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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Jane, you should be on the Prize Patrol, dang it....let me get over and pull my pants down right quick!!
    This one's for YOU!!!

    7 Days is HUGE, no butts about it!!! GREAT JOB! The worst is behind you!! :H

    Jane, together, we make a great person! eheheheheh.....B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Good you're thinking about that now, so you can prepare yourself, First of all, you've already done the right thing. You know Wednesday will be your weak point, and you've asked for help. You're on the ball lady! I hope you are a lady, and I only think you are from your avatar!!! Anyhow, staying as close as possible to the site will help. Talking with someone during that time will help. Do you have anyone to call? Plan something for after work on Wednesday. Go shopping or go for a brisk walk. Do something different from what you normally do. Just don't go near a store that has Al in it. Sometimes it just takes white-knuckling it to the next moment and once you're past that witching time, you're fine. It's a head game. It won't always be like this, though. Once you begin to build your days, you become more confident in yourself. Keep adding to your gratitude list. Glad you started it! Do you like to play candy crush or those other games or read? Listen to the Bubble Hour that Pav talks about. She posted a link in her last post and it talks about early sobriety. You can download that and go for a walk and listen.

      Take a look at the toolbox and make a Top 10 List for that day. What are the top 10 things you can do to get to the next day Al free? You can do this!!!!!
      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


        Newbies Nest

        A HUGE welcome back to Juja! You can do this girlfiend...we are all here for you. Stick close and absorb the wisdom of everyone here. We want to see you succeed, and we know you will!

        Byrdie - Sometimes I come back from lunch sheet-faced because I sneak in a nap. LOL The crease marks are a dead give away. HA
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Nesters,

          It?s been a while. I was looking at my previous post it was about a month ago. Time flies as well as my AF days. Today I am 60 days sober and I feel amazing.
          I am so proud of myself and so happy to be living the REAL life.

          I look back at the way my life was and it saddens me to think that I let such a destructive substance control me and my well being. I don?t believe in hatred so the only way I deal with the past is forgiveness. Yes. I forgive alcohol for ruining my past life. I came to terms with the fact that dwelling on the past will get me nowhere and I all I want to do today is move forward so I let it go.

          I forgave but I will never forget.

          I keep my guards at all times. Yes. This is a 24/7 kind of frame of mind. I go out, I make plans where AL is around but it?s so easy these days. I am a non drinker. I?ve accepted that and it feels great to be able to say it to myself without trying to convince myself otherwise. I don?t struggle with ?only one? or ?I deserve it. I?ve been so good? ?

          I actually deserve to live true life and think with a clear head and mind. I deserve to be able to have full recollection of when I went to sleep and I when I got up. I deserve a shameless and remorseless life. I deserve to be happy. None of which will be existent if AL is in the picture. I know I deserve the life I have today where AL in nowhere in that equation.

          You know we all have our own ways to deal with this disease. Some of us have to post every day, some of us don?t. I fall under the latter. Regardless, I read the posts every day, twice a day and always know what?s up in the nest. It makes me happy to read about others success and it saddens me to read about relapses and ?day one? cycle struggling but it is what it is and the only thing that comforts me is the fact that we are all in this together. It?s important for me to clear that although I don?t post much I have no doubt in my mind that quitting will be possible, without you guys. I had tried many times in the past and never made it this far. I thank you all for being here, for being honest and for sharing your stories and your struggles. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and wish us all the wonderful ?super? sober life we all deserve.:l:h


            Newbies Nest

            J-vo, well done on day 50. And have fun with the bike, any exercise is good.

            LF, well done on 60. It sounds like you're in a very content , happy place now. May we all reach it and stay there for a life time!


              Newbies Nest

              Luckyflower, what a great post! Hearing stories like this is nothing but inspiration and hope for all of sound so happy and secure in your decision to be sober.
              Well done and may everything wonderful come your way!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Newbies Nest

                Dila, don't apologise to me, or anyone else for that matter. Its me that's sorry, about all the stress you are obviously going through. Start again and stick with me on this journey. So what if I am a few days in front of you? We can still do this together, and there's no guarantee that at some point you wont be in front of me! The important thing is we both stick at it until we are free. Come on, tomorrow is day 2 and before you know it you'll be back up there in double figures and feeling great again. You can do nothing about the job situation for you or your team, but you can do something about AL.
                I can beat this.
                Today is the day I start.
                1st September 2015.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello nesters,

                  I don't know if I am back home or in transit. Came back for one night and heading to Colombo tomorrow for a conference. For those who know me I was in Germany for 2 weeks and came back exhausted ... But sober. Have been doing a bit too much running and jogging so much that my knees are hurting. I was proud to that I ran non stop for about 9 km in few minutes more than an hour. But my knee has taken a toll. Petra I need some advice here. Yesterday was really bad, there was no pain while walking but I feel loss of strength and my knee getting tired quite easily. Flight was long so had rest but off to Colombo want to remain fit and work out. Maybe should do swimming a lot of it.

                  But it was so great to look forward to the morning or evening jog in the lush green parks. Saw a lots and lots of drinking but with passive eye which added to my strength and resolve ... Not trying to be complacent but heck ... Booze is everywhere ...

                  It's was so different as normally I would come back home from such long trips drunk hung over ... Am so glad to be sober and having fresh new memories of the place and bad knee.

                  My last conference was in Malaysia. I don't have to tell you it was all about drinking and drinking and more drinking. I remember a couple whom I (a friend used to tease ) as they didn't use to drink at all. And look where am I after one year. I am one of those who are sober and proud. Let see if I meet a drunk fellow trying to tease me ... I am sure will not respond the same way the why last years couple used to respond to me ... )

                  Good night
                  Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                  Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                  Rebooting ... done ...
                  Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                    Newbies Nest

                    LuckyFlower, what a wonderful post!
                    60 days! Gosh, I'm glad you told us...we'd feel like a bunch of boobs if we didn't recognize this big accomplishment!

                    We are chest bustin with pride for you as you celebrate your pair....of months!
                    Well done!
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      That was a great post and congratulations on your 60 days!

                      Rahul, wow, you did it! You did something you thought never possible or would have struggled through it, but you didn't. You had a great, new experience on a work-related trip and that you normally would have been hungover daily from drinking with your coworkers. And to boot, you exercised, enjoyed the sites, and ate well. That's awesome for you. I'll compare that to Ava's successful trip to Thailand, her first sober vacation. She got a lot of rewards on that one, too. Rewards for our minds, hearts, bodies, and the confidence that we didn't know we had, and finally, the ability to know that it can be done again and again.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Drinking this weekend did not make me feel better and the problem is still here to deal with. I felt horrible today and don't ever want to feel like this again.

                        FF - I am here with you.


                          Newbies Nest

                          My congratulations to everyone who's riding the success train. I would be so-o-o proud to say I had even 7 days behind me, much less 60 or more.

                          Thanks for the tips, j-vo. And, no, I don't have anyone to call. If I'm weakening when I get off work on Wednesday, I'll come here via my phone before I leave the parking lot. That should get me back to reality.

                          I felt anxious this evening. I don't know if it was AL withdrawal, or if I set myself up for it by doing too many things today. I need to slow down, plus, I need to take perfectionism off the table. Two things that send me to the wine.

                          When I had some cravings today, I realized that I had made a commitment to myself and all of you by joining the nest, and couldn't succumb to the call. I can't walk away again. That was a scary, but important moment. I am here, and I am committed.

                          So, day 2 down. Here's to another night of good sleeping.

                          Hi, K-9!
                          "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi, Nest!

                            Dila;1662793 wrote: Drinking this weekend did not make me feel better and the problem is still here to deal with. I felt horrible today and don't ever want to feel like this again.
                            Dila, that about sums it up. Alcohol is an avoidance tactic - at first it is hard to get through it all, but then you realize none of the problems go away - they are just made worse. Hope back on the horse, and FatFella can be your guide...

                            Rahul - I had to stop running because of a knee injury. It is still only at about 90% - I switched to hiking and biking as a result. I miss the ease of a quick run, but my knee is currently a lot happier - good luck. You sound so good and strong! Happy travels.

                            Juja - Good on you for resisting. I spent a lot of time reading stuff and watching videos on alcohol - scary stuff that also takes your mind off wanting to drink.

                            LuckyFlower! So great to see you here and so successful - I have been wondering where you were and am so glad to hear you are still sober. What a nice pair of months you have...

                            Byrdie and K9 - I reckon I've been sheet faced for about five months - since I quit I sleep so much more soundly! Sheetfaced beats sh*tfaced every time...

                            Off to cook dinner for the family - fresh salmon! Have any cooks on this forum discovered a replacement for wine in recipes? I'd love to hear about it.

                            Happy Monday,



                              Newbies Nest

                              WOW hard to keep up around here.
                              Congrats to tall the milestones and just know it does get easier.
                              Thanks Byrdie for the kind words...I know that the memories are forever and it is just not worth stressing over. I cant let it bring me down again....

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Pavati;1662808 wrote: I spent a lot of time reading stuff and watching videos on alcohol - scary stuff that also takes your mind off wanting to drink.
                                Pav, I'd be interested in getting a list of those articles and videos you mentioned. I'm currently reading Allan Carr's Easy Way book, which is just the kind of eye-opener I need right now. I definitely need to "take my mind off wanting to drink"!
                                AF since May 12th, 2014

