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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Trying to figure out how to save a many here I want to read every day.....
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Newbies Nest

      J-vo copied/pasted ideas she liked to her personal thread so she could always find them there. Makes for a very inspirational read!


        Newbies Nest

        daisy45;1660790 wrote: Trying to figure out how to save a many here I want to read every day.....
        I take whatever portion of what I want to save, copy it and paste it to an ongoing word doc that I have for thoughts I want to save. I definitely just saved Byrdie's last post with steps.

        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Newbies Nest

          Daisy - good plan to spend 1 hour here. I do everynight! Sometimes more...

          Ava, j-vo, Byrdie, NoSugar & frances give me the strength to get through each day with their wisdom and experiences. I look forward to their posts. It helps me so much as I am still trying to identify my triggers.

          FF- we are on this journey together and I don't want to let you down. Hope you are doing well today.

          Love to all of you as it has not been easy as I am still craving a drink and the numbness so I do not feel the stress


            Newbies Nest

            Sarah42;1660490 wrote: Rahul, FF and Dila...whoooohooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Doing a little dance for you guys! Such a huge accomplishment for you guys! Be proud of yourselves.


            Catching up on posts...Thanks Sarah for the whoooohoooo!

            DTD - thanks for the big cups of coffee...need them daily!


              Newbies Nest

              Dil as long as you are craving and saying no then the battle is being won. We all have stress in our lives, we just need and have to deal with it without al. As the days wrack up these feelings go and there is nothing like realising one day that you did not think about al or crave al that day. I still remember that first time and i shook my head with wonder and knew that i was winning. I think it was about the month mark. Not drinking gets better and better until it is something we accept that we cannot do anymore. I am proud of you and FF, you are claiming your life back, slowly but surely, day by day.
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest

                Hello All,

                Thanks all for the wishes ! have been quite busy last 4-5 days taking our clients for dinner and drinks. It felt so great to declare that I dont drink and surprisingly people do understand ! Did have non alcoholic beer to give them company, felt good to ask for non alcoholic beer with a great proud feeling ... !! I have been enjoying and jogging every second day or so. Its been raining everyday except today when it was bright and sunny and tonight i had no one to take out for dinner and so was alone. Did shopping roam around at the old town were there are bars ... absolutely no temptation to have a drink, had a coffee, enjoyed the bright lit fresh evening and night. went for a walk. So glad to be sober.

                Will be heading to North of Germany tomorrow still more travelling left. Miss home !!

                i feel I have erased my drinking past of this place and have planted fresh sober flowers of this memory. That makes be stronger, more confident and positive.

                Good night ! sooo late it is ... yawn !!
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters,

                  Hope everyone had a great AF Tuesday
                  Crazy weather around these parts, hot & humid one minute, cool & breezy the next!!

                  Dila, craving will come less frequently & eventually subside provided you continue to ignore them. It takes a while for us to retrain our brains but that what we are doing every time we say NO!

                  Sam, I've been asleep? CONGRATS on your 1 year AF anniversary :wd:
                  So very happy to have you here, an important part of the community!

                  Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                  Daisy, glad to have you back

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    It's great you're building new memories and healthy ones at that! Happy that you're feeling on top of the world and great about yourself as I know you had tension prior to going because of your past experiences. Now you have new memories. Cool!
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Rahul. I have to ditto J-VO. That was an really fresh enlightening post about your trip. All positive!!! I enjoy the poetic way you express your feelings to everyone. I know you are an inspiration to many on here, including yours truly.......MMmmmmm??? .... Think I need a holiday in Germany:H


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi, Everyone:

                        So many thoughtful posts today, and I am late again and have to go to bed.

                        I concur that lurking and hoping will not work - I tried that bit a few times. Then wandered away, drank, got miserable, lurked, wandered away, drank, blah blah blah.

                        I followed NoSugar's journey while I was lurking and ended up understanding how she did it - even when she felt shaky or didn't quite believe in herself - she behaved like the long-term sober people did. When I finally got the guts to sign in here, that's what I did. I read like a fiend, posted like a fiend (even welcoming "Newbies" when I didn't even have a week - it felt GOOD to be here), and when I felt doubtful or shaky, I did what the sober people do. I connected with people here who support me when I am feeling like crap or when I am elated, I read all I could, I talked to people in the non-MWO world - I committed to being sober come hell or high water. It takes a lot more than hoping, praying, wishing - it takes a lot of hard work. But boy is it worth it.

                        Oh, I could be off to the races on this topic, but I really, really need to get myself to bed.

                        Thanks for your inspiration today, Nest. What a group!



                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello Nesters!

                          'Nuff said, except have a great AF Hump day, Nesters!
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Boy oh boy!!! 2 days of totally GREAT info and posts from you all.

                            It is almost inconceivable to me that so many of you care about others the way you do.

                            I want to say a big 'thank you' to all of you.

                            I think tomr I try another day 1. There's no reason I shouldn't. Do I have excuses in my head? "yep" Am I confident? "nope'.

                            I'm just going to try.

                            Thanks all and love to you,



                              Newbies Nest

                              Sarah - great news! I had great excuses for not quitting. I was almost paralysed with fear that Monday morning, exactly seven months ago today. I didn't think I'd make it to the end of the day, or the end of the week or the end of the 30 day challenge. But I also realised that the only way to get myself out of the hell I had created for myself was to create a new world for myself - one in which booze played no role. I tried to follow as much of the advice I was given here - to distract myself, to keep busy, to just not have that first one, to take things one day at a time, to read, to post. I didn't understand how the advice would translate into me becoming AF, but, somehow, it did.

                              You have to trust yourself Sarah, you have to put in the hard work, you have to want a better life, and yes, you can do it - I truly believe that. We're here for you - so go go go. :l:l:l:l
                              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nesters,

                                DTD, awesome mug - we should all have one!
                                CONGRATS to you for surviving 7 months AF :wd:
                                Makes such a huge difference, don't you agree?

                                Sarah, yes can do this too. Make the commitment & get the first day done, then the next & so on. You won't believe how proud you will be as each AF day goes by. Your confidence will soar, honestly

                                Wishing everyone a great AF Hump day!
                                I have lots of work & other stuff waiting for me so off I go!

                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

