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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hey FF,
    I am doing well just very stressed at the job. Had a wonderful Mother's Day and spent quality time with my 23 year old son. He is a great guy. I told him I gave up drinking and he gave me the biggest smile! It makes it so worth it. He saw me drinking every night and was concern but when he saw me drinking water the entire day he was happy and gave me the biggest hug before he left.

    Hubby still doesn't get it or doesn't want it to be real. He asked if I wanted a bottle of champagne. Said no and had ice-ream instead.

    OK...the ice-cream has got to stop. Put on 3 pounds. Need to substitute with something else.

    Sarah, hope you are ok

    Hugs to all!


      Newbies Nest

      Great Dila, I know that almost relief from your son is a huge gift! I know my son and I have a much better relationship and that's huge for me.

      FF, yes, realistically every day can't be great, but let's enjoy them when we can.
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning everyone.
        Could not sleep at all last night.... I hope it improves.
        Thank you J-vo, I will start journaling .
        Have a great AF day


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          I hope everyone had a great day!
          I know I posted this morning but don't see the post now - strange.

          j-vo, I grow as much as I possibly can they give away what I don't need. Today I planted broccoli, cauliflower, Swiss chard, cucumbers, peppers, green beans & more. I'm playing around this year with some brand new raised beds so I'm pretty excited

          Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            I'm here! I'm here!

            MWO has been very slow for me lately, and my son has been extra needy at night (too much homework for a 6th grade boy!)

            Quick check in - I wish I could say and read more.
            I gather that Dila and FF made more than two weeks! Whoot!

            Rahul made 80 days - now onward to 90!

            Byrdie keeps praising Lav and we keep praising Byrdie. When I see how much my life pulls on my availability here, I am doubly reminded of what the nest moms do to keep us safe. Thanks!

            Bohdi - Welcome!

            I'll join the chorus to say - it is NOT easy to give up drinking. For so many reasons, not the least of which it is an addictive drug. It IS possible. Even when you think it isn't.

            Hope I can catch up better soon. In the meantime, Dreamy, where's the cow to give me some cream for that cup?? Happy Tonday to you, my sweet.



              Newbies Nest

              Just wanted to say "HI" I know I don't check in very often but I've been spending every waking moment doing gardening.

              I find that working in my yard like a crazy person helps me to not think.

              It's late. Goodnight All....
              Day 1:4/4/2014


                Newbies Nest

                Hallo Nesters!

                Huge congrats Rahul, Pepper, Petrel and Elvis and Hyper (belatedly, sorry!) on your round numbers!h

                Bodhi, your sleep patterns will be wonky for a while, but should even out eventually.

                Jane, so sorry to hear about your dogs. Enjoy them while you can. I'm not much of a crybaby, but when I had to have a previous dog put down, I cried all over the vet, then cried all over his assistant, and then cried all over the vet again. I think they had to wring out theitr shirts on the way back to the practice. Puppy is called Coquelicot, Giada the cat hisses at her from time to time, but I've not seen any bloodshed (yet!)

                I'm with J-vo on acceptance - the day I accepted that I had a shall we say slight problem with Al in my life was the day when things really changed for me - not fighting against reality frees up a lot of head space and head time for more important matters.

                Puppy wants some attention - and she has a sneaky way of getting what she wants. Sorry, Nesters, but I have to go.

                Have a lovely AF Tuesday!
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Newbies Nest

                  (My) Morning Pav! There's a cappuccino for you today - that all right? I also struggle with the slow site - there are days when I can't even get into the Nest! Have a good Tonday too!

                  Mimi, good to see you're still going strong! Enjoy the gardening: it may be tiring, but a good tiredness and there's so much reward in seeing what all the hard work has accomplished.
                  14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                    Newbies Nest

                    MAE all. Great to hear you are doing well Dila. I also have a 23 year old son who will be equally delighted when I tell him Ive quit. Not saying it out loud yet to avoid those "oh yeah, again" comments people are good at trotting out.

                    j-vo you're so right. today is going to be another great day. got to go out tonight with work colleagues so am planning tonic water with ice and telling them im on a health kick (there are some places you want to keep things to yourself for a while at least).

                    Have a great day all.
                    I can beat this.
                    Today is the day I start.
                    1st September 2015.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Rahul, FF and Dila...whoooohooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Doing a little dance for you guys! Such a huge accomplishment for you guys! Be proud of yourselves.




                        Newbies Nest

                        Rahul, well done on 80 days!!!

                        Bohdi, for what it's worth, it took me about 5 nights to get into a normal sleeping pattern without Al to knock me out. Beyond that, I slept well. Stick with it!


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE Nesters!

                          Lav, Iove all of the veggies, especially Swiss Chard! Yum.

                          Mimi, gardening is on my future list. I love fresh veggies. If you can, post at least once daily and read as much as you can. Based on my experience, when I didn't read enough, the al voice took the place of the truth, which is that I can't ever drink.

                          DTD, thanks for the coffee!

                          FF, it's nobody's business but your own. But the son thing, I can totally relate! I have such a better relationship with mine and wouldn't give that up for the world.

                          Have a great day all.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning Nesters,

                            Partly cloudy in my portion of the nest but that's OK. Won't stop me from spending the day outside

                            Mimi, I've done my best to stay glued to MWO for well over five years now, it has been a lifeline in so many ways! I've made some great friends & appreciate their input on different aspects of life

                            Rahul, very nice on your 80 AF days!!!

                            j-vo, I love the Swiss Chard too

                            Have a great AF Tuesday everyone!

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE all,
                              Hot and humid here. Way too early for this kind of weather..ick...
                              My garden this year has swiss chard, kale and I planted some seeds for lettuce that are coming up. I love to grow my own to throw in my smoothies. They taste so much better and I know what I put on them or not.
                              Rahul huge congrats on 80 days that is fantastic!!!
                              Have a great AF day!!

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey,the median "age" in the nest is getting up there! Where are all the Newbies ?

                                This Nest saved my life. And I am not exaggerating. Once I landed here and spent hours reading and posting and asking questions, the path I needed to take became clearer and clearer. Since people at various stages of AF living chime in, I could see what a fairly long term sober life looked like in Lav. Byrdie was behind her but also seemed like a mature "adult" (kind of bummed me out when I found out she is younger than me ) Kuya and K-9... hmmm, they seemed like they were in their late teens or early 20s, I think. Then there were all the other infants with me having tantrums and needling love and discipline. And we got it!! We cheered one another on and helped one another back in to the nest after a bad choice was made. Mistakes were not condoned but they were, and are, understood.

                                If your goal is to kick AL out of your life forever, you really should hang out with people who have done it and are willing to share what they know. That is how great life is once you're free - you want everyone
                                to experience it.

