              Neighbour is there and asks me if I can keep an eye on his house for he needs to drive to Perth ASAP...his little boy (6yrs) has just been flown via RFDS on a ventilator. Apparently has been fighting high temps for 4 days,then lost ability to weight bear and then struggling to breath by self.paralysis! Going for tests as he was talking to me! Same symptoms as my little wee chick!!!!
              After telling him I will keep and eye on his house and wishing them well, I then sat back and thought *holy cr@#p*His lad and my two were all playing together for hours on the Sunday!!!!!!!!!!
              Rang my mum-in-law who is nurse and asked her what she thought..tells me to get her to DR asap. So there I am at 4:30pm scrambling to pick up my youngest and get eldest to Dr for a check up.
              What a mad afternoon!!!!!
              He has told me she seems okay now but to keep a close eye on that is where we are at right now. Life throws you some curve balls huh?
              Anyhow, hope everyone else is having more relaxed AF days than me
              Luv Chook


                Newbies Nest

                "Tranq, whatever happened to our plans to pick up Sunni & the 3 of us to fly down to visit Chook???? Can we still go??"


                Lav - Even I can't fly through a Snow-icane!

                Anyway, with the size of the nest, we'll have a feathered convoy flying south now. Chooks and Hippy's spots do sound lovely this time of year. I can go -- as long as I'm back in time for golf season!

                Take care!
                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Chooks

                  x-post. Glad your little is getting better. Do keep an eye on her. Lav wants a tow down to Oz on my tail-feathers again. Can you start stoking up the barbie?

                  Take care!
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Late check in for me,

                    Chook, I'll be thinking about you & your little ones as I go to sleep tonight! Hope your neighbor's boy is OK, goodness!

                    Tranq, maybe I'll start searching for a large magic carpet so we can all ride down to Oz in comfort & your tail feathers can stay intact!!

                    Sleep well!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good news

                      Hello everyone-

                      I made it through my work party!!!! It wasnt as big of a deal as I thought, one person asked me where my drink was and I said I had a tummy ache and it worked well. And as I mentioned my husband was there with me also not drinking. And I did still have fun and found that I still can be a force in any dinnner conversation, making jokes, etc. even sober. You can take the AL away but you can't make me be quiet! haha

                      It was a little hard watching others drink and perhaps it would have been a bit more fun for just that short time with a buzz. BUT our tab was really cheap, I feel fine, I thought I would need to take some Rx, didn't even do that. And if I would have started drinking I would have kept my husband out with me dragging him about or kept him up to keep me company long after he stopped drinking. Now it's only 10:45 my time and I'm sleepy!!! Crazy!

                      Thanks everyone for your advice, I can't believe I made it thru sober but I did !

                      I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                        Newbies Nest

                        Evening Nestlings.. well, technically very early morning, I suppose *sigh

                        After midnight and I'm packing in work for today *uggh

                        So SO happy to hear you all strong and determined! You "newbie's" sure make us "oldies" proud! WELL DONE on a difficult week for many of you!

                        ChickenLittle, omg, I hope the little chicken hasn't caught what the neighbour had!!! See? Boys DO have cooties! :H Hang in there, chook... and don't forget to take care of yourself as well, ok? :l

                        Lav.. too funny! I was thinking about our travel plans the other day.. wondering what the heck happened!? :H Come on, Tranq... bundle up and spread your mitts! Errrm.. wings, I mean. Congrats on 11 months, btw, Lav :l You are truly and inspiration to all of us!

                        MG, congrats on your sober party! The first one is always the worst, I found. And all the nonsense we put ourselves through beforehand... thinking up excuses, etc... in most cases, nobody gives a hoot whether or what we are drinking

                        Ok, my fine feathered friends - I gotta get to my corner of the nest. Early day tomorrow and probably a late night, too *sigh - I HAVE to go to dinner and a concert, what an ordeal, can you believe it? The things I do for Mr. Wonderful :H

                        Night night all!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hey all,

                          I managed to get my housework done, so my little flat looks lovely, clean and cosy for when my son comes back to me tomorrow.. Had a pretty boring day today, just watched a couple of DVD's after doing the h/w; I saw 'Doubt' and 'My life in Ruins' - both v.good. I managed to steer clear of AL as i'm working tonight - but not sure I could steer clear if I wasn't! I will make sure I do more exciting things when i'm not working (like tomorrow for instance..)
                          Feeling much better after feeling down this morning about my DL.. oh well, nothing I can do about it for now, take care..
                          K xx
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            Newbies Nest

                            MG - :goodjob::goodjob::goodjob::goodjob: Way to go!!!!!!!!

                            Katie - Glad that you are feeling better than this morning. Congratulations on getting so much done today.

                            Sunshine - enjoy your concert and dinner!! Sounds like a fun evening (don't fall asleep )

                            Chook - Thinking of you and your little one. Please keep us posted.

                            Well - goodnight all. Tomorrow is my last day here in my parents loving arms. I leave Sunday morning to go back home (to my husband & son's loving arms ). I will check in with you all tomorrow. Have a wonderful AF weekend.
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Newbies Nest

                              Yes, MG, definate well done! My hat goes off you you, you did amazing.. I'm not sure if I could go without AL at any social gatherings at night yet..
                              Thanks NoraC.. I tried to be semi-productive!!
                              Enjoy the rest of your time with your parents..i'm also back to seeing my son tomorrow - yay!
                              K xx
                              "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi nesters, well time for me to leap from the nest to go do some jobs. Its a beautiful sunny, well, cold sunny day here and am going to make the most of it.

                                Lav, big congrats to you on your 11 months. You are so good at encouraging everyone here. Thank you for being such a caring nestling. We are all lucky to have you.:goodjob:

                                MG what a star you are! I bet you were thrilled silly to wake up and know you succeeded. Am sure you are great fun at any party. Well done sugar. Just think, all that money you are saving could go to a new pair of party shoes Sounds like your hubby did a great job of supporting you; always helps to have a cheerleader

                                Hi Hippy Chick, how are the sugar gremlins? Mine are definitely quieter since I stopped feeding them so much. I am eating lots of fruit when I get cravings and it helps a lot.

                                Sunshine, hope you have a great time this eve with Mr W

                                Hi to everyone else reading. Keep up the good fight and have a lovely weekend. Chat later

