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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi, Dila

    One thing that helped me was to make the commitment to come to the nest and post before I drank. Oftentimes just the prospect of having to do that was enough to nip the problem in the bud. Other times, typing out how I was feeling and why a drink seemed like it would make me feel better made it clear how wrong-thinking that was. One time in particular, I got a sharp but needed response. If MWO is your main tool, you've got to give it a chance to work for you so for me, that meant becoming involved and getting used to posting even when things seemed to be going along pretty well. That made it easier to come here when they weren't.

    It is great that you came back so quickly -- you didn't allow yourself to re-establish old patterns. Take good care of yourself, NS


      Newbies Nest

      Hey there, Nest friends - sounds like most are doing alright or well today...not bad for a group of alkies!

      Juja - I also struggle with anxiety and take wellbutrin. It didn't do a damn thing for me while I was drinking, but since I quit I think it has been kicking in. Although not having a depressant in my system has to be a major contributor!

      Luckyflower - congrats on 60 days!! I'm a day behind you!

      J-Vo, 50 days is awesome, congrats to you too, and everyone else rockin up the days.

      Frances - I told a friend last week exactly what you are thinking of telling your friend tonight, and it wasn't hard or bad at all. I just told her that I had quit drinking temporarily as a health-improvement, and am now feeling so good that I decided not to drink at all, as I was beginning to have a glass or 2 of wine every night (okay, so it was 1/2 litre of vodka or gin, but that's a minor detail) and was worried I was beginning to rely on it too much for dealing with stress (I was a huge drunk, but again, minor details, right?) She just nodded and said, "Yeah, I've noticed that you can drink quite a bit more than me...good for you for catching that before it became a problem!" And then we changed topics and that was it. No big deal. Now I only have about 20 more people to replicate that with, including my brother's family this weekend.

      Orimus - congrats on also going NF! I know some folks are really helped by smoking in order to get through AL withdrawal, but for me it was the opposite, so I did the same thing as you, going NF and AF the same day. I was a closet smoker (never in front of anyone and hiding from my family) and associated one secret addiction with the other, so I had to drop both at the same time. Hugging my kids is much more fun now as I don't worry about smelling like a distillery and an ashtray at the same time.

      Also, Orimus, thanks for the advice re: IT and guest access. I talked to someone else here and you're right, they can't monitor me if I log out of our system and use our guest internet access at work. So thank you!

      Anyone take fish oil? My doctor has me taking it for inflammation, but it is also used to treat depression. I came across an interesting theory about that, which I'm a bit suspicious of, but I'll share it anyway - here it is: People whose heritage reflects significant ancestry from communities that predominantly relied upon fish/seafood as a protein source may be more prone to depression -- and alcoholism -- if their modern-day diet is deficient in fish/seafood, which is why there might be more alcoholism among people from Scandinavian, Island and Native American communities. Coincidentally, that's 100% of my own ancestry. Apparently some treatment programs also recommend fish oil for that reason. I have no idea whether its true or not, but I personally don't eat fish and so I'm taking fish oil, but for other reasons. There might be absolutely nothing to that, but there you go - one more theory for the ages.

      Have a great week, all and hang in there and be strong!
      Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


        Newbies Nest

        Byrdie, talking about you having the bllodwork of an 18 yr old and the doctor looking up, reminds me of something(good for you!).....
        On holiday in the south of Ireland a few years ago, myself and my 3 daughters were walking along a street. There were a group of young fellas across the road. They started to wolf-whistle; I turned to see who it was and they shouted back 'No, not you!'
        That put me in my place - my daughters still think it's hilarious......
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          available;1662899 wrote: Lav my lovely, congratulations on 5 years fag free. I am giving up on 1st June a it will be 6 months af and i have a plan in place and am working on it already. Its scary and i have those thoughts that i will fail but i have not failed in giving up al so i will not fail with the fags. Someone said to me that i should find a give up smoking site but god i have all of you to bitch too so i am not going anwhere, which is my way of saying to you all BEWARE of the bitch!
          Ava - Please fill me in on your plan...I STILL can't beat that particular beast! I will join you and we can be bitches together!! Look out Nest! HA
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Newbies Nest

            daisy45;1662993 wrote: Byrdie, talking about you having the bllodwork of an 18 yr old and the doctor looking up, reminds me of something(good for you!).....
            On holiday in the south of Ireland a few years ago, myself and my 3 daughters were walking along a street. There were a group of young fellas across the road. They started to wolf-whistle; I turned to see who it was and they shouted back 'No, not you!'
            That put me in my place - my daughters still think it's hilarious......
            LOL Daisy!!! :H You should have shouted back "You couldn't handle me anyway!" :H
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              Interesting theory about the fish oil Pepper. Guess there could be something to it in terms of the genetics and definitely worth looking into. I've only considered fish oil for the EPA and DHA (omega-3s) content as I used to never eat fish other than tuna. (anything canned is pretty much suspect in how much it retains)

              For depression I still have to put my money on St. John's wort. It's why the studies on Kudzu root show much better numbers when the two are used combined. As I mentioned elsewhere it is also prescribed in many European countries. (

              As for any inflammation check out Grain Brain by Dr. Perlmutter. He shows some research that cutting the carbs (and gluten) to a minimum definitely helps with that. At least it's something that was suggested that I started trying a few weeks ago.
              “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

              "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

              Newbies Nest
              Newbies Nest Roll Call
              Cattleman Cafe


                Newbies Nest

                K9Lover;1662999 wrote: LOL Daisy!!! :H You should have shouted back "You couldn't handle me anyway!" :H
                Haha K9; or maybe 'that's not what yer da said last night"'
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Newbies Nest

                  :HYou guys are cracking me up! :H

                  That story made me lol Daisy!


                    Newbies Nest

                    daisy45;1663002 wrote: Haha K9; or maybe 'that's not what yer da said last night"'
                    :H:H:H You TOTALLY should have said that! I would have, which is probably why my daughter says I am immature. LOL
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Oy! At least I can still laugh at this age!!!
                      Don't make me come chase after you with these 34 longs! :H:H
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello from Srilanka ,

                        Landed in a beautiful resort .. Will tell more tomorrow good night
                        Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                        Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                        Rebooting ... done ...
                        Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi all, day 24 today so that 30 day mark is drawing closer. Seemed a mile away on day 1! Daisy that is hilarious. Clearly can't condone the outrageous behaviour of my fellow men - but that was bloody funny.

                          Good going Dila. Stick with it. Do you realise out of the last 24 days you have done 22 of them AF (if my maths is right) which is pretty awesome. The weekend was just a minor blip, hardly worth mentioning.
                          I can beat this.
                          Today is the day I start.
                          1st September 2015.


                            Newbies Nest

                            LOL Byrdie! I know those 34 longs are quite a threat! hehe
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Pepper thanks for the chuckle this morning before work, only 20 more people to explain to, well keeps you occupied and not drinking if you are talking. i am now to the stage of telling "other" friends that i am an alcoholic. Its a sense of freedom that i feel but it has taken me months to get to here and believe me i dont tell everyone. The stigma is still attached and some people i still want to hit in the face when the say "oh they are an alky", mmm.

                              K9 i went and got a script for Champix, not sure what it is called over there but blocks the addictive bit in our brain. I wonder if it works for al but who knows. there are some side effects that i have to be aware of and cut down the tablets if they do. i also asked the dr if this didnt work if he could donate for me to spend a few months on a deserted island, he did not comment. other than that i could be a walking patch and there is a spray that worked for me last time. i feel i am ready though but i so know what it is like with fags but i have to be accountable and honest like gving up al.

                              Juj my anxiety was through the roof when i was drinking but of course i blamed it on work, stress, life, my depression blah blah blah. i was at the stage where i could not even write in the morning without shaking and then taking xanax. when i stopped drinking it took about a week and my anxiety was gone, funny that. now i do get anxiety very very occasionally and i am reducing my ad meds. amazing what not drinking does to your body. Keep it up girl and day 3 approaching you need to stay on here as if your life depends on it as at the end of the day it does.

                              Rahul i wish i was you! Keep us informed with your travels.

                              well off to work, hump day here and i am feeling fine today.

                              love to all. xx
                              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                                Newbies Nest

                                goodnight nesters! Enjoyed your company very much today and all your humor and insights. Wishing you all peaceful slumber. kiss and nighty night.

