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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all,
    Having a fun sunday so far.. took my son to a lovely park and had a picnic.. it does feel great to have no h/over or remorse; i've actually managed to call people sober this week! - I used to find it so difficult talking on the phone due to my insecurities and low self-esteem.. the only way I could "psyche" myself up to talk, would be by having AL; i'm also finding it much easier to get up in the mornings and do stuff; I hardly need as much sleep anymore and feel much more motivated

    MG - hang in there.. distraction works wonders; find some things to do to take your mind off the urge - read, watch a movie, go for a walk, phone a friend or relative etc..
    Hippy - well done! thats great about the party, and good idea with the water in the wine glass idea.. I might have to use that myself when I can next face going to a party.. i've always wondered what it would be like to be sober at a party - though I went to a couple when pregnant, but I never stayed for long enough to see everyone get drunk.. not sure if I would feel envious or find it amusing! I guess you content yourself in the knowledge they will all be feeling dreadful the next day with h'over's and at least you wake up with no regrets or embarrassment over doing/saying silly things!

    K x
    "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone.

      Just a late night check-in. Chooks glad the wee one is good. You sound better too. xxxo.

      MG29 - way to go sticking to the plan for Saturday. You are doing great!

      Hippy - alright - I love to see the golf-bug bite. Hey, I played in the desert here last fall. Five days of temps 108-110f. It wasn't 'that bad' though. After all, I was playing golf. I'll have to strap on my travel bag for the flight down to oz -- haven't played since early January!

      Hey - here's another site on mindfulness... Tara Brach is a clinical psychologist who wrote a book called 'Radical Acceptance'. This site contains free recordings of her weekly talks at a meditation center in Washington DC. Each talk is about 30 minutes or so, and she's a very entertaining speaker. There are about four years of weekly talks to keep you busy. I highly recommend her book too for anyone interested.

      Take care everyone!
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Working on day 5AF Last night was difficult around 6.00pm after a busy day sat down to unwind and boy oh boy the thoughts were torture. So I decided to just get up and do more housework its amazing how many cupboards you can find to clear out - it felt great afterwards, not only do I have a more ogranised study I felt like i'd cleared my head also. Just have to get through the Sunday lunch today .......... funny but I always buy wine for all the family and its only me who drinks it!!! lesson learnt is dont buy it nobodyelse will miss it.

        Have a great day/evening everybody great to hear everybody is doing so well, can't do this without you all.

        P x :l:l:l
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Newbies Nest

          Hey Panno - Well done for getting through the "witching hour"! I always find cleaning so theraputic as you say like clearing your head too. I live on my own and make sure there is no alcohol in the house now, the weekends can be challenging because of the ritual i had of pouring that 1st glass at 6pm as I settled down to relax for the evening. I can honestly say its no longer an issue and doesnt cross my mind, the joy of feeling as good as I do this morning is the best reward in the world!
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            Newbies Nest

            Well done Panno. I cleaned and cleaned in the first few weeks of sobriety. My pantry has never looked so good. Luckily that cleaning bug doesnt last too long.....

            KatieB - isnt it amazing the simple things that are so good when you are sober or not suffering from a hangover. And yes it was nice this morning waking up actually remembering what I did and said at the party.... Dont think my sister-in-law will be able to say that.... she was in fine form... She has replaced me!

            Chicken - I'm with you.... roll on cooler weather.... Glad the wee chick is on the road to recover.

            Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. We have a public holiday tomorrow so I can lounge around doing nothing for another day. Take care and will catchya tomorrow.
            I finally got it!
            "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become" Buddah


              Newbies Nest

              Good morning from this end of the Nest!

              Cloudy, rain later which should melt a lot of this snow hanging around! Looks like a stay in day but I'm not in the mood for cleaning - I'll find something 'funner' to do

              MG, Saturday nights are tough for many but they will get easier. Enjoying hangover free Sunday mornings become much more important than getting wasted Saturday night!!

              Chook, so glad your little one is better! I've shipped a truck load of snow down to you, you can send us some warmth

              KatieB - a picnic with your son sounds like a perfect Sunday activity, very nice!

              Tranq, thank you for the link - I'll add it to my favorites

              Panno, I promised myself the same thing last year - if you don't buy it you don't drink it, right??

              Greetings NoraC & Chill, hope you are both having a great day!

              OK, off to find my fun project for the day - I'll check in later!
              Have a good one!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                I'm here,wearily bringing myself in from the cold in a dreary dull fashion.
                So I might have joined in Sept 09 but i am struggling so need to get back into a supportive environ.....thus here I be.
                I will soon pop my story up & hope that some of you read it,& reply.
                All my previous bravado & cockiness is gone.Stripped to bare bones here now.Brutal fact - I am an alcoholic. Fact - I am not able to go to AA. Fact - I have not really wanted to change, until now.
                Ahh well.
                Will try to log in frequently to gain some insight & clarity.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Beagle....
                  never met you but glad you are back......
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Newbies Nest

                    3 glasses of wine last night
                    and I feel awful!!! well not awful, but not good....
                    But I had a nice date with Papa Bearand we laughed and enjoyed each other
                    so I start over, but I am ok
                    love to all
                    Chooks...I am glad your babies are better...I was worrying about them!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Newbies Nest

                      Lav I did buy it and did drink it but i'm ok, not best pleased but I will get over it!! I just keep telling myself its better than previously only had 4 bottles in 2 weeks thats better than the possible 20 bottles normally - I am not giving in its just a blip and as long as I keep telling myself to keep coming here and dont get down I'll be ok - As I am writing this there is an advert on tv telling drink can cause damage and your health is at risk - think somebody out there is trying to get the point over!!
                      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                        Newbies Nest

                        what 'cha say Panno.....let's start over least our AF stretches are getting longer, right?
                        I'm right there with you sister!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning all,
                          Hippy: it must feel so liberating, knowing you are not in AL's clutches anymore! I feel much more confident also, knowing I can beat the beast! I used to drink all day on sundays, starting around 12pm.. but now I can relax and read a book/watch movies without blurred vision which is great!
                          It's certainly great to not have to 'make up' to any people the stupid things I have done when under the influence.. I remember the terrible remorse I would feel the next day after a drinking session, knowing I had lost a friend or 2 by being drunk and saying things to annoy or upset (not intentional 99% of the time..)
                          I wouldn't worry too much Panno.. you are doing your best, and at least you are controlling and drinking less.. so well done
                          MB - 3 glasses of wine is not much.. so don't feel too disheartened, get back on the horse! I had AL last week and felt a bit bad.. but you have to give yourself praise for sticking to a limit and not going overboard.. so well done there
                          I'm now on day 5 AF.. but i've had just 1 drink in 19 days now.. so I am very pleased.. as long as the stretches without AL are more than the AL days, its a good thing
                          Happy Monday all,
                          K xx
                          "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"



                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Everybody

                            I also bought and drank. How stupid. I feel once again like I have wasted my pecious weekend because I have! I really need to get my head back into the right place and just do this. I definitely want to be where Chill and Lav are (well maybe not where all that snow is) I mean sober and loving it.

                            Anyway off to work again today for another week. Feeling very blah of course and not looking forward to it at all. Hopefully some Lavanitude will kick in before i get there!!!

                            Hope you all have a great af day/night. Its so hot and humid here today. Thank goodness for air conditioning!!
                            Developing an Attitude of Gratitude


                              Newbies Nest

                              1 week AF. yabbadabbado. was looking forward to waking up sunday morning bright and breezy.... but bugger bugger bugger. was up all night being sick and ill (a horrible bug that has been bugging people around here). stayed in bed all day feeling awful but had a little giggle to myself. THIS IS HOW SHIT I FEEL ALL THE TIME WHEN IM DRINKING. at least i know this is a bug and wont affect me long term physically and mentally. feeling bit better now and positive about the week ahead. much love and strength to everyone taking this journey xxx
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Spuddle, :goodjob:
                                Well done! one week AF is great..
                                And its good to remind yourself why you are not drinking - having that bug for instance reminded you how dreadful hangovers can feel! I also do not miss at all vomiting (I remember not even making it to the bathroom and having to vomit in the kitchen sink.. yuck), having stomach pains or severe headaches.
                                Jeez, I never ever want to have another h'over for as long as I live!
                                Congrats again,
                                K xx
                                "It works if you work it, because you are worth it!!!"


