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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Welcome hopefulinOz and juja. I?m on my 8th day and still no desire to drink hooray! Feeling a bit better Thanks to all of your kind words and support. Weekend was productive. I did a load of house work, gardening and painted for the first time in I don?t know what seems like forever. I also did a few excercise videos beginning to like the new me. She?s not so bad! Working hard to be worthy of my family but making progress. Wow, I found that I am quite patient and rational when I am not drinking. my child and I played games and watched movies and I really enjoyed being a mom and all the funny stories, playing and even the arguements.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi All . I hope everyone had the weekend they wanted .
      Day 5 for me and hoping my sleep will be back to sort of normal tonight , it usually gets back on track about now . That quote about driving with headlights at night was a good one thanks NS .
      BND .
      Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
      Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


        Newbies Nest

        Yeeha, checking in on day 7! Looking forward to hearing how everyone is getting on; very quiet this past couple of days. Brannewday, maybe take a wee walk to help with the sleeping.
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          MAE everyone. 27 days down for me and feeling good. It's great to see everyone doing so well. Some big milestones looming.

          Ava, congrats on 170. Awesome.

          Bris, you will hit the big century the day I hit 30 again. I hope I have the resilience to keep going this time. I feel I do.

          My marathon training is going well. I'm ready. I could run it now. But not for another 7 weeks. I have a 10 km ( 6 mile) race planned for 3 weeks time. I feel the most well I've felt in a long time. My goal is to keep it going. The support here is wonderful , and is the perfect place to make that happen. Thank you everyone.


            Newbies Nest

            7 days - congratulations Daisy! That is great!!

            Welcome hopeful and juju. BoozeBlues I know what you mean about being more patient - I find that I am much more patient and get less 'snippy' - I am also just in general more 'there' - I wasn't really 'there' before. Good luck with all your training Petrel. What great work you are doing!

            Feeling good this morning - had a good weekend watching ball games that my kids were playing. Just need to work on being more productive - I need to start making lists I think. Something, anything, to get more done around the house!

            Have a great AF day everyone!!


              Newbies Nest

              Hi everyone,
              I'm back and ashamed to say I drank all weekend giving into the stress about losing my job. It's not just me but I have a large staff of mostly single mom's that I worry about and they don't know yet.

              Back to Day 1. FF I'm sorry!


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning Nesters,

                Chilly this morning in my part of the nest

                Dila, I'm sorry you chose to drink again, Did it really help the situation in any way? Most likely it didn't & has left you feeling even worse. Finding new coping methods is a huge part of the process here. Go to the Tool box & grab some ideas. You can really help your staff move on by showing them the way

                Daisy, congrats on your 7 AF days, well done!

                Greetings to everyone today. Sending wishes for a great AF Monday for one & all!

                Celebrating 5 years smoke free today - yay!!!!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning Nesters,

                  Dila, glad you came right back to the nest. I know that your job and the responsibility of all of your staff has you very stressed out. These are huge stressors. We will go through these life difficulties and it requires strength to get through them, no doubt. But the thing is, ironically, alcohol creates more stress on our bodies and minds. It brings anxiety, tiredness, and the inability to get through these hard times. The initial numbing of al works, but it's what comes afterwards that doesn't. When I had slips since October, I made the mistake of not calling the people I promised to call. And if I did, it was too late. Maybe adjusting your plan will help you to get through the next difficult moment. They are moments that we think about drinking to relieve our pain. If we can push through those moments by reaching out to someone, then the next day, you'll be stronger and able to deal with what's going on. Strength to you, friend.

                  Juja, you said day three is usually difficult, and I can identify with that as well. I think all of the al has left our bodies by this time, We're clearly physically missing something that has been in our systems for quite sometime. This is where a clear and specific plan can be helpful. Maybe read on the toolbox thread today and other threads to get you over this hump and next challenge. Stay close to the boards!

                  HopefulinOz, welcome to the nest. Losta great folks here on the same journey with you. We're in this together, putting one foot in front of the other, holding on to each other and we'll get to the other side. Byrdie, Lav, Pav, Ava, NS, all have great lots of AF time and they stayed close to the nest, made a good plan, organized their tools in their own special box (check out the toolbox below my signature) and learned everything they could. You can do this, and we're all doing it together.

                  BoozeBlues, Congrats on Day 8!!!! Your weekend sounded so perfect! Gosh, the energy you must have had was incredible. I especially loved the "played game, watched movies, and even the arguments." That's what it's all about. You can have this all the time. What a great glimpse into the AF life.

                  Bran New Day, sleeping will come. Sometimes I take a melatonin to help with my sleep. Day 5 is awesome and good sleep will come naturally soon.

                  Daisy - congrats on Day 7!

                  Petrel, day 27 and you're moving along. Good luck with your marathon training. I was never a runner, but I can imagine the endorphins that you produce make you feel so great. I bought a bike a few weeks ago when they were on sale and plan to start riding on trails in the area.

                  Ava, congrats on 170!!! That's freaking huge lady! You're my inspiration.

                  Frances, my son had a baseball game on Saturday, and we sat through it in the cold, windy, rain. I had earmuffs, gloves, and a winter coat on! Yep, in late May. We lost after all of that! I need to work on the production part as well.

                  Lav and Pav, have a great day!
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    Newbies Nest

                    I gotta read back, but I need to ask if there is something I can do for these shakes????? I've never been a huge a drinker (meaning I never thought I drank enough to get this?) , but b/c I've tailored down so much is it that? or could it be menopause? I also have problems with my wrists, but I have had never had shakes like this. It seems to be only in my wrists. Could it be psychological?

                    I've only had maybe 10 drinks in the last 3 days. (still tapering) why in the world would I have this?? There is no way I could be tapering wrong... I did exactly what they said by not quitting cold turkey. WTF? It doesn't happen consistently, but maybe a few minutes, but it's where I don't feel comfy cutting onions or anything. HELP!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Do you think the shakes have to do with your drinking? If you do, then you'll just have to wait it out. Try and stay away from the poison today. Maybe go out for a walk and see if this helps. Drinks lots of water with lemon today. I really don't think that this shaking could be due to withdrawal, as you tapered only having three drinks that past three days.

                      If you think it may be something that is unrelated to alcohol, give your doctor a call.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Great night's sleep last night. Wow. You'd think that alone would keep me from drinking. That was my gratitude thought when I awoke this morning.

                        Look at the AF days some of you are accumulating. Fantastic job, everyone.

                        Dila>:l Your pain must be overwhelming. Can you turn it into something positive like a walk, or a letter to your co-workers?

                        Sarah> I don't know how the shakes present themselves, except a little in the a.m. after too much wine, but mine's an all over shakiness. Maybe you should go to the doctor?

                        Jane>Thanks for the welcome.

                        Day 2 here, which again is no big deal. I'll be desperate for help on Wednesday, once I get off work at 3. How do I keep from stopping at the store first? How do I keep from turning right instead of left out of the parking lot? How do I keep my butt home once the thoughts become overwhelming? I'm glad I'm asking that now, instead of waiting til then. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

                        Sending positive thoughts to all.
                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          Newbies Nest

                          Wow Everybody!
                          I just want to say that I think all of those numbers are huge! 50, 170, 133, 7, etc! I also want to say amazing job to everybody. You all are inspirational! Whether it be marathons or simply when you go to write this little blurb each am you remember everyones names and your all so positive! I on the other hand have trouble still remembering names and numbers so when I write BB day 8 it?s only because I have a very bad memory on who I should say congrats to. I also want to say I?m sorry if you messed up over the weekend but I still think your great too because your back, you didn?t give up, you are still fighting and that is amazing as well! Hugs to all have a great week!:l


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Morning, Nesters! Hope everyone had a good, sober weekend!

                            Dottie, I have been thinking about your situation with your dad's house and the stress of selling it. You know, just like getting sober, it's all a matter of perspective: To a worm, digging around in the hard, dry dirt is a lot more relaxing that going fishing! Maybe you can shift your thinking to the fact that you don't have this huge liability to deal with anymore. After all, the memories are already made, you prolly don't want to remember it as it is, right? You remember the PEOPLE in it more than the letting it go will likely be a blessing...It sure will be to the folks who buy it! Letting go is never easy. Best of luck to you.

                            Pav....waking up with sheets marks in your face? I call that Sheet-Faced, as opposed to Sh*t-Faced, like I used to wake up!! :H

                            Booze Blues, I may have missed awarding your moon yesterday! So I will do that in conjunction with Daisy's today!
                            :moon: :moon:

                            Double moons! Great job on reaching 7 days! BB, your post reminds me of when I first was as if I were operating with more information! I was able to make decisions more easily and with a clear thought path. I guess we really ARE....we are not scheming our next fix, in the throes of it, or recovering from it, so we are gathering more sensory information....for me, it was as if I were seeing in color for the first time in a very long while!

                            J-Vo, 50 days, GIRL, you are royalty!!!

                            Ava....170 days is awesome!! Go YOU!!

                            Juja, great to see you, and HopefulinOz! Settle in and let us know how you are doing!

                            Sarah, I'm not sure what is going on with your shaky hands. Other than AL, are you doing anything else differently? Maybe it's time to completely cut out the AL and eliminate that as a suspect? I know it's hard to imagine, but you know eventually, it must go....the sooner the better, it's only prolonging the agony, and you will be AMAZED at the tricks your MIND will pull to try and get you to continue it!! It will tell you that stopping is UNHEALTHY. That you NEED it to function. THAT STOPPING is dangerous. Don't listen to these things, they are all part and parcel of the LIES AL tells us to keep it alive! Starving it to death is the only way, when you do the occasional feeding it only makes it more potent. I was shaky and sweaty the first couple weeks of going I had a mild flu...your body is doing a lot of work to switch over to running on food instead of ethanol, so be patient as your body adjusts. If you feel it is NOT AL related, please get some medical advice. I hope you feel better today!!

                            Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Beautiful weather in the Southern part of the nest today! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hello nesters,just a quick shout out to Sarah,i've done the tapering before and i've also just cold turkeyed it,in my opinion the"tapering"only prolongs the withdrawal,best to just quit and get it over with,you aren't drinking enough to have any serious withdrawal if you just stop,it's just my opinion though
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Jane, you have just jarred my memory!
                                I (and many others on this site) have Essential Tremors. The tremors are made better by AL! Maybe the absence of AL has made them manifest? This is like Bill Clinton has, I think it is most common in the hands but can also be head movement, too. My neurologist had me do two things....draw a spiral (it was really hard to do!) and walk heel to toe like a sobriety test. I had great difficulty doing both, to my surprise! On meds, I can draw a spiral pretty well, but I still don't do very well on the heel to toe thing...

                                They are 100% hereditary, according to my neurologist. My handwriting looked like I was 100 years old (and I'm only 98!):H I take Primidone for them and it works wonders.
                                I may not beat Jane in jacks, but I have a pretty steady hand now!!
                                THANKS Jane, for reminding me of that!!! XO! Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

