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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone; checking in on a happy, sunny, day 3! So good to get up feeling fresh and worthwhile.....i really mean that, because I feel so worthless when alcohol is part of my that's a long time to feel like shit!
    So, anyway, walked to the shop before breakfast, felt the light breeze, the heat of the sun, smelt the grass and hedges.......oh, how many of these lovely things I have missed out on, but, oh, so many yet to come!
    I had a good think - I made another decision today; I will not think of each AF day as a day where I am trying to stay sober, instead, I just 'don't drink', and each day forward is about embracing and enjoying this new-found freedom.....can you tell I am loving life right now?
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Newbies Nest

      Yay Daisy good for you :-) It will only continue to feel wonderful!

      Checking in and glad to see everyone doing so well and being so positive! Wishing everyone a great AF day!


        Newbies Nest

        Booze, read what Daisy just posted - I feel so worthless with al in my life. Get rid of al and there goes the equation of hating yourself. Al will tell you in a few days that you were not that bad but you were, remember how you got to this point and keep remembering to keep you sober. The guilt and shame will go and you will learn to like yourself again and then love yourself. I am loving the new me, everyday i wake up sober and know i can face whatever is thrown at me with dignity and pride. When i was drinking i had no dignity, no pride only shame and anxiety and guilt and i hated myself. As i keep saying, today i will not drink.

        Daisy great work on 3 days, its like the world is in technicolour when we are sober and not hungover like shit! I just thought i lived in a foggy world but nope i didnt. Now the sun shines and i am not telling the birds to shut up when they wake me. Keep on loving life, you will never ever regret your decision.
        AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


          Newbies Nest

          BB don't hate yourself. Ive been there and it is no use. You are not to blame here, AL is. Channel your hate at AL instead, as it has been the cause of your problems. You are in a great place for help and support. It is helping me enormously. Hope everyone is OK out there.

          Dila - get back on here and at least let me know you are doing OK. You can message me if you don't want to post. Lecture over - hope you are ok on our day 19!!
          I can beat this.
          Today is the day I start.
          1st September 2015.


            Newbies Nest

            I agree with FF 100% BB - and it will get better as hard as that is to believe. Just be prepared for when those cravings hit - what are you going to do instead?

            Yes Dila check in and letus know how you are doing.

            Peppersnow - you too! I know work is crazy busy for you but I am wondering how you're doing - you are getting close to 60 days!


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning Nesters,

              Glad to see so many checking in with positive progress reports
              Perfect mug DTD - we should all have one as a reminder.

              Booze Blues, none of us can change the past, it's history & it's done. Concentrate on creating a positive future for yourself & your family. Use your experience as a sobriety tool. No booze = no guilt

              Wishing everyone a great AF Thursday!
              I'm meeting old friends for an AF lunch!!

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Thank you everyone!
                Still feeling disgusted but your words of encouragement are really helping. Luckily have no cravings of al right now. For me it is really a weekend thing, not that I haven?t drank during the week but usually on the weekends, at night till I passed out. What a waste of a nice night huh? I also am beginning to realize that yes I am responsible for putting myself in such a vulnerable position. I didn?t want to go, but went, wanted to go home but went to the next bar anyway, was afraid but did what everyone told me to do and didn?t speak up. I also realize that that man was a bad man. He took advantage of me. I?m not putting myself off the hook here but maybe I don?t have to accept that I chose this to happen to me. I don?t even think I was an active participant, I was completly unaware of what happened. Yes I chose to drink without regaurds to myself and my family and for that I am truely sorry and plan to try my hardest to not drink anymore but I do vow that that will never happen again and I will never ever expect others to take responsibility for me again because you can only count on yourself. I am going to save money, lose weight, play a board game with my child and love my family better than ever before. Kudoos to all of you! Your stories and posts have inspired me. Warm and Fuzzies to all of ya!: The


                  Newbies Nest

                  jane27;1661252 wrote: Darkest, thinking of you. I hope you'll continue to post. Sometimes dramatic events turn out to be the launching pad for a whole new outlook on life. We are here for you.:l
                  Jane, another DAM!

                  On Jan 19, 2011, my hubs packed up his clothes and left me. It was the worst night of my life....but you know what, it ended up SAVING my life. I quit that night and have never looked back. (who wants to be a pillar of salt?) So out of really BAD situations, there can be some good. Thank you for reminding me! You have really come into your own these past few proud of you!

                  Hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday!!
                  Ava, you account of Friday was spot on....Don't know why it was such a big deal to get over, just another day of drinking for me, too. Now, they are wonderful BECAUSE I don't have to work the next day!

                  So good to see everyone! Bodhi, your thinking will turn around here shortly, you will feel PRIDE again, I promise!
                  Daisy, atta girl! Smell the roses!! We are here for such a short time, enjoy every second of it!
                  Sarah, :l

                  Needtoheal, welcome aboard! The old saying "You can do anything you set your mind to" sure applies here. Put your AL blinders on and forge ahead!!
                  Kailey, great to see you!! See G-Man for the butt Velcro, I think he had it last!
                  Have a great day everyone! XXOO, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Day 4 for me. To think that less than a week ago I hadn't even heard of Disulfiram, and here I am now on the brink of total sobriety!! God. Send.
                    AF since May 12th, 2014


                      Newbies Nest

                      Free, Day 4 is HUGE!! I am so happy for you! That means on Sunday, you get a prize from your fellow nesters!! GREAT JOB!!! B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oops. Jumped the gun a bit. I mean day 3! Also, I'm in a different time zone (Japan)...just to further complicate things!

                        Anyway, the important thing for me is that I quit on my daughter's birthday. What a joy it is to truly 'be there' for my kids in the evenings now, instead of sneaking back and forth from the kitchen, trying to hide my drinking from them
                        AF since May 12th, 2014


                          Newbies Nest

                          Well after 40 + days , it all went downhill on a 4 day bender . So dusted off and here I am at day 1 again .
                          Lots happening here , I'll have to get some spare time to read back . Thanks for being here . BND .
                          Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                          Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


                            Newbies Nest

                            BND welcome back even after your fark up. Why oh why oh why girl did you do that? 40 days is a huge achievement and i used to always think, well i would never have done 40 days if i had not found mwo" so be proud of that one. Maybe you need to be more accountable on here with your cyber friends, i always found if i meandered off mwo that i was "screwed". You know you can do this and we are here for you.

                            Hugs BND and lets hope no more day 1's, god i never want another one of them!
                            AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                              Newbies Nest

                              BND - Byrdie and Lav can attest to the fact that I hit day 40 many times...for some reason that was a HUGE I had this thing licked or somethin!! The last time I was struggling I came here and they talked me down, they kindly but firmly reminded me of my last drinking episode...the one where I fell in the shower and was bruised from head to toe. With their love and guidance I made it through and kept going. Next time you feel like caving, come here and let us help...we'll do our best!!! That said, GOOD JOB on starting right over. You CAN do this! :l
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Welcome back BND. Never say never! I have been a serial re-starter in the past so know exactly how you are feeling right now. But you came back, which is all that matters. Hang in there.
                                I can beat this.
                                Today is the day I start.
                                1st September 2015.

