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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    DreamThinkDo, 7 months??? Holy moly! Did you ever imagine 7 months ago you would be giving advice on how to quit drinking??? Life is funny that way! Here's to no more pink elephants in the middle of the night!

    GREAT JOB! Have we told you lately, that we love you? Rod Stewart beat me to recording that song, but it sure fits the occasion now. You have been a constant source of strength here!! Keep shining! Dreams DO come true!

    Sarah, so good to see you! I DID see your confidence soar after your AF....I think I saw you giving advice to someone new as well. I bet in 30 days, when you get your hat, you will be on top of the world! (not that the hat is so great....but the feeling of accomplishment that YOU DID IT!). We are all right here with you!

    Hope everyone has an easy day! Off to the salt mines! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Byrdlady;1661007 wrote: Why does DTD get a cookie and I got a lousy bunch of carrots? :H:H:H
      Byrdie, thought I'd give you this in the Nest - it's where you live anyway, not so?

      See, after 1 210 sober days you get cake with your carrots!

      A big thanks to you and Lav for your unstinting support!
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Newbies Nest

        Erm, didn't realise the cake was that big!
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Newbies Nest

          hi I?m new. Here because when I drink I lack the ability to stop and don?t want to hurt or lose my family who I love more than life itself. Feeling quite disgusted with myself. If you have any words of advice or can help me forgive myself and move forward I would sure appreciate it.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi, BB


            I read your earlier posts. It sounds like this is your "rock bottom". You've come to a great place to get the help you need to turn your life around.

            If you go to the toolbox (link below), there are several ideas for making your plan of action. And it does take action to not slip back into easy and familiar but destructive patterns.

            Feel free to ask questions or post and let us know how you're feeling.


              Newbies Nest

              Testing the waters...

              I started taking my Disulfiram this morning. Last night was evil-hard, as I had to rely solely on willpower to make it through to this morning. Today, the incessant thoughts about drinking were there, and those nasty triggers (ex. 5 o'clock, kids fighting, achy back...) were full-on, BUT...I knew I absolutely could not drink, or I might have had some crazy reaction. I'm reading all I can about this drug, and so far seem to think it's the perfect fit for me right now...:new:
              AF since May 12th, 2014


                Newbies Nest

                DreamThinkDo;1661014 wrote: Erm, didn't realise the cake was that big!
                She better share it or we're gonna hear some whining about the relationship between her pants and her butt...:H That is one heck of a big carrot cake, Dreamy!


                  Newbies Nest

                  DREAMY, Carrot Cake is my absolute favorite, ironically enough!!! Because it has pictures of carrots on there, it's bound to be good for me! THANK YOU!!!
                  (NoSugar, we are relentless in teasing you, aren't we? I hope you know we LOVE YOU).

                  BoozeBlues and FreeBy40, welcome aboard!! You have landed in the best place on Earth if you are serious about getting this monkey off your back!

                  Free, when I first started out I called them THE VOICES! The mind chatter I had was just incredible and CONSTANT! No one else talked about it much, but it was loud and proud in my head. Lav finally told me that sometimes you just have to tell those voices to shut the F up!!! I have to admit, that really helps! In this whole journey, you will find out which voices to listen to! Any voice that involves AL for us? Don't listen to that one. The mind chatter will calm down each day and the cravings will get less! Get yourself to Day 13 and you will be out of the rough waters and smoother sailing will be ahead. I felt flu-like for the first couple weeks, just achy and irritable and tired. Treat yourself as if you have the flu, plenty of liquids and good nutritious food. When you have a craving....EAT!!! That will be your silver bullet! Eating will help you ride it out better than anything else! We are so glad you both found us, welcome aboard!! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    freeby40;1661020 wrote: I started taking my Disulfiram this morning. Last night was evil-hard, as I had to rely solely on willpower to make it through to this morning. Today, the incessant thoughts about drinking were there, and those nasty triggers (ex. 5 o'clock, kids fighting, achy back...) were full-on, BUT...I knew I absolutely could not drink, or I might have had some crazy reaction. I'm reading all I can about this drug, and so far seem to think it's the perfect fit for me right now...:new:
                    Welcome, Freeby

                    Good for you not drinking and risking a drug interaction! To go along with that, I'd encourage you to develop a plan for what you'll drink instead. What you'll do instead. Part of the challenge is changing the way we view alcohol and all of our behaviors around it.

                    All the best, NS


                      Newbies Nest

                      NoSugar;1661021 wrote: She better share it or we're gonna hear some whining about the relationship between her pants and her butt...:H That is one heck of a big carrot cake, Dreamy!

                      Yes, they are inversely proportional!! (the bigger my butt gets the smaller my zipper is)
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        To go along with that, I'd encourage you to develop a plan for what you'll drink instead. What you'll do instead.
                        Hmm...what will I drink instead... Can't stand tea (but force it down - various flavors), sparkling water's OK. I think I need a mocktail recipe book or something! As for what I'll do instead? Yes, I do desperately need some new coping strategies.
                        AF since May 12th, 2014


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thanks for all your encouraging words!


                            Newbies Nest

                            MAE Nesters,
                            Welcome Boozie Blue and Freeby! There were a lot of great posts written yesterday. Take a look back a few pages and read. Great advice given by our long-termers. They discuss the work it takes to get and stay AF, things to think about and do as you develop your plan, and where to find good coping strategies. As we've all said, lots of time spent here is necessary in the beginning, middle, and end. Well, let's hope there's no end. But as time goes on, you'll be able to adjust to your current needs and then you'll be the one giving advice in a short while!

                            Sarah, I don't find it inconceivable that so many people here care about others. So many people here have given their time to help me, and save my life. That's a hero to me. I want to give back in any way I can, as maybe I can help someone out of that dark hole I was in for a really long time. It only takes one person to hold their hand out and bless those that do. We all need someone that cares. That's what's so great about this site.

                            DTD, congrats on your 7 months!!!!!! Woot! Woot!

                            Byrdie, SHARE! One of my favs!

                            Have a great day!
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Nesties!

                              First of all, Pav, I am so proud of the progess you've made! You've come a long way baby...keep up your great work :l

                              Welcome to Free, Sarah and BB...stick with us, get to know us, and let us get to know you. We really DO care about one another here. We also understand how hard this can be, but it's easier when you have people rooting for you. I was a chronic relapser for a long time, don't let that discourage you, if you keep trying, your quit WILL stick. Listen to the wise voices of people that have been there, done that. We know of what we speak! Hang in there, you CAN do it!

                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Booze, we have all been where you are. It totally sucks for sure.

                                Come back and read our posts, we are here to help.

                                Sarah, yes, I haven't been on this thread for awhile but anytime I can help I will. I'm the same as K9 and am a chronic relapser but this time, Its gonna stick!

                                "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                                "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                                AF April 12, 2014

