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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Juja;1664832 wrote: Thanks for the support, everyone. I was scared to come here this morning, thinking I would be lambasted. I had an ah-ha moment when I realized I would get love and support instead. I was right. You folks are the best.
    Juja, I've relapsed so many times I can't count them. I've learned one thing, when it happens I can go one of two ways. Most typically, I think f*** it! I already messed up so I'll drink again today. And then today becomes tomorrow, then a week, and well, you know.

    The times I've been able to get right back on the wagon, my slip becomes just a passing memory within a day or two. I'm able to easily get right back into that positive mind frame again. That's not the case if I wait a few days. Don't drink today, no matter what! This is your time!
    You had the power all along, my dear.


      Newbies Nest

      Kailey;1664899 wrote:

      The times I've been able to get right back on the wagon, my slip becomes just a passing memory within a day or two. I'm able to easily get right back into that positive mind frame again. That's not the case if I wait a few days. Don't drink today, no matter what! This is your time!
      Great advice, Kailey!


        Newbies Nest

        Sounds like a great weekend Petrel. Congrats on the upcoming birthday - i turned 50 a few weeks ago as well and that was partly what made me think it was time to change the way I lived my life. 29 days AF today and ran my first 10K yesterday. Legs are a bit sore but felt pretty good about it. Would never have done it when I was drinking the way I was.

        Maria - welcome aboard. You will find loads of advice and support here.

        Dila - how did your weekend go? Hope your plan worked and you are feeling good today. I haven't read back to check but is it not day 7 for you? If it is then that is really great!
        I can beat this.
        Today is the day I start.
        1st September 2015.


          Newbies Nest

          Hello Nesters,

          I just posted this another thread thought of posting it here ...

          Eloise;1664788 wrote:

          Rahul- yes Amsterdam is a party city for sure. In summer people drink on their boats while cruising the canals. Nice pics, thanks! Good luck to everyone today.
          Well one of the things which I realised by myself and I fact also reading was that partying is not equal to drinking. Living life is not drinking. Now it might be hard to accept. A happening place we see slick bars, clubs romantic restaurants and no drinking ? Well I tell you last week I have been partying a lot but not drinking. Now it's not easy to accept how can anyone do so but let me tell you a reason how you can accept.

          See alcohol, cigarette, tobacco, Meth, cocaine, heroine are all drugs. All drugs have common trait - addiction. Our brain reacts to all in similar way - getting artificial high which is addictive and brain wants more and more of it. When it get used to artificial high it finds the natural highs normal or boring. Now our brain does gets exited while seeing the same party places but our society has conditioned it to seeing partying and alcohol together. It used to be tobacco too but now cigarettes is not accepted.

          Have you seen young 5 years old kids ? They get high looking at cartoons, parties, jumping etc. we were all like them. We have ability to get our natural high without drugs. This natural highs are achieved by water, food, sex or what ever pleases us including parties. The problem is we have taught our brain that high is achieved only by alcohol or any of our drug.

          Well do a simple thing. Next time in a party or a bar. Notice how many people are not drinking alcohol. You may not find huge number of people (as most of them who don't drink May find it stupid to sit and drink coke for hours next to drunks) but those who are you will see that that may not be getting bored.

          I came back from a beach side conference with party every nights. I was jumping to music, dancing and enjoying like a baby without booze. I was so surprised at my natural high. And I am Only 3 months sober. People even remarked "u don't need a drink to get high or lose yourself" .

          So when you described Amsterdam has being a party place with people drinking ... It look at it and noticed how we all alcoholics especially associate booze and partying.

          I spent weekend in hamburg last week. I didnt drink nor had any regret but there I was alone so didn't have anyone to go out with. But saw lots of people drinking alone. I was not drinking so enjoyed few party places and slept. I felt whole town was partying except me. Next morning I went for a jog in the park. Was surprised to see so many people doing the same as I. Point is we tend to see people drinking coz we are were addicted to it. We don't see people smoking if it's not our drug.

          Please read Allan Cars easy way to control alcohol . I found it really helping in setting right prospective on alcohol.

          Come join the new bies nest.
          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
          Rebooting ... done ...
          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks J-vo and Pavati 4 your nice comments and thanks to all, I couldn't have done it without u nesters at my side! Hubby is still up with a friend but I am going to bed with my h2o and am so thrilled that I did it! Me , the one who has no will power what so ever! I did it! Really if I can anyone can! Thanks again all! Night!


              Newbies Nest

              Daisy, I am so happy you found your stuff!!! Great job on retracing your steps!
              Everyone sounds so good and strong! That's what it's all about! Keep up the great work glad to read about all the wins this weekend!
              Hitting the road tomorrow will be out a couple nights, but will check in. Be safe tonight! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Evening Nesters,
                Getting ready to settle in for a movie. Haven't really looked to see what I want to rent, but wow, it still amazes me that on a Sunday night at just before 9:00 I'm going to see what I may want to watch. Before, I'd be passed out by about 8 p.m. from drinking a good portion of the day. Now I can truly relax and be entertained. Just one of the many benefits of sweet sobriety. Night. OMG! It's Monday! No, I'm really not drinking! These holidays throw me off!
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Everyone's posts are so uplifting. They made me feel the best I've felt all day. Thank you.:l And, thanks, too to everyone who responded to me.

                  My day wasn't very good because my husband's depression is weighing heavily on me. He'll have to find his way through it. Everyone does. I'm not his caretaker.

                  AL didn't cross my mind once today. Now, that's something.

                  The good energy continues in the nest.....
                  "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    I am really glad to read that Juja!
                    Staying out of our spouses depression is the only way - believe me, I know

                    Frances, in case I haven't congratulated you - CONGRATS on 90 AF days :wd:

                    Byrdie, be safe out there on the roads!

                    Booze Blues, great job this weekend maneuvering thru your party AF.

                    Greetings to everyone. Sending wishes for a safe night in the nest for all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Pavati;1664883 wrote: And a quick YAHOO to Frances for 90 days. I know that was a gigantic milestone for me. I hope you feel proud, happy and accomplished. I have enjoyed following your journey and look forward to many happy sober days with you...

                      Lavande;1665058 wrote:

                      Frances, in case I haven't congratulated you - CONGRATS on 90 AF days
                      Thanks for the congratulations! I am sitting here working late this evening - thinking about how 'normally' I would have been downing a few glasses of wine while I worked, guaranteeing less quality, less concentration, and feeling crappy tomorrow because I'd been up much later than usual and also overdrank - and on that note I thought I'd check in before calling it a night. It was such a nice surprise to see your comments and yes I feel proud, happy, and accomplished. In fact, that's exactly how I feel! Well, I'd add "surprised" to that too. Like, really, I have truly gotten this far??!! It is still so hard for me to believe sometimes.

                      What a great community of support we have here and such great progress by so many! Keep it up everyone - as Jane so aptly put it...each individual win is a group win!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Can I ask a newb question? What does the acronym MAE stand for? I see it a lot on the threads here. Thanks!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          MAE, Nest:

                          Ginger - that means Morning, Afternoon, Evening - a greeting for us all since we're all over the globe.

                          Rahulthesweet;1664927 wrote: People even remarked "u don't need a drink to get high or lose yourself" .
                          Rahul - I love this post - it really, really spoke to me. Partying HAS come to signify some mind-altering substance, and realizing that partying can mean wild abandon is such a gift. It takes some inner strength to push ourselves into those situations without booze (for me it did, anyway), but once there, WooHoo. Just dancing with abandon in a sober state gives me a buzz - especially if I'm with my husband, or even just good friends. I've had nights listening to music that was sharper and more amazing than I could have imagined - all because I wasn't drinking to "party."

                          The other amazing thing about this post is that you used to write of your boredom when you weren't drinking. What a great realization for you that you are still the fun party guy without the burden of the beast of alcohol - the hangover and regret. Now I feel like dancing...

                          Way to go, Daisy - two hikes for the price of one.

                          I'm with you, J-Vo - end of a beautiful, sunny three day weekend with many events involving booze, and I am happy and content, clear headed and confident - heading to bed completely sober. Aaaaahh. What a great feeling.

                          I'll reveal my global position and say for me it is good night. Stick close, Nesters. There's safety in our numbers.



                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning all, just stopping by to say hello, this is my day 2 (of many day 2's) and looking forward to meeting you all
                            Taking it ODAT


                              Newbies Nest

                              MAE everyone and thanks for all of the well wishes. That's really nice.

                              JuJa, thanks for your support. The ending of my marriage has been the most horrible thing, as I'm sure you can relate. But much happier now moving on.

                              Dream, thanks, and I'll see what I can do about cake.

                              Lav,j-vo, Pav, thanks for the birthday wishes. Pav, the marathon is on July 6, about 6 weeks away. I'll be sure to let you all know.

                              FF, belated congrats on your 50 th. And well done on the 10 km run. Running has really reinforced the AF life for me. Good to see others doing it too.

                              Well, it's evening here. My last hours of my 40's . I'm not sure what to think. But I feel great for almost 50!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Rahulthesweet;1664927 wrote: Hello Nesters,

                                Next morning I went for a jog in the park. Was surprised to see so many people doing the same as I.

                                Now that's the tribe I want to be a part of. So many people out running in the morning. And none of them were up late drinking all night.

                                Great post yet again Rahul. Truly inspirational.

