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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Lav. Or evening and bedtime here. Yes I think you're right about the holidays. What about "going to work every day"day.


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters!

      Glad to see everyone doing well. I'm on my way to Washington D.C. for our annual field trip. Will be gone until Friday evening so I'll check in on Saturday. Hope everyone has a great few days!
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Newbies Nest

        Morning all!
        Gosh I will be glad to get home! Good to see everyone checking in! Thinking of you all as I travel and wish us all an easy day! Hugs, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Off to the gym then may attack the mulch. It is warm already. Seems like we went from winter to summer.
          I registered to walk in a 5K this September. It is to raise money for prostate cancer. Dh had radiation treatment and is OK now but we want to do something and this is a good way to get involved. I would love to run this so that might be my goal. I told dh he was walking with us and he just gave me the look....we have a team of 5 so far. I like having a goal.
          DTD have a puppy name yet. Our last puppy had several names until I landed on Penny. Now it just seems right. She is a little doggie and so cute. We have 4 dogs now. Last one was from a hoarder that a rescue group took before they were all euthanized. He is shy but a good fellow. They are a crazy bunch but will have a good spoiled life with us. No kids so my fur babies are very special.
          Have a great AF day everyone!!

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Evening all. Day 11 drawing to a close and apart from feeling like Ive eaten too much, I feel pretty good today. Am looking forward to the weekend and getting day 14 out of the way, as I think that will be a big phsycological milestone for me. Im starting to sleep better after a few nights disturbed at the beginning, but Im now finding it difficult to get up and switch on in the mornings. I guess things will even out in due course.

            How are you doing out there Dila? Hope you're still ok.

            Sarah - hope you got your pretty day - it rained most of the day here!
            I can beat this.
            Today is the day I start.
            1st September 2015.


              Newbies Nest

              FF day 14 was a great for me. I was sleeping better and not thinking about AL all the time. It will be a great weekend for you!!

              Newbie's Nest

              Tool Box
              AF 9.1.2013


                Newbies Nest

                Gotta get back to work on this thing.
                Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                Go forward boldly and unafraid


                  Newbies Nest

                  FF - just got home from work. Want a drink so bad. One of my triggers is the frustration of driving in so much traffic. A 30 minute drive took me 1 hour and 20 minutes. But I came here instead of having a glass of wine. I can't wait until the cravings go away. But being with you on Day 11 is keeping me going. I can't wait until we hit Day 14 as well!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Dila, nearly a year ago on day 11 I found MWO. Came here every night and practically lived in the nest. Ate ice cream, chocolate pudding, milkshakes, you name it, I gave myself permission to do whatever it took. You can do it too. The cravings last a while, but you are going to find it easier and easier to ignore them. Turn on the voices and tell them to forget it, you have never felt better right? Well that's because you're in control now. Congratulations. Traffic sucks, but a good meal and maybe a treat for dessert will get you through.
                    Newbies Nest
                    My accountability thread


                      Newbies Nest

                      Welcome back Fin, you know the drill so hope to see you posting and posting on here. Never give up giving up!

                      Dil and FF great work guys, i also cant wait for you to hit Day 14 as nearly the worst is over and that witching hour fades but al will always try and find its way into your brain, for awhile longer, enticing you to drink, telling you you will feel better after a drink. Keep remembering how you felt at the beginning and keep strong. I like you Dil have a 29kilometre drive to work and it can take me 40 minutes or two and a half hours but i am grateful that i drive it now sober and on the way home i am not planning where i am going to buy my wine so i can start drinking. I dont have to get home now to start my drinking, now i am a bit more patient.
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest

                        Dila, i had so many spits and starts......I made it to day 12 twice and fell....i finally made it to day 13.... It was a real game changer for me, somehing clicked in my head and I knew I could make it! The previous times I quit just before the magic happened, what a shame. The best is yet to come for you, too! Hang in there!

                        Dots, you are amazing!

                        Fin, no time like the present, you know tomorrow never comes for us alkies, hop on before your alkie head gets involved! We miss you!!!

                        Back home at last! Hugs all, t
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome back Fin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good evening Nesters,

                            Yes, welcome back Fin!
                            Don't wait, just jump right in

                            Dot, you seem to be pretty skilled at getting grumpy old men to do things they don't particularly want to do - god for you :H

                            Had a pretty busy day myself, got lots of little things done (the kind you put off as long as possible)
                            Wishing everyone a safe & comfy night in the nest!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks Lav...years and years of practice...;-))

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Fin, welcome back, you can do it!!
                                Liberated 5/11/2013

