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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Greetings Nesters,

    Back from my short R&R - it was nice!
    My granddaughter had a ball playing on the beach. It's been years since I built sand castles

    Glad everyone seems to be feeling positive & moving forward with their AF plans. My little vacation would not have been possible if I had not chosen to kick AL to the curb. How sad it would be to miss all these special times with the little ones. I am grateful, grateful, grateful!!!

    Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      J-vo bravo on the bravery. I always felt so bad for those people as there always seemed something selfish about throwing another under the bus. Like they were hiding from something. As for the treadmill why not just get outside for your walk? The added bonus is the vitamin D.

      Juja, that was me last weekend with GF. They'll get over it or they won't. Either way, in the end, it's about creating the life we want.

      Just got back a little while ago from meditation at the Dojan and on my way home I had such a desire for a beer. After meditating? Seemed like strange timing. Instead I wound up at the grocery store and picked up celery and cucumbers for juicing. Watched some comedy central. Now the worst thing I'll end up doing is watching tv until I fall asleep.

      Think I'll go with the book.

      Night all.
      “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

      "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

      Newbies Nest
      Newbies Nest Roll Call
      Cattleman Cafe


        Newbies Nest

        Hi, Nest:

        Juja - That was a real discovery for me - I am not in charge of other people. I can't make them act or feel the way that I want, and I am not in charge of them, either. Very freeing. At first it feels selfish, but it isn't - part of the serenity prayer - accepting the things I cannot change...

        NS - Thanks for that speech. To Nesters, I recommend William White's blog as well. Many gems on there (of course it was NS who led me there).

        Pepper - Those 60 days snuck up on me - way to go! You are doing so well - keep it up!

        Orimus - I used to do two hours of yoga and rush home to wine. Go figure. I'm not sure about meditation, but in yoga we set an intention for our practice. When I need to, I set my intention of staying sober and healing my mind and body.

        I am a bit jittery and anxious - a lot going on at work and my son is having some struggles at school. I don't want to drink - I really know that I need to have my wits about me to help my son. Stress does make me tired, though - I think it is a sort of adrenaline hangover. More exercise (outside, Orimus...)

        Good night, Nest. I feel the power here - so many days. Contagious sobriety!



          Newbies Nest

          daisy45;1663677 wrote: NoSugar, thanks for that - I can really 'feel, it on this site right now - it's as if they are speaking about MWO - power of the people!
          emm WOW! NS..this is very good...thanks for sharing.


            Newbies Nest

            Hallo Nesters!

            Sweetest naughtiest puppy and cables are not a good combination! Anyway, I'm back now and need a serious readback - but the Nest seems to be a positive - and busy - place at the moment!

            Have a good AF Friday, everybody!
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Newbies Nest

              Morning nesters!
              Hope your all feeling better today! Yesterday was rough for me too. More disappointing news from yet another dr! Oh well, this too shall pass. I wanted some nice wine to dull my feelings but I resisted. J-vo all I can say is mean people really do suck! but you handled the situation very well and congratulations for taking the high road and not boozing it up after! Lavender welcome back, yes those moments are gone in the blink of an eye so don?t waist time sleeping. Enjoy and play! Everyone else yes let?s get excercise happy and reward ourselves with fancy cakes and tacos as long as we don?t drink! I?m proud of all of us! Keep up the good work. We, You are amazing! Don?t forget!


                Newbies Nest

                Hey Dila, still here and still your buddy! Not had time to post much the last couple of days as I've been away on business and constantly with other people. How are you doing? Hope you are getting back into the groove as they say. Day 27 for me today and am starting to feel positive about this thing. I know i'll struggle tonight and tomorrow night as weekends are tough times, but midweek I am getting better each week now. Away in hotels on business trips always used to be an issue but this week it just wasn't a problem.

                What are you going to do this weekend to stay strong? Just keep really busy and keep reminding yourself how much better you are going to feel on Monday. If you struggle and you want to chat PM me. Ill try and check in on my phone regularly over the weekend.

                Hope every one else is OK and you all have a great AF weekend.
                I can beat this.
                Today is the day I start.
                1st September 2015.


                  Newbies Nest

                  MAE all!

                  Jvo I'm so sorry to hear about your situation - what people are capable of doing never ceases to amaze me. You have handled this like a true AF champ - This has been so hard for you, but you knew alcohol would not help and you did not 'go there'! Good for you.

                  DTD - don't mind if I do, thanks! Your puppy is up to mischief, eh?

                  Jane - Hi! Good to see you here!

                  Pepper - thinking about you! How's it going?

                  Orimus, Juja, FF, all other newbies - sounds like you are all doing great - get your plan in place and ready for the weekend - I know I am!

                  As Jane said
                  Freedom from AL is a beautiful thing.
                  Let's enjoy the beauty!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Nesters,
                    Thank you NS, Byrdie, Softfocus, Orimus, Frances, Bblues. It was a situation that was difficult and I'm proud to say I didn't even entertain the thought of booze to help me through it. It would have only gotten worse for me. Today I feel so much better than yesterday. I think I had what Pav called "adrenaline hangover" yesterday. But much better!

                    Juja, congrats on day 5! Now 6. There's a thread right here in Just Starting Out called, "Giving it Time" started by Pinecone. Give that a quick read, as it may help with the idea of when will you not have to think about Al. For me, I still think about it daily, but in a different way. I look at it as something evil that almost destroyed me, and not something that would be a reward. But "giving it time" will do that to you, too.

                    Lav and DTD, welcome back!

                    Orimus, walking on cement outside bothers my plantar's faschitis (spelling is wrong!) but I did recently buy a bike and going out with my sister on Monday for the first time. Yes, I do wanna get some of that Vitamin D. Good for you on choosing celery juice and not poison juice!

                    BBlues, I'll take fancy cakes and tacos anytime! Yum!

                    FF, congrats on day 27.

                    Have a great day all.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning, nesters,

                      J-vo, the rush of adrenaline and cortisol leaves us exhausted, as if we've run miles. Also, your description of how you would have normally reacted is how I always react when I'm truly upset and angry. You were describing me to a T, but like you, I'm learning other ways of handling those situations.

                      Orimus, I like "creating the life we want." That's what I'm trying to do, even though I'm not quite sure what it is. I have somewhat of a direction, and it feels so-o-o good. Btw, what have you decided about your SO? Are you sticking with her?

                      Pav, I can't change anyone, only myself, but still I want to mediate and sooth. It's not my place to do so, and that only says something about me, and my insecurities. Going to let that go, too. I didn't call my husband back to reassure him, and I feel good about that.

                      Welcome back, Lav. Glad you had a great time.

                      Hello to everyone, and have a safe weekend. The weather's to be glorious here.
                      "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters,

                        TGIF for most & time to get the long holiday weekend plans together, right??

                        Looks like my daughter & granddaughter have decided to park themselves here for the entire weekend. This means I need to hit the supermarket in a big way for some things to BBQ this weekend. No AL for me, no problem

                        Have a great AF Friday everyone!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          I cannot stand my boss.
                          Boy, I could use a giant bottle of wine....I'd clock him up side of the head with it! :H

                          He is the male equivalent of Judge Judy. When I have a question I feel like I need to ask if I may approach the bench.....then get ready to have my head chewed off. What a nut job. Oh well, that's why God gave us 3 day weekends!

                          Hope everyone has his/her plan in place! We will get lots of folks here next week having made arse's of themselves over the big holiday with AL....please don't be one of them! There is NO good ending for us if we drink! It's ALL bad! So stay the course like you've been doing and you will be SO HAPPY you did! Besides, what's ONE drink going to do for us anyway? As 3June says, if just one, then why not none? Words to live by!!

                          K9 will be along soon with the girls in the Pep Squad to cheer you to success! It's just Friday, not a ticket to BoozeVille!
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi all,
                            Beautiful beginning to a holiday weekend. Lots to do and all AF for me.
                            I know holidays can be stressful for some but just remember that AL wont solve anything or make the day more fun and it sure wont make the next day any fun...been there done that and dont what to ever do that again...
                            you ALL can do this!!!!!

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Cleaned out the juicer after this mornings celery/cucumber juice. Unfortunately no onions to add. All I could think was what a mess!! Plus I found it leaking along the side. Supposedly the two wheel models are less of a mess, better with the pulp and make less of a mess. But of course they cost a car payment or two.

                              In a few hours I'm off to see my brother the home brewer and my teetotaler friend is, after all, not coming due to some work thing. Still have my nieces and nephews to focus on after four hours in the alone in the car with my mom. Might just be lurking til Monday night. Did manage to track down more kudzu and St. John's for the weekend as my shipment still hasn't shipped.

                              Found out this morning that apparently I'm too loud in my little studio for my neighbor. (walking around noise!) Byrdie, can I borrow that bottle next?

                              J-vo, I've had plantar fascitis once (not sure if that spelling is right either) and it was no fun. Cortisol didn't help?

                              Juja, no decision though since we downgraded our relationship to 'can see other people' it made me realize that I was only going over there because I thought I had to. Want at least two weeks of clarity before I choose whether to close that door or not. Two weeks gives me 'significant' recovery of brain mass in the area that processes decision making and figure out if that has been just because I've been walking in a fog or not.

                              A happy, healthy and AF weekend all!
                              “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

                              "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

                              Newbies Nest
                              Newbies Nest Roll Call
                              Cattleman Cafe


                                Newbies Nest

                                MAE everyone. So good to see everyone going so well, staying strong and gaining momentum. The success on this forum really is contagious.

                                Thank you to everyone on the congrats for 30 days on roll call. Lots of inspirational examples and support made it a whole lot easier.

                                BL, thanks for the cheesy dental amalgam gag:H and the prize. I shall wear it with pride. Now to power onto 50 and beyond!! ( I think Buzz light year had a line like that)

                                I'm currently away for a family get together. Many birthdays in the space of 2 weeks, including my own next Wednesday. The big 50! Last night we had drinks, dinner and a great time. I drank soft drink and finished the night with a cup of camomile tea. I expected to get ribbed about it. No one said anything about not drinking. They all had issues about running a marathon though. This is an event were I would normally drink too many, and then sleep too late to run in the morning. But instead, I had a great night without any Al, have woken up very early, feel great and plan to go running along the beach very soon.

                                Have a great AF day eveyone!

