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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Daisy, you sound super-strong, and no, it's not too early to treat yourself! I have saved so much money not buying booze and if I wanna buy something here and there, not guilt at all!

    Kailey, how did it go today? Did you write out a plan for yourself? I know a lot of people try to do a mental list, but I find writing it out or typing and saving it, adding to your own toolbox is very helpful. Also, anything you find on this site that gives you an "aha" moment is worth copying and pasting.

    Needtoheal, you found the perfect spot to perch in the NN. So great that you flew in. Tell us about yourself and how we can help you through this night. As Dot said, check out the Toolbox and in the general section, there are lots of interesting topics to read. I was just reading a blog that I enjoyed reading called, "Stick a fork in me...I'm done." Here it is...Stick a fork in me ... I'm done | My life without alcohol
    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


      Newbies Nest

      Good evening nesters,

      Hello & welcome to the newest newbies, glad you decided to join us!
      Please settle in the nest for a while, you'll get lots of support & even make some friends.
      Be sure to go thru our extensive Tool box & check out all the great tools to help you put your plans together. With a strong commitment & a solid plan you can kick AL out of your life, lots of us have

      Welcome back DD. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Getting prompt treatment is the best thing to do. Keep AL out of your life, you don't need to deal with that now too. Wonderful on your AF time!

      Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest. Hold on if the ride gets bumpy

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Wishing you the best. You've been fighting here for a long time, and now another battle has come around as well.
        I know you're up for the task.
        For what it's worth, I have two sisters, who are survivors, as well as two next door neighbors. This is beatable, as is AL.
        Love to you.


          Newbies Nest

          jane27;1661252 wrote: Darkest, thinking of you. I hope you'll continue to post. Sometimes dramatic events turn out to be the launching pad for a whole new outlook on life. We are here for you.:l
          I think in my case this is so true. Thank you to all for the wishes of support, I really appreciate it. This forum has been great for me. During the last two weeks I have been reading a lot on here.

          Daisy as to buying presents for yourself, to reward sober days. I think that is a really good idea. I buy lots of flowers!! xxx
          New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


            Newbies Nest

            Dreamthink do

            The little dog in your avatar is beautiful, he is your dog?
            New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


              Newbies Nest

              DD- thinking of you!

              Welcome to the newbies! :-)


                Newbies Nest

                good to see you posting DD :l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Everybody,
                  Haven?t drank since Sunday but that?s not the problem. Friday is coming let me get through the weekend! I will be booze free this weekend! Still feeling horrible and guilty and especially ashamed. Will spend the rest of my life trying to be the person my family deserves! Hate myself!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome back DD, sorry to hear about the diagnosis. Stay on the path towards sobriety first month is challenge and you are already half way there ! Life will become so great without booze. Look at me I am in germany a boozer's paradise ... alone ! today will be taking a 4 hour train to hamburg. Normally I would the taking a 12 pack with me on such a trip but plan on catching a movie.

                    ITs been a busy last 10 days. work and work and work. Next few days will be travelling ...

                    stay sober everyone.

                    ps. I am sorry I was not able to reply to many of your comments. But I am grateful to all for being there for me.
                    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                    Rebooting ... done ...
                    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hallo Nesters

                      It's a windy day in my part of the Nest, but at least the sun is shining. The nights are getting really cold now.

                      Anybody for some coffee?

                      BB, Free and Need - welcome in the Nest! This place helped me get sober and stay sober. We may not always say things you want to hear, but we always say it with compassion. You are probably worried about the weekend, because that's when you spent some quality time with your best friend Al. He won't be there to keep you busy, but he'll demand his share of your attention, so keep as busy as possible so as not to let him in. Some people manically cleaned their first AF weekend away, I slept and bathed and read my way through it - so decide beforehand what you would like to do. And have a Plan B, C and D ready in case Plan A doesn't work for you. Read through the Toolbox - there's a wealth of information there. I keep finding things there that I missed on earlier readings. And as the coffee mug in your hand says, take things ODAT - get through today, and worry about getting through tomorrow, tomorrow.

                      Sweetest Rahul, this trip must have been an eye-opener for you - enjoy the rest of it.

                      Sarah, is today the Big Day? Post and let us know how you are doing.

                      DD, sending you more hugs and strength. Yes, it's my new puppy - bit of Lab and lots of other things. She's called Coquelicot and as naughty as she is sweet - and she's very sweet! Like Byrdie's Prize Patrol, I also have one - the Puddle and Poo Patrol and it's not nearly as much fun as Byrdie's :upset:

                      Mr V, good to see you in the Nest! Join us for coffee!

                      Daisey and Kailey, FF and Dila are such a strong team - you could encourage each other too. And Daisy, it's never too early to spoil yourself - use the booze money for something that will really make you happy, instead of just pretend happy.

                      Have a lovely AF day, everybody!
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Day 4!!
                        I can do this, but I feel so "blah and weak and tired"
                        Need to catch up on my reading. Will send another reply shortly xxx


                          Newbies Nest

                          :goodjob: Bohdi on Day 4! Now "just" the weekend to get through and then you get an awesome moon from Byrdie! I can relate to feeling weak and tired: I felt that way for quite a while. Be kind to yourself - if you want to have a nap, and have the time to do so, take one. See yourself as somebody recuperating from an illness, which is basically what you are doing. Rest, drink plenty of fluids, eat whatever you want (now is not the time to worry about your diet - that can be tackled later). Your body needs time and energy to heal after what you've been pouring into it. That lethargic feeling will pass. Well done again - and stay strong!
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank dream, I will listen to your advice and just take thing slow.

                            Darkest diamond, Im sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Thinking of you and sending you lots of positive thought xxx


                              Newbies Nest

                              You are doing great Bodh, keep it up and as Dream says it gets better. I was so bone tired but i napped when i needed to and if it meant being up again at midnight then that was fine. I also had horrible headaches for weeks but that sorted itself out. I figured i put the crap into my body for 20+ years and now my body had to heal (as Dream says AGAIN).

                              Booze, Friday is just Friday. I drank every day ending in a Y and used to think Friday was a special time, end of the week, the weekend, time to relax and have a lot of drinks but when you drink everyday there is no difference except i did not have to get up to go to work. Keep busy, busy lots of non al drinks, anything that takes your fancy. Keep on here like a lunatic and post and read and keep as far away from situations that involve al like your life depends on it as at the end of the day your life does.

                              Hey Rahul, you are sounding great.
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                Wow, how beautiful was that! Thanks for having me. Still hating myself, don?t know how I?ll get over it but I must. I know I have no right to feel sorry for myself. My needs, self pity, and loathing can?t matter. The only thing that matters is my family and what they need. This ugly, pitiful, selfish, distructive person needs to get lost quit thinking about herself and her shame and try to be someone the rest of the world can call friend and her family is proud to claim. I want so badly to die but that would just create more pain for those I love and would be so utterly selfish. This storm must pass and I must get on with it. What will I do this weekend? Whatever my families hearts desire. Still suffering in silence but I guess I?m getting what I deserve. Ughhhh.... thanks for listening!

